static function afterAdd(Group_Ticket $item) { global $DB; //Toolbox::logDebug(__METHOD__, $item); $config = PluginBehaviorsConfig::getInstance(); if ($config->getField('add_notif')) { if ($item->getField('type') == CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) { $ticket = new Ticket(); if ($ticket->getFromDB($item->getField('tickets_id'))) { NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('plugin_behaviors_ticketnewgrp', $ticket); } } } // Check is the connected user is a tech if (!is_numeric(Session::getLoginUserID(false)) || !Session::haveRight('own_ticket', 1)) { return false; // No check } $config = PluginBehaviorsConfig::getInstance(); if ($config->getField('single_tech_mode') != 0 && $item->input['type'] == CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) { $crit = array('tickets_id' => $item->input['tickets_id'], 'type' => CommonITILActor::ASSIGN); foreach ($DB->request('glpi_groups_tickets', $crit) as $data) { if ($data['id'] != $item->getID()) { $gu = new Group_Ticket(); $gu->delete($data); } } if ($config->getField('single_tech_mode') == 2) { foreach ($DB->request('glpi_tickets_users', $crit) as $data) { $gu = new Ticket_User(); $gu->delete($data); } } } }
static function afterUpdate(TicketSatisfaction $ticketsatisfaction) { $config = PluginBehaviorsConfig::getInstance(); $ticket = new Ticket(); if ($config->getField('add_notif') && $ticket->getFromDB($ticketsatisfaction->getField('tickets_id')) && $ticketsatisfaction->input["date_answered"]) { NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('plugin_behaviors_replysurvey', $ticket); } }
static function afterPurge(Document_Item $document_item) { $config = PluginBehaviorsConfig::getInstance(); if ($config->getField('add_notif') && $document_item->fields['itemtype'] == 'Ticket' && isset($_POST['item'])) { // prevent not use in case of purge ticket $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->getFromDB($document_item->fields['items_id']); NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('plugin_behaviors_document_itemdel', $ticket); } }
function post_deleteFromDB() { global $CFG_GLPI; $donotif = $CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]; if (isset($this->input["_no_notif"]) && $this->input["_no_notif"]) { $donotif = false; } $t = new Ticket(); if ($t->getFromDB($this->fields['tickets_id'])) { if ($t->fields["suppliers_id_assign"] == 0 && $t->countUsers(Ticket::ASSIGN) == 0 && $t->countGroups(Ticket::ASSIGN) == 0) { $t->update(array('id' => $this->fields['tickets_id'], 'status' => 'new')); } else { $t->updateDateMod($this->fields['tickets_id']); if ($donotif) { NotificationEvent::raiseEvent("update", $t); } } } parent::post_deleteFromDB(); }
/** * @param $output * @param $params **/ function executeActions($output, $params) { if (count($this->actions)) { foreach ($this->actions as $action) { switch ($action->fields["action_type"]) { case "send": $ticket = new Ticket(); if ($ticket->getFromDB($output['id'])) { NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('recall', $ticket); } break; case "add_validation": if (isset($output['_add_validation']) && !is_array($output['_add_validation'])) { $output['_add_validation'] = array($output['_add_validation']); } switch ($action->fields['field']) { case 'users_id_validate_requester_supervisor': $output['_add_validation'][] = 'requester_supervisor'; break; case 'users_id_validate_assign_supervisor': $output['_add_validation'][] = 'assign_supervisor'; break; case 'groups_id_validate': $output['_add_validation']['group'][] = $action->fields["value"]; break; case 'users_id_validate': $output['_add_validation'][] = $action->fields["value"]; break; case 'validation_percent': $output[$action->fields["field"]] = $action->fields["value"]; break; default: $output['_add_validation'][] = $action->fields["value"]; break; } break; case "assign": $output[$action->fields["field"]] = $action->fields["value"]; // Special case of users_id_requester if ($action->fields["field"] === '_users_id_requester') { // Add