
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . TEMPLATEPATH . '-child/includes');
require_once 'Util.php';
require_once 'FlickrModel.php';
require_once 'News/DBO.php';
require_once 'functions.php';
require_once 'UCI/LDAP.php';
@define('POST_METADATA_WRITER', '_writer');
@define('POST_METADATA_LINK', '_link');
$db = new News_DBO('cwisdb2.cwis.uci.edu', 'wp-news', 'news', 'newsdotucidotedu');
$features = News_DBO::getInstance()->query("\n        SELECT a.*\n        FROM wp_posts AS a\n        WHERE a.post_type LIKE 'features'\n        AND a.post_status LIKE 'publish'\n        AND a.post_date < '2013-08-20'\n        ORDER BY a.post_date\n        DESC\n        LIMIT 0,10\n    ")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
foreach ($features as $feature) {
    $meta = News_DBO::getInstance()->query("\n        SELECT a.*\n        FROM wp_postmeta AS a\n        WHERE a.post_id LIKE '" . $feature->ID . "'\n        AND a.meta_key = 'content_author'\n    ")->fetchObject();
    $author = json_decode($meta->meta_value);
function ucin_get_post_metas($post_id)
    $metas = News_DBO::getInstance()->query("\n        SELECT a.*\n        FROM wp_postmeta AS a\n        WHERE a.post_id LIKE '" . $post_id . "'\n        AND a.meta_key IN ('post_flickr_image', 'featured_image', 'featured_video', 'ucitube', 'ucitube_location', 'related_links', 'content_author')\n    ")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
    return $metas;