Example #1
$controls->text('confirmation_url', 70);
                            <p class="description">
                                A full page address (http://yourblog.com/confirm) to be used instead of message above.
                                If left empty the message above is used.

                    <!-- CONFIRMATION EMAIL -->
                    <tr valign="top">
                        <th>Confirmation email</th>
$controls->email('confirmation', 'wordpress');
$controls->button('test-confirmation', 'Send a test');
                            <p class="description">
                                Message sent by email to new subscribers with instructions to confirm their subscription
                                (for double opt-in process). Do not forget to add the <strong>{subscription_confirm_url}</strong>
                                that users must click to activate their subscription.<br />
                                Sometime can be useful to add a <strong>{unsubscription_url}</strong> to let users to
                                cancel if they wrongly subscribed to your newsletter.
Example #2
                    <div class="hints">
                        This is the text showed to a user who has pressed "subscribe me" on the previous
                        step informing that an email to confirm subscription has just been sent. Remember
                        the user to check the spam folder and to follow the email instructions.

            <!-- CONFIRMATION EMAIL -->
            <tr valign="top">
                <th>Confirmation email</th>
                    <div class="hints">
                        Message sent by email to new subscribers with instructions to confirm their subscription
                        (for double opt-in process). Do not forget to add the <strong>{subscription_confirm_url}</strong>
                        that users must click to activate their subscription.<br />
                        Sometime can be useful to add a <strong>{unsubscription_url}</strong> to let users to
                        cancel if they wrongly subscribed your service.

        <p class="submit">
$nc->button('save', 'Save');
Example #3
$controls->text('confirmation_url', 70);
                            <p class="description">
                                A full page address (http://yourblog.com/confirm) to be used instead of message above.
                                If left empty the message above is used.

                    <!-- CONFIRMATION EMAIL -->
                    <tr valign="top">
                        <th>Confirmation email</th>
                            <p class="description">
                                Message sent by email to new subscribers with instructions to confirm their subscription
                                (for double opt-in process). Do not forget to add the <strong>{subscription_confirm_url}</strong>
                                that users must click to activate their subscription.<br />
                                Sometime can be useful to add a <strong>{unsubscription_url}</strong> to let users to
                                cancel if they wrongly subscribed to your newsletter.

            <div id="tabs-4">
                    <p class="description">
                        Shown to users after the cancellation has been completed.

            <tr valign="top">
_e('Goodbye email', 'newsletter');
$controls->email('unsubscribed', 'wordpress', true);
                    <p class="description">
                        Sent after a cancellation, is the last message you send to the user before his removal
                        from your newsletter subscribers.
                <th>Unsubscription error</th>
                    <p class="description">
                        When the unsubscription cannot be completed, for example because the