in your object after creation */
    public $__gsignals = array('clicked' => 'override', 'mashed' => array(GObject::SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, GObject::TYPE_BOOLEAN, array(GObject::TYPE_LONG, GtkRequisition::gtype)));
    /* any method named ___do_{$signalname} will be considered the default handler for a signal */
    public function __do_clicked()
        echo "do_clicked called\n";
    function __do_mashed($arg, $arg2)
        echo "NewType: class closure for `mashed` called with arguments {$arg}, ", get_class($arg2), "\n";
/* handler to attach to our new signal */
function my_handler($obj, $arg, $arg2, $ex)
    echo "my_handler called with args {$arg}, ", get_class($arg2), " and extra {$ex}\n";
    /* This stops bubbling */
    return true;
$c = new NewType();
$r = $c->size_request();
$c->connect('mashed', 'my_handler', 99);
var_dump($c->emit('mashed', 42, $r));
/* Returns:
do_clicked called
my_handler called with args 42, GtkRequisition and extra 99
NewType: class closure for `mashed` called with arguments 42, GtkRequisition