function render_chart($options = array()) { $genid = array_var($options, 'genid', gen_id()); $title = array_var($options, 'title', ''); $width = array_var($options, 'width', 700); $height = array_var($options, 'height', 500); $type = array_var($options, 'type', 'line'); $x_range = array_var($options, 'x_range', array()); $y_range = array_var($options, 'y_range', array()); $x_labels = array_var($options, 'x_labels', array()); $y_axis_right = array_var($options, 'y_axis_right'); $y_values = array_var($options, 'data'); $shapes = array_var($options, 'shapes', array()); $label_step = array_var($options, 'label_step', 7); $title = new OFC_Elements_Title($title); $max = 0; $chart_values = array(); foreach ($y_values as $y_values_array) { $data_object = create_chart_data_object($type, $y_values_array); $values_data = array_var($y_values_array, 'values', array()); $max = count($values_data) > $max ? count($values_data) : $max; $chart_values[] = $data_object; } $x_range_start = array_var($x_range, 'start', 0); $x_range_end = array_var($x_range, 'end', 10) - $x_range_start > $max ? $max + $x_range_start - 1 : array_var($x_range, 'end', 10); $labels = array(); $coef = floor(count($x_labels) / $label_step); if ($coef > 0) { $k = 0; foreach ($x_labels as $label) { $labels[] = $k % $coef == 0 ? $label : ""; $k++; } } else { $labels = $x_labels; } $x_axis = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X(); $x_axis->set_colours(array_var($options, 'x_axis_color', '#87C4FA'), array_var($options, 'x_grid_color', '#D4E8FA')); if (array_var($x_range, 'step')) { $x_axis->set_range($x_range_start, $x_range_end, array_var($x_range, 'step', 1)); } $x_axis->set_labels_from_array($labels); $y_axis = new OFC_Elements_Axis_Y(); $y_axis->set_colours(array_var($options, 'y_axis_color', '#87C4FA'), array_var($options, 'y_grid_color', '#D4E8FA')); if (array_var($y_range, 'step')) { $y_axis->set_range(array_var($y_range, 'start', 0), array_var($y_range, 'end', 10), array_var($y_range, 'step', 1)); } $chart = new OFC_Chart(); $chart->set_title($title); foreach ($chart_values as $cv) { $chart->add_element($cv); } $chart->set_x_axis($x_axis); $chart->set_y_axis($y_axis); $chart->set_bg_colour(array_var($options, 'back_color', '#FFFFFF')); if ($y_axis_right) { $chart->set_y_axis_right($y_axis); } foreach ($shapes as $s) { $shape = new shape(array_var($s, 'color', '#FA6900')); $points = array_var($s, 'points', array()); foreach ($points as $p) { $shape->append_value(new shape_point($p['x'], $p['y'])); } if (array_var($s, 'text')) { $shape->set_text(array_var($s, 'text')); } if (array_var($s, 'alpha')) { $shape->set_alpha(array_var($s, 'alpha')); } $chart->add_element($shape); } $filename = 'tmp/' . gen_id() . '.json'; file_put_contents(ROOT . "/{$filename}", $chart->toPrettyString()); open_flash_chart_object($width, $height, ROOT_URL . "/{$filename}", $genid); // unlink(ROOT . "/$filename"); }
function pn_handle_options_page() { session_cache_limiter(FALSE); global $wpdb, $pn_plugin_url, $pn_plugin_dir; $action_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $unsent_mails = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['pnd'])) { $plimus_pn = $wpdb->prefix . "plimus_pn"; $id = $_REQUEST['pnd']; $query_db = "DELETE FROM {$plimus_pn} WHERE pn_orn = {$id}"; $delete = $wpdb->query($query_db); } $search_term = isset($_POST['search_item']) ? trim($_POST['search_item']) : ''; $global_days = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['filter_all']) && !empty($_REQUEST['filter_all']) && !empty($search_term) && $search_term != 'Filter By Keyword') { $filter = isset($_SESSION['filter_by_type']) ? $_SESSION['filter_by_type'] : 'date'; $global_days = isset($_REQUEST['filter_by_dates']) ? $_REQUEST['filter_by_dates'] : $_SESSION['filter_by_dates']; $terms = explode(" ", $search_term); $search_where = ' WHERE pn_meta_value LIKE '; foreach ($terms as $term) { $search_where .