function get_cache($host, $value) { global $dev_cache; $host = strtolower(trim($host)); // Check cache expiration $now = time(); $expired = TRUE; if (isset($dev_cache[$host]['lastchecked'])) { if ($now - $dev_cache[$host]['lastchecked'] < 3600) { $expired = FALSE; } // will expire after 1 hour } if ($expired) { $dev_cache[$host]['lastchecked'] = $now; } if (!isset($dev_cache[$host][$value]) || $expired) { switch ($value) { case 'device_id': // Try by hostname $dev_cache[$host]['device_id'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = ? OR `sysName` = ?', array($host, $host)); // If failed, try by IP if (!is_numeric($dev_cache[$host]['device_id'])) { $ip = $host; $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); if ($ip_version !== FALSE) { if ($ip_version == 6) { $ip = Net_IPv6::uncompress($ip, TRUE); } $address_count = dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses` WHERE `ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?;', array($ip)); if ($address_count) { $query = 'SELECT `device_id` FROM `ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses` AS A, `ports` AS I WHERE A.`ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ? AND I.`port_id` = A.`port_id`'; // If more than one IP address, also check the status of the port. if ($address_count > 1) { $query .= " AND I.`ifOperStatus` = 'up'"; } $dev_cache[$host]['device_id'] = dbFetchCell($query, array($ip)); } } } break; case 'os': case 'version': $dev_cache[$host][$value] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `' . $value . '` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?', array(get_cache($host, 'device_id'))); break; case 'os_group': $os = get_cache($host, 'os'); $dev_cache[$host]['os_group'] = isset($GLOBALS['config']['os'][$os]['group']) ? $GLOBALS['config']['os'][$os]['group'] : ''; break; default: return NULL; } } return $dev_cache[$host][$value]; }
/** * Set the host. Returns true on success, false on failure (if there are * any invalid characters). * * @access public * @param string $host * @return bool */ public function set_host($host) { if ($host === null || $host === '') { $this->host = null; $this->valid[__FUNCTION__] = true; return true; } elseif ($host[0] === '[' && substr($host, -1) === ']') { if (Net_IPv6::checkIPv6(substr($host, 1, -1))) { $this->host = $host; $this->valid[__FUNCTION__] = true; return true; } else { $this->host = null; $this->valid[__FUNCTION__] = false; return false; } } else { $this->host = $this->replace_invalid_with_pct_encoding($host, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~!$&\'()*+,;=', SIMPLEPIE_LOWERCASE); $this->valid[__FUNCTION__] = true; return true; } }
function ipv62snmp($ipv6) { $ipv6_split = array(); $ipv6_ex = explode(':', Net_IPv6::uncompress($ipv6)); for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $ipv6_ex[$i] = zeropad($ipv6_ex[$i], 4); } $ipv6_ip = implode('', $ipv6_ex); for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i += 2) { $ipv6_split[] = hexdec(substr($ipv6_ip, $i, 2)); } return implode('.', $ipv6_split); }
<div id="center"> <div id="top" style="background: <?php echo $config['header_color']; ?> ;"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td align="left"></td> <td align="right"> <?php if ($_SESSION['authenticated']) { echo "Logged in as <b>" . $_SESSION['username'] . "</b> (<a href='?logout=yes'>Logout</a>)"; } else { echo "Not logged in!"; } if (Net_IPv6::checkIPv6($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { echo " via <b>IPv6</b>"; } else { echo " via <b>IPv4</b>"; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div id="header" style="border: 1px none #ccf;"> <table width="100%" style="padding: 0px; margin:0px;"> <tr> <td style="padding: 0px; margin:0px; border: none;"> <div id="logo" style="padding: 10px"><a href="index.php"><img src="<?php
function get_status_array($status) { // Mike: I know that there are duplicated variables, but later will remove global global $config, $cache; $max_interval = filter_var($status['max']['interval'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 24, 'min_range' => 1))); $max_count = filter_var($status['max']['count'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 200, 'min_range' => 1))); $query_device_permitted = generate_query_permitted(array('device'), array('device_table' => 'D')); $query_port_permitted = generate_query_permitted(array('port'), array('port_table' => 'I')); // Show Device Status if ($status['devices']) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `devices` AS D '; $query .= 'WHERE D.`status` = 0' . $query_device_permitted; $query .= 'ORDER BY D.`hostname` ASC'; $entries = dbFetchRows($query); foreach ($entries as $device) { $boxes[] = array('sev' => 100, 'class' => 'Device', 'event' => 'Down', 'device_link' => generate_device_link($device, short_hostname($device['hostname'])), 'time' => deviceUptime($device, 'short-3')); } } // Uptime if ($status['uptime']) { if (filter_var($config['uptime_warning'], FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT) !== FALSE && $config['uptime_warning'] > 0) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `devices` AS D '; $query .= 'WHERE D.`status` = 1 AND D.`uptime` > 0 AND D.`uptime` < ' . $config['uptime_warning']; $query .= $query_device_permitted; $query .= 'ORDER BY D.`hostname` ASC'; $entries = dbFetchRows($query); foreach ($entries as $device) { $boxes[] = array('sev' => 10, 'class' => 'Device', 'event' => 'Rebooted', 'device_link' => generate_device_link($device, short_hostname($device['hostname'])), 'time' => deviceUptime($device, 'short-3'), 'location' => $device['location']); } } } // Ports Down if ($status['ports'] || $status['links']) { // warning about deprecated option: $config['warn']['ifdown'] if (isset($config['warn']['ifdown']) && !$config['warn']['ifdown']) { print_warning("<strong>Config option obsolete</strong>\n Please note that config option <strong>\$config['warn']['ifdown']</strong> is now obsolete.\n Use options: <strong>\$config['frontpage']['device_status']['ports']</strong> and <strong>\$config['frontpage']['device_status']['errors']</strong>\n To remove this message, delete <strong>\$config['warn']['ifdown']</strong> from configuration file."); } $query = 'SELECT * FROM `ports` AS I '; if ($status['links'] && !$status['ports']) { $query .= 'INNER JOIN `links` as L ON I.`port_id` = L.`local_port_id` '; } $query .= 'LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON I.`device_id` = D.`device_id` '; $query .= "WHERE I.`ifOperStatus` = 'down' AND I.`ifAdminStatus` = 'up' "; if ($status['links'] && !$status['ports']) { $query .= ' AND L.`active` = 1 '; } $query .= $query_port_permitted; $query .= ' AND I.`ifLastChange` >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . $max_interval . ' HOUR) '; $query .