groups of requester if (!isset($output['_groups_id_of_requester'])) { $output['_groups_id_of_requester'] = array(); } foreach (Group_User::getUserGroups($action->fields["value"]) as $g) { $output['_groups_id_of_requester'][$g['id']] = $g['id']; } } break; case "append": $actions = $this->getActions(); $value = $action->fields["value"]; if (isset($actions[$action->fields["field"]]["appendtoarray"]) && isset($actions[$action->fields["field"]]["appendtoarrayfield"])) { $value = $actions[$action->fields["field"]]["appendtoarray"]; $value[$actions[$action->fields["field"]]["appendtoarrayfield"]] = $action->fields["value"]; } $output[$actions[$action->fields["field"]]["appendto"]][] = $value; // Special case of users_id_requester if ($action->fields["field"] === '_users_id_requester') { // Add groups of requester if (!isset($output['_groups_id_of_requester'])) { $output['_groups_id_of_requester'] = array(); } foreach (Group_User::getUserGroups($action->fields["value"]) as $g) { $output['_groups_id_of_requester'][$g['id']] = $g['id']; } } break; case 'fromuser': if ($action->fields['field'] == 'locations_id' && isset($output['users_locations'])) { $output['locations_id'] = $output['users_locations']; } break; case 'fromitem': if ($action->fields['field'] == 'locations_id' && isset($output['items_locations'])) { $output['locations_id'] = $output['items_locations']; } if ($action->fields['field'] == 'groups_id' && isset($output['items_groups'])) { $output['groups_id'] = $output['items_groups']; } break; case 'compute': // Value could be not set (from test) $urgency = isset($output['urgency']) ? $output['urgency'] : 3; $impact = isset($output['impact']) ? $output['impact'] : 3; // Apply priority_matrix from config $output['priority'] = Ticket::computePriority($urgency, $impact); break; case "affectbyip": case "affectbyfqdn": case "affectbymac": if (!isset($output["entities_id"])) { $output["entities_id"] = $params["entities_id"]; } if (isset($this->regex_results[0])) { $regexvalue = RuleAction::getRegexResultById($action->fields["value"], $this->regex_results[0]); } else { $regexvalue = $action->fields["value"]; } switch ($action->fields["action_type"]) { case "affectbyip": $result = IPAddress::getUniqueItemByIPAddress($regexvalue, $output["entities_id"]); break; case "affectbyfqdn": $result = FQDNLabel::getUniqueItemByFQDN($regexvalue, $output["entities_id"]); break; case "affectbymac": $result = NetworkPortInstantiation::getUniqueItemByMac($regexvalue, $output["entities_id"]); break; default: $result = array(); } if (!empty($result)) { $output["items_id"][$result["itemtype"]][] = $result["id"]; } break; } } } return $output; }
function post_addItem() { global $CFG_GLPI; parent::post_addItem(); if (isset($this->input['_tickets_id'])) { $ticket = new Ticket(); if ($ticket->getFromDB($this->input['_tickets_id'])) { $pt = new Change_Ticket(); $pt->add(array('tickets_id' => $this->input['_tickets_id'], 'changes_id' => $this->fields['id'])); if (!empty($ticket->fields['itemtype']) && $ticket->fields['items_id'] > 0) { $it = new Change_Item(); $it->add(array('changes_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'itemtype' => $ticket->fields['itemtype'], 'items_id' => $ticket->fields['items_id'])); } } } if (isset($this->input['_problems_id'])) { $problem = new Problem(); if ($problem->getFromDB($this->input['_problems_id'])) { $cp = new Change_Problem(); $cp->add(array('problems_id' => $this->input['_problems_id'], 'changes_id' => $this->fields['id'])); } } // Processing Email if ($CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]) { // Clean reload of the change $this->getFromDB($this->fields['id']); $type = "new"; if (isset($this->fields["status"]) && in_array($this->input["status"], $this->getSolvedStatusArray())) { $type = "solved"; } NotificationEvent::raiseEvent($type, $this); } }
