Example #1
 public static function parse_parameters($input)
     if (!isset($input) || !$input) {
         return array();
     $pairs = split('&', $input);
     $parsed_parameters = array();
     foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
         $split = split('=', $pair, 2);
         $parameter = OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($split[0]);
         $value = isset($split[1]) ? OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($split[1]) : '';
         if (isset($parsed_parameters[$parameter])) {
             // We have already recieved parameter(s) with this name, so add to the list
             // of parameters with this name
             if (is_scalar($parsed_parameters[$parameter])) {
                 // This is the first duplicate, so transform scalar (string) into an array
                 // so we can add the duplicates
                 $parsed_parameters[$parameter] = array($parsed_parameters[$parameter]);
             $parsed_parameters[$parameter][] = $value;
         } else {
             $parsed_parameters[$parameter] = $value;
     return $parsed_parameters;
Example #2
 public static function split_header($header, $only_allow_oauth_parameters = true)
     $params = array();
     if (preg_match_all('/(' . ($only_allow_oauth_parameters ? 'oauth_' : '') . '[a-z_-]*)=(:?"([^"]*)"|([^,]*))/', $header, $matches)) {
         foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $h) {
             $params[$h] = OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986(empty($matches[3][$i]) ? $matches[4][$i] : $matches[3][$i]);
         if (isset($params['realm'])) {
     return $params;
Example #3
 public function testUrldecode()
     // Tests taken from
     // http://wiki.oauth.net/TestCases ("Parameter Encoding")
     $this->assertEquals('abcABC123', OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('abcABC123'));
     $this->assertEquals('-._~', OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('-._~'));
     $this->assertEquals('%', OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('%25'));
     $this->assertEquals('+', OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('%2B'));
     $this->assertEquals("\n", OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('%0A'));
     $this->assertEquals(' ', OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('%20'));
     $this->assertEquals("", OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('%7F'));
     //$this->assertEquals("\x00\x80",  OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('%C2%80'));
     //$this->assertEquals("\x30\x01",  OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('%E3%80%81'));
     // Last two checks disabled because of lack of UTF-8 support, or lack
     // of knowledge from me (morten.fangel) on how to use it properly..
function lti_parse_request_OLD($wp)
    if (!is_basic_lti_request()) {
        $good_message_type = $_REQUEST[LTI_MESSAGE_TYPE] == LTI_MESSAGE_TYPE_VALUE;
        $good_lti_version = $_REQUEST[LTI_VERSION] == LTI_VERSION_VALUE;
        $resource_link_id = $_REQUEST[RESOURCE_LINK_ID];
        if ($good_message_type && $good_lti_version && !isset($resource_link_id)) {
            $launch_presentation_return_url = $_REQUEST[LAUNCH_PRESENTATION_URL];
            if (isset($launch_presentation_return_url)) {
                header('Location: ' . $launch_presentation_return_url);
    // See if we get a context, do not set session, do not redirect
    $secret = lti_get_secret_from_consumer_key();
    $context = new bltiUocWrapper(false, false, null, $secret);
    if (!$context->valid) {
        echo "<hr>OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('%2B') " . OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('%2B') . "<br>";
        echo "<hr>OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('%5C') " . OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986('%5C') . "<br>";
        wp_die("BASIC LTI Authentication Failed, not valid request (make sure that consumer is authorized and secret is correct) " . $context->message);
    $error = is_lti_error_data($context);
    if ($error !== FALSE) {
        $launch_presentation_return_url = $_REQUEST[LAUNCH_PRESENTATION_URL];
        if (isset($launch_presentation_return_url)) {
            $error = '<p>' . $error . '</p><p>Return to site <a href="' . $launch_presentation_return_url . '">' . $launch_presentation_return_url . '</a></p>';
        wp_die($error, '');
    $blogType = new blogTypeLoader($context);
    if ($blogType->error < 0) {
        wp_die("BASIC LTI loading Types Aula Failed " . $blogType->error_miss);
    // Set up the user...
    $userkey = getUserkeyLTI($context);
    $userkey = apply_filters('pre_user_login', $userkey);
    $userkey = trim($userkey);
    if (empty($userkey)) {
        wp_die('<p>Empty username</p><p>Cannot create a user without username</p>');
    $uinfo = get_user_by('login', $userkey);
    if (isset($uinfo) && $uinfo != false) {
        // og LTI: set the user_login and user_nicename to the same value,
        // , because we want the wordpress-login cookie to have the username
        // otherwise caching won't work properly!
        $ret_id = wp_insert_user(array('ID' => $uinfo->ID, 'user_login' => $userkey, 'user_nicename' => $userkey, 'first_name' => $context->getUserFirstName(), 'last_name' => $context->getUserLastName(), 'user_email' => $context->getUserEmail(), 'user_url' => 'http://b', 'display_name' => $context->getUserName(), 'role' => get_option('default_role')));
        //error_log("og old role is set");
        if (is_object($ret_id) && isset($ret_id->errors)) {
            $msg = '';
            foreach ($ret_id->errors as $key => $error) {
                $msg .= "<p><b>{$key}</b> ";
                foreach ($error as $erroMsg) {
                    $msg .= "<p> {$erroMsg}</p>";
                $msg .= "</p>";
    } else {
        // new user!!!!
