Example #1
 function renderRow($row, $forFeed = false)
     global $wgUser, $wgLang;
     $change = RecentChange::newFromRow($row);
     $change->counter = 0;
     $usetemplate = $this->usetemplate;
     $templatetext = $this->templatetext;
     if (!$templatetext && $forFeed) {
         $templatetext = '{{{head}}}';
         $usetemplate = true;
     if (!$usetemplate) {
         #$pagelink = $this->skin->makeKnownLinkObj( $title );
         $this->changelist->insertDateHeader($dummy, $row->rc_timestamp);
         #dummy call to suppress date headers
         $html = $this->changelist->recentChangesLine($change);
         return $html;
     } else {
         $params = array();
         $params['namespace'] = $row->rc_namespace;
         $params['title'] = $row->rc_title;
         $title = $change->getTitle();
         $params['pagename'] = $title->getPrefixedText();
         $params['minor'] = $row->rc_minor ? 'true' : '';
         $params['bot'] = $row->rc_bot ? 'true' : '';
         $params['patrolled'] = $row->rc_patrolled ? 'true' : '';
         $params['anon'] = $row->rc_user <= 0 ? 'true' : '';
         #XXX: perhaps use (rc_user == rc_ip) instead? That would take care of entries from importing.
         $params['new'] = $row->rc_type == RC_NEW ? 'true' : '';
         $params['type'] = $row->rc_type;
         $params['user'] = $row->rc_user_text;
         $params['rawtime'] = $row->rc_timestamp;
         $params['time'] = $wgLang->time($row->rc_timestamp, true, true);
         $params['date'] = $wgLang->date($row->rc_timestamp, true, true);
         $params['timeanddate'] = $wgLang->timeanddate($row->rc_timestamp, true, true);
         $params['old_len'] = $row->rc_old_len;
         $params['new_len'] = $row->rc_new_len;
         $params['old_rev'] = $row->rc_last_oldid;
         $params['new_rev'] = $row->rc_this_oldid;
         $diffq = $change->diffLinkTrail(false);
         $params['diff'] = $diffq ? $title->getFullURL($diffq) : '';
         $permaq = "oldid=" . $row->rc_this_oldid;
         $params['permalink'] = $permaq ? $title->getFullURL($permaq) : '';
         $params['comment'] = str_replace(array('{{', '}}', '|', '\''), array('&#123;&#123;', '&#125;&#125;', '&#124;', '$#39;'), wfEscapeWikiText($row->rc_comment));
         if (stripos($templatetext, '{{{content}}}') !== false || stripos($templatetext, '{{{head}}}') !== false) {
             $article = new Article($title, $row->rc_this_oldid);
             $t = $article->getContent();
             //TODO: expand variables & templates first, so cut-off applies to effective content,
             //      and extension tags from templates are stripped properly
             //      this doesn't work though: $t = $this->templateparser->preprocess( $t, $this->title, new ParserOptions() );
             //TODO: avoid magic categories, interwiki-links, etc
             $params['content'] = NewsRenderer::sanitizeWikiText($t, $this->templateparser);
             if (stripos($templatetext, '{{{head}}}') !== false) {
                 $params['head'] = NewsRenderer::extractHead($params['content'], $title);
         $text = NewsRenderer::replaceVariables($this->templateparser, $templatetext, $params, $this->title);
         return $text;