= 'ORDER BY I.`ifLastChange` DESC, D.`hostname` ASC, I.`ifDescr` * 1 ASC '; $entries = dbFetchRows($query); $i = 1; foreach ($entries as $port) { if ($i > $max_count) { // Limit to 200 ports on overview page break; } humanize_port($port); $boxes[] = array('sev' => 50, 'class' => 'Port', 'event' => 'Down', 'device_link' => generate_device_link($port, short_hostname($port['hostname'])), 'entity_link' => generate_port_link($port, short_ifname($port['label'], 13)), 'time' => formatUptime($config['time']['now'] - strtotime($port['ifLastChange'])), 'location' => $device['location']); } } // Ports Errors (only deltas) if ($status['errors']) { foreach ($cache['ports']['errored'] as $port_id) { $port = get_port_by_id($port_id); $device = device_by_id_cache($port['device_id']); humanize_port($port); if ($port['ifInErrors_delta']) { $port['string'] .= 'Rx: ' . format_number($port['ifInErrors_delta']); } if ($port['ifInErrors_delta'] && $port['ifOutErrors_delta']) { $port['string'] .= ', '; } if ($port['ifOutErrors_delta']) { $port['string'] .= 'Tx: ' . format_number($port['ifOutErrors_delta']); } $boxes[] = array('sev' => 75, 'class' => 'Port', 'event' => 'Errors', 'device_link' => generate_device_link($device, short_hostname($device['hostname'])), 'entity_link' => generate_port_link($port, short_ifname($port['label'], 13)), 'time' => $port['string'], 'location' => $device['location']); } } // Services if ($status['services']) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `services` AS S '; $query .= 'LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON S.device_id = D.device_id '; $query .= "WHERE S.`service_status` = 'down' AND S.`service_ignore` = 0"; $query .= $query_device_permitted; $query .= 'ORDER BY D.`hostname` ASC'; $entries = dbFetchRows($query); foreach ($entries as $service) { $boxes[] = array('sev' => 50, 'class' => 'Service', 'event' => 'Down', 'device_link' => generate_device_link($service, short_hostname($service['hostname'])), 'entity_link' => $service['service_type'], 'time' => formatUptime($config['time']['now'] - strtotime($service['service_changed']), 'short'), 'location' => $device['location']); } } // BGP if ($status['bgp']) { if (isset($config['enable_bgp']) && $config['enable_bgp']) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `devices` AS D '; $query .= 'LEFT JOIN `bgpPeers` AS B ON B.`device_id` = D.`device_id` '; $query .= 'LEFT JOIN `bgpPeers-state` AS BS ON B.`bgpPeer_id` = BS.`bgpPeer_id` '; $query .= "WHERE (`bgpPeerAdminStatus` = 'start' OR `bgpPeerAdminStatus` = 'running') AND `bgpPeerState` != 'established' "; $query .= $query_device_permitted; $query .= 'ORDER BY D.`hostname` ASC'; $entries = dbFetchRows($query); foreach ($entries as $peer) { $peer_ip = strstr($peer['bgpPeerRemoteAddr'], ':') ? Net_IPv6::compress($peer['bgpPeerRemoteAddr']) : $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAddr']; $peer['wide'] = strstr($peer['bgpPeerRemoteAddr'], ':') ? TRUE : FALSE; $boxes[] = array('sev' => 75, 'class' => 'BGP Peer', 'event' => 'Down', 'device_link' => generate_device_link($peer, short_hostname($peer['hostname'])), 'entity_link' => $peer_ip, 'wide' => $peer['wide'], 'time' => formatUptime($peer['bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime'], 'short-3'), 'location' => $device['location']); } } } // Return boxes array return $boxes; }
/** * ipCalc calculations */ function calculateIpCalcResult($cidr) { /* first verify address type */ $type = IdentifyAddress($cidr); /* IPv4 */ if ($type == "IPv4") { $net = Net_IPv4::parseAddress($cidr); //set ip address type $out['Type'] = 'IPv4'; //calculate network details $out['IP address'] = $net->ip; // $out['Network'] = $net->network; // $out['Broadcast'] = $net->broadcast; // $out['Subnet bitmask'] = $net->bitmask; // 16 $out['Subnet netmask'] = $net->netmask; // $out['Subnet wildcard'] = long2ip(~ip2long($net->netmask)); // //calculate min/max IP address $out['Min host IP'] = long2ip(ip2long($out['Network']) + 1); $out['Max host IP'] = long2ip(ip2long($out['Broadcast']) - 1); $out['Number of hosts'] = ip2long($out['Broadcast']) - ip2long($out['Min host IP']); //subnet class $out['Subnet Class'] = checkIpv4AddressType($out['Network'], $out['Broadcast']); //if IP == subnet clear the Host fields if ($out['IP address'] == $out['Network']) { $out['IP address'] = "/"; } } else { //set ip address type $out['Type'] = 'IPv6'; //calculate network details /* $out['Host address'] = Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec ( $cidr ); */ $out['Host address'] = $cidr; $out['Host address'] = Net_IPv6::compress($out['Host address'], 1); $out['Host address (uncompressed)'] = Net_IPv6::uncompress($out['Host address']); $mask = Net_IPv6::getNetmaskSpec($cidr); $subnet = Net_IPv6::getNetmask($cidr); $out['Subnet prefix'] = Net_IPv6::compress($subnet) . '/' . $mask; $out['Prefix length'] = Net_IPv6::getNetmaskSpec($cidr); // get reverse DNS entries $out['Host Reverse DNS'] = calculateReverseDNS6($out['Host address (uncompressed)']); $out['Subnet Reverse DNS'] = calculateReverseDNS6($subnet, $mask); //if IP == subnet clear the Host fields and Host Reverse DNS if ($out['Host address'] == $out['Subnet prefix']) { $out['Host address'] = '/'; $out['Host address (uncompressed)'] = '/'; unset($out['Host Reverse DNS']); } //min / max hosts $maxIp = gmp_strval(gmp_add(gmp_sub(gmp_pow(2, 128 - $mask), 1), ip2long6($subnet))); $out['Min host IP'] = long2ip6(gmp_strval(gmp_add(ip2long6($subnet), 1))); $out['Max host IP'] = long2ip6($maxIp); $out['Number of hosts'] = MaxHosts($mask, 1); //address type $out['Address type'] = Net_IPv6::getAddressType($cidr); $out['Address type'] = checkIpv6AddressType($out['Address type']); } /* return results */ return $out; }
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/PEAR/Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php'; # initialize required objects $Database = new Database_PDO(); $Result = new Result(); $User = new User($Database); $Subnets = new Subnets($Database); $Sections = new Sections($Database); $Tools = new Tools($Database); $Addresses = new Addresses($Database); # verify that user is logged in $User->check_user_session(); # fetch search term $search_term = $_REQUEST['search_term']; //initialize Pear IPv6 object require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../functions/PEAR/Net/IPv6.php'; $Net_IPv6 = new Net_IPv6(); // ipv6 ? if ($Net_IPv6->checkIPv6($search_term) != false) { $type = "IPv6"; } elseif (strlen($search_term) == 17 && substr_count($search_term, ":") == 5) { $type = "mac"; //count : -> must be 5 } else { if (strlen($search_term) == 12 && substr_count($search_term, ":") == 0 && substr_count($search_term, ".") == 0) { $type = "mac"; //no dots or : -> mac without : } else { $type = $Addresses->identify_address($search_term); //identify address type } }