/** * Display debug information for current object **/ function showDebug() { $license = array('softname' => '', 'name' => '', 'serial' => '', 'expire' => ''); $options['entities_id'] = $this->getEntityID(); $options['licenses'] = array($license); NotificationEvent::debugEvent($this, $options); }
function post_updateItem($history = 1) { global $CFG_GLPI; $job = new Ticket(); $donotif = $CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]; if (isset($this->input['_disablenotif'])) { $donotif = false; } if ($job->getFromDB($this->fields["tickets_id"])) { if (count($this->updates) && $donotif) { $options = array('validation_id' => $this->fields["id"], 'validation_status' => $this->fields["status"]); NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('validation_answer', $job, $options); } // Set global validation to accepted to define one if ($job->fields['global_validation'] == 'waiting' || self::getNumberValidationForTicket($this->fields["tickets_id"]) == 1 || self::isAllValidationsHaveSameStatusForTicket($this->fields["tickets_id"])) { $input['id'] = $this->fields["tickets_id"]; $input['global_validation'] = $this->fields["status"]; $job->update($input); } } parent::post_updateItem($history); }
/** * Cron process to check DB replicate state * * @param $task to log and get param **/ static function cronCheckDBreplicate($task) { global $DB; //Lauch cron only is : // 1 the master database is avalaible // 2 the slave database is configurated if (!$DB->isSlave() && self::isDBSlaveActive()) { $DBslave = self::getDBSlaveConf(); if (is_array($DBslave->dbhost)) { $hosts = $DBslave->dbhost; } else { $hosts = array($DBslave->dbhost); } foreach ($hosts as $num => $name) { $diff = self::getReplicateDelay($num); // Quite strange, but allow simple stat $task->addVolume($diff); if ($diff > 1000000000) { // very large means slave is disconnect $task->log(sprintf(__s("Mysql server: %s can't connect to the database"), $name)); } else { //TRANS: %1$s is the server name, %2$s is the time $task->log(sprintf(__('Mysql server: %1$s, difference between master and slave: %2$s'), $name, Html::timestampToString($diff, true))); } if ($diff > $task->fields['param'] * 60) { //Raise event if replicate is not synchronized $options = array('diff' => $diff, 'name' => $name, 'entities_id' => 0); // entity to avoid warning in getReplyTo NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('desynchronization', new self(), $options); } } return 1; } return 0; }
/** * Display debug information for current object **/ function showDebug() { $options['entities_id'] = $this->getEntityID(); $options['contracts'] = array(); NotificationEvent::debugEvent($this, $options); }
static function cronAdditionalalertsNewOcs($task = NULL) { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; if (!$CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]) { return 0; } $CronTask = new CronTask(); if ($CronTask->getFromDBbyName("PluginAdditionalalertsOcsAlert", "AdditionalalertsNewOcs")) { if ($CronTask->fields["state"] == CronTask::STATE_DISABLE) { return 0; } } else { return 0; } $message = array(); $cron_status = 0; foreach (self::getEntitiesToNotify('use_newocs_alert') as $entity => $repeat) { foreach ($DB->request("glpi_plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers", "`is_active` = 1") as $config) { $query_newocsmachine = self::queryNew($config, $entity); $newocsmachine_infos = array(); $newocsmachine_messages = array(); $type = Alert::END; $newocsmachine_infos[$type] = array(); foreach ($DB->request($query_newocsmachine) as $data) { $entity = $data['entities_id']; $message = $data["name"]; $newocsmachine_infos[$type][$entity][] = $data; if (!isset($newocsmachines_infos[$type][$entity])) { $newocsmachine_messages[$type][$entity] = __('New imported computers from OCS-NG', 'additionalalerts') . "<br />"; } $newocsmachine_messages[$type][$entity] .