public function add_settings($args)
     if (isset($args['settings']) && is_array($args['settings'])) {
         $settings = Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_settings($args);
         $defaults = isset($args['default']) ? $args['default'] : array();
         $sanitize_callback = Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_callback($args);
         foreach ($settings as $setting_key => $setting_value) {
             $default = isset($defaults[$setting_key]) ? $defaults[$setting_key] : '';
             $type = Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_type($args);
             $capability = Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_capability($args);
             $transport = isset($args['transport']) ? $args['transport'] : 'refresh';
             if (isset($args['sanitize_callback']) && is_array($args['sanitize_callback'])) {
                 if (isset($args['sanitize_callback'][$setting_key])) {
                     $sanitize_callback = Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_callback(array('sanitize_callback' => $args['sanitize_callback'][$setting_key]));
             $this->wp_customize->add_setting($setting_value, array('default' => $default, 'type' => $type, 'capability' => $capability, 'sanitize_callback' => $sanitize_callback, 'transport' => $transport));
     if (isset($args['type']) && array_key_exists($args['type'], Nova_Control::$setting_types)) {
         // We must instantiate a custom class for the setting
         $setting_classname = Nova_Control::$setting_types[$args['type']];
         $this->wp_customize->add_setting(new $setting_classname($this->wp_customize, Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_settings($args), array('default' => isset($args['default']) ? $args['default'] : '', 'type' => Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_type($args), 'capability' => Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_capability($args), 'transport' => isset($args['transport']) ? $args['transport'] : 'refresh', 'sanitize_callback' => Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_callback($args))));
     } else {
         $this->wp_customize->add_setting(Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_settings($args), array('default' => isset($args['default']) ? $args['default'] : '', 'type' => Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_type($args), 'capability' => Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_capability($args), 'transport' => isset($args['transport']) ? $args['transport'] : 'refresh', 'sanitize_callback' => Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_callback($args)));
  * Generates the scripts needed for postMessage.
  * This works on a per-field basis.
  * Once created, the script is added to the $postmessage_script property.
  * @param array the field definition
  * @return void
 public static function generate_script($args = array())
     $script = '';
      * Make sure "transport" is defined
     $args['transport'] = isset($args['transport']) ? $args['transport'] : 'refresh';
      * Make sure that we need to proceed
     if (isset($args['js_vars']) && 'postMessage' == $args['transport']) {
          * Make sure that "js_vars" is an array.
          * If not, then early exit with return.
         if (!is_array($args['js_vars']) || empty($args['js_vars'])) {
          * Start looping through all the "js_vars" items in the array.
          * Documentation on how to use the "js_vars" argument and its syntax
          * can be found on
         foreach ($args['js_vars'] as $js_vars) {
              * Sanitize the arguments
             $js_vars = array('element' => isset($js_vars['element']) ? sanitize_text_field($js_vars['element']) : '', 'function' => isset($js_vars['function']) ? esc_js($js_vars['function']) : '', 'property' => isset($js_vars['property']) ? esc_js($js_vars['property']) : '', 'units' => isset($js_vars['units']) ? esc_js($js_vars['units']) : '', 'prefix' => isset($js_vars['prefix']) ? esc_js($js_vars['prefix']) : '', 'suffix' => isset($js_vars['prefix']) ? esc_js($js_vars['prefix']) : '');
             $units = !empty($js_vars['units']) ? " + '" . $js_vars['units'] . "'" : '';
             $prefix = !empty($js_vars['prefix']) ? "'" . $js_vars['prefix'] . "' + " : '';
             $suffix = !empty($js_vars['suffix']) ? " + '" . $js_vars['suffix'] . "'" : '';
             $script .= 'wp.customize( \'' . Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_settings($args) . '\', function( value ) {';
             $script .= 'value.bind( function( newval ) {';
             if ('html' == $js_vars['function']) {
                 $script .= '$(\'' . $js_vars['element'] . '\').html( newval );';
             } else {
                 $script .= '$(\'' . $js_vars['element'] . '\').' . $js_vars['function'] . '(\'' . $js_vars['property'] . '\', ' . $prefix . 'newval' . $units . $suffix . ' );';
             $script .= '}); });';
     self::$postmessage_script .= $script;
  * Generates the scripts needed for tooltips.
  * This works on a per-field basis.
  * Once created, the script is added to the $tooltip_script property.
  * @param array the field definition
  * @return void
 public static function generate_script($args = array())
      * The following control types already have the "help" argument in them
      * and they don't need an extra implementation in order to be rendered.
      * We're going to ignore these control-types and only process the rest.
     $ready_controls = array('checkbox', 'code', 'color-alpha', 'custom', 'dimension', 'editor', 'multicheck', 'number', 'palette', 'radio-buttonset', 'radio-image', 'radio', 'nova-radio', 'repeater', 'select', 'nova-select', 'select2', 'select2-multiple', 'slider', 'sortable', 'spacing', 'switch', 'textarea', 'toggle', 'typography');
      * Make sure the field-type has been defined.
      * If it has not been defined the we don't know what to do with it and should exit.
      * No error is displayed, we just won't do anything.
     if (isset($args['type']) && in_array($args['type'], $ready_controls)) {
     $args['settings'] = Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_settings($args);
     $script = '';
     if (isset($args['help']) && !empty($args['help'])) {
         $content = "<a href='#' class='tooltip hint--left' data-hint='" . wp_strip_all_tags($args['help']) . "'><span class='dashicons dashicons-info'></span></a>";
         $script = '$( "' . $content . '" ).prependTo( "#customize-control-' . $args['settings'] . '" );';
     self::$tooltip_script .= $script;
  * Build the background fields.
  * Takes a single field with type = background and explodes it to multiple controls.