= "('%{$term}%') OR pn_meta_value LIKE "; } $search_where = substr_replace($search_where, '', -22); $search_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT pn.pn_orn FROM {$wpdb->prefix}plimus_pn as pn {$search_where}", OBJECT_K); if (!empty($search_data)) { $search_query = " WHERE pn.pn_orn IN ('" . implode("','", array_keys($search_data)) . "');"; } else { $search_query = ''; } } else { $filter = 'date'; if (isset($_REQUEST['show']) && $_REQUEST['show'] == 'all') { $global_days = 0; } unset($_SESSION['filter_by_type']); unset($_SESSION['filter_by_dates']); $search_query = ''; } if ($search_query != '') { $amount_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}plimus_pn as pn"); $total_amount = array(); if (!empty($amount_data)) { foreach ($amount_data as $key => $data) { if ($data->pn_meta_key == 'invoiceAmountUSD' || $data->pn_meta_key == 'transactionDate') { $total_amount[$data->pn_orn][$data->pn_meta_key] = $data->pn_meta_value; } } } $this_month = 0; $last_month = 0; $total_sum = 0; foreach ($total_amount as $key => $data) { $total_sum += (double) $data['invoiceAmountUSD']; if (date('mY') == date('mY', strtotime($data['transactionDate']))) { $this_month += (double) $data['invoiceAmountUSD']; } $lmonth = date('m') - 1; if (date('' . $lmonth . 'Y') == date('mY', strtotime($data['transactionDate']))) { $last_month += (double) $data['invoiceAmountUSD']; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['filter_all'])) { $filter = isset($_POST['filter_by_type']) ? $_POST['filter_by_type'] : $_SESSION['filter_by_type']; $_SESSION['filter_by_type'] = $filter; } $selected[$filter] = 'selected'; if (isset($_REQUEST['filter_all']) && isset($_REQUEST['filter_by_dates']) && $_REQUEST['filter_by_dates'] != '0') { $global_days = isset($_REQUEST['filter_by_dates']) ? $_REQUEST['filter_by_dates'] : $_SESSION['filter_by_dates']; $_SESSION['filter_by_dates'] = $global_days; } $transaction_data = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}plimus_pn as pn {$search_query}")); $this_month = 0; $last_month = 0; $total_sum = 0; if (!empty($transaction_data)) { $default_footer = '</div>'; $table_rows = array(); $products = array(); $products_date = array(); $remove_row = array(); $transactions = array(); foreach ($transaction_data as $key => $data) { $transactions[$data->pn_orn][$data->pn_meta_key] = $data->pn_meta_value; } $firt_entry = 0; $j = 0; if (!empty($transactions)) { foreach ($transactions as $key => $data_array) { $item = ''; $promotions_array = array(); $days_past = (int) (strtotime('today') / 86400 - strtotime($data_array['transactionDate']) / 86400); $firt_entry = $days_past > $firt_entry ? $days_past : $firt_entry; if (!empty($data_array)) { //$key++; $invoice_url = preg_match('/http\\:\\/\\//i', $data_array['invoiceInfoURL']) ? $data_array['invoiceInfoURL'] : 'http://' . $data_array['invoiceInfoURL']; $company = $data_array['company'] != '' ? "<font style='font-weight: bold;' >Coustomer company: </font>{$data_array['company']} <br />" : ''; $address1 = $data_array['address1'] != '' ? "<font style='font-weight: bold;' >Coustomer address one: </font>{$data_array['address1']} {$data_array['zipCode']},{$data_array['city']}, {$data_array['state']}, {$data_array['country']} <br />" : ''; $address2 = $data_array['address2'] != '' ? "<font style='font-weight: bold;' >Coustomer address two: </font>{$data_array['address2']} <br />" : ''; $contact = $data_array['email'] != '' ? "<font style='font-weight: bold;' >Coustomer contact: </font> {$data_array['workPhone']} / {$data_array['extension']} " : ''; $mobile_phone = $data_array['mobilePhone'] != '' ? "<font style='font-weight: bold;' > mobile: </font> {$data_array['mobilePhone']}" : ''; $home_phone = $data_array['homePhone'] != '' ? "<font style='font-weight: bold;' > home: </font>{$data_array['homePhone']}" : ''; $fax = $data_array['faxNumber'] != '' ? "<font style='font-weight: bold;' > fax: </font>{$data_array['faxNumber']} <br />" : ''; $coustomer_cc = $data_array['creditCardType'] != '' ? "<font style='font-weight: bold;' > Credit card: </font>{$data_array['creditCardType']} <br />" : ''; $ship_to = $data_array['shippingFirstName'] != '' || $data_array['shippingLastName'] != '' ? " <font style='font-weight: bold;' >Shiping To: </font>{$data_array['shippingFirstName']} {$data_array['shippingLastName']} {$data_array['shippingZipCode']} {$data_array['shippingCity']} {$data_array['shippingState']} {$data_array['shippingCountry']}" : ''; $shippingMethod = $data_array['shippingMethod'] != '' ? " <font style='font-weight: bold;' > shiping method: </font> {$data_array['shippingMethod']}<br />" : ''; $invoiceChargeAmount = $data_array['invoiceChargeAmount'] != '' ? " <font style='font-weight: bold;' >Invoice Amount: </font> {$data_array['invoiceChargeAmount']} {$data_array['invoiceChargeCurrency']} (\$ {$data_array['invoiceAmountUSD']}) <a href='{$invoice_url}' target='_blank'>{$data_array['invoiceInfoURL']}</a><br />" : ''; $coupon = $data_array['coupon'] != '' ? "<font style='font-weight: bold;' >Used a coupon: </font> {$data_array['coupon']} " : ''; $couponCode = $data_array['couponCode'] != '' ? " <font style='font-weight: bold;' > code: </font> {$data_array['couponCode']} " : ''; $couponValue = $data_array['couponValue'] != '' ? " <font style='font-weight: bold;' >amount: </font> {$data_array['couponValue']} {$data_array['invoiceChargeCurrency']} " : ''; $referrer = $data_array['referrer'] != '' ? " <font style='font-weight: bold;' > referer: </font> {$data_array['referrer']} <br />" : ''; $table_coupon = $data_array['coupon'] != '' ? "{$data_array['coupon']} ({$data_array['couponCode']})" : ''; $coupon = (double) str_replace(',', '', $data_array['couponValue']); $promotions_html = ''; $currency = $data_array['currency']; $tr_date = str_replace(' ', '/', substr_replace((string) $data_array['transactionDate'], '', -9)); $charge = 0; if ($tr_date != '') { $product_name = $data_array['productName']; if ($filter == 'contract') { $product_name = $data_array['contractName']; } $charge = str_replace(',', '.', $data_array['invoiceAmountUSD']); $products[$tr_date][$key] = array('amount' => isset($products[$tr_date][$product_name]) && in_array($transactiontype, array('CHARGE', 'RECURRING')) ? (double) $products[$tr_date][$product_name] + (double) $charge : 0, 'name' => $product_name); } if ($data_array['promoteContractsNum'] > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $data_array['promoteContractsNum']; $i++) { $promotions_html .= '<font style="font-weight: bold;" > Promotion: </font> ' . $data_array["promoteContractName{$i}"] . ' <font style="font-weight: bold;" > owner: </font> ' . $data_array["promoteContractOwner{$i}"] . ' <font style="font-weight: bold;" > price: </font> ' . $data_array["promoteContractPrice{$i}"] . ' <font style="font-weight: bold;" > qty: </font> ' . $data_array["promoteContractQuantity{$i}"] . ' <font style="font-weight: bold;" > licence: </font> ' . $data_array["promoteContractLicenseKey{$i}"] . '<br />'; } } $remove_row[$tr_date][] = $key; $productname = isset($data_array['productName']) ? $data_array['productName'] : ''; $contractname = isset($data_array['contractName']) ? $data_array['contractName'] : ''; $quantity = isset($data_array['quantity']) ? $data_array['quantity'] : ''; $invoiceamountusd = isset($data_array['invoiceAmountUSD']) ? $data_array['invoiceAmountUSD'] : ''; $paymentmethod = isset($data_array['paymentMethod']) ? $data_array['paymentMethod'] : ''; $transactiontype = isset($data_array['transactionType']) ? $data_array['transactionType'] : ''; $prtitle = isset($data_array['title']) ? $data_array['title'] : ''; $firstname = isset($data_array['firstName']) ? $data_array['firstName'] : ''; $lastname = isset($data_array['lastName']) ? $data_array['lastName'] : ''; $premail = isset($data_array['email']) ? $data_array['email'] : ''; $transactiondate = isset($data_array['transactionDate']) ? $data_array['transactionDate'] : ''; $table_rows[$key] = "<tr><td>{$productname}</td><td>{$contractname}</td><td>{$quantity}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$invoiceamountusd}</td><td> {$table_coupon}</td><td>{$paymentmethod}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$transactiontype}</td><td>{$prtitle} {$firstname} {$lastname}</td><td>{$premail}</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>{$transactiondate}</td><td