Example #1
 public function save()
     $post = $this->_post(NULL, TRUE);
     try {
         if (is_array($post)) {
             $producto = NomProductoTable::getInstance()->find($post['producto_id']);
             if (!$producto) {
                 $msg = "Producto no encontrado.";
                 return $this->_jsonResponse(array("msg" => $msg), 404, $msg);
             $actividad = NomActividadTable::getInstance()->find($post['actividad_id']);
             if (!$actividad) {
                 $msg = "Actividad no encontrada.";
                 return $this->_jsonResponse(array("msg" => $msg), 404, $msg);
             if ($post['id']) {
                 $actividad_producto = $this->_getTable()->find($post['id']);
                 if (!$actividad_producto) {
                     $msg = "BoletaProducto no encontrado.";
                     return $this->_jsonResponse(array("msg" => $msg), 404, $msg);
             } else {
                 $actividad_producto = new ActividadProducto();
             $actividad_producto->fromArray($post, false);
             $actividad_producto->set('Producto', $producto);
             $actividad_producto->set('Actividad', $actividad);
             //Creating security log
             $this->appunto_auth->create_security_log(1, "Asignando/Actualizando tabla " . $this->_model . "[id:" . $actividad_producto->id . "]");
             //End security log
     } catch (Exception $exc) {
         log_message('error', $exc->getMessage());
         log_message('error', $exc->getTraceAsString());
         //Creating security log
         $this->appunto_auth->create_security_log(0, "Error creando/actualizando tabla " . $this->_model);
         //End security log
         $this->_jsonResponse(array("msg" => "Ha ocurrido un error mientras se intentaba guardar una actividad."), 500);
Example #2
 private function generar_reporte_balance($year)
     $time = $year . '%';
     $actividades = NomActividadTable::getInstance()->findAll(Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     $productos = ActividadProductoTable::getInstance()->productos($time);
     // Create new PHPExcel object
     // Set document properties
     $this->phpexcel->getProperties()->setCreator("PHPExcel")->setLastModifiedBy("PHPExcel")->setTitle("Reporte generado por ALIPLAN")->setSubject("Reporte generado por ALIPLAN")->setDescription("Report document for Office 2007 XLSX, generated using PHP classes.")->setKeywords("office 2007 openxml php")->setCategory("Report result file");
     // Add some data
     $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A2', 'PRODUCTO/ACTIVIDAD');
     // Set fonts
     $num_columna = 1;
     $month = date("m");
     if (date("Y") != $year) {
         $month = "00";
     $months = $this->de_enero_a_estemes($month);
     foreach ($months as $mes_key => $value) {
         $fila = 1;
         $a = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $fila, "Mes de " . $value, true);
         $c1 = $a->getCoordinate();
         $b = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 2, $fila);
         $c2 = $b->getCoordinate();
         $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->mergeCells($c1 . ':' . $c2);
         $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($c1 . ':' . $c2)->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
         $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($c1 . ':' . $c2)->applyFromArray($this->styles('blackStyle'));
         $fila = 2;
         //columna plan
         $col_plan = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $fila, "PLAN", true);
         $coor_plan = $col_plan->getCoordinate();
         //columna real
         $col_real = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1, $fila, "REAL", true);
         $coor_real = $col_real->getCoordinate();
         //columna porciento
         $col_porc = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 2, $fila, "%", true);
         $coor_porc = $col_porc->getCoordinate();
         $num_columna = $num_columna + 3;
         if ($mes_key != '01') {
             $fila = 1;
             $a = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $fila, "ACUMULADO/Hasta " . $value, true);
             $c1 = $a->getCoordinate();
             $b = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 2, $fila);
             $c2 = $b->getCoordinate();
             $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->mergeCells($c1 . ':' . $c2);
             $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($c1 . ':' . $c2)->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
             $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($c1 . ':' . $c2)->applyFromArray($this->styles('blackStyle'));
             $fila = 2;
             //columna plan
             $col_plan = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $fila, "PLAN", true);
             $coor_plan = $col_plan->getCoordinate();
             //columna real
             $col_real = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1, $fila, "REAL", true);
             $coor_real = $col_real->getCoordinate();
             //columna porciento
             $col_porc = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 2, $fila, "%", true);
             $coor_porc = $col_porc->getCoordinate();
             $num_columna = $num_columna + 3;
     $iterator_colA = 3;
     $num_columna = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($productos); $i++) {
         $obj = $productos[$i];
         $product = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $iterator_colA, $obj['producto_nombre'] . ' (' . $obj['unidad_medida'] . ')', true);
         $iterator_colA = $iterator_colA + 1;
         $y = 0;
         for (; $y < count($actividades); $y++) {
             $a = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $iterator_colA + $y, $actividades[$y]['nombre'], true);
             $coord_a = $a->getCoordinate();
         $iterator_colA = $iterator_colA + $y;
         $num_columna = 0;
     $num_columna = 1;
     $num_activities = count($actividades);
