Example #1
 public function getNetwork()
     if (!$this->_network instanceof Network_Interface) {
         $this->_network = Network::create($this);
     return $this->_network;
  * Тест удачной обработки потоков.
 public function testDispatchSuccess()
     /* Настройка заглушек объектов */
     $context = $this->getMock('Network_Context_Interface');
     $opts = $this->getMock('Options_Interface');
     $selector = $this->getMock('IO_Stream_Selector_Interface');
     $stream = $this->getMock('IO_Stream_Buffered_Interface');
     $listener = $this->getMock('IO_Stream_Listener_Interface');
     /* Один раз будет создан новый объект настроек */
     /* Один раз будут установлены опции */
     /* Один раз будет создан селектор потоков */
     /* Один раз будет вызван метод регистрации потока */
     /* Селектор вернёт 1 поток, готовый к обработке */
     /* Один раз у потока будет запрошен обработчик событий */
     /* Проверка, закрылся ли поток или нет, вернёт true */
     /* Поток дважды скажет, что готов к операции */
     $callback = array($this, 'readCallback');
     /* Будет два цикла чтения из потока */
     $callback = array($this, 'writeCallback');
     /* И два цикла записи в поток */
     /* Будет вызван обработчик события чтения из потока */
     $listener->expects($this->once())->method('onStreamRead')->with($this->equalTo($stream), $this->equalTo(4096));
     /* И обработчик события записи в поток */
     $listener->expects($this->once())->method('onStreamWrite')->with($this->equalTo($stream), $this->equalTo(4096));
     $net = Network::create($context);
$url_location = htmlspecialchars($GPXIN['location']);
#$url_login_user   = base64_decode($GPXIN['login_user']);
#$url_login_pass   = base64_decode($GPXIN['login_pass']);
#$url_login_port   = base64_decode($GPXIN['login_port']);
#$url_homedir      = base64_decode($GPXIN['homedir']);
$url_login_user = $GPXIN['login_user'];
$url_login_pass = $GPXIN['login_pass'];
$url_login_port = $GPXIN['login_port'];
$url_homedir = $GPXIN['homedir'];
// Create
if ($url_do == 'create') {
    // NO root users
    if ($url_login_user == 'root') {
        die('Do not set <b>Login User</b> to <font color="red">root</font>!  Set this to the normal Linux user created during Remote Server installation. See <a href="http://gamepanelx.com/wikiv3/index.php?title=Remote_Install" class="links" target="_blank">Remote Server Documentation</a>');
    echo $Network->create($url_ip, $url_local, $url_os, $url_dc, $url_location, $url_login_user, $url_login_pass, $url_login_port);
} elseif ($url_do == 'save') {
    // Include config
    require DOCROOT . '/configuration.php';
    $enc_key = $settings['enc_key'];
    if (empty($enc_key)) {
    @mysql_query("UPDATE network SET ip='{$url_ip}',is_local='{$url_local}',os='{$url_os}',datacenter='{$url_dc}',location='{$url_location}',login_user=AES_ENCRYPT('{$url_login_user}', '{$enc_key}'),login_pass=AES_ENCRYPT('{$url_login_pass}', '{$enc_key}'),login_port=AES_ENCRYPT('{$url_login_port}', '{$enc_key}'),homedir='{$url_homedir}' WHERE id = '{$url_id}'") or die('Failed to update network settings');
    echo 'success';
} elseif ($url_do == 'delete') {
    echo $Network->delete($url_id);
} elseif ($url_do == 'delete_ip') {
    @mysql_query("DELETE FROM network WHERE id = '{$url_id}'") or die('Failed to delete the IP Address');
    echo 'success';
} elseif ($url_do == 'show_addip') {
Example #4
 $_SESSION['install_config'] = 1;
 // Insert configuration items
 if (!isset($_SESSION['install_configitems'])) {
     $gpx_version = GPX_VERSION;
     @mysql_query("INSERT INTO `configuration` (`config_setting`, `config_value`) VALUES('default_email_address', '{$url_admin_email}'),('language', '{$url_language}'),('company', 'GamePanelX'),('theme', 'default'),('api_key', '{$api_key}'),('version', '{$gpx_version}'),('steam_login_user',''),('steam_login_pass',''),('steam_auth','')") or die('Failed to insert configuration items: ' . mysql_error());
 $_SESSION['install_configitems'] = 1;
 // Add a default local server for the new people's sanity
 if (!isset($_SESSION['install_addnet'])) {
     require DOCROOT . '/includes/classes/network.php';
     $Network = new Network();
     $result_net = $Network->create($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], '1', PHP_OS, '', 'Auto-Generated Local Server', '', '', '');
     if ($result_net != 'success') {
         die('Failed to create default network server: ' . $result_net);
 $_SESSION['install_addnet'] = 1;
 // Create a default sample user
 if (!isset($_SESSION['install_adduser'])) {
     $username = '******';
     $password = $Core->genstring(16);
     $fk_pass = $Core->genstring(24);
     $enc_key = $rand_string;
