Example #1
 * broadcast a notice to all subscribers with SMS notification on
 * This function sends SMS messages to all users who have sms addresses;
 * have sms notification on; and have sms enabled for this particular
 * subscription.
 * @param Notice $notice The notice to broadcast
 * @return success flag
function mail_broadcast_notice_sms($notice)
    // Now, get users subscribed to this profile
    $user = new User();
    $UT = common_config('db', 'type') == 'pgsql' ? '"user"' : 'user';
    $replies = $notice->getReplies();
    $user->query('SELECT nickname, smsemail, incomingemail ' . "FROM {$UT} LEFT OUTER JOIN subscription " . "ON {$UT}.id = subscription.subscriber " . 'AND subscription.subscribed = ' . $notice->profile_id . ' ' . 'AND subscription.subscribed != subscription.subscriber ' . "WHERE {$UT}.id != " . $notice->profile_id . ' ' . "AND {$UT}.smsemail IS NOT null " . "AND {$UT}.smsnotify = 1 " . 'AND (subscription.sms = 1 ' . ($replies ? sprintf("OR {$UT}.id in (%s)", implode(',', $replies)) : '') . ')');
    while ($user->fetch()) {
        common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Sending notice ' . $notice->id . ' to ' . $user->smsemail, __FILE__);
        $success = mail_send_sms_notice_address($notice, $user->smsemail, $user->incomingemail, $user->nickname);
        if (!$success) {
            // XXX: Not sure, but I think that's the right thing to do
            common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'Sending notice ' . $notice->id . ' to ' . $user->smsemail . ' FAILED, cancelling.', __FILE__);
            return false;
    return true;
Example #2
 * Find @-mentions in the given text, using the given notice object as context.
 * References will be resolved with common_relative_profile() against the user
 * who posted the notice.
 * Note the return data format is internal, to be used for building links and
 * such. Should not be used directly; rather, call common_linkify_mentions().
 * @param string    $text
 * @param Profile   $sender the Profile that is sending the current text
 * @param Notice    $parent the Notice this text is in reply to, if any
 * @return array
 * @access private
function common_find_mentions($text, Profile $sender, Notice $parent = null)
    $mentions = array();
    if (Event::handle('StartFindMentions', array($sender, $text, &$mentions))) {
        // Get the context of the original notice, if any
        $origMentions = array();
        // Does it have a parent notice for context?
        if ($parent instanceof Notice) {
            $ids = $parent->getReplies();
            // replied-to _profile ids_
            foreach ($ids as $id) {
                try {
                    $repliedTo = Profile::getByID($id);
                    $origMentions[$repliedTo->getNickname()] = $repliedTo;
                } catch (NoResultException $e) {
                    // continue foreach
        $matches = common_find_mentions_raw($text);
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            try {
                $nickname = Nickname::normalize($match[0]);
            } catch (NicknameException $e) {
                // Bogus match? Drop it.
            // Try to get a profile for this nickname.
            // Start with conversation context, then go to
            // sender context.
            if ($parent instanceof Notice && $parent->getProfile()->getNickname() === $nickname) {
                $mentioned = $parent->getProfile();
            } else {
                if (!empty($origMentions) && array_key_exists($nickname, $origMentions)) {
                    $mentioned = $origMentions[$nickname];
                } else {
                    // sets to null if no match
                    $mentioned = common_relative_profile($sender, $nickname);
            if ($mentioned instanceof Profile) {
                $user = User::getKV('id', $mentioned->id);
                try {
                    $url = $mentioned->getUrl();
                } catch (InvalidUrlException $e) {
                    $url = common_local_url('userbyid', array('id' => $mentioned->getID()));
                $mention = array('mentioned' => array($mentioned), 'type' => 'mention', 'text' => $match[0], 'position' => $match[1], 'length' => mb_strlen($match[0]), 'title' => $mentioned->getFullname(), 'url' => $url);
                $mentions[] = $mention;
        // @#tag => mention of all subscriptions tagged 'tag'
        preg_match_all('/(?:^|[\\s\\.\\,\\:\\;]+)@#([\\pL\\pN_\\-\\.]{1,64})/', $text, $hmatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
        foreach ($hmatches[1] as $hmatch) {
            $tag = common_canonical_tag($hmatch[0]);
            $plist = Profile_list::getByTaggerAndTag($sender->getID(), $tag);
            if (!$plist instanceof Profile_list || $plist->private) {
            $tagged = $sender->getTaggedSubscribers($tag);
            $url = common_local_url('showprofiletag', array('nickname' => $sender->getNickname(), 'tag' => $tag));
            $mentions[] = array('mentioned' => $tagged, 'type' => 'list', 'text' => $hmatch[0], 'position' => $hmatch[1], 'length' => mb_strlen($hmatch[0]), 'url' => $url);
        preg_match_all('/(?:^|[\\s\\.\\,\\:\\;]+)!(' . Nickname::DISPLAY_FMT . ')/', $text, $hmatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
        foreach ($hmatches[1] as $hmatch) {
            $nickname = Nickname::normalize($hmatch[0]);
            $group = User_group::getForNickname($nickname, $sender);
            if (!$group instanceof User_group || !$sender->isMember($group)) {
            $profile = $group->getProfile();
            $mentions[] = array('mentioned' => array($profile), 'type' => 'group', 'text' => $hmatch[0], 'position' => $hmatch[1], 'length' => mb_strlen($hmatch[0]), 'url' => $group->permalink(), 'title' => $group->getFancyName());
        Event::handle('EndFindMentions', array($sender, $text, &$mentions));
    return $mentions;
Example #3
 function canRead(Notice $notice)
     if ($notice->scope & Notice::SITE_SCOPE) {
         $user = $this->getUser();
         if (empty($user)) {
             return false;
     if ($notice->scope & Notice::ADDRESSEE_SCOPE) {
         $replies = $notice->getReplies();
         if (!in_array($this->id, $replies)) {
             $groups = $notice->getGroups();
             $foundOne = false;
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 if ($this->isMember($group)) {
                     $foundOne = true;
             if (!$foundOne) {
                 return false;
     if ($notice->scope & Notice::FOLLOWER_SCOPE) {
         $author = $notice->getProfile();
         if (!Subscription::exists($this, $author)) {
             return false;
     return true;