= $message; } $delay_ocs = 0; foreach ($newocsmachine_infos[$type] as $entity => $newocsmachines) { Plugin::loadLang('additionalalerts'); if (NotificationEvent::raiseEvent("newocs", new PluginAdditionalalertsOcsAlert(), array('entities_id' => $entity, 'ocsmachines' => $newocsmachines, 'delay_ocs' => $delay_ocs))) { $message = $newocsmachine_messages[$type][$entity]; $cron_status = 1; if ($task) { $task->log(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . ": {$message}\n"); $task->addVolume(1); } else { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . ": {$message}"); } } else { if ($task) { $task->log(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . ": Send newocsmachines alert failed\n"); } else { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . ": Send newocsmachines alert failed", false, ERROR); } } } } } return $cron_status; }
function post_addItem() { global $CFG_GLPI; parent::post_addItem(); if (isset($this->input['_tickets_id'])) { $ticket = new Ticket(); if ($ticket->getFromDB($this->input['_tickets_id'])) { $pt = new Problem_Ticket(); $pt->add(array('tickets_id' => $this->input['_tickets_id'], 'problems_id' => $this->fields['id'], '_no_notif' => true)); if (!empty($ticket->fields['itemtype']) && $ticket->fields['items_id'] > 0) { $it = new Item_Problem(); $it->add(array('problems_id' => $this->fields['id'], 'itemtype' => $ticket->fields['itemtype'], 'items_id' => $ticket->fields['items_id'], '_no_notif' => true)); } } } // Processing Email if ($CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]) { // Clean reload of the problem $this->getFromDB($this->fields['id']); $type = "new"; if (isset($this->fields["status"]) && $this->fields["status"] == self::SOLVED) { $type = "solved"; } NotificationEvent::raiseEvent($type, $this); } }
function post_addItem() { global $CFG_GLPI; if ($CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]) { NotificationEvent::raiseEvent("new", $this); } parent::post_addItem(); }
/** * Display debug information for current object **/ function showDebug() { $params = array('message' => '', 'action_type' => true, 'action_user' => getUserName(Session::getLoginUserID()), 'entities_id' => $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'], 'itemtype' => get_class($this), 'date' => $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime'], 'refuse' => true); NotificationEvent::debugEvent($this, $params); }
function post_addItem() { global $CFG_GLPI; if (isset($this->input['_planningrecall'])) { $this->input['_planningrecall']['items_id'] = $this->fields['id']; PlanningRecall::manageDatas($this->input['_planningrecall']); } $donotif = $CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]; if (isset($this->fields["begin"]) && !empty($this->fields["begin"])) { Planning::checkAlreadyPlanned($this->fields["users_id_tech"], $this->fields["begin"], $this->fields["end"], array($this->getType() => array($this->fields["id"]))); $calendars_id = Entity::getUsedConfig('calendars_id', $this->input["_job"]->fields['entities_id']); $calendar = new Calendar(); // Using calendar if ($calendars_id > 0 && $calendar->getFromDB($calendars_id)) { if (!$calendar->isAWorkingHour(strtotime($this->fields["begin"]))) { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__('Start of the selected timeframe is not a working hour.'), false, ERROR); } if (!$calendar->isAWorkingHour(strtotime($this->fields["end"]))) { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__('End of the selected timeframe is not a working hour.'), false, ERROR); } } } $this->input["_job"]->updateDateMod($this->input[$this->input["_job"]->getForeignKeyField()]); if (isset($this->input["actiontime"]) && $this->input["actiontime"] > 0) { $this->input["_job"]->updateActionTime($this->input[$this->input["_job"]->getForeignKeyField()]); } //change status only if input change if (isset($this->input['_status']) && $this->input['_status'] != $this->input['_job']->fields['status']) { $update['status'] = $this->input['_status']; $update['id'] = $this->input['_job']->fields['id']; $update['_disablenotif'] = true; $this->input['_job']->update($update); } if (!empty($this->fields['begin']) && $this->input["_job"]->isStatusExists(CommonITILObject::PLANNED) && ($this->input["_job"]->fields["status"] == CommonITILObject::INCOMING || $this->input["_job"]->fields["status"] == CommonITILObject::ASSIGNED)) { $input2['id'] = $this->input["_job"]->getID(); $input2['status'] = CommonITILObject::PLANNED; $input2['_disablenotif'] = true; $this->input["_job"]->update($input2); } if ($donotif) { $options = array('task_id' => $this->fields["id"], 'is_private' => $this->isPrivate()); NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('add_task', $this->input["_job"], $options); } // Add log entry in the ITIL object $changes[0] = 0; $changes[1] = ''; $changes[2] = $this->fields['id']; Log::history($this->getField($this->input["_job"]->getForeignKeyField()), $this->input["_job"]->getTYpe(), $changes, $this->getType(), Log::HISTORY_ADD_SUBITEM); }
/** * Check zombie crontask * * @param $task for log **/ static function cronWatcher($task) { global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; $cron_status = 0; // Crontasks running for more than 1 hour or 2 frequency $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_crontasks`\n WHERE `state` = '" . self::STATE_RUNNING . "'\n AND ((unix_timestamp(`lastrun`) + 2 * `frequency` < unix_timestamp(now()))\n OR (unix_timestamp(`lastrun`) + 2*" . HOUR_TIMESTAMP . " < unix_timestamp(now())))"; $crontasks = array(); foreach ($DB->request($query) as $data) { $crontasks[$data['id']] = $data; } if (count($crontasks)) { $task = new self(); $task->getFromDBByQuery("WHERE `itemtype` = 'Crontask' AND `name` = 'watcher'"); if (NotificationEvent::raiseEvent("alert", $task, array('items' => $crontasks))) { $cron_status = 1; $task->addVolume(1); } QueuedMail::forceSendFor($task->getType(), $task->fields['id']); } return 1; }
/** * Display debug information for current object **/ function showDebug() { NotificationEvent::debugEvent($this); }
/** * Display debug information for current object * NotificationTemplateTranslation => translation preview * * @since version 0.84 **/ function showDebug() { $template = new NotificationTemplate(); if (!$template->getFromDB($this->fields['notificationtemplates_id'])) { return; } $itemtype = $template->getField('itemtype'); if (!($item = getItemForItemtype($itemtype))) { return; } echo "<div class='spaced'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>"; echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . __('Preview') . "</th></tr>"; $oktypes = array('CartridgeItem', 'Change', 'ConsumableItem', 'Contract', 'Crontask', 'Problem', 'Project', 'Ticket', 'User'); if (!in_array($itemtype, $oktypes)) { // this itemtype doesn't work, need to be fixed echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2 center'><td>" . NOT_AVAILABLE . "</td>"; echo "</table></div>"; return; } // Criteria Form $key = getForeignKeyFieldForItemType($item->getType()); $id = Session::getSavedOption(__CLASS__, $key, 0); $event = Session::getSavedOption(__CLASS__, $key . '_event', ''); echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td>" . $item->getTypeName(1) . " "; $item->dropdown(array('value' => $id, 'on_change' => 'reloadTab("' . $key . '="+this.value)')); echo "</td><td>" . NotificationEvent::getTypeName(1) . " "; NotificationEvent::dropdownEvents($item->getType(), array('value' => $event, 'on_change' => 'reloadTab("' . $key . '_event="+this.value)')); echo "</td>"; // Preview if ($event && $item->getFromDB($id)) { $options = array('_debug' => true); // TODO Awfull Hack waiting for $multi = array('alert', 'alertnotclosed', 'end', 'notice', 'periodicity', 'periodicitynotice'); if (in_array($event, $multi)) { // Won't work for Cardridge and Consumable $options['entities_id'] = $item->getEntityID(); $options['items'] = array($item->getID() => $item->fields); } $target = NotificationTarget::getInstance($item, $event, $options); $infos = array('language' => $_SESSION['glpilanguage'], 'additionnaloption' => array('usertype' => NotificationTarget::GLPI_USER)); $template->resetComputedTemplates(); $template->setSignature(Notification::getMailingSignature($_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'])); if ($tid = $template->getTemplateByLanguage($target, $infos, $event, $options)) { $data = $template->templates_by_languages[$tid]; echo "<tr><th colspan='2'>" . __('Subject') . "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2 b'><td colspan='2'>" . $data['subject'] . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><th>" . __('Email text body') . "</th>"; echo "<th>" . __('Email HTML body') . "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><td>" . nl2br($data['content_text']) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $data['content_html'] . "</td></tr>"; } } echo "</table></div>"; }
/** * Send Alarms on mailgate errors * * @since version 0.85 * * @param $task for log **/ static function cronMailgateError($task) { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; if (!$CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]) { return 0; } $cron_status = 0; $query = "SELECT `glpi_mailcollectors`.*\n FROM `glpi_mailcollectors`\n WHERE `glpi_mailcollectors`.`errors` > 0\n AND `glpi_mailcollectors`.`is_active`"; $items = array(); foreach ($DB->request($query) as $data) { $items[$data['id']] = $data; } if (count($items)) { if (NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('error', new self(), array('items' => $items))) { $cron_status = 1; if ($task) { $task->setVolume(count($items)); } } } return $cron_status; }
/** * @return int */ static function sendAlert() { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; if (!$CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]) { return 0; } $items_infos = array(); $query = "SELECT `glpi_plugin_ocsinventoryng_notimportedcomputers`.*\n FROM `glpi_plugin_ocsinventoryng_notimportedcomputers`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_alerts`\n ON (`glpi_plugin_ocsinventoryng_notimportedcomputers`.`id` = `glpi_alerts`.`items_id`\n AND `glpi_alerts`.`itemtype` = 'PluginOcsinventoryngNotimportedcomputer'\n AND `glpi_alerts`.`type` = '" . Alert::END . "')\n WHERE `glpi_alerts`.`date` IS NULL"; foreach ($DB->request($query) as $notimported) { $items_infos[$notimported['entities_id']][$notimported['id']] = $notimported; } foreach ($items_infos as $entity => $items) { if (NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('not_imported', new PluginOcsinventoryngNotimportedcomputer(), array('entities_id' => $entity, 'notimported' => $items))) { $alert = new Alert(); $input["itemtype"] = 'PluginOcsinventoryngNotimportedcomputer'; $input["type"] = Alert::END; foreach ($items as $id => $item) { $input["items_id"] = $id; $alert->add($input); unset($alert->fields['id']); } } else { Toolbox::logDebug(__('%1$s: %2$s') . "\n", Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity), __('Send OCSNG not imported computers alert failed', 'ocsinventoryng')); } } }
/** * Cron action on tasks : ExpiredTasks * * @param $task for log, if NULL display * **/ static function cronResourcesTask($task = NULL) { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; if (!$CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]) { return 0; } $message = array(); $cron_status = 0; $resourcetask = new self(); $query_expired = $resourcetask->queryAlert(); $querys = array(Alert::END => $query_expired); $task_infos = array(); $task_messages = array(); foreach ($querys as $type => $query) { $task_infos[$type] = array(); foreach ($DB->request($query) as $data) { $entity = $data['entities_id']; $message = $data["name"] . ": " . Html::convDate($data["date_end"]) . "<br>\n"; $task_infos[$type][$entity][] = $data; if (!isset($tasks_infos[$type][$entity])) { $task_messages[$type][$entity] = __('Not finished tasks', 'resources') . "<br />"; } $task_messages[$type][$entity] .= $message; } } foreach ($querys as $type => $query) { foreach ($task_infos[$type] as $entity => $tasks) { Plugin::loadLang('resources'); if (NotificationEvent::raiseEvent("AlertExpiredTasks", new PluginResourcesResource(), array('entities_id' => $entity, 'tasks' => $tasks))) { $message = $task_messages[$type][$entity]; $cron_status = 1; if ($task) { $task->log(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . ": {$message}\n"); $task->addVolume(1); } else { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . ": {$message}"); } } else { if ($task) { $task->log(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . ": Send tasks alert failed\n"); } else { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . ": Send tasks alert failed", false, ERROR); } } } } return $cron_status; }