/** * Generate common popup links which uses ajax/entitypopup.php * * @param string $type Popup type, see possible types in html/ajax/entitypopup.php * @param string $text Text used as link name and ajax data * @param array $vars Array for generate url * @param string Additional css classes for link * @param boolean $escape Escape or not text in url * @return string Returns string with link, when hover on this link show popup message based on type */ function generate_popup_link($type, $text = NULL, $vars = array(), $class = NULL, $escape = TRUE) { if (!is_string($type) || !is_string($text)) { return ''; } if ($type == 'ip') { list($ip, $mask) = explode('/', $text, 2); $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); if ($ip_version === 6) { // Autocompress IPv6 addresses $ip = Net_IPv6::compress($ip); $text = $ip; if (strlen($mask)) { $text .= '/' . $mask; } } if (!$ip_version || in_array($ip, array('', '', '::', '::1'))) { return $text; } } $url = count($vars) ? generate_url($vars) : 'javascript:void(0)'; // If vars empty, set link not clickable $data = $text; if ($escape) { $text = escape_html($text); } return '<a href="' . $url . '" class="entity-popup' . ($class ? " {$class}" : '') . '" data-eid="' . $data . '" data-etype="' . $type . '">' . $text . '</a>'; }
function discover_new_device($hostname, $source = 'xdp', $protocol = NULL, $device = NULL, $snmp_port = 161) { global $config; $source = strtolower($source); // Check if source is enabled for autodiscovery if ($config['autodiscovery'][$source]) { $flags = OBS_DNS_ALL; if (!$protocol) { $protocol = strtoupper($source); } print_cli_data("Try discovering host", "{$hostname} through {$protocol}", 3); // By first detect hostname is IP or domain name (IPv4/6 == 4/6, hostname == FALSE) $ip_version = get_ip_version($hostname); if ($ip_version) { // Hostname is IPv4/IPv6 $use_ip = TRUE; $ip = $hostname; } else { $use_ip = FALSE; // Add "mydomain" configuration if this resolves, converts switch1 -> if (!empty($config['mydomain']) && isDomainResolves($hostname . '.' . $config['mydomain'], $flags)) { $hostname .= '.' . $config['mydomain']; } // Determine v4 vs v6 $ip = gethostbyname6($hostname, $flags); if ($ip) { $ip_version = get_ip_version($ip); print_debug("Host {$hostname} resolved as {$ip}"); } else { // No DNS records print_debug("Host {$hostname} not resolved, autodiscovery fails."); return FALSE; } } if ($ip_version == 6) { $flags = $flags ^ OBS_DNS_A; // Exclude IPv4 } if (isset($config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip']) && $config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip']) { $flags = $flags | OBS_PING_SKIP; // Add skip pings flag } if (match_network($ip, $config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'])) { print_debug("Host {$hostname} ({$ip}) founded inside configured nets, trying to add:"); // By first check if pingable $pingable = isPingable($ip, $flags); if (!$pingable && (isset($config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip']) && $config['autodiscovery']['ping_skip'])) { $flags = $flags | OBS_PING_SKIP; // Add skip pings flag if allowed in config $pingable = TRUE; } if ($pingable) { // Check if device duplicated by IP $ip = $ip_version == 4 ? $ip : Net_IPv6::uncompress($ip, TRUE); $db = dbFetchRow('SELECT D.`hostname` FROM ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses AS A LEFT JOIN `ports` AS P ON A.`port_id` = P.`port_id` LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON D.`device_id` = P.`device_id` WHERE D.`disabled` = 0 AND A.`ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?', array($ip)); if ($db) { print_debug('Already have device ' . $db['hostname'] . " with IP {$ip}"); return FALSE; } // Detect snmp transport, net-snmp needs udp6 for ipv6 $snmp_transport = $ip_version == 4 ? 'udp' : 'udp6'; $new_device = detect_device_snmpauth($ip, $snmp_port, $snmp_transport); if ($new_device) { if ($use_ip) { // Detect FQDN hostname // by sysName $snmphost = snmp_get($new_device, 'sysName.0', '-Oqv', 'SNMPv2-MIB'); if ($snmphost) { $snmp_ip = gethostbyname6($snmphost, $flags); } if ($snmp_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $snmphost; } else { // by PTR $ptr = gethostbyaddr6($ip); if ($ptr) { $ptr_ip = gethostbyname6($ptr, $flags); } if ($ptr && $ptr_ip == $ip) { $hostname = $ptr; } else { if ($config['autodiscovery']['require_hostname']) { print_debug("Device IP {$ip} does not seem to have FQDN."); return FALSE; } else { $hostname = $ip_version == 4 ? $ip : Net_IPv6::compress($hostname, TRUE); // Always use compressed IPv6 name } } } print_debug("Device IP {$ip} linked to FQDN name: {$hostname}"); } $new_device['hostname'] = $hostname; if (!check_device_duplicated($new_device)) { $snmp_v3 = array(); if ($new_device['snmp_version'] === 'v3') { $snmp_v3['snmp_authlevel'] = $new_device['snmp_authlevel']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authname'] = $new_device['snmp_authname']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authpass'] = $new_device['snmp_authpass']; $snmp_v3['snmp_authalgo'] = $new_device['snmp_authalgo']; $snmp_v3['snmp_cryptopass'] = $new_device['snmp_cryptopass']; $snmp_v3['snmp_cryptoalgo'] = $new_device['snmp_cryptoalgo']; } $remote_device_id = createHost($new_device['hostname'], $new_device['snmp_community'], $new_device['snmp_version'], $new_device['snmp_port'], $new_device['snmp_transport'], $snmp_v3); if ($remote_device_id) { if (is_flag_set(OBS_PING_SKIP, $flags)) { set_entity_attrib('device', $remote_device_id, 'ping_skip', 1); } $remote_device = device_by_id_cache($remote_device_id, 1); if ($port) { humanize_port($port); log_event("Device autodiscovered through {$protocol} on " . $device['hostname'] . " (port " . $port['port_label'] . ")", $remote_device_id, 'port', $port['port_id']); } else { log_event("Device autodiscovered through {$protocol} on " . $device['hostname'], $remote_device_id, $protocol); } //array_push($GLOBALS['devices'], $remote_device); // createHost() already puth this return $remote_device_id; } } } } } else { print_debug("IP {$ip} ({$hostname}) not permitted inside \$config['autodiscovery']['ip_nets'] in config.php"); } print_debug('Autodiscovery for host ' . $hostname . ' failed.'); } else { print_debug('Autodiscovery for protocol ' . $protocol . ' disabled.'); } return FALSE; }
include "../config.php"; include_once "../includes/"; include "includes/"; include "../includes/"; include "includes/"; if (!$_SESSION['authenticated']) { echo "unauthenticated"; exit; } if ($_GET['query'] && $_GET['cmd']) { $host = $_GET['query']; $ip = ''; if (Net_IPv4::validateIP($host)) { $ip = $host; $ip_version = 4; } elseif (Net_IPv6::checkIPv6($host)) { $ip = $host; $ip_version = 6; } else { $ip = gethostbyname($host); if ($ip && $ip != $host) { $ip_version = 4; } else { $ip = gethostbyname6($host, FALSE); if ($ip) { $ip_version = 6; } } } if ($ip) { switch ($_GET['cmd']) {