id='more-info-{$key}'><a href='javascript: void(0)' title='More Info' onclick='showMoreInfo({$key})'>More</a> </td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td style='background: #f9f9f9;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='more-info-panel' id='mi-{$key}' style='display: none;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$company}{$address1}{$address2}{$contact}{$mobile_phone}{$home_phone}{$fax}{$coustomer_cc}{$ship_to}{$shippingMethod}{$invoiceChargeAmount}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$coupon}{$couponCode}{$couponValue}{$referrer}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $promotions_html . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td></tr>"; $un_date = str_replace(' ', '/', substr_replace($transactiondate, '', -9)); $unsent_mails[] = array($un_date, $premail); } $j++; } } if ($search_query == '') { foreach ($products as $date => $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $total_sum += (double) $value['amount']; if (date('mY') == date('mY', strtotime($date))) { $this_month += $value['amount']; } $lmonth = $current_month = date('m') - 1; if (date('' . $lmonth . 'Y') == date('mY', strtotime($date))) { $last_month += $value['amount']; } } } } // sort by days $selected_date = array(0 => '', 7 => '', 15 => '', 30 => '', 60 => '', 120 => ''); //if($filter == 'date'){ $has_results = false; $global_days = $global_days == 0 ? $firt_entry : $global_days; $selected_date[$global_days] = 'selected="selected"'; while (!$has_results) { $results = array(); $data_dates = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < (int) $global_days; $i++) { $date = date('m/d/Y', time() - $i * 86400); $data_dates[$i] = $date; } $keys = array_keys($products); foreach ($data_dates as $date) { if (!array_key_exists($date, $products)) { $products[$date][] = array(); $results[$date] = false; continue; } $results[$date] = true; } foreach ($results as $res) { if ($res) { $has_results = true; break; } } if (!$has_results) { if ($global_days = 0) { $global_days = 7; } else { if ($global_days = 7) { $global_days = 15; } else { $global_days = 2 * $global_days; } } } if ($global_days > 120) { break; } } if ($global_days != 0 && false) { foreach ($keys as $key) { if (!in_array($key, $data_dates) && isset($remove_row[$key])) { foreach ($remove_row[$key] as $row_id) { unset($table_rows[$row_id]); } unset($products[$key]); } } } foreach ((array) $products as $date => $data) { $date_key = strtotime($date); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $products[$date_key][$key] = $value; } unset($products[$date]); } ksort($products); foreach ($products as $date => $data) { $date_key = date('m/d/Y', $date); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $products[$date_key][$key] = $value; } unset($products[$date]); } //} // end sort by days /* json */ require_once 'pn-chart/OFC/OFC_Chart.php'; $title_is = ''; $values = array(); $tips = array(); $bar = new OFC_Charts_Bar(); $max_price = 0; $amount = array(); $array_keys = array_keys($products); foreach ($products as $date => $data) { if ($filter == 'date') { $price = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!isset($price[$date])) { $price[$date] = 0; } $price[$date] += isset($value['amount']) ? $value['amount'] : 0; } $price = (double) $price[$date] < 0 ? 