/** * Display debug information for dbslave **/ function showDebug() { $options['diff'] = 0; $options['name'] = ''; NotificationEvent::debugEvent(new DBConnection(), $options); }
function post_addItem() { global $CFG_GLPI; $donotif = $CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]; // if (isset($this->input["_no_notif"]) && $this->input["_no_notif"]) { // $donotif = false; // } $this->input["_job"]->updateDateMod($this->input["tickets_id"], false, $this->input["users_id"]); if (isset($this->input["_close"]) && $this->input["_close"] && $this->input["_job"]->fields["status"] == CommonITILObject::SOLVED) { $update['id'] = $this->input["_job"]->fields['id']; $update['status'] = CommonITILObject::CLOSED; $update['closedate'] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"]; // Use update method for history $this->input["_job"]->update($update); $donotif = false; // Done for ticket update (new status) } if (isset($this->input["_reopen"]) && $this->input["_reopen"] && in_array($this->input["_job"]->fields["status"], array(CommonITILObject::CLOSED, CommonITILObject::SOLVED, CommonITILObject::WAITING))) { if ($this->input["_job"]->countUsers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) > 0 || $this->input["_job"]->countGroups(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) > 0 || $this->input["_job"]->countSuppliers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) > 0) { $update['status'] = CommonITILObject::ASSIGNED; } else { $update['status'] = CommonITILObject::INCOMING; } $update['id'] = $this->input["_job"]->fields['id']; // Use update method for history $this->input["_job"]->update($update); $donotif = false; // Done for ticket update (new status) } if ($donotif) { $options = array('followup_id' => $this->fields["id"], 'is_private' => $this->fields['is_private']); NotificationEvent::raiseEvent("add_followup", $this->input["_job"], $options); } // Add log entry in the ticket $changes[0] = 0; $changes[1] = ''; $changes[2] = $this->fields['id']; Log::history($this->getField('tickets_id'), 'Ticket', $changes, $this->getType(), Log::HISTORY_ADD_SUBITEM); }
public static function cronComputeLateOrders($task) { global $CFG_GLPI, $DB; $nblate = 0; $table = getTableForItemType(__CLASS__); foreach (getAllDatasFromTable($table, "`is_template`='0'") as $values) { $order = new self(); $order->fields = $values; if (!$order->fields['is_late'] && $order->shouldBeAlreadyDelivered(true)) { $order->setIsLate(); $nblate++; } } $task->addVolume($nblate); $cron_status = 1; if ($CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]) { $message = __("Order is late", "order"); $alert = new Alert(); $config = PluginOrderConfig::getConfig(); $entities[] = 0; foreach ($DB->request("SELECT `id` FROM `glpi_entities` ORDER BY `id` ASC") as $entity) { $entities[] = $entity['id']; } foreach ($entities as $entity) { $query_alert = "SELECT `{$table}`.`id` AS id,\n `{$table}`.`name` AS name,\n `{$table}`.`num_order` AS num_order,\n `{$table}`.`order_date` AS order_date,\n `{$table}`.`duedate` AS duedate,\n `{$table}`.`deliverydate` AS deliverydate,\n `{$table}`.`comment` AS comment,\n `{$table}`.`plugin_order_orderstates_id` AS plugin_order_orderstates_id,\n `glpi_alerts`.`id` AS alertID,\n `glpi_alerts`.`date`\n FROM `{$table}`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_alerts`\n ON (`{$table}`.`id` = `glpi_alerts`.`items_id`\n AND `glpi_alerts`.`itemtype` = '" . __CLASS__ . "')\n WHERE `{$table}`.