function test_rounding($locale, $digits, $mode = null)
    $formatter = NumberFormatter::create($locale, NumberFormatter::DEFAULT_STYLE);
    $formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, $digits);
    if ($mode !== null) {
        $formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::ROUNDING_MODE, $mode);
    $values = array(1.23, 1.2327, 1.2372, 1.235, -1.23, -1.2327, -1.2372, -1.235);
    foreach ($values as $value) {
        echo $value;
        echo " -> ";
        $to_print = $formatter->format($value);
        // Remove the Unicode Character 'LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK' (U+200E)
        // which some versions of ICU use for Farsi.
        // See
        $to_print = str_replace("‎", "", $to_print);
        // Replace the Unicode Character 'MINUS SIGN' (U+2212)
        // which some versions of ICU use for Farsi.
        // See
        $to_print = str_replace("−", "-", $to_print);
        echo $to_print;
        echo "\n";
Example #2
 public function testCurrencyCodeOption()
     $v = new CurrencyValidator(['locale' => 'it_IT']);
     $v->isValid('1.234,61 €');
     $formatter = \NumberFormatter::create('it_IT', \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
     $this->assertEquals($v->getCurrencyCode(), $formatter->getTextAttribute(\NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_CODE));
     $v = new CurrencyValidator(['locale' => 'it_IT']);
     $this->assertEquals('USD', $v->getCurrencyCode());
Example #3
 public function testSetupCurrencyCode()
     $reflMethod = new \ReflectionMethod('MoneyLaundry\\Filter\\AbstractFilter', 'setupCurrencyCode');
     $mock = $this->getMockBuilder('MoneyLaundry\\Filter\\AbstractFilter')->enableProxyingToOriginalMethods()->setMethods(['getFormatter', 'getCurrencyCode'])->getMockForAbstractClass();
     $formatter = \NumberFormatter::create('it_IT', \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
     $this->assertSame($formatter->getTextAttribute(\NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_CODE), $reflMethod->invoke($mock));
  * @return array
 public function valuesProvider()
     $data = [];
     foreach ($this->locales as $locale) {
         foreach ($this->values as $i) {
             $e = \NumberFormatter::create($locale, \NumberFormatter::SCIENTIFIC)->format($i, \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DEFAULT);
             $n = \NumberFormatter::create($locale, \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL)->format($i, \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DEFAULT);
             $data[] = [true, $e, $locale];
             $data[] = [false, $n, $locale];
     return $data;
Example #5
function crt($t, $l, $s)
    switch (true) {
        case $t == "O":
            return new NumberFormatter($l, $s);
        case $t == "C":
            return NumberFormatter::create($l, $s);
        case $t == "P":
            return numfmt_create($l, $s);
Example #6
 * Gets a number formatter instance according to given locale and formatter.
 * @param string $locale Locale in which the number would be formatted
 * @param int    $style  Style of the formatting
 * @return NumberFormatter A NumberFormatter instance
function twig_get_number_formatter($locale, $style)
    static $formatter, $currentStyle;
    $locale = $locale !== null ? $locale : Locale::getDefault();
    if ($formatter && $formatter->getLocale() === $locale && $currentStyle === $style) {
        // Return same instance of NumberFormatter if parameters are the same
        // to those in previous call
        return $formatter;
    static $styleValues = array('decimal' => NumberFormatter::DECIMAL, 'currency' => NumberFormatter::CURRENCY, 'percent' => NumberFormatter::PERCENT, 'scientific' => NumberFormatter::SCIENTIFIC, 'spellout' => NumberFormatter::SPELLOUT, 'ordinal' => NumberFormatter::ORDINAL, 'duration' => NumberFormatter::DURATION);
    if (!isset($styleValues[$style])) {
        throw new Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('The style "%s" does not exist. Known styles are: "%s"', $style, implode('", "', array_keys($styleValues))));
    $currentStyle = $style;
    $formatter = NumberFormatter::create($locale, $styleValues[$style]);
    return $formatter;
Example #7
  * Returns the result of filtering $value
  * @param  mixed $value
  * @return mixed
 public function filter($value)
     // Store original value
     $unfilteredValue = $value;
     if (is_string($value)) {
         // Initialization
         $formatter = $this->getFormatter();
         // Disable scientific notation
         $formatter->setSymbol(\NumberFormatter::EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL, null);
         if ($this->getBreakingSpaceAllowed()) {
             // Replace spaces with NBSP (non breaking spaces)
             $value = str_replace(" ", " ", $value);
             // FIXME? can be removed
         // Parse as currency
         $position = 0;
         $currencyCode = $this->setupCurrencyCode();
         if ($this->getCurrencyCorrectness()) {
             // The following parsing mode allows the predefined currency code ONLY.