echo "Found peer {$peer_ip} (AS{$peer_as})\n"; } $peerlist[] = array('ip' => $peer_ip, 'as' => $peer_as); } } # Foreach if ($device['os'] == "junos") { ## Juniper BGP4-V2 MIB, ipv6 only for now, because v4 should be covered in BGP4-MIB above $peers_cmd = $config['snmpwalk'] . " -M +" . $config['install_dir'] . "/mibs/junos -m BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER -CI -Onq -" . $device['snmpver'] . " -c" . $device['community'] . " " . $device['hostname'] . ":" . $device['port'] . " "; $peers_cmd .= "jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAs.0.ipv6"; # FIXME: is .0 the only possible value here? $peers = trim(str_replace(".", "", `{$peers_cmd}`)); foreach (explode("\n", $peers) as $peer) { list($peer_ip_snmp, $peer_as) = split(" ", $peer); # Magic! Basically, takes SNMP form and finds peer IPs from the walk OIDs. $peer_ip = Net_IPv6::compress(snmp2ipv6(implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $peer_ip_snmp), count(explode('.', $peer_ip_snmp)) - 16)))); if ($peer) { if ($debug) { echo "Found peer {$peer_ip} (AS{$peer_as})\n"; } $peerlist[] = array('ip' => $peer_ip, 'as' => $peer_as); } } # Foreach } # OS junos } else { echo "No BGP on host"; if ($device['bgpLocalAs']) { mysql_query("UPDATE devices SET bgpLocalAs = NULL WHERE device_id = '" . $device['device_id'] . "'"); echo " (Removed ASN) ";
if (!is_hostname($_POST['hostname'])) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The hostname can only contain the characters A-Z, 0-9 and '-'."); } else { if (!is_unqualified_hostname($_POST['hostname'])) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid hostname is specified, but the domain name part should be omitted"); } } } if ($_POST['ipaddrv6']) { if (!is_ipaddrv6($_POST['ipaddrv6'])) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid IPv6 address must be specified."); } elseif ($config['interfaces'][$if]['ipaddrv6'] == 'track6') { $trackifname = $config['interfaces'][$if]['track6-interface']; $trackcfg = $config['interfaces'][$trackifname]; $pdlen = 64 - $trackcfg['dhcp6-ia-pd-len']; if (!Net_IPv6::isInNetmask($_POST['ipaddrv6'], '::', $pdlen)) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("The prefix (upper %s bits) must be zero. Use the form %s"), $pdlen, dhcpv6_pd_str_help($ifcfgsn)); } } } if (empty($_POST['duid'])) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid DUID must be specified."); } /* check for overlaps */ foreach ($a_maps as $mapent) { if (isset($id) && $a_maps[$id] && $a_maps[$id] === $mapent) { continue; } if ($mapent['hostname'] == $_POST['hostname'] && $mapent['hostname'] || $mapent['duid'] == $_POST['duid']) { $input_errors[] = gettext("This Hostname, IP or DUID already exists."); break;
foreach ($cache_arp as $entry) { $old_if = $entry['ifIndex']; $old_mac = $entry['mac_address']; $old_address = $entry['ip_address']; $old_version = $entry['ip_version']; $old_table[$old_if][$old_version][$old_address] = $old_mac; } $ipv4_pattern = '/\\[(\\d+)\\](?:\\[ipv4\\])?\\["?([\\d\\.]+)"?\\]\\s+([a-f\\d]+):([a-f\\d]+):([a-f\\d]+):([a-f\\d]+):([a-f\\d]+):([a-f\\d]{1,2})/i'; $ipv6_pattern = '/\\[(\\d+)\\](?:\\[ipv6\\])?\\["?([a-f\\d:]+)"?\\]\\s+(?:([a-f\\d]+):([a-f\\d]+):)?([a-f\\d]+):([a-f\\d]+):([a-f\\d]+):([a-f\\d]{1,2})/i'; foreach (explode("\n", $oid_data) as $data) { if (preg_match($ipv4_pattern, $data, $matches)) { $ip = $matches[2]; $ip_version = 4; } elseif (preg_match($ipv6_pattern, $data, $matches)) { if (count(explode(':', $matches[2])) === 8) { $ip = Net_IPv6::uncompress($matches[2], TRUE); } else { $ip = hex2ip($matches[2]); } $ip_version = 6; } else { // In principle the such shouldn't be. continue; } $if = $matches[1]; $port_id = $interface[$if]; if ($ip & $port_id) { if ($matches[3] === '' && $matches[4] === '') { // Convert IPv4 to fake MAC for 6to4 tunnels //ipNetToPhysicalPhysAddress[27][ipv6]["20:02:c0:58:63:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00"] 0:0:c0:58 $matches[3] = 'ff';
foreach ($cbgp_oids as $cbgp_oid) { $c_oid = $use_cisco_v2 ? str_replace('cbgpPeer', 'cbgpPeer2', $cbgp_oid) : $cbgp_oid; echo "{$c_oid} "; $c_prefixes = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, $c_oid, $c_prefixes, 'CISCO-BGP4-MIB', mib_dirs('cisco')); } } #print_vars($bgp_peers); } $sql = 'SELECT *, `bgpPeers`.bgpPeer_id as bgpPeer_id '; $sql .= 'FROM `bgpPeers` '; $sql .= 'LEFT JOIN `bgpPeers-state` ON `bgpPeers`.bgpPeer_id = `bgpPeers-state`.bgpPeer_id '; $sql .= 'WHERE `device_id` = ?'; foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, array($device['device_id'])) as $peer) { // Poll BGP Peer $peer_ip = $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAddr']; $remote_ip = strstr($peer_ip, ':') ? Net_IPv6::compress($peer_ip) : $peer_ip; // Compact IPv6. Used only for log. echo "Checking BGP peer: " . $peer_ip . " "; if (!strstr($peer_ip, ':') && !$use_cisco_v2) { // Common IPv4 BGP4 MIB foreach ($bgp_oids as $bgp_oid) { ${$bgp_oid} = $bgp_peers[$peer_ip][$bgp_oid]; } } elseif ($use_cisco_v2) { // Cisco BGP4 V2 MIB $c_index = strstr($peer_ip, ':') ? 'ipv6.' . ip2hex($peer_ip, ':') : 'ipv4.' . $peer_ip; foreach ($bgp_oids as $bgp_oid) { $c_oid = str_replace(array('bgpPeer', 'Identifier'), array('cbgpPeer2', 'RemoteIdentifier'), $bgp_oid); if ($bgp_oid == 'bgpPeerLocalAddr') { $cisco_peers[$c_index][$c_oid] = hex2ip($cisco_peers[$c_index][$c_oid]); }
} $sql .= " ORDER BY {$sort}"; if (isset($current)) { $limit_low = $current * $rowCount - $rowCount; $limit_high = $rowCount; } if ($rowCount != -1) { $sql .= " LIMIT {$limit_low},{$limit_high}"; } $sql = "SELECT *,`I`.`ifDescr` AS `interface` {$sql}"; foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, $param) as $interface) { $speed = humanspeed($interface['ifSpeed']); $type = humanmedia($interface['ifType']); if ($_POST['search_type'] == 'ipv6') { list($prefix, $length) = explode("/", $interface['ipv6_network']); $address = Net_IPv6::compress($interface['ipv6_address']) . '/' . $length; } elseif ($_POST['search_type'] == 'mac') { $address = formatMac($interface['ifPhysAddress']); } else { list($prefix, $length) = explode("/", $interface['ipv4_network']); $address = $interface['ipv4_address'] . '/' . $length; } if ($interface['in_errors'] > 0 || $interface['out_errors'] > 0) { $error_img = generate_port_link($interface, "<img src='images/16/chart_curve_error.png' alt='Interface Errors' border=0>", errors); } else { $error_img = ""; } if (port_permitted($interface['port_id'])) { $interface = ifLabel($interface, $interface); $response[] = array('hostname' => generate_device_link($interface), 'interface' => generate_port_link($interface) . ' ' . $error_img, 'address' => $address, 'description' => $interface['ifAlias']); }
