function getTags() { $notice_tag = new Notice_tag(); $query = 'select tag,count(tag) as weight from notice_tag join file_to_post on (notice_tag.notice_id=post_id) join notice on notice_id = where file_id=' . $notice_tag->escape($this->out->attachment->id) . ' group by tag order by weight desc'; $notice_tag->query($query); return $notice_tag; }
function getTags() { $profile = Profile::current(); $keypart = sprintf('Inbox:notice_tag:%d:%d', $this->user->id, $profile->id); $tag = Memcached_DataObject::cacheGet($keypart); if ($tag === false) { $stream = new InboxNoticeStream($this->user, $profile); $ids = $stream->getNoticeIds(0, Inbox::MAX_NOTICES, null, null); if (empty($ids)) { $tag = array(); } else { $weightexpr = common_sql_weight('notice_tag.created', common_config('tag', 'dropoff')); // @fixme should we use the cutoff too? Doesn't help with indexing per-user. $qry = 'SELECT notice_tag.tag, ' . $weightexpr . ' as weight ' . 'FROM notice_tag JOIN notice ' . 'ON notice_tag.notice_id = ' . 'WHERE in (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')' . 'GROUP BY notice_tag.tag ' . 'ORDER BY weight DESC '; $limit = TAGS_PER_SECTION; $offset = 0; if (common_config('db', 'type') == 'pgsql') { $qry .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit . ' OFFSET ' . $offset; } else { $qry .= ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ', ' . $limit; } $t = new Notice_tag(); $t->query($qry); $tag = array(); while ($t->fetch()) { $tag[] = clone $t; } } Memcached_DataObject::cacheSet($keypart, $tag, 3600); } return new ArrayWrapper($tag); }
function getTags($lst, $usr) { $profile_tag = new Notice_tag(); $profile_tag->query('SELECT DISTINCT(tag) ' . 'FROM profile_tag, subscription ' . 'WHERE tagger = ' . $this->target->id . ' ' . 'AND ' . $usr . ' = ' . $this->target->id . ' ' . 'AND ' . $lst . ' = tagged ' . 'AND tagger != tagged'); $tags = array(); while ($profile_tag->fetch()) { $tags[] = $profile_tag->tag; } $profile_tag->free(); return $tags; }