        $ret_id = wp_insert_user(array('user_login' => $userkey, 'user_nicename' => $context->getUserName(), 'first_name' => $context->getUserFirstName(), 'last_name' => $context->getUserLastName(), 'user_email' => $context->getUserEmail(), 'user_url' => 'http://c', 'display_name' => $context->getUserName()));
        if (is_object($ret_id) && isset($ret_id->errors)) {
            $msg = '';
            foreach ($ret_id->errors as $key => $error) {
                $msg .= "<p><b>{$key}</b> ";
                foreach ($error as $erroMsg) {
                    $msg .= "<p> {$erroMsg}</p>";
                $msg .= "</p>";
        $uinfo = get_user_by('login', $userkey);
    //Eliminem del blog Principal (si no es admin) http://jira.uoc.edu/jira/browse/BLOGA-218
    if (!$is_admin) {
        $user = new WP_User($uinfo->ID);
    $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = $userkey;
    $password = md5($uinfo->user_pass);
    // User is now authorized; force WordPress to use the generated password
    //login, set cookies, and set current user
    wp_authenticate($userkey, $password);
    wp_set_auth_cookie($user->ID, false);
    wp_set_current_user($user->ID, $userkey);
    $siteUrl = substr(get_option("siteurl"), 7);
    // - "http://"
    $siteUrlArray = explode("/", $siteUrl);
    $domain = $siteUrlArray[0];
    //error_log("og LTI domain: ". $domain);
    $course = $blogType->getCoursePath($context, $siteUrlArray, $domain);
    if (isset($context->info[RESOURCE_LINK_ID]) && $context->info[RESOURCE_LINK_ID]) {
        $course .= '-' . $context->info[RESOURCE_LINK_ID];
    $course = sanitize_user($course, true);
    //Bug wordpress doesn't get stye sheet if has a dot
    $course = str_replace('.', '_', $course);
    $path_base = "/" . implode("/", $siteUrlArray) . "/" . $course;
    $path_base = str_replace('//', '/', $path_base);
    $path = $path_base . "/";
    $path = str_replace('//', '/', $path);
    $blog_created = false;
    $overwrite_plugins_theme = isset($context->info[OVERWRITE_PLUGINS_THEME]) ? $context->info[OVERWRITE_PLUGINS_THEME] == 1 : false;
    $overwrite_roles = isset($context->info[OVERWRITE_ROLES]) ? $context->info[OVERWRITE_ROLES] == 1 : false;
    $blog_id = domain_exists($domain, $path);
    $blog_is_new = false;
    if (!isset($blog_id)) {
        $title = __("Blog ") . $blogType->getCourseName($context);
        $blog_is_new = true;
        $meta = $blogType->getMetaBlog($context);
        $old_site_language = get_site_option('WPLANG');
        $blog_id = wpmu_create_blog($domain, $path, $title, $user_id, $meta);
        update_site_option('WPLANG', $old_site_language);
        $blogType->checkErrorCreatingBlog($blog_id, $path);
        $blog_created = true;
    // Connect the user to the blog
    if (isset($blog_id)) {
        if ($overwrite_plugins_theme || $blog_created) {
        //Agafem el rol anterior
        $old_role = null;
        if (!$blog_created && !$overwrite_roles) {
            $old_role_array = get_usermeta($user->id, 'wp_' . $blog_id . '_capabilities');
            if (count($old_role_array) > 0) {
                foreach ($old_role_array as $key => $value) {
                    if ($value == true) {
                        $old_role = $key;
        remove_user_from_blog($uinfo->ID, $blog_id);
        $obj = new stdClass();
        $obj->blog_id = $blog_id;
        $obj->userkey = $userkey;
        $obj->path_base = $path_base;
        $obj->domain = $domain;
        $obj->context = $context;
        $obj->uinfoID = $uinfo->ID;
        $obj->blog_is_new = $blog_is_new;
        if ($overwrite_roles || $old_role == null) {
            $obj->role = $blogType->roleMapping($context->info[FIELD_ROLE_UOC_CAMPUS], $context->info);
        } else {
            $obj->role = $old_role;
        add_user_to_blog($blog_id, $uinfo->ID, $obj->role);
        //Si posem el restore_current_blog ens va al principi
        //    	restore_current_blog();
    $redirecturl = get_option("siteurl");
    //error_log("og LTI redirect URL: ".$redirecturl);
    $redirecturl = str_replace("http://", "https://", $redirecturl);
    //error_log("og LTI new redirect URL: ".$redirecturl);
  * util function for turning the Authorization: header into
  * parameters, has to do some unescaping
 private static function split_header($header)
     $pattern = '/(([-_a-z]*)=("([^"]*)"|([^,]*)),?)/';
     $offset = 0;
     $params = array();
     while (preg_match($pattern, $header, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset) > 0) {
         $match = $matches[0];
         $header_name = $matches[2][0];
         $header_content = isset($matches[5]) ? $matches[5][0] : $matches[4][0];
         $params[$header_name] = OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($header_content);
         $offset = $match[1] + strlen($match[0]);
     if (isset($params['realm'])) {
     return $params;
Example #6
 public static function parse_parameters($input)
     if (!isset($input) || !$input) {
         return array();
     $pairs = explode('&', $input);
     $parsed_parameters = array();
     foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
         $split = explode('=', $pair, 2);
         // Addition - KH