if (!isset($config['mib_dir'])) { $config['mib_dir'] = $config['install_dir'] . '/mibs'; } else { $config['mib_dir'] = rtrim($config['mib_dir'], ' /'); } // Old variable backwards compatibility if (isset($config['rancid_configs']) && !is_array($config['rancid_configs'])) { $config['rancid_configs'] = array($config['rancid_configs']); } if (isset($config['auth_ldap_group']) && !is_array($config['auth_ldap_group'])) { $config['auth_ldap_group'] = array($config['auth_ldap_group']); } // Database currently stores v6 networks non-compressed, check for any compressed subnet and expand them foreach ($config['ignore_common_subnet'] as $index => $content) { if (strstr($content, ':') !== FALSE) { $config['ignore_common_subnet'][$index] = Net_IPv6::uncompress($content); } } // Disable nonexistant features in CE, do not try to turn on, it will not give effect if (OBSERVIUM_EDITION == 'community') { $config['enable_billing'] = 0; $config['poller-wrapper']['alerter'] = FALSE; } // If we're on SSL, let's properly detect it // DOCME needs phpdoc block // TESTME needs unit testing // MOVEME to includes/ function is_ssl() { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) { if ('on' == strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
function discover_process_ipv6(&$valid, $ifIndex, $ipv6_address, $ipv6_prefixlen, $ipv6_origin, $context_name = '') { global $device; $ipv6_network = Net_IPv6::getNetmask("{$ipv6_address}/{$ipv6_prefixlen}") . '/' . $ipv6_prefixlen; $ipv6_compressed = Net_IPv6::compress($ipv6_address); if (Net_IPv6::getAddressType($ipv6_address) == NET_IPV6_LOCAL_LINK) { // ignore link-locals (coming from IPV6-MIB) return; } if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND `ifIndex` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ifIndex)) != '0' && $ipv6_prefixlen > '0' && $ipv6_prefixlen < '129' && $ipv6_compressed != '::1') { $port_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT port_id FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND ifIndex = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ifIndex)); if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = ?', array($ipv6_network)) < '1') { dbInsert(array('ipv6_network' => $ipv6_network, 'context_name' => $context_name), 'ipv6_networks'); echo 'N'; } else { //Update Context dbUpdate(array('context_name' => $device['context_name']), 'ipv6_network', '`ipv6_network` = ?', array($ipv6_network)); echo 'n'; } $ipv6_network_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `ipv6_network_id` FROM `ipv6_networks` WHERE `ipv6_network` = ? AND `context_name` = ?', array($ipv6_network, $context_name)); if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv6_addresses` WHERE `ipv6_address` = ? AND `ipv6_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ?', array($ipv6_address, $ipv6_prefixlen, $port_id)) == '0') { dbInsert(array('ipv6_address' => $ipv6_address, 'ipv6_compressed' => $ipv6_compressed, 'ipv6_prefixlen' => $ipv6_prefixlen, 'ipv6_origin' => $ipv6_origin, 'ipv6_network_id' => $ipv6_network_id, 'port_id' => $port_id, 'context_name' => $context_name), 'ipv6_addresses'); echo '+'; } else { //Update Context dbUpdate(array('context_name' => $device['context_name']), 'ipv6_address', '`ipv6_address` = ? AND `ipv6_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ?', array($ipv6_address, $ipv6_prefixlen, $port_id)); echo '.'; } $full_address = "{$ipv6_address}/{$ipv6_prefixlen}"; $valid_address = $full_address . '-' . $port_id; $valid['ipv6'][$valid_address] = 1; } //end if }
list($net, $mask) = explode('/', trim($range)); if (Net_IPv4::validateIP($net)) { // IPv4 $mask = $mask != NULL ? $mask : '32'; $range = $net . '/' . $mask; if ($mask >= 0 && $mask <= 32 && Net_IPv4::ipInNetwork($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $range)) { $auth = TRUE; // hardcode authenticated for matched subnet print_debug("认证的CIDR匹配IPv4 {$range}."); break; } } elseif (Net_IPv6::checkIPv6($net)) { // IPv6 $mask = $mask != NULL ? $mask : '128'; $range = $net . '/' . $mask; if ($mask >= 0 && $mask <= 128 && Net_IPv6::isInNetmask($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $range)) { $auth = TRUE; // hardcode authenticated for matched subnet print_debug("认证的CIDR匹配IPv6 {$range}"); break; } } } } if (!$auth) { // Normal auth include $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/"; } // Push $_GET into $vars to be compatible with web interface naming $vars = get_vars('GET'); include $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/graphs/";
if ($_POST['network_subnet'] && !is_numeric($_POST['network_subnet'])) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid destination network bit count must be specified."); } if ($_POST['gateway'] && is_ipaddr($_POST['network'])) { if (!isset($a_gateways[$_POST['gateway']])) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid gateway must be specified."); } if (!validate_address_family($_POST['network'], lookup_gateway_ip_by_name($_POST['gateway']))) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The gateway '{$a_gateways[$_POST['gateway']]['gateway']}' is a different Address Family as network '{$_POST['network']}'."); } } /* check for overlaps */ $current_targets = get_staticroutes(true); $new_targets = array(); if (is_ipaddrv6($_POST['network'])) { $osn = Net_IPv6::compress(gen_subnetv6($_POST['network'], $_POST['network_subnet'])) . "/" . $_POST['network_subnet']; $new_targets[] = $osn; } if (is_ipaddr($_POST['network'])) { if ($_POST['network_subnet'] > 32) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A IPv4 subnet can not be over 32 bits."); } else { $osn = gen_subnet($_POST['network'], $_POST['network_subnet']) . "/" . $_POST['network_subnet']; $new_targets[] = $osn; } } elseif (is_alias($_POST['network'])) { $osn = $_POST['network']; foreach (filter_expand_alias_array($_POST['network']) as $tgt) { if (is_ipaddr($tgt)) { $tgt .= "/32"; }
