Example #1
	final public function join_badminton_date(BadmintonDate $badminton_date) {
		(Date) -> Bool
		The current user attempts to join the badminton date
		if ($this->user_id && $badminton_date->date_id) {
			$sql = "INSERT INTO joins (date_id, user_id, date_joined, status) VALUES('$badminton_date->date_id', '$this->user_id', NOW(), '" . self::JOINED_STATUS . "')
			ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE join_id = join_id";
			//echo $sql;
			$result = $this->dbc->query($sql)
			or die ($this->dbc->error);

			$affected_rows = $this->dbc->affected_rows;
			if ($affected_rows == 1) {
				//New row was inserted
				//Push the notificatoins and check for method allowed
				$action = new JoinBadmintonDate(array(
					'joiner' => clone $this,
					'badminton_date' =>  $badminton_date,
					'trigger' => clone $this)
				//Push action
				//Push notification, only if the current user is not the creator of the badminton date
				//Push the pending action to evaluate the hoster, only if the current user is not the creator of the badminton date
				if ($this->user_id != $badminton_date->creator->user_id) {
					$sql = "SELECT end_datetime FROM badminton_date WHERE date_id = '$badminton_date->date_id'";
					$result = $this->dbc->query($sql)
					or die ($this->dbc->error);
					if ($result->num_rows == 1){
						$end_datetime = mysqli_fetch_row($result)[0];
						//Issue the pending endorsement
						$sql = "INSERT INTO `pending_actions` (date_issued, awaiting_user, active) VALUES ('$end_datetime', '$this->user_id', '" . self::ACTIVE . "')";
						$result = $this->dbc->query($sql)
						or die ($this->dbc->error);

						$token_id = $this->dbc->insert_id;
						$sql = "INSERT INTO `pending_user_endorsements` (token_id, user_to_endorse, date_id) VALUES ('$token_id', '{$badminton_date->creator->user_id}', '$badminton_date->date_id')";
						$result = $this->dbc->query($sql)
						or die ($this->dbc->error);
						return true;
					else {
						throw new OutOfRangeException('OutOfRangeException occured on method call ' . __METHOD__ . ' because the date id does not exist');
				else {
					return true;
			return true;
		else {
			return false;
Example #2
	final public function leave_date(BadmintonDate $badminton_date) {
		(BadmintonDate) -> Bool
		Attempts for the current user to leave the badminton date
		For now this is the notify absence function
		if ($this->user_id && $badminton_date->date_id) {
			if ($this->in_date($badminton_date)) {
				if (strtotime($badminton_date->begin_datetime) > time()) {
					if ($badminton_date->can_be_left()) {
						$sql = "UPDATE `joins` SET status = '" . self::LEFT_STATUS . "' WHERE date_id = '$badminton_date->date_id' AND user_id = '$this->user_id' LIMIT 1";
						$result = $this->dbc->query($sql)
						or die ($this->dbc->error);
						//echo $sql;	
						$action = new LeaveBadmintonDate(array(
							'leaver' => clone $this,
							'badminton_date' => $badminton_date)

						$affected_rows = $this->dbc->affected_rows;

						if ($affected_rows == 1) {
							//New row was inserted
							//Push the action

							//Push notifications to the group
						return true;
					else {
						return false;
				else {
					throw new OutOfBoundsException('OutOfBoundsException occured on method call leave_date, the date has already passed and cannot be left');
			else {
				throw new OutOfRangeException('OutOfRangeException occured on method call leave_date since the current user is not even in the badminton date');
		else {
			throw new UnexpectedValueException('UnexpectedValueException occured on request on method call leave_date, invalid parameters');