  * @param array
  * @return null|array
 public static function explode($field)
     $i18n = Nova_Toolkit::i18n();
     $choices = self::background_choices();
     // Early exit if this is not a background field.
     if ('background' != $field['type']) {
     // Sanitize field
     $field = Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_field($field);
     // No need to proceed any further if no defaults have been set.
     // We build the array of fields based on what default values have been defined.
     if (!isset($field['default']) || !is_array($field['default'])) {
     $fields = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($field['default'] as $key => $value) {
         // No need to process the opacity, it is factored in the color control.
         if ('opacity' == $key) {
         $key = esc_attr($key);
         $setting = $key;
         $help = $field['help'];
         $description = isset($i18n['background-' . $key]) ? $i18n['background-' . $key] : '';
         $output_property = 'background-' . $key;
         $label = 0 === $i ? $field['label'] : '';
         $type = 'select';
         $sanitize_callback = 'esc_attr';
         switch ($key) {
             case 'color':
                  * Use 'color-alpha' instead of 'color' if default is an rgba value
                  * or if 'opacity' is set.
                 $type = false !== strpos($field['default']['color'], 'rgba') ? 'color-alpha' : 'color';
                 $type = isset($field['default']['opacity']) ? 'color-alpha' : $type;
                 if (isset($field['default']['opacity']) && false === strpos($value, 'rgb')) {
                     $value = Nova_Color::get_rgba($value, $field['default']['opacity']);
                 $sanitize_callback = array('Nova_Sanitize_Values', 'color');
             case 'image':
                 $type = 'image';
                 $sanitize_callback = 'esc_url_raw';
             case 'attach':
                  * Small hack so that background attachments properly work.
                 $output_property = 'background-attachment';
                 $description = $i18n['background-attachment'];
                 $help = '';
          * If we're using options & option_name is set, then we need to modify the setting.
         if (isset($field['option_type']) && 'option' == $field['option_type'] && isset($field['option_name']) && !empty($field['option_name'])) {
             $property_setting = str_replace(']', '', str_replace($field['option_name'] . '[', '', $field['settings']));
             $property_setting = esc_attr($field['option_name']) . '[' . esc_attr($property_setting) . '_' . $setting . ']';
         } else {
             $property_setting = esc_attr($field['settings']) . '_' . $setting;
          * Build the field.
          * We're merging with the original field here, so any extra properties are inherited.
         $fields[$property_setting] = array_merge($field, array('type' => $type, 'label' => $label, 'settings' => $property_setting, 'help' => $help, 'section' => $field['section'], 'priority' => $field['priority'], 'required' => $field['required'], 'description' => $description, 'default' => $value, 'id' => Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_id(array('settings' => Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_settings(array('settings' => $field['settings'] . '_' . $setting)))), 'choices' => isset($choices[$key]) ? $choices[$key] : array(), 'output' => '' != $field['output'] ? array(array('element' => $field['output'], 'property' => $output_property)) : '', 'sanitize_callback' => isset($sanitize_callback) ? $sanitize_callback : Nova_Field_Sanitize::fallback_callback($type)));
     return $fields;
Example #5
  * Build the variables.
  * @return array 	('variable-name' => value)
 public function get_variables()
     $variables = array();
      * Loop through all fields
     foreach (Nova::$fields as $field) {
          * Check if we have variables for this field
         if (isset($field['variables']) && false != $field['variables'] && !empty($field['variables'])) {
              * Loop through the array of variables
             foreach ($field['variables'] as $field_variable) {
                  * Is the variable ['name'] defined?
                  * If yes, then we can proceed.
                 if (isset($field_variable['name'])) {
                      * Sanitize the variable name
                     $variable_name = esc_attr($field_variable['name']);
                      * Do we have a callback function defined?
                      * If not then set $variable_callback to false.
                     $variable_callback = isset($field_variable['callback']) && is_callable($field_variable['callback']) ? $field_variable['callback'] : false;
                      * If we have a variable_callback defined then get the value of the option
                      * and run it through the callback function.
                      * If no callback is defined (false) then just get the value.
                     if ($variable_callback) {
                         $variables[$variable_name] = call_user_func($field_variable['callback'], Nova::get_option(Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_settings($field)));
                     } else {
                         $variables[$variable_name] = Nova::get_option($field['settings']);
      * Pass the variables through a filter ('nova/variable')
      * and return the array of variables
     return apply_filters('nova/variable', $variables);
Example #6
 public static function add_field($config_id, $args)
     if (is_array($config_id) && empty($args)) {
         $args = $config_id;
         $config_id = 'global';
     $config_id = '' == $config_id ? 'global' : $config_id;
      * Get the configuration options
     if (!isset(Nova::$config[$config_id])) {
         $config_id = 'global';
     $config = Nova::$config[$config_id];
      * If we've set an option in the configuration
      * then make sure we're using options and not theme_mods
     if ('' != $config['option_name']) {
         $config['option_type'] = 'option';
      * If no option name has been set for the field,
      * use the one from the configuration
     if (!isset($args['option_name'])) {
         $args['option_name'] = $config['option_name'];
      * If no capability has been set for the field,
      * use the one from the configuration
     if (!isset($args['capability'])) {
         $args['capability'] = $config['capability'];
      * Check if [settings] is set.
      * If not set, check for [setting]
     if (!isset($args['settings']) && isset($args['setting'])) {
         $args['settings'] = $args['setting'];
      * If no option-type has been set for the field,
      * use the one from the configuration
     if (!isset($args['option_type'])) {
         $args['option_type'] = $config['option_type'];
      * Add the field to the static $fields variable properly indexed
     Nova::$fields[Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_settings($args)] = $args;
     if ('background' == $args['type']) {
          * Build the background fields
         Nova::$fields = Nova_Explode_Background_Field::process_fields(Nova::$fields);