} $peer_data = trim(`{$peer_cmd}`); list($bgpPeerState, $bgpPeerAdminStatus, $bgpPeerInUpdates, $bgpPeerOutUpdates, $bgpPeerInTotalMessages, $bgpPeerOutTotalMessages, $bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime, $bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime, $bgpLocalAddr) = explode("\n", $peer_data); if ($debug) { echo "State = {$bgpPeerState} - AdminStatus: {$bgpPeerAdminStatus}\n"; } $bgpLocalAddr = str_replace('"', '', str_replace(' ', '', $bgpLocalAddr)); if ($bgpLocalAddr == "00000000000000000000000000000000") { $bgpLocalAddr = ''; # Unknown? } else { $bgpLocalAddr = strtolower($bgpLocalAddr); for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i += 4) { $bgpLocalAddr6[] = substr($bgpLocalAddr, $i, 4); } $bgpLocalAddr = Net_IPv6::compress(implode(':', $bgpLocalAddr6)); unset($bgpLocalAddr6); } } } if ($bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime) { if ($bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime < $peer['bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime'] || $bgpPeerState != $peer['bgpPeerState']) { if ($device['sysContact']) { $email = $device['sysContact']; } else { $email = $config['email_default']; } if ($peer['bgpPeerState'] == $bgpPeerState) { mail($email, "BGP Session flapped: " . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ' (AS' . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ' - ' . $peer['astext'] . ')', "BGP Session flapped " . formatUptime($bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime) . " ago.\n\nHostname : " . $device['hostname'] . "\nPeer IP : " . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . "\nRemote AS: " . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ' (' . $peer['astext'] . ')', $config['email_headers']); eventlog('BGP Session Flap: ' . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ' (AS' . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ')', $device['device_id']); } else {
/** * Converts an IPv6 address from Hex into Binary representation. * * @param String $ip the IP to convert (a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h), * compressed IPs are allowed * * @return String the binary representation * @access private @ @since 1.1.0 */ protected static function _ip2Bin($ip) { $binstr = ''; $ip = Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec($ip); $ip = Net_IPv6::Uncompress($ip); $parts = explode(':', $ip); foreach ($parts as $v) { $str = base_convert($v, 16, 2); $binstr .= str_pad($str, 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } return $binstr; }
d_echo($peer_data_tmp); } $bgpPeerState = $peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerState']; $bgpPeerAdminStatus = $peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerStatus']; $bgpPeerInUpdates = $peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerInUpdates']; $bgpPeerOutUpdates = $peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerOutUpdates']; $bgpPeerInTotalMessages = $peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerInTotalMessages']; $bgpPeerOutTotalMessages = $peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerOutTotalMessages']; $bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime = $peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerFsmEstablishedTime']; $bgpPeerInUpdateElapsedTime = $peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerInUpdatesElapsedTime']; if ($peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType'] == 'ipv4') { $bgpLocalAddr = long2ip(hexdec($peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddr'])); } elseif ($peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType'] == 'ipv6') { $ip6 = trim(str_replace(' ', '', $peer_data_tmp[$junos[$peer_ip]['hash']]['jnxBgpM2PeerLocalAddr']), '"'); $ip6 = substr($ip6, 0, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 4, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 8, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 12, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 16, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 20, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 24, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 28, 4); $bgpLocalAddr = Net_IPv6::compress($ip6); } d_echo("State = {$bgpPeerState} - AdminStatus: {$bgpPeerAdminStatus}\n"); if ($bgpLocalAddr == '00000000000000000000000000000000') { $bgpLocalAddr = ''; // Unknown? } } //end if } //end if if ($bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime) { if (!(is_array($config['alerts']['bgp']['whitelist']) && !in_array($peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'], $config['alerts']['bgp']['whitelist'])) && ($bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime < $peer['bgpPeerFsmEstablishedTime'] || $bgpPeerState != $peer['bgpPeerState'])) { if ($peer['bgpPeerState'] == $bgpPeerState) { log_event('BGP Session Flap: ' . $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'] . ' (AS' . $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] . ')', $device, 'bgpPeer', $bgpPeer_id); } elseif ($bgpPeerState == 'established') {
/** * Humanize BGP Peer * * Returns a the $peer array with processed information: * row_class, table_tab_colour, state_class, admin_class * * @param array $peer * @return array $peer * */ function humanize_bgp(&$peer) { // Peer is disabled, set all things grey. if ($peer['bgpPeerAdminStatus'] == "stop") { $peer['table_tab_colour'] = "#aaaaaa"; $peer['html_row_class'] = "warning"; $peer['state_class'] = "muted"; $peer['admin_class'] = "muted"; $peer['alert'] = 0; $peer['disabled'] = 1; } elseif ($peer['bgpPeerAdminStatus'] == "start" || $peer['bgpPeerAdminStatus'] == "running") { // Peer is enabled, set state green and check other things $peer['admin_class'] = "text-success"; if ($peer['bgpPeerState'] == "established") { $peer['state_class'] = "text-success"; $peer['table_tab_colour'] = "#194B7F"; $peer['html_row_class'] = ""; } else { $peer['state_class'] = "text-error"; $peer['table_tab_colour'] = "#cc0000"; $peer['html_row_class'] = "error"; } } if ($peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs'] == $peer['bgpLocalAs']) { $peer['peer_type'] = "<span style='color: #00f;'>iBGP</span>"; } elseif ($peer['bgpPeerRemoteAS'] >= '64512' && $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAS'] <= '65535') { $peer['peer_type'] = "<span style='color: #f00;'>Priv eBGP</span>"; } else { $peer['peer_type'] = "<span style='color: #0a0;'>eBGP</span>"; } $peer['human_localip'] = strstr($peer['bgpPeerLocalAddr'], ':') ? Net_IPv6::compress($peer['bgpPeerLocalAddr']) : $peer['bgpPeerLocalAddr']; $peer['human_remoteip'] = strstr($peer['bgpPeerRemoteAddr'], ':') ? Net_IPv6::compress($peer['bgpPeerRemoteAddr']) : $peer['bgpPeerRemoteAddr']; }
<dd><strong>' . highlight_search(htmlentities($name)) . '</h5> <small>' . $result['hostname'] . '<br /> ' . htmlentities($result['location'], 0, 'UTF-8') . ' | Accesspoint</small></strong></dd> </dl>'; } echo "</a></li>"; } /// SEARCH IP ADDRESSES list($addr, $mask) = explode('/', $queryString); $address_type = "ipv4"; if (is_numeric(stripos($queryString, ':abcdef'))) { $address_type = 'ipv6'; } switch ($address_type) { case 'ipv6': $ip_valid = Net_IPv6::checkIPv6($addr); break; case 'ipv4': $ip_valid = Net_IPv4::validateIP($addr); break; } # if ($ip_valid) # { # // If address valid -> seek occurrence in network # if (!$mask) { $mask = ($address_type === 'ipv4') ? '32' : '128'; }# # } else { // If address not valid -> seek LIKE $where .= ' AND A.`ipv4_address` LIKE ?'; $param[] = '%' . $addr . '%'; # } // FIXME no v6 yet.