             // Also it should be more strict and faster than parseCurrency.
             $result = $formatter->parse($value, \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE, $position);
         } else {
             // The following parsing mode can work with multiple currencies.
             $result = $formatter->parseCurrency($value, $resultCurrencyCode, $position);
         $fractionDigits = $formatter->getAttribute(\NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS);
         // Input is a valid currency and the result is within the codomain?
         if ($result !== false && (is_float($result) && !is_infinite($result) && !is_nan($result))) {
             // Exit if the parsing has finished before the end of the input
             if ($position < grapheme_strlen($value)) {
                 return $unfilteredValue;
             // Retrieve currency symbol for the given locale and currency code
             $currencySymbol = $this->getFirstCurrencySymbol($this->getLocale(), $currencyCode);
             // Exit if the currency correctness is mandatory and the currency symbol is not present in the input
             if ($this->getCurrencyCorrectness() && grapheme_strpos($value, $currencySymbol) === false) {
                 return $unfilteredValue;
             if ($this->getScaleCorrectness()) {
                 $countedDecimals = $this->countDecimalDigits($value, $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::MONETARY_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL), $currencySymbol);
                 // Exit if the number of decimal digits (i.e., the scale) does not match the requirement
                 if ($fractionDigits !== $countedDecimals) {
                     return $unfilteredValue;
             // Here we have a perfectly parsed (pattern correct, currency correct, scale correct) currency amount
             return $result;
         // At this stage result is FALSE and input probably is a not canonical currency amount
         // Check if the currency symbol is mandatory (assiming 'parse MODE')
         if ($this->getCurrencyCorrectness()) {
             return $unfilteredValue;
         // Retrieve symbols
         $symbols = [];
         foreach ($symbolKeys as $symbol) {
             $symbols[$symbol] = $this->getSymbol($symbol);
         // Regex components
         $regexSymbols = array_filter(array_unique(array_values($symbols)));
         $numbers = $this->getRegexComponent(self::REGEX_NUMBERS);
         $flags = $this->getRegexComponent(self::REGEX_FLAGS);
         // Build allowed chars regex
         $allowedChars = sprintf('#^[%s]+$#%s', $numbers . implode('', array_map('preg_quote', $regexSymbols)), $flags);
         // FIXME: pay attention to NaN and INF symbols here
         // Check that value contains only allowed characters (digits, group and decimal separator)
         $result = false;
         if (preg_match($allowedChars, $value)) {
             $decimal = \NumberFormatter::create($this->getLocale(), \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
             // Get decimal place info
             // FIXME: parse and parseCurrancy could use different symbols
             // when used with non default currency code
             $currencySymbol = $this->getFirstCurrencySymbol($this->getLocale(), $currencyCode);
             $numDecimals = $this->countDecimalDigits($value, $symbols[self::SEPARATOR_SYMBOL], $currencySymbol);
             // Check if the number of decimal digits match the requirement
             if ($this->getScaleCorrectness() && $numDecimals !== $fractionDigits) {
                 return $unfilteredValue;
             // Ignore spaces
             $value = str_replace(" ", '', $value);
             // Substitute negative currency representation with negative number representation
             $decimalNegPrefix = $decimal->getTextAttribute(\NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_PREFIX);
             $decimalNegSuffix = $decimal->getTextAttribute(\NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_SUFFIX);
             $currencyNegPrefix = $symbols[self::NEGATIVE_PREFIX];
             $currencyNegSuffix = $symbols[self::NEGATIVE_SUFFIX];
             if ($decimalNegPrefix !== $currencyNegPrefix && $decimalNegSuffix !== $currencyNegSuffix) {
                 $regex = sprintf('#^%s([%s%s%s]+)%s$#%s', preg_quote($currencyNegPrefix), $numbers, preg_quote($symbols[self::SEPARATOR_SYMBOL]), preg_quote($symbols[self::GROUP_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL]), preg_quote($currencyNegSuffix), $flags);
                 $value = preg_replace($regex, $decimalNegPrefix . '\\1' . $decimalNegSuffix, $value);
             // Try to parse as a simple decimal (formatted) number
             $result = $decimal->parse($value, \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE);
         return $result !== false ? $result : $unfilteredValue;
         // FIXME? strict check that it is a double
     // At this stage input is not a string
     return $unfilteredValue;
 public function testCreateIntl()
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\NumberFormatter', \NumberFormatter::create('en', \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL));

$formatter = NumberFormatter::create("fa_IR", NumberFormatter::DEFAULT_STYLE);
$formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, 2);
echo $formatter->format(1.23);
echo "\n";
echo $formatter->format("10.345");
echo "\n";
$formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, 0);
$formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::ROUNDING_MODE, NumberFormatter::ROUND_HALFUP);
echo $formatter->format(123450.67);
echo "\n";
echo $formatter->format("123456788.89");
echo "\n";
Example #10
  * Returns a formated currency
  * @param float  $value    The number to format
  * @param string $currency The target currency to format
  * @return string The resulting string
 public function getCurrency($value, $currency = 'EUR')
     $this->numberFormatter = \NumberFormatter::create($this->current, \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
     return $this->getNumberFormatter()->formatCurrency($value, $currency);
Example #11
 public function testCreate()
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\NumberFormatter', \NumberFormatter::create('en', \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL));
Example #12
     * Populates the release information for the current component.