0 : (double) $price[$date]; $x_label[] = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X_Label('$' . $price, '#999999', 10, -50); $tip_price = number_format($price, 2, '.', ','); $tip = "\${$tip_price} ({$date})"; $val = new OFC_Charts_Bar_Value($price); $val->set_tooltip($tip); $values[] = $val; $max_price = $max_price < $price ? $price + $price / 4 : $max_price; } else { if ($date != $array_keys[count($array_keys) - 1]) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value) && isset($value['amount'])) { if (!isset($amount[$value['name']])) { $amount[$value['name']] = 0; } $amount[$value['name']] += $value['amount']; } } continue; } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $amount[$value['name']] += $value['amount']; } } foreach ($amount as $product_name => $product_val) { $x_label[] = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X_Label(str_replace('|', ' ', $product_name), '#999999', 10, -50); $tip_price = number_format($product_val, 2, '.', ','); $tip = ucwords($product_name) . " (\$ {$tip_price})"; $val = new OFC_Charts_Bar_Value($product_val); $val->set_tooltip($tip); $values[] = $val; $max_price = $max_price < $product_val ? $product_val + $product_val / 4 : $max_price; } } } $bar->set_colour('#119CD3'); $bar->set_values($values); $title = new OFC_Elements_Title($title_is); $x_l_set = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X_Label_Set(); $x_l_set->set_steps(1); $x_l_set->set_labels($x_label); $x_axis = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X(); $x_axis->set_3d(0); $x_axis->set_colours('#DDDDDD', '#DDDDDD'); $x_axis->set_stroke(1); $x_axis->set_labels($x_l_set); $step = $max_price > 500 ? $max_price > 5000 ? $max_price > 50000 ? $max_price > 500000 ? $max_price > 5000000 ? 5000000 : 500000 : 50000 : 5000 : 500 : 50; $y_axis = new OFC_Elements_Axis_Y(); $y_axis->set_colours('#DDDDDD', '#DDDDDD'); $y_axis->set_range(0, $max_price, $step); $chart = new OFC_Chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->set_bg_colour('#F9F9F9'); $chart->set_x_axis($x_axis); $chart->set_y_axis($y_axis); $chart->add_element($bar); $path = $pn_plugin_dir . "/pn-chart/data.json"; $file = @fopen($path, "w"); @fwrite($file, $chart->toString()); @fclose($file); /* end json */ $result = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['filter_all']) && $search_term != 'Filter By Keyword' && $search_term != '' && count($table_rows)) { $result = '<i style="color: #777">Showing results for "<strong>' . $search_term . '</strong>"</i>'; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['filter_all']) && $search_term != 'Filter By Keyword' && $search_term != '' && !count($table_rows)) { $result = '<i style="color: #777">There is no transactions in this time period, that contain <strong>"' . $search_term . '"</strong>. Select your timespan in filter section.</i>'; } } $master_table = $result . "<br /><br /><table id='pn-table-main' class='tablesorter'>"; $master_table .= "<thead><tr><th> Product name </th><th> Contract name </th><th> Qty </th>\n\t\t\t\t<th> Invoice amount (USD)</th><th> Coupon code</th><th> Method </th><th> Transaction type</th><th> Customer name </th><th> Customer email </th><th> Transaction Date </th><td></td></tr></thead><tbody>"; $master_table .= implode('', $table_rows) . "</tbody></table>"; $master_table .= <<<END \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id="pager" class="pager"> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<form> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src="{$pn_plugin_url}/images/first.png" class="first"/> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src="{$pn_plugin_url}/images/prev.png" class="prev"/> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type="text" style="width:50px; height:18px; padding: 0px 0px 3px 0px;" class="pagedisplay" /> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src="{$pn_plugin_url}/images/next.png" class="next"/> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src="{$pn_plugin_url}/images/last.png" class="last"/> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<select class="pagesize"> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t <option value="5">5 per page</option> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value="10">10 per page</option> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value="20">20 per page</option> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value="50" selected="selected">50 per page</option> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</select> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</form> \t\t\t\t\t\t</div> END; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> swfobject.embedSWF("<?php echo $pn_plugin_url . "/pn-chart/open-flash-chart.swf"; ?