         // only accept parameters prefixed with 'oauth', this allows additional GET parameters to be used by the script
         if (!preg_match("/^oauth_/i", $split[0])) {
         $parameter = OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($split[0]);
         $value = isset($split[1]) ? OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($split[1]) : '';
         if (isset($parsed_parameters[$parameter])) {
             // We have already recieved parameter(s) with this name, so add to the list
             // of parameters with this name
             if (is_scalar($parsed_parameters[$parameter])) {
                 // This is the first duplicate, so transform scalar (string) into an array
                 // so we can add the duplicates
                 $parsed_parameters[$parameter] = array($parsed_parameters[$parameter]);
             $parsed_parameters[$parameter][] = $value;
         } else {
             $parsed_parameters[$parameter] = $value;
     return $parsed_parameters;
Example #7
 public static function parse_parameters($input)
     if (!isset($input) || !$input) {
         return array();
     $pairs = explode('&', $input);
     $parsed_parameters = array();
     foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
         $split = explode('=', $pair, 2);
         $parameter = OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($split[0]);
         $value = isset($split[1]) ? OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($split[1]) : '';
         if (isset($parsed_parameters[$parameter])) {
             if (is_scalar($parsed_parameters[$parameter])) {
                 $parsed_parameters[$parameter] = array($parsed_parameters[$parameter]);
             $parsed_parameters[$parameter][] = $value;
         } else {
             $parsed_parameters[$parameter] = $value;
     return $parsed_parameters;
Example #8
  static function split_header($header, $only_allow_oauth_parameters = true) {
    $pattern = '/(([-_a-z]*)=("([^"]*)"|([^,]*)),?)/';
    $offset = 0;
    $params = array();
    while (preg_match($pattern, $header, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset) > 0) {
      $match = $matches[0];
      $header_name = $matches[2][0];
      $header_content = (isset($matches[5])) ? $matches[5][0] : $matches[4][0];
      if (preg_match('/^oauth_/', $header_name) || !$only_allow_oauth_parameters) {
        $params[$header_name] = OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($header_content);
      $offset = $match[1] + strlen($match[0]);

    if (isset($params['realm'])) {

    return $params;
Example #9
 public static function parse_parameters($input)
     if (!isset($input) || !$input) {
         return array();
     if (substr($input, 0, 5) == '<?xml') {
         return (array) @simplexml_load_string($input);
     if (preg_match('/^[\\{\\[]/', $input)) {
         return @json_decode($input, true);
     $pairs = explode('&', $input);
     $parsed_parameters = array();
     foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
         $split = explode('=', $pair, 2);
         $parameter = trim(OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($split[0]));
         $value = isset($split[1]) ? OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($split[1]) : '';
         if (isset($parsed_parameters[$parameter])) {
             // We have already recieved parameter(s) with this name, so add to the list
             // of parameters with this name
             if (is_scalar($parsed_parameters[$parameter])) {
                 // This is the first duplicate, so transform scalar (string) into an array
                 // so we can add the duplicates
                 $parsed_parameters[$parameter] = array($parsed_parameters[$parameter]);
             $parsed_parameters[$parameter][] = $value;
         } else {
             $parsed_parameters[$parameter] = $value;
     return $parsed_parameters;
Example #10
 public static function parse_parameters($input)
     if (!isset($input) || !$input) {
         return array();
     $pairs = explode('&', $input);
     $parsed_parameters = array();
     foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
         $split = explode('=', $pair, 2);
         $parameter = OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($split[0]);
         $value = isset($split[1]) ? OAuthUtil::urldecode_rfc3986($split[1]) : '';
         // if we received an empty parameter (can happen with sth like "...php?&key=v..."
         // which we do not send with our signedrequests, we omit it from the signature
         // as well
         if (!$parameter) {
         if (isset($parsed_parameters[$parameter])) {
             // We have already recieved parameter(s) with this name, so add to the list
             // of parameters with this name
             if (is_scalar($parsed_parameters[$parameter])) {
                 // This is the first duplicate, so transform scalar (string) into an array
                 // so we can add the duplicates
                 $parsed_parameters[$parameter] = array($parsed_parameters[$parameter]);
             $parsed_parameters[$parameter][] = $value;
         } else {
             $parsed_parameters[$parameter] = $value;
     return $parsed_parameters;