<td style="width: 350px;">'; echo " <span class='entity-title'>\n " . generate_port_link($port) . " " . $port['tags'] . "\n </span><br /><span class=small>" . htmlentities($port['ifAlias']) . "</span>"; if ($port['ifAlias']) { echo "<br />"; } unset($break); if ($port_details) { if (!isset($ports_has_ext['ipv4_addresses']) || in_array($port['port_id'], $ports_has_ext['ipv4_addresses'])) { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port['port_id'])) as $ip) { echo $break . "<a class=small href=\"javascript:popUp('/netcmd.php?cmd=whois&query=" . $ip['ipv4_address'] . "')\">" . $ip['ipv4_address'] . "/" . $ip['ipv4_prefixlen'] . "</a>"; $break = "<br />"; } } if (!isset($ports_has_ext['ipv6_addresses']) || in_array($port['port_id'], $ports_has_ext['ipv6_addresses'])) { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port['port_id'])) as $ip6) { echo $break . "<a class=small href=\"javascript:popUp('/netcmd.php?cmd=whois&query=" . $ip6['ipv6_address'] . "')\">" . Net_IPv6::compress($ip6['ipv6_address']) . "/" . $ip6['ipv6_prefixlen'] . "</a>"; $break = "<br />"; } } } //echo("</span>"); echo "</td><td style='width: 147px;'>"; if ($port_details) { $port['graph_type'] = "port_bits"; echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=port_bits&id=" . $port['port_id'] . "&from=" . $config['time']['day'] . "&to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&width=100&height=20&legend=no' alt=\"\" />"); $port['graph_type'] = "port_upkts"; echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=port_upkts&id=" . $port['port_id'] . "&from=" . $config['time']['day'] . "&to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&width=100&height=20&legend=no' alt=\"\" />"); $port['graph_type'] = "port_errors"; echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=port_errors&id=" . $port['port_id'] . "&from=" . $config['time']['day'] . "&to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&width=100&height=20&legend=no' alt=\"\" />"); } echo '</td><td style="width: 120px; white-space: nowrap;">';
// local(7) -> ifIndex switch ($lldp['lldpRemPortIdSubtype']) { case 'interfaceAlias': $id = snmp_hexstring($id); $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE (`ifAlias` = ? OR `ifDescr` = ?) AND `device_id` = ?", array($id, $if, $remote_device_id)); break; case 'interfaceName': $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE (`ifName` = ? OR `ifDescr` = ?) AND `device_id` = ?", array($id, $if, $remote_device_id)); break; case 'macAddress': $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `ifPhysAddress` = ? AND `device_id` = ?", array(strtolower(str_replace(array(' ', '-'), '', $id)), $remote_device_id)); break; case 'networkAddress': $ip_version = get_ip_version($id); if ($ip_version) { $ip = $ip_version === 6 ? Net_IPv6::uncompress($id, TRUE) : $id; $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ipv" . $ip_version . "_addresses` LEFT JOIN `ports` USING (`port_id`) WHERE `ipv" . $ip_version . "_address` = ? AND `device_id` = ?", array($ip, $remote_device_id)); } break; case 'local': // local not always ifIndex or FIXME (see: if (!ctype_digit($id)) { // Not sure what should be if $id ifName and it just numeric $remote_port_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE (`ifName`= ? OR `ifDescr` = ?) AND `device_id` = ?", array($id, $if, $remote_device_id)); } case 'ifIndex': // These cases are handled by the ifDescr/ifIndex combination fallback below // These cases are handled by the ifDescr/ifIndex combination fallback below default: break; }
} else { unset($peername); } // display overlib graphs $graph_type = 'bgp_updates'; $local_daily_url = 'graph.php?id=' . $peer['bgpPeer_id'] . '&type=' . $graph_type . '&from=' . $config['time']['day'] . '&to=' . $config['time']['now'] . '&width=500&height=150&&afi=ipv4&safi=unicast'; if (filter_var($peer['bgpLocalAddr'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) !== false) { $peer_ip = Net_IPv6::compress($peer['bgpLocalAddr']); } else { $peer_ip = $peer['bgpLocalAddr']; } $localaddresslink = "<span class=list-large><a href='device/device=" . $peer['device_id'] . "/tab=routing/proto=bgp/' onmouseover=\"return overlib('<img src=\\'{$local_daily_url}\\'>', LEFT" . $config['overlib_defaults'] . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . $peer_ip . '</a></span>'; $graph_type = 'bgp_updates'; $peer_daily_url = 'graph.php?id=' . $peer['bgpPeer_id'] . '&type=' . $graph_type . '&from=' . $config['time']['day'] . '&to=' . $config['time']['now'] . '&width=500&height=150'; if (filter_var($peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) !== false) { $peer_ident = Net_IPv6::compress($peer['bgpPeerIdentifier']); } else { $peer_ident = $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier']; } $peeraddresslink = "<span class=list-large><a href='device/device=" . $peer['device_id'] . "/tab=routing/proto=bgp/' onmouseover=\"return overlib('<img src=\\'{$peer_daily_url}\\'>', LEFT" . $config['overlib_defaults'] . ');" onmouseout="return nd();">' . $peer_ident . '</a></span>'; echo '<tr class="bgp"' . ($peer['alert'] ? ' bordercolor="#cc0000"' : '') . ($peer['disabled'] ? ' bordercolor="#cccccc"' : '') . '>'; unset($sep); foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `bgpPeers_cbgp` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND bgpPeerIdentifier = ?', array($peer['device_id'], $peer['bgpPeerIdentifier'])) as $afisafi) { $afi = $afisafi['afi']; $safi = $afisafi['safi']; $this_afisafi = $afi . $safi; $peer['afi'] .= $sep . $afi . '.' . $safi; $sep = '<br />'; $peer['afisafi'][$this_afisafi] = 1; // Build a list of valid AFI/SAFI for this peer }
/** * Display ARP/NDP table addresses. * * Display pages with ARP/NDP tables addresses from devices. * * @param array $vars * @return none * */ function print_arptable($vars) { // With pagination? (display page numbers in header) $pagination = isset($vars['pagination']) && $vars['pagination']; $pageno = isset($vars['pageno']) && !empty($vars['pageno']) ? $vars['pageno'] : 1; $pagesize = isset($vars['pagesize']) && !empty($vars['pagesize']) ? $vars['pagesize'] : 10; $start = $pagesize * $pageno - $pagesize; $param = array(); $where = ' WHERE 1 '; foreach ($vars as $var => $value) { if ($value != '') { switch ($var) { case 'device': case 'device_id': $where .= ' AND I.`device_id` = ?'; $param[] = $value; break; case 'port': case 'port_id': $where .= ' AND I.`port_id` = ?'; $param[] = $value; break; case 'ip_version': $where .= ' AND `ip_version` = ?'; $param[] = $value; break; case 'address': if (isset($vars['searchby']) && $vars['searchby'] == 'ip') { $where .= ' AND `ip_address` LIKE ?'; $value = trim($value); ///FIXME. Need another conversion ("2001:b08:b08" -> "2001:0b08:0b08") -- mike if (Net_IPv6::checkIPv6($value)) { $value = Net_IPv6::uncompress($value, true); } $param[] = '%' . $value . '%'; } else { $where .= ' AND `mac_address` LIKE ?'; $param[] = '%' . str_replace(array(':', ' ', '-', '.', '0x'), '', mres($value)) . '%'; } break; } } } // Show ARP tables only for permitted ports $query_permitted = generate_query_permitted(array('port'), array('port_table' => 'I')); $query = 'FROM `ip_mac` AS M '; $query .= 'LEFT JOIN `ports` AS I ON I.`port_id` = M.`port_id` '; $query .= $where . $query_permitted; $query_count = 'SELECT COUNT(`mac_id`) ' . $query; $query = 'SELECT * ' . $query; $query .= ' ORDER BY M.`mac_address`'; $query .