> ", "pn_chart", "900px", "220px", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", {"data-file":"<?php echo $pn_plugin_url; ?> /pn-chart/data.json"}); </script> <div class="wrap"> <h2><a href="" title="Bluesnap - Take charge" target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo $pn_plugin_url; ?> /images/plimus_logo.png" alt="Plimu IPN" id="plimus-logo" /></a>for WordPress</h2> <h5><font color="#999999">This Month:</font> <font color="#555555"> $<?php echo number_format($this_month, 2, '.', ','); ?> </font> | <font color="#999999"> Last Month:</font> <font color="#555555"> $<?php echo number_format($last_month, 2, '.', ','); ?> </font> | <font color="#999999"> Total Amount:</font> <font color="#555555"> $<?php echo number_format($total_sum, 2, '.', ','); ?> </font> </h5> <!--<i id="small_size">* Send registration notifications (again), dates in mm/dd/yyyy format please</i> <form action="<?php //echo $action_url; ?> " method="post" id="new_email_form" > From <input type="text" name="new_from_date" value="12/1/2010" /> to <input type="text" name="new_to_date" value="12/16/2010" /> <input type="submit" name="new_mails_submit" id="new_mails_submit" value="Send Registration Emails" class="button"/><br /> <br /><i id="note"> ** in your <b>HTML new password email</b> template use <code>{USER_FULL_NAME}</code> <code>{NEW_PASSWORD}</code> <code>{LOGIN_URL}</code> shortcodes, to replace it with user</i> <textarea cols="90" rows="10" name="pn_email_tmp" id="pn_email_tmp" ><?php //echo $pn_tpl_reg_email_text ?> </textarea><div id="legend"></div> <textarea cols="80" rows="10" name="pn_email_res" id="pn_email_res" ><?php //echo $email_message ?> </textarea><div id="legend"></div> </form><br /><br /> --> <form action="<?php echo $action_url; ?> " id="search_form" method="POST"> <select name="filter_by_type" id="filter_by_type" > <option value="date" <?php echo isset($selected['date']) ? $selected['date'] : ''; ?> >Show by date</option> <option value="product" <?php echo isset($selected['product']) ? $selected['product'] : ''; ?> >Show by product</option> <option value="contract" <?php echo isset($selected['contract']) ? $selected['contract'] : ''; ?> >Show by contract</option> </select> <select name="filter_by_dates" id="filter_by_dates" > <option value="0" <?php echo $selected_date[0]; ?> >All transactions</option> <option value="7" <?php echo $selected_date[7]; ?> >Last 7 days</option> <option value="15" <?php echo $selected_date[15]; ?> >Last 15 days</option> <option value="30" <?php echo $selected_date[30]; ?> >Last 30 days</option> <option value="60" <?php echo $selected_date[60]; ?> >Last 60 days</option> <option value="120" <?php echo $selected_date[120]; ?> >Last 120 days</option> </select> <input type="text" name="search_item" id="search_item" size="40" value="<?php $search_term = strlen(trim($search_term)) ? $search_term : 'Filter By Keyword'; echo $search_term; ?> " /> <input type="submit" value=" Submit " name="filter_all" class="button" /> <a href="<?php echo $action_url; ?> &show=all" title="Show All" class="button"> Show All </a> </form> <br /> <?php if (!empty($transaction_data)) { ?> <br /> <div id="resize" style="width:1000px; height:250px; padding: 10px;"> <div id="pn_chart"></div> </div> <?php echo $master_table . $default_footer; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['filter_all']) && ($search_term != '' || $search_term != 'Filter By Keyword') && empty($transaction_data)) { echo "<h5></i>There are no results for '{$_POST['search_item']}'.</i></h5>"; } else { echo "<h5></i>There are no registered sales yet, but hopefully things are about to change.</i></h5>"; } } ?> <h5><a href="" title="Plugin by Prelovac Media"><img src="<?php echo $pn_plugin_url; ?> /images/logo.png" style="margin-top: 30px;"/></a> </h5> </div><br /> <?php }