Example #1
 public function process($page)
     $content = $page->structure();
     if ($content) {
         $lang = status::lang();
         $default_lang = system::OLIV_DEFAULT_LANG();
         $texts = $content->XPath("//*/*[text]");
         // translate all texts
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($texts); $i++) {
             $text = OLIVText::xml($texts[$i]);
             // set correct language in node
             if (is_array($texts)) {
                 if (array_key_exists($i, $texts)) {
                     if ($texts[$i]->text) {
                         $texts[$i]->text = $text;
Example #2
 public static function getGroupName($user)
     $groups = OLIVUser::getGroup($user);
     $groupArray = array();
     foreach ($groups as $entry) {
         $groupId = $entry->getName();
         array_push($groupArray, OLIVText::xml($entry->name));
     return implode(", ", $groupArray);
Example #3
 public static function _($text, $lang = "")
     $systemText = system::systemtext();
     $textXml = $systemText->XPath("//{$text}");
     return OLIVText::xml($textXml[0], $lang);
Example #4
 private function parse($menus, $menuName, $templateName, $access, $url, $level = 0)
     $menu = $menus->{$menuName};
     $active = FALSE;
     if ($menu) {
         // get name of menu
         $menuName = $menu->getName();
         $menuXml = new simpleXmlElement("<menu></menu>");
         // open path to actice menu
         $this->openPath($menus, $url);
         // loop over menu entries
         foreach ($menu->children() as $entry) {
             $visible = FALSE;
             $subMenuVisible = $entry['visible'];
             if ($subMenuVisible) {
                 $entry->visible = "visible";
             // display item if read permission
             if (OLIVRight::r($entry) and OLIVRight::r($menu)) {
                 $internUrl = "";
                 $menuItemName = $entry->getName();
                 // is intern link
                 if (!$entry->url) {
                     // look for module link
                     $mod = (string) $entry["mod"];
                     $page = (string) $entry["page"];
                     $name = $entry->getName();
                     if ($mod and $page) {
                         olivxml_insert($entry, OLIVModule::getContentFriendlyName($mod, $name), "ALL");
                         olivxml_insert($entry, OLIVModule::getContentName($mod, $name), "ALL");
                         olivxml_insert($entry, OLIVModule::getContentTitle($mod, $name), "ALL");
                         $internUrl = "href():" . $page;
                         $entry->url = $internUrl;
                         //							echoall($internUrl);
                     } else {
                         // create correct url
                         $internUrl = $name;
                         $entry->url = $internUrl;
                         $urlName = OLIVText::xml(OLIVRoute::getPageName(status::lang(), $internUrl));
                         // expand url with val
                         if ($val = (string) $entry['val']) {
                             $valArray = OLIVModule::parse_param_string($val);
                             /*							if (array_key_exists("mod",$valArray) and array_key_exists("content",$valArray))
                             									$contentName = OLIVModule::getContentName($valArray['mod'],$valArray['content']);
                             									$contentTitle = OLIVModule::getContentTitle($valArray['mod'],$valArray['content']);
                         } else {
                             olivxml_insert($entry, OLIVRoute::getTitle($internUrl), "ALL");
                             olivxml_insert($entry, OLIVRoute::getPageName(status::lang(), $internUrl), "ALL");
                 // set display class
                 // aktive / inactive
                 if ($internUrl == $url) {
                     $visible = $url;
                     $entry->status = "active";
                     $entry->class = "{$templateName} menu_{$templateName}_active";
                 } else {
                     $entry->class = "{$templateName} menu_{$templateName}_inactive";
                 // submenu level
                 if ($level) {
                     $entry->class = "menu{$level}_" . $entry->class;
                 } else {
                     $entry->class = "menu_" . $entry->class;
                 // remove link if no x permission
                 // check for menu_item, menu and page permissions
                 // set display class to disabled
                 $pageXAccess = (string) $access->x;
                 $menuXAccess = OLIVRight::x($menu);
                 if (!(OLIVRight::x($entry) and $menuXAccess and $pageXAccess)) {
                     $entry->url = "";
                     $entry->class = "menu_{$templateName}_disabled";
                 // get submenu name
                 $subName = (string) $entry['submenu'];
                 if ($subName) {
                     $entry->submenu = $subName;
                 // create menu_item xml
                 $menu_item = new simpleXmlElement("<menu_item_{$templateName}></menu_item_{$templateName}>");
                 olivxml_insert($menu_item, $entry);
                 // insert menu_item into new menu structure
                 olivxml_insert($menuXml, $menu_item, "ALL");
                 // look if aktive menu is in submenu
                 // display sub menus
                 if ($subName and $visible or $subMenuVisible) {
                     // call menu recursive
                     $subMenu = $this->parse($menus, $subName, $templateName, $access, $url, $level + 1);
                     olivxml_insert($menuXml, $subMenu);
         return $menuXml;
     //    else
     //      OLIVError::fire("menu::parse - no menu defined");
Example #5
 public static function translateFriendlyName($lang, $url)
     $pages = status::pages();
     // return friendly name
     if ($name = OLIVText::xml($pages->{$url}->friendly_name, $lang)) {
         // get page path from status::pages()
         //			$name = OLIVRoute::getRootPath($url);
         return $name;
     } else {
         $pageInfo = OLIVRoute::updatePageXml($url);
         if ($pageInfo) {
             return OLIVText::xml($pageInfo->friendly_name);
         } else {
             return FALSE;
Example #6
 private function create()
     $structure = $this->content->structure;
     $content = $this->content->content;
     if ($content) {
         foreach ($content->children() as $entry) {
             $name = $entry->getName();
             // insert translated text in attibutes
             // text tag with leading $
             $tempName = "\$" . $name;
             $nodes = $structure->XPath("//*[@* = '{$tempName}']");
             foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                 $text = OLIVText::xml($entry);
                 foreach ($node->attributes() as $key => $value) {
                     if ((string) $value == $tempName) {
                         $node[$key] = $text;
             // insert content at name attribute
             $nodes = $structure->XPath("//*[@name = '{$name}']");
             foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                 // insert text into node
                 olivxml_insert($node, $entry);