     foreach ($months as $mes_key => $value) {
         $act_prod = ActividadProductoTable::getInstance()->productos_por_meses($mes_key, $year);
         $matrix_act_prod = ActividadProductoTable::getInstance()->matrix($actividades, $productos, $act_prod);
         $begin_row = 3;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($productos); $i++) {
             $producto = $productos[$i];
             $upper = $matrix_act_prod[$producto['producto_nombre']];
             $x1 = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $begin_row + 1);
             $c1 = $x1->getCoordinate();
             $x2 = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $begin_row + $num_activities);
             $c2 = $x2->getCoordinate();
             $sum_plan = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $begin_row, '=SUM(' . $c1 . ':' . $c2 . ')', true);
             $c3 = $sum_plan->getCoordinate();
             $x1 = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1, $begin_row + 1);
             $c1 = $x1->getCoordinate();
             $x2 = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1, $begin_row + $num_activities);
             $c2 = $x2->getCoordinate();
             $sum_real = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1, $begin_row, '=SUM(' . $c1 . ':' . $c2 . ')', true);
             $zz = $sum_real->getCoordinate();
             $percent_formula = '=' . $zz . '*100/' . $c3;
             $per = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 2, $begin_row, $percent_formula, true);
             $zzz = $per->getCoordinate();
             $begin_row = $begin_row + 1;
             for ($y = 0; $y < $num_activities; $y++) {
                 $actividad = $actividades[$y];
                 $middle = $upper[$actividad['nombre']];
                 //Asignar datos a las celdas (plan,real y porciento)
                 $pl = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $begin_row, $middle['plan'], true);
                 $pl_coor = $pl->getCoordinate();
                 $real = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1, $begin_row, $middle['actual'], true);
                 $real_coor = $real->getCoordinate();
                 $percent_formula = '=' . $real_coor . '*100/' . $pl_coor;
                 if ($middle['plan'] == 0) {
                     $percent_formula = 0;
                 $pc = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 2, $begin_row, $percent_formula, true);
                 $porc_coor = $pc->getCoordinate();
                 $begin_row += 1;
         $num_columna = $num_columna + 3;
         if ($mes_key != '01') {
             $begin_row = 3;
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($productos); $i++) {
                 $x1 = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $begin_row + 1);
                 $c1 = $x1->getCoordinate();
                 $x2 = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $begin_row + $num_activities);
                 $c2 = $x2->getCoordinate();
                 $sum_plan = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $begin_row, '=SUM(' . $c1 . ':' . $c2 . ')', true);
                 $c3 = $sum_plan->getCoordinate();
                 $x1 = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1, $begin_row + 1);
                 $c1 = $x1->getCoordinate();
                 $x2 = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1, $begin_row + $num_activities);
                 $c2 = $x2->getCoordinate();
                 $sum_real = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1, $begin_row, '=SUM(' . $c1 . ':' . $c2 . ')', true);
                 $zz = $sum_real->getCoordinate();
                 $percent_formula = '=' . $zz . '*100/' . $c3;
                 $per = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 2, $begin_row, $percent_formula, true);
                 $zzz = $per->getCoordinate();
                 $begin_row = $begin_row + 1;
                 for ($y = 0; $y < $num_activities; $y++) {
                     $actividad = $actividades[$y];
                     $middle = $upper[$actividad['nombre']];
                     //Asignar Acumulados
                     $first = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna - 6, $begin_row);
                     $first_coor = $first->getCoordinate();
                     $second = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna - 3, $begin_row);
                     $second_coor = $second->getCoordinate();
                     $pl = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna, $begin_row, '=' . $first_coor . '+' . $second_coor, true);
                     $pl_coor = $pl->getCoordinate();
                     $first1 = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1 - 6, $begin_row);
                     $first1_coor = $first1->getCoordinate();
                     $second1 = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1 - 3, $begin_row);
                     $second1_coor = $second1->getCoordinate();
                     $real = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 1, $begin_row, '=' . $first1_coor . '+' . $second1_coor, true);
                     $real_coor = $real->getCoordinate();
                     $percent_formula = '=' . $real_coor . '*100/' . $pl_coor;
                     $pc = $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($num_columna + 2, $begin_row, $percent_formula, true);
                     $porc_coor = $pc->getCoordinate();
                     $begin_row += 1;
             $num_columna = $num_columna + 3;
     // Set header and footer. When no different headers for odd/even are used, odd header is assumed.
     $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getHeaderFooter()->setOddHeader('&RFecha &D');
     $this->phpexcel->getActiveSheet()->getHeaderFooter()->setOddFooter('&L&B' . $this->phpexcel->getProperties()->getTitle() . '&RPágina &P de &N');
     // Set page orientation and size
     // Rename first worksheet
     // Set active sheet index to the first sheet, so Excel opens this as the first sheet
     return $this->phpexcel;