     @mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (date_created,sso_user,sso_pass,username,password,first_name,last_name) VALUES(NOW(),AES_ENCRYPT('{$username}', '{$enc_key}'),AES_ENCRYPT('{$password}', '{$enc_key}'),'{$username}',MD5('{$fk_pass}'),'Example','User')") or die('Failed to create user: '******'install_adduser'] = 1;
Example #5
function CheckServer()
    global $zbp;
    global $CheckResult;
    $CheckResult = array('server' => array(GetVars('SERVER_SOFTWARE', 'SERVER'), bingo), 'phpver' => array(PHP_VERSION, ''), 'zbppath' => array($zbp->path, bingo), 'gd2' => array('', ''), 'mysql' => array('', ''), 'mysqli' => array('', ''), 'pdo_mysql' => array('', ''), 'sqlite' => array('', ''), 'sqlite3' => array('', ''), 'pdo_sqlite' => array('', ''), 'pgsql' => array('', ''), 'pdo_pgsql' => array('', ''), 'mbstring' => array('', ''), 'zb_users' => array('', ''), 'cache' => array('', ''), 'data' => array('', ''), 'include' => array('', ''), 'theme' => array('', ''), 'plugin' => array('', ''), 'upload' => array('', ''), 'c_option.php' => array('', ''), 'curl' => array($zbp->lang['zb_install']['connect_appcenter'], ''), 'allow_url_fopen' => array($zbp->lang['zb_install']['connect_appcenter'], ''), 'gethostbyname' => array($zbp->lang['zb_install']['whois_dns'], ''));
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0') >= 0) {
        $CheckResult['phpver'][1] = bingo;
    } else {
        $CheckResult['phpver'][1] = error;
    if (function_exists("gd_info")) {
        $info = gd_info();
        $CheckResult['gd2'][0] = $info['GD Version'];
        $CheckResult['gd2'][1] = $CheckResult['gd2'][0] ? bingo : error;
    if (function_exists("mysql_get_client_info")) {
        $CheckResult['mysql'][0] = strtok(mysql_get_client_info(), '$');
        $CheckResult['mysql'][1] = $CheckResult['mysql'][0] ? bingo : error;
    if (function_exists("mysqli_get_client_info")) {
        $CheckResult['mysqli'][0] = strtok(mysqli_get_client_info(), '$');
        $CheckResult['mysqli'][1] = $CheckResult['mysqli'][0] ? bingo : error;
    if (function_exists("mb_language")) {
        $CheckResult['mbstring'][0] = mb_language();
        $CheckResult['mbstring'][1] = $CheckResult['mbstring'][0] ? bingo : error;
    if (class_exists("PDO", false)) {
        if (extension_loaded('pdo_mysql')) {
            //$pdo = new PDO( 'mysql:');
            $v = ' ';
            $pdo = null;
            $CheckResult['pdo_mysql'][0] = $v;
            $CheckResult['pdo_mysql'][1] = $CheckResult['pdo_mysql'][0] ? bingo : error;
        if (extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) {
            //$pdo = new PDO('sqlite::memory:');
            $v = ' ';
            $pdo = null;
            $CheckResult['pdo_sqlite'][0] = $v;
            $CheckResult['pdo_sqlite'][1] = $CheckResult['pdo_sqlite'][0] ? bingo : error;
        if (extension_loaded('pdo_pgsql')) {
            $v = ' ';
            $pdo = null;
            $CheckResult['pdo_pgsql'][0] = $v;
            $CheckResult['pdo_pgsql'][1] = $CheckResult['pdo_pgsql'][0] ? bingo : error;
    if (defined("PGSQL_STATUS_STRING")) {
        $CheckResult['pgsql'][0] = PGSQL_STATUS_STRING;
        $CheckResult['pgsql'][1] = $CheckResult['pgsql'][0] ? bingo : error;
    if (function_exists("sqlite_libversion")) {
        $CheckResult['sqlite'][0] = sqlite_libversion();
        $CheckResult['sqlite'][1] = $CheckResult['sqlite'][0] ? bingo : error;
    if (class_exists('SQLite3', false)) {
        $info = SQLite3::version();
        $CheckResult['sqlite3'][0] = $info['versionString'];
        $CheckResult['sqlite3'][1] = $CheckResult['sqlite3'][0] ? bingo : error;
    getRightsAndExport('', 'zb_users');
    getRightsAndExport('zb_users/', 'cache');
    getRightsAndExport('zb_users/', 'data');
    getRightsAndExport('zb_users/', 'theme');
    getRightsAndExport('zb_users/', 'plugin');
    getRightsAndExport('zb_users/', 'upload');
    $CheckResult['network'][0] = $zbp->lang['zb_install']['environment_network_description'];
    $CheckResult['simplexml_load_string'][0] = $zbp->lang['zb_install']['environment_xml_description'];
    $CheckResult['json_decode'][0] = $zbp->lang['zb_install']['environment_json_description'];
    $CheckResult['iconv'][0] = $zbp->lang['zb_install']['environment_iconv_description'];
    $CheckResult['mb_strlen'][0] = $zbp->lang['zb_install']['environment_mb_description'];
    $networkTest = Network::create();
    $CheckResult['network'][1] = $networkTest == false ? error : bingo;
    $CheckResult['simplexml_load_string'][1] = function_exists('simplexml_load_string') ? bingo : error;
    $CheckResult['json_decode'][1] = function_exists('json_decode') ? bingo : error;
    $CheckResult['iconv'][1] = function_exists('iconv') ? bingo : error;
    $CheckResult['mb_strlen'][1] = function_exists('mb_strlen') ? bingo : error;