    protected function _setReleaseNotes()
        if (!($file = $this->_component->getReleaseNotesPath())) {
        if (basename($file) == 'release.yml') {
            $version = Components_Helper_Version::parsePearVersion($this->_component->getVersion());
            $description = Horde_String::lower($version->description);
            if (strpos($description, 'release') === false) {
                $description .= ' release';
            $infofile = dirname($file) . '/horde.yml';
            try {
                $info = Horde_Yaml::loadFile($infofile);
            } catch (Horde_Yaml_Exception $e) {
                throw new Components_Exception($e);
            $this->_notes['name'] = $info['name'];
            if (isset($info['list'])) {
                $this->_notes['list'] = $info['list'];
            try {
                $release = Horde_Yaml::loadFile($file);
            } catch (Horde_Yaml_Exception $e) {
                throw new Components_Exception($e);
            if (isset($release['branch'])) {
                $this->_notes['branch'] = $release['branch'];
            $this->_notes['security'] = $release['security'];
            if (is_array($release['changes'])) {
                if (!is_array(reset($release['changes']))) {
                    $release['changes'] = array($release['changes']);
            } else {
                $release['changes'] = array();
            $currentSection = null;
            $changes = '';
            foreach ($release['changes'] as $section => $sectionChanges) {
                if ($section != $currentSection) {
                    $changes .= "\n\n" . $section . ':';
                    $currentSection = $section;
                foreach ($sectionChanges as $change) {
                    $changes .= "\n    * " . $change;
            switch ($version->description) {
                case 'Final':
                    $prerelease = '';
                case 'Alpha':
                case 'Beta':
                    $prerelease = '
This is a preview version that should not be used on production systems. This version is considered feature complete but there might still be a few bugs. You should not use this preview version over existing production data.

We encourage widespread testing and feedback via the mailing lists or our bug tracking system. Updated translations are very welcome, though some strings might still change before the final release.
                case 'Release Candidate':
                    $prerelease = sprintf('
Barring any problems, this code will be released as %s %s.
Testing is requested and comments are encouraged. Updated translations would also be great.
', $info['name'], $version->version);
            $this->_notes['changes'] = sprintf('The Horde Team is pleased to announce the %s%s of the %s version %s.

For upgrading instructions, please see

For detailed installation and configuration instructions, please see
The major changes compared to the %s version %s are:%s', $version->subversion ? NumberFormatter::create('en_US', NumberFormatter::ORDINAL)->format($version->subversion) . ' ' : '', $description, $info['full'], $version->version, $info['description'], $prerelease, $info['id'], $info['id'], !empty($release['additional']) ? "\n" . implode("\n\n", $release['additional']) . "\n" : '', $info['name'], $this->_component->getPreviousVersion(), $changes);
        } else {
            $this->_notes = (include $file);

$formatter = NumberFormatter::create("en_US", NumberFormatter::DEFAULT_STYLE);
$formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, 2);
echo $formatter->format(1.23);
echo "\n";
echo $formatter->format("10.345");
echo "\n";
$formatter = NumberFormatter::create("en_US", NumberFormatter::DEFAULT_STYLE);
$formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, 0);
$formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::ROUNDING_MODE, NumberFormatter::ROUND_HALFUP);
echo $formatter->format(123450.67);
echo "\n";
echo $formatter->format("123456788.89");
echo "\n";
Example #14
  * Generate dataset.
