Example #1
  * Tests that existing accounts can be synced from Nosto.
  * Accounts are synced using OAuth2 Authorization Code method.
  * We are only testing that we can start and act on the steps in the OAuth request cycle.
 public function testSyncingExistingAccount()
     $meta = new NostoOAuthClientMetaData();
     $client = new NostoOAuthClient($meta);
     $this->specify('oauth authorize url can be created', function () use($client) {
         $this->assertEquals('http://localhost:3000?client_id=client-id&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fmy.shop.com%2Fnosto%2Foauth&response_type=code&scope=sso products&lang=en', $client->getAuthorizationUrl());
     $account = NostoAccount::syncFromNosto($meta, 'test123');
     $this->specify('account was created', function () use($account, $meta) {
         $this->assertInstanceOf('NostoAccount', $account);
         $this->assertEquals('platform-00000000', $account->getName());
     $this->specify('account has api token sso', function () use($account, $meta) {
         $token = $account->getApiToken('sso');
         $this->assertInstanceOf('NostoApiToken', $token);
         $this->assertEquals('sso', $token->getName());
     $this->specify('account has api token products', function () use($account, $meta) {
         $token = $account->getApiToken('products');
         $this->assertInstanceOf('NostoApiToken', $token);
         $this->assertEquals('products', $token->getName());
     $this->specify('account is connected to nosto', function () use($account, $meta) {
  * Handles the redirect from Nosto oauth2 authorization server when an
  * existing account is connected to a store.
  * This is handled in the front end as the oauth2 server validates the
  * "return_url" sent in the first step of the authorization cycle, and
  * requires it to be from the same domain that the account is configured
  * for and only redirects to that domain.
 public function indexAction()
     // If the "Add Store Code to Urls" setting is set to "No" under
     // System -> Configuration -> Web -> Url Options, then Magento won't
     // set the store context based on the "___store" GET parameter if the
     // store does NOT belong to the default website. When this setting is
     // "Yes", then the store code will be a part of the url path and then
     // the correct context is set by Magento, regardless of the website the
     // store belongs to.
     // If the "___store" parameter is present in the url in the current
     // store context is not that store, then switch the store context.
     if (($storeCode = $this->getRequest()->getParam('___store')) !== null) {
         $store = Mage::app()->getStore($storeCode);
         if ($store && $store->getId() !== Mage::app()->getStore()->getId()) {
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $store = Mage::app()->getStore();
     if (($code = $request->getParam('code')) !== null) {
         try {
             /** @var Nosto_Tagging_Helper_Oauth $oauthHelper */
             $oauthHelper = Mage::helper('nosto_tagging/oauth');
             $account = NostoAccount::syncFromNosto($oauthHelper->getMetaData($store), $code);
             /** @var Nosto_Tagging_Helper_Account $accountHelper */
             $accountHelper = Mage::helper('nosto_tagging/account');
             if ($accountHelper->save($account, $store)) {
                 $params = array('message_type' => NostoMessage::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'message_code' => NostoMessage::CODE_ACCOUNT_CONNECT, 'store' => (int) $store->getId(), '_store' => Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID);
             } else {
                 throw new NostoException('Failed to connect account');
         } catch (NostoException $e) {
             Mage::log("\n" . $e->__toString(), Zend_Log::ERR, Nosto_Tagging_Model_Base::LOG_FILE_NAME);
             $params = array('message_type' => NostoMessage::TYPE_ERROR, 'message_code' => NostoMessage::CODE_ACCOUNT_CONNECT, 'store' => (int) $store->getId(), '_store' => Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID);
         $this->_redirect('adminhtml/nosto/redirectProxy', $params);
     } elseif (($error = $request->getParam('error')) !== null) {
         $logMsg = $error;
         if (($reason = $request->getParam('error_reason')) !== null) {
             $logMsg .= ' - ' . $reason;
         if (($desc = $request->getParam('error_description')) !== null) {
             $logMsg .= ' - ' . $desc;
         Mage::log("\n" . $logMsg, Zend_Log::ERR, Nosto_Tagging_Model_Base::LOG_FILE_NAME);
         $this->_redirect('adminhtml/nosto/redirectProxy', array('message_type' => NostoMessage::TYPE_ERROR, 'message_code' => NostoMessage::CODE_ACCOUNT_CONNECT, 'message_text' => $desc, 'store' => (int) $store->getId(), '_store' => Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID));
     } else {
Example #3
  * @inheritdoc
 public function initContent()
     $id_lang = (int) Tools::getValue('language_id', $this->module->getContext()->language->id);
     if (($code = Tools::getValue('code')) !== false) {
         // The user accepted the authorization request.
         // The authorization server responded with a code that can be used to exchange for the access token.
         try {
             $meta = new NostoTaggingMetaOauth();
             $meta->loadData($this->module->getContext(), $id_lang);
             $account = NostoAccount::syncFromNosto($meta, $code);
             if (!Nosto::helper('nosto_tagging/account')->save($account, $id_lang)) {
                 throw new NostoException('Failed to save account.');
             $msg = $this->module->l('Account %s successfully connected to Nosto.', 'oauth2');
             $this->redirectToModuleAdmin(array('language_id' => $id_lang, 'oauth_success' => sprintf($msg, $account->getName())));
         } catch (NostoException $e) {
             Nosto::helper('nosto_tagging/logger')->error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' - ' . $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
             $msg = $this->module->l('Account could not be connected to Nosto. Please contact Nosto support.', 'oauth2');
             $this->redirectToModuleAdmin(array('language_id' => $id_lang, 'oauth_error' => $msg));
     } elseif (($error = Tools::getValue('error')) !== false) {
         $message_parts = array($error);
         if (($error_reason = Tools::getValue('error_reason')) !== false) {
             $message_parts[] = $error_reason;
         if (($error_description = Tools::getValue('error_description')) !== false) {
             $message_parts[] = urldecode($error_description);
         Nosto::helper('nosto_tagging/logger')->error(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ' - ' . implode(' - ', $message_parts), 200);
         // Prefer to show the error description sent from Nosto to the user when something is wrong.
         // These messages are localized to users current back office language.
         if (!empty($error_description)) {
             $msg = urldecode($error_description);
         } elseif (!empty($error_reason) && $error_reason === 'user_denied') {
             $msg = $this->module->l('Account could not be connected to Nosto. You rejected the connection request.', 'oauth2');
         } else {
             $msg = $this->module->l('Account could not be connected to Nosto. Please contact Nosto support.', 'oauth2');
         $this->redirectToModuleAdmin(array('language_id' => $id_lang, 'oauth_error' => $msg));