`entities_id` = '" . $entity . "'\n AND (`glpi_alerts`.`date` IS NULL) AND `{$table}`.`is_late`='1'\n AND `plugin_order_orderstates_id`!='" . $config->getDeliveredState() . "';"; $orders = array(); foreach ($DB->request($query_alert) as $order) { $orders[$order['id']] = $order; } if (!empty($orders)) { $options['entities_id'] = $entity; $options['orders'] = $orders; if (NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('duedate', new PluginOrderOrder(), $options)) { if ($task) { $task->log(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . " : {$message}\n"); $task->addVolume(1); } else { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . " : {$message}"); } $input["type"] = Alert::THRESHOLD; $input["itemtype"] = 'PluginOrderOrder'; // add alerts foreach ($orders as $ID => $tmp) { $input["items_id"] = $ID; $alert->add($input); unset($alert->fields['id']); } } else { if ($task) { $task->log(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . " : Send order alert failed\n"); } else { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities", $entity) . " : Send order alert failed", false, ERROR); } } } } } return true; }
/** * Actions done after the PURGE of the item in the database * Delete answers * * @return nothing **/ public function post_purgeItem() { $table = getTableForItemType('PluginFormcreatorAnswer'); $query = "DELETE FROM `{$table}` WHERE `plugin_formcreator_formanwers_id` = {$this->getID()};"; $GLOBALS['DB']->query($query); // If the form was waiting for validation if ($this->fields['status'] == 'waiting') { // Notify the requester NotificationEvent::raiseEvent('plugin_formcreator_deleted', $this); } }
function pre_deleteItem() { global $CFG_GLPI; if ($CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]) { NotificationEvent::raiseEvent("delete", $this); } return true; }
/** * Display debug information for current object **/ function showDebug() { NotificationEvent::debugEvent($this); $this->showLdapDebug(); }
/** * Display debug information for infocom of current object **/ function showDebug() { $item = array('item_name' => '', 'warrantyexpiration' => '', 'itemtype' => $this->fields['itemtype'], 'items_id' => $this->fields['items_id']); $options['entities_id'] = $this->getEntityID(); $options['items'] = array($item); NotificationEvent::debugEvent($this, $options); }
/** * Display debug information for reservation of current object **/ function showDebugResa() { $resa = new Reservation(); $resa->fields['id'] = '1'; $resa->fields['reservationitems_id'] = $this->getField('id'); $resa->fields['begin'] = $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime']; $resa->fields['end'] = $_SESSION['glpi_currenttime']; $resa->fields['users_id'] = Session::getLoginUserID(); $resa->fields['comment'] = ''; NotificationEvent::debugEvent($resa); }
function post_deleteFromDB() { global $CFG_GLPI; $donotif = $CFG_GLPI["use_mailing"]; // if (isset($this->input["_no_notif"]) && $this->input["_no_notif"]) { // $donotif = false; // } $item = $this->getConnexityItem(static::$itemtype_1, static::getItilObjectForeignKey()); if ($item instanceof CommonDBTM) { if ($item->countSuppliers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) == 0 && $item->countUsers(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) == 0 && $item->countGroups(CommonITILActor::ASSIGN) == 0 && $item->fields['status'] != CommonITILObject::CLOSED && $item->fields['status'] != CommonITILObject::SOLVED) { $status = CommonITILObject::INCOMING; if (in_array($item->fields['status'], Change::getNewStatusArray())) { $status = $item->fields['status']; } $item->update(array('id' => $this->fields[static::getItilObjectForeignKey()], 'status' => $status)); } else { $item->updateDateMod($this->fields[static::getItilObjectForeignKey()]); if ($donotif) { $options = array(); if (isset($this->fields['users_id'])) { $options = array('_old_user' => $this->fields); } NotificationEvent::raiseEvent("update", $item, $options); } } } parent::post_deleteFromDB(); }