  * Formats:
  * - (positive and negative) currency amounts with their own currency symbol
  * - (positive and negative) currency amounts with ISO currency symbol
  * - (positive and negative) numbers (without currency symbol)
  * - (positive and negative) numbers expressed in scientific notation (without currency symbol)
  * @return array
 public function valuesProvider()
     $data = [];
     $values = [0, 0.1, 0.01, 1000, 1234.61, 12345678.9];
     $values = array_unique(array_merge($values, array_map(function ($i) {
         return -$i;
     }, $values)));
     foreach ($this->locales as $locale) {
         $formatter = \NumberFormatter::create($locale, \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
         $currencySymbol = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_SYMBOL);
         $isoSymbol = $formatter->getTextAttribute(\NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_CODE);
         $groupSep = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL);
         $numDecimals = $formatter->getAttribute(\NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS);
         $posPre = $formatter->getTextAttribute(\NumberFormatter::POSITIVE_PREFIX);
         $negPre = $formatter->getTextAttribute(\NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_PREFIX);
         $posSuf = $formatter->getTextAttribute(\NumberFormatter::POSITIVE_SUFFIX);
         $negSuf = $formatter->getTextAttribute(\NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_SUFFIX);
         $exponantiatior = \NumberFormatter::create($locale, \NumberFormatter::SCIENTIFIC);
         foreach ($values as $value) {
             // Restore currency symbol
             $formatter->setSymbol(\NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_SYMBOL, $currencySymbol);
             if (is_float($value)) {
                 // If value is float and current currency does not have cents, jump it
                 if ($numDecimals === 0) {
                 // Create a currency with less decimal places then required (w/ currency symbol)
                 $formatter->setAttribute(\NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, $numDecimals - 1);
                 $currency = preg_replace('/^[\\xC2\\xA0\\s]+|[\\xC2\\xA0\\s]+$/u', '', $formatter->format($value));
                 //                    echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, false, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, false, false, (double) sprintf('%.' . ($numDecimals - 1) . 'f', $value), $currency];
                 // Filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, false, true, (double) sprintf('%.' . ($numDecimals - 1) . 'f', $value), $currency];
                 // Filtered
                 // Create a currency with less decimal places then required (w/o currency symbol)
                 $currency = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($currencySymbol) . '#u', '', $currency);
                 $currency = preg_replace('/^[\\xC2\\xA0\\s]+|[\\xC2\\xA0\\s]+$/u', '', $currency);
                 //                    echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, false, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, false, false, (double) sprintf('%.' . ($numDecimals - 1) . 'f', $value), $currency];
                 // Filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, false, true, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 // Create a currency with more decimal places then required (w/ currency symbol)
                 $formatter->setAttribute(\NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, $numDecimals + 1);
                 $currency = preg_replace('/^[\\xC2\\xA0\\s]+|[\\xC2\\xA0\\s]+$/u', '', $formatter->format($value));
                 //                    echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, false, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, false, false, (double) sprintf('%.' . ($numDecimals + 1) . 'f', $value), $currency];
                 // Filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, false, true, (double) sprintf('%.' . ($numDecimals + 1) . 'f', $value), $currency];
                 // Filtered
                 // Create a currency with more decimal places then required (w/o currency symbol)
                 $currency = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($currencySymbol) . '#u', '', $currency);
                 $currency = preg_replace('/^[\\xC2\\xA0\\s]+|[\\xC2\\xA0\\s]+$/u', '', $currency);
                 //                    echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, false, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, false, false, (double) sprintf('%.' . ($numDecimals + 1) . 'f', $value), $currency];
                 // Filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, false, true, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
             // Restore correct number of maximum decimal places
             $formatter->setAttribute(\NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, $numDecimals);
             // Create completely formatted currency value (w/ currency symbol)
             $currency = $formatter->formatCurrency($value, $isoSymbol);
             //                echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
             $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $value, $currency];
             // Filtered
             // Create currency value with letters inside
             $randomPos = rand(0, grapheme_strlen($currency) - 1);
             $currency = grapheme_substr($currency, 0, $randomPos) . 'X' . grapheme_substr($currency, $randomPos);
             //                echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
             $daa[] = [$locale, true, true, $currency, $currency];
             // Not filtered
             // Create currency value (w/ currency symbol) (w/o group separators)
             if (grapheme_strpos($currency, $groupSep) !== false) {
                 $formatter->setSymbol(\NumberFormatter::MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, null);
