//payment_profile_security_question_2 =
    //payment_profile_security_question_3 =
    //payment_profile_security_answer_1 =
    //payment_profile_security_answer_2 =
    //payment_profile_security_answer_3 =
    //payment_profile_status = enabled
    // First retrieve a Payment Profile without an id field, this will create a new empty Payment Profile; then fill it and save it.
    $newPaymentProfile = $oaConn->getPaymentProfile('', OAConnection::IDTYPE_API);
    $newPaymentProfile->payment_profile_first_name = 'Jane' . rand();
    $newPaymentProfile->payment_profile_last_name = 'Eyre' . rand();
    $newPaymentProfile->payment_profile_email_address = 'janeeyre' . rand() . '@thornfield.hall';
    $newPaymentProfile->payment_profile_password = '******';
    $newPaymentProfile->payment_profile_external_id = $newPaymentProfile->payment_profile_email_address;
    print "Saving Payment Profile..." . PHP_EOL;
    printObj($newPaymentProfile, 1);
    $paymentProfile = $oaConn->savePaymentProfile($newPaymentProfile);
    if (isset($paymentProfile->payment_profile_id)) {
        print "Saved Payment Profile to confirm save retrieve it using an identifier..." . PHP_EOL;
        // The reponse from savePaymentProfile was actually the new Profile;
        // we retrieve it here separately and just to demonstrate it worked let's query using the APP Id (instead of the API ID).
        $response = $oaConn->getPaymentProfile($paymentProfile->payment_profile_external_id, OAConnection::IDTYPE_APP);
        printObj($response, 1);
    } else {
        printObj($paymentProfile, 1);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
if ($connected) {
    print "Disconnecting ";
    $res = $oaConn->disconnect();
Example #2
         print "Modifying Payment Schedule: " . $paySched->payment_schedule_id . PHP_EOL;
         $paymentSchedule = $oaConn->getPaymentSchedule($paySched->payment_schedule_id);
         $payment_schedule_amount = $paymentSchedule->payment_schedule_amount;
         $paymentSchedule->payment_schedule_amount = $payment_schedule_amount + 100.0;
         $response = $oaConn->savePaymentSchedule($paymentSchedule);
         if (isset($response->payment_schedule_id)) {
             print "Updated Payment Schedule: was-'" . $payment_schedule_amount . "' is now-'" . $response->payment_schedule_amount . "'" . PHP_EOL;
     // Modifying this Payment Profile - make some changes and save them back
     // Here we'll add a number 0 through 10 (incrementing each time this demo is run) to their last name
     echo "Modifying the Payment Profile..." . PHP_EOL;
     $lname = $paymentProfile->payment_profile_last_name;
     $paymentProfile->payment_profile_last_name = substr($lname, 0, 4) . strval(intval(substr($lname, -1, 1)) + 1);
     print "Setting the last name to: " . $paymentProfile->payment_profile_last_name . PHP_EOL;
     $response = $oaConn->savePaymentProfile($paymentProfile);
     print "Updated Payment Profile: was-'" . $lname . "' is now-'" . $response->payment_profile_last_name . "'" . PHP_EOL;
     print PHP_EOL;
 // Let's look at the available Payment Types
 // Payment types are specific to your organization; make them up as you need
 // These control the descriptions that end users see on their statements
 // and set a default organization account the money is credited/debited to/from
 echo "Getting Payment Types..." . PHP_EOL;
 $paymentTypes = $oaConn->getPaymentTypes();
 $payment_type_id = '';
 foreach ($paymentTypes as $paymentType) {
     print "Payment Type: " . $paymentType->payment_type_name . PHP_EOL;
     printObj($paymentType, 1);
     if ($paymentType->payment_type_transaction_type == 'debit') {
         $payment_type_id = $paymentType->payment_type_id;