= " LIMIT {$start},{$pagesize}"; // Query ARP/NDP table addresses $entries = dbFetchRows($query, $param); // Query ARP/NDP table address count if ($pagination) { $count = dbFetchCell($query_count, $param); } $list = array('device' => FALSE, 'port' => FALSE); if (!isset($vars['device']) || empty($vars['device']) || $vars['page'] == 'search') { $list['device'] = TRUE; } if (!isset($vars['port']) || empty($vars['port']) || $vars['page'] == 'search') { $list['port'] = TRUE; } $string = '<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover table-condensed">' . PHP_EOL; if (!$short) { $string .= ' <thead>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <tr>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <th>MAC Address</th>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <th>IP Address</th>' . PHP_EOL; if ($list['device']) { $string .= ' <th>Device</th>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['port']) { $string .= ' <th>Interface</th>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' <th>Remote Device</th>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <th>Remote Interface</th>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' </thead>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' <tbody>' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($entries as $entry) { humanize_port($entry); $ip_version = $entry['ip_version']; $ip_address = $ip_version == 6 ? Net_IPv6::compress($entry['ip_address']) : $entry['ip_address']; $arp_host = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `ipv' . $ip_version . '_addresses` AS A LEFT JOIN `ports` AS I ON A.`port_id` = I.`port_id` LEFT JOIN `devices` AS D ON D.`device_id` = I.`device_id` WHERE A.`ipv' . $ip_version . '_address` = ?', array($ip_address)); $arp_name = $arp_host ? generate_device_link($arp_host) : ''; $arp_if = $arp_host ? generate_port_link($arp_host) : ''; if ($arp_host['device_id'] == $entry['device_id']) { $arp_name = 'Self Device'; } if ($arp_host['port_id'] == $entry['port_id']) { $arp_if = 'Self Port'; } $string .= ' <tr>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <td width="160">' . formatMac($entry['mac_address']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <td width="140">' . $ip_address . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; if ($list['device']) { $dev = device_by_id_cache($entry['device_id']); $string .= ' <td class="entity" nowrap>' . generate_device_link($dev) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($list['port']) { if ($entry['ifInErrors_delta'] > 0 || $entry['ifOutErrors_delta'] > 0) { $port_error = generate_port_link($entry, '<span class="label label-important">Errors</span>', 'port_errors'); } $string .= ' <td class="entity">' . generate_port_link($entry, short_ifname($entry['label'])) . ' ' . $port_error . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' <td class="entity" width="200">' . $arp_name . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' <td class="entity">' . $arp_if . '</td>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' </tbody>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '</table>'; // Print pagination header if ($pagination) { $string = pagination($vars, $count) . $string . pagination($vars, $count); } // Print ARP/NDP table echo $string; }
if ($device['os'] == 'junos') { // Missing: cbgpPeerAdminLimit cbgpPeerPrefixThreshold cbgpPeerPrefixClearThreshold cbgpPeerSuppressedPrefixes cbgpPeerWithdrawnPrefixes $safis['unicast'] = 1; $safis['multicast'] = 2; if (!isset($peerIndexes)) { $j_bgp = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'jnxBgpM2PeerTable', $jbgp, 'BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER', $config['install_dir'] . '/mibs/junos'); foreach ($j_bgp as $index => $entry) { switch ($entry['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType']) { case 'ipv4': $ip = long2ip(hexdec($entry['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddr'])); $j_peerIndexes[$ip] = $entry['jnxBgpM2PeerIndex']; break; case 'ipv6': $ip6 = trim(str_replace(' ', '', $entry['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddr']), '"'); $ip6 = substr($ip6, 0, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 4, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 8, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 12, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 16, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 20, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 24, 4) . ':' . substr($ip6, 28, 4); $ip6 = Net_IPv6::compress($ip6); $j_peerIndexes[$ip6] = $entry['jnxBgpM2PeerIndex']; break; default: echo "PANIC: Don't know RemoteAddrType " . $entry['jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAddrType'] . "!\n"; break; } } } //end if $j_prefixes = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'jnxBgpM2PrefixCountersTable', $jbgp, 'BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER', $config['install_dir'] . '/mibs/junos'); $cbgpPeerAcceptedPrefixes = $j_prefixes[$j_peerIndexes[$peer['bgpPeerIdentifier']] . ".{$afi}." . $safis[$safi]]['jnxBgpM2PrefixInPrefixesAccepted']; $cbgpPeerDeniedPrefixes = $j_prefixes[$j_peerIndexes[$peer['bgpPeerIdentifier']] . ".{$afi}." . $safis[$safi]]['jnxBgpM2PrefixInPrefixesRejected']; $cbgpPeerAdvertisedPrefixes = $j_prefixes[$j_peerIndexes[$peer['bgpPeerIdentifier']] . ".{$afi}." . $safis[$safi]]['jnxBgpM2PrefixOutPrefixes']; unset($j_prefixes); unset($j_bgp);
} else { $mac = ""; } echo "<tr style=\"background-color: {$row_colour};\" valign=top onmouseover=\"'{$list_highlight}';\" onmouseout=\"'{$row_colour}';\" onclick=\"location.href='" . generate_port_url($port) . "'\" style='cursor: pointer;'>\n <td valign=top width=350>"; echo " <span class=list-large>\n " . generate_port_link($port, $port['ifIndex'] . ". " . $port['label']) . " {$error_img} {$mac}\n </span><br /><span class=interface-desc>" . $port['ifAlias'] . "</span>"; if ($port['ifAlias']) { echo "<br />"; } unset($break); if ($port_details) { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port['port_id'])) as $ip) { echo "{$break} <a class=interface-desc href=\"javascript:popUp('/netcmd.php?cmd=whois&query={$ip['ipv4_address']}')\">" . $ip['ipv4_address'] . "/" . $ip['ipv4_prefixlen'] . "</a>"; $break = "<br />"; } foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ipv6_addresses` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port['port_id'])) as $ip6) { echo "{$break} <a class=interface-desc href=\"javascript:popUp('/netcmd.php?cmd=whois&query=" . $ip6['ipv6_address'] . "')\">" . Net_IPv6::compress($ip6['ipv6_address']) . "/" . $ip6['ipv6_prefixlen'] . "</a>"; $break = "<br />"; } } echo "</span>"; echo "</td><td width=100>"; if ($port_details) { $port['graph_type'] = "port_bits"; echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=port_bits&id=" . $port['port_id'] . "&from=" . $config['time']['day'] . "&to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&width=100&height=20&legend=no&bg=" . str_replace("#", "", $row_colour) . "'>"); $port['graph_type'] = "port_upkts"; echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=port_upkts&id=" . $port['port_id'] . "&from=" . $config['time']['day'] . "&to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&width=100&height=20&legend=no&bg=" . str_replace("#", "", $row_colour) . "'>"); $port['graph_type'] = "port_errors"; echo generate_port_link($port, "<img src='graph.php?type=port_errors&id=" . $port['port_id'] . "&from=" . $config['time']['day'] . "&to=" . $config['time']['now'] . "&width=100&height=20&legend=no&bg=" . str_replace("#", "", $row_colour) . "'>"); } echo "</td><td width=120>"; if ($port['ifOperStatus'] == "up") {