                 $currency = $formatter->formatCurrency($value, $isoSymbol);
                 //                    echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $value, $currency];
                 // Filtered
                 $formatter->setSymbol(\NumberFormatter::MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, $groupSep);
             // Create currency value with ISO currency symbol
             $formatter->setSymbol(\NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_SYMBOL, $isoSymbol);
             $currency = $formatter->format($value);
             //                echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
             $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $value, $currency];
             // Filtered
             // Create currency value with ISO currency symbol (w/o group separators)
             if (grapheme_strpos($currency, $groupSep) !== false) {
                 $formatter->setSymbol(\NumberFormatter::MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, null);
                 $currency = $formatter->format($value);
                 //                    echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $value, $currency];
                 // Filtered
                 $formatter->setSymbol(\NumberFormatter::MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, $groupSep);
             // Create currency values with wrong ISO currency symbol or other text after it
             $currency = $currency . 'S';
             //                echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
             $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $currency, $currency];
             // Not filtered
             // Create currency value w/o any currency symbol
             $formatter->setSymbol(\NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_SYMBOL, null);
             $currency = $formatter->format($value);
             // preg_replace('/^[\xC2\xA0\s]+|[\xC2\xA0\s]+$/u', '', ...);
             //                echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
             $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $currency, $currency];
             // Not filtered
             $data[] = [$locale, true, false, $value, $currency];
             // Filtered when currency symbol is not mandatory
             if ($value >= 0) {
                 // Create currency value expressed in scientific notation w/o any currency symbol
                 $currency = $exponantiatior->format($value, \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE);
                 //                    echo $currency . PHP_EOL;
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, false, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 // Create currency value expressed in scientific notation with proper currency symbol
                 $currency = $posPre . $currency . $posSuf;
                 //                    echo  $currency . PHP_EOL;
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, false, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
             } else {
                 // Create negative currency value expressed in scientific notation with proper currency symbol
                 $currency = $exponantiatior->format(abs($value), \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE);
                 $currency = $negPre . $currency . $negSuf;
                 //                    echo  $currency . PHP_EOL;
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, true, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
                 $data[] = [$locale, true, false, $currency, $currency];
                 // Not filtered
         //            echo '---' . PHP_EOL;
     return $data;
Example #15
 public function testChangeFormatterOnFly()
     $filter = new Uncurrency('it_IT');
     $custom = \NumberFormatter::create('en_US', \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
     $this->assertEquals('en_US', $filter->getLocale());
  * Construct a CSV format with he specified decimal and separator
  * characters.
  * @param
  *        	decimal
  *        	The decimal character.
  * @param
  *        	separator
  *        	The separator character.
 public function __constructor($decimal = '.', $separator = ',')
     $this->DECIMAL_POINT = new CSVFormat('.', ',');
     $this->DECIMAL_COMMA = new CSVFormat(',', ';');
     $this->ENGLISH = $this->DECIMAL_POINT;
     $this->EG_FORMAT = $this->DECIMAL_POINT;
     $this->decimal = $decimal;
     $this->separator = $separator;
     if ($decimal == '.') {
         $this->numberFormatter = NumberFormatter::create('en-US', \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
     } else {
         if ($decimal == ',') {
             $this->numberFormatter = NumberFormatter::create('fr-FR', \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
         } else {
             $this->numberFormatter = NumberFormatter::create(Locale::getDefault(), \NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
Example #17
 private static function create(Locale $locale)
     $formatter = \NumberFormatter::create($locale->getLocale(), \NumberFormatter::DEFAULT_STYLE);
     $zeroDigit = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::ZERO_DIGIT_SYMBOL);
     $positiveSign = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL);
     $negativeSign = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL);
     $decimalSeparator = $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL);
     if ($zeroDigit === '0' && $negativeSign === '-' && $decimalSeparator === '.') {
         return self::STANDARD();
     return new DecimalStyle($zeroDigit, $positiveSign, $negativeSign, $decimalSeparator);
  * format currency according to locale
  * @param string $locale   locale
  * @param string $currency currency
  * @param string $value    value
  * @return string
 public static function getFormattedCurrency($locale, $currency, $value)
     $formatter = \NumberFormatter::create($locale, \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
     return $formatter->formatCurrency($value, $currency);