Example #1
 function _get_ranges(&$config)
     // get all ip ranges
     $ranges = array();
     foreach ($config as $carrier => $carrier_ips) {
         foreach ($carrier_ips as $cidr) {
             $cidr = @Net_IPv4::parseAddress($cidr);
             $ranges[] = array('broadcast' => $this->ip2double($cidr->broadcast), 'carrier' => $carrier, 'network' => $this->ip2double($cidr->network));
     // sort
     usort($ranges, array($this, 'compareByNetwork'));
     // unite sequent ip range
     $l = count($ranges);
     $cur =& $ranges[0];
     for ($i = 1; $i < $l; $i++) {
         $next =& $ranges[$i];
         $condition = $cur['broadcast'] + 1 === $next['network'] && $cur['carrier'] === $next['carrier'];
         if ($condition) {
             $cur['broadcast'] = $next['broadcast'];
         } else {
             $cur =& $ranges[$i];
     $ranges = array_values($ranges);
     // compile data
     $retval = "<?php\n" . "// auto-generated by %s\n" . "// date: %s\n" . "return %s;\n";
     $retval = sprintf($retval, __CLASS__, date('Y/m/d H:i:s'), var_export($ranges, true));
     return $retval;
Example #2
 function testWillcom()
     $ranges = $this->ranges['willcom'];
     foreach ($ranges as $cidr) {
         $cidr = @Net_IPv4::parseAddress($cidr);
         $network = explode('.', $cidr->network);
         $broadcast = explode('.', $cidr->broadcast);
         $ip = "{$network[0]}.{$network[1]}.{$network[2]}";
         for ($i = $network[3]; $i <= $broadcast[3]; $i++) {
             $this->assertEqual($this->mobile_ip->carrier("{$ip}.{$i}"), 'willcom');
Example #3
function netmask2cidr($netmask)
    $addr = Net_IPv4::parseAddress("{$netmask}");
    return $addr->bitmask;

echo 'IPv4 Addresses : ';
$oids = trim(snmp_walk($device, 'ipAdEntIfIndex', '-Osq', 'IP-MIB'));
$oids = str_replace('ipAdEntIfIndex.', '', $oids);
foreach (explode("\n", $oids) as $data) {
    $data = trim($data);
    list($oid, $ifIndex) = explode(' ', $data);
    $mask = trim(snmp_get($device, "ipAdEntNetMask.{$oid}", '-Oqv', 'IP-MIB'));
    $addr = Net_IPv4::parseAddress("{$oid}/{$mask}");
    $network = $addr->network . '/' . $addr->bitmask;
    $cidr = $addr->bitmask;
    if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE device_id = ? AND `ifIndex` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ifIndex)) != '0' && $oid != '' && $oid != 'ipAdEntIfIndex') {
        $port_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `port_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $ifIndex));
        if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ?', array($network)) < '1') {
            dbInsert(array('ipv4_network' => $network), 'ipv4_networks');
            // echo("Create Subnet $network\n");
            echo 'S';
        $ipv4_network_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ?', array($network));
        if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `ipv4_address` = ? AND `ipv4_prefixlen` = ? AND `port_id` = ?', array($oid, $cidr, $port_id)) == '0') {
            dbInsert(array('ipv4_address' => $oid, 'ipv4_prefixlen' => $cidr, 'ipv4_network_id' => $ipv4_network_id, 'port_id' => $port_id), 'ipv4_addresses');
            // echo("Added $oid/$cidr to $port_id ( $hostname $ifIndex )\n $i_query\n");
            echo '+';
        } else {
            echo '.';
        $full_address = "{$oid}/{$cidr}|{$ifIndex}";
        $valid_v4[$full_address] = 1;
    } else {
        echo '!';
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage discovery
 * @author     Adam Armstrong <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright  (C) 2006 - 2013 Adam Armstrong
include "includes/defaults.inc.php";
include "config.php";
include "includes/definitions.inc.php";
include "includes/functions.php";
$handle = fopen("ips.txt", "w");
foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ipv4_networks`") as $data) {
    $cidr = $data['ipv4_network'];
    list($network, $bits) = explode("/", $cidr);
    if ($bits != '32' && $bits != '32' && $bits > '22') {
        $addr = Net_IPv4::parseAddress($cidr);
        $broadcast = $addr->broadcast;
        $ip = ip2long($network) + '1';
        $end = ip2long($broadcast);
        while ($ip < $end) {
            $ipdotted = long2ip($ip);
            if (dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(ipv4_address_id) FROM `ipv4_addresses` WHERE `ipv4_address` = ?", array($ipdotted)) == '0' && match_network($config['nets'], $ipdotted)) {
                fputs($handle, $ipdotted . "\n");
shell_exec("fping -t 100 -f ips.txt > ips-scanned.txt");
Example #6
 * Reformat incomplete IPv4 address to decimal for search!
function reformatIPv4forSearch($ip)
    //remove % sign if present
    $ip = str_replace("%", "", $ip);
    //remove last .
    $size = count($ip);
    $lastChar = substr($ip, -1);
    if ($lastChar == ".") {
        $ip = substr($ip, 0, -1);
    /* check if subnet provided, then we have all we need */
    if (strpos($ip, "/") > 0) {
        require_once 'PEAR/Net/IPv4.php';
        $net = Net_IPv4::parseAddress($ip);
        $result['low'] = transform2decimal($net->network);
        $result['high'] = transform2decimal($net->broadcast);
    } else {
        /* if subnet is not provided maye wildcard is, so explode it to array */
        $ip = explode(".", $ip);
        //4 is ok
        if (sizeof($ip) == 4) {
            $temp = implode(".", $ip);
            $result['low'] = $result['high'] = transform2decimal($temp);
        } else {
            if (sizeof($ip) == 3) {
                $ip[3] = 0;
                $result['low'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
                $ip[3] = 255;
                $result['high'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
            } else {
                if (sizeof($ip) == 2) {
                    $ip[2] = 0;
                    $ip[3] = 0;
                    $result['low'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
                    $ip[2] = 255;
                    $ip[3] = 255;
                    $result['high'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
                } else {
                    if (sizeof($ip) == 1) {
                        $ip[1] = 0;
                        $ip[2] = 0;
                        $ip[3] = 0;
                        $result['low'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
                        $ip[1] = 255;
                        $ip[2] = 255;
                        $ip[3] = 255;
                        $result['high'] = transform2decimal(implode(".", $ip));
                    } else {
                        $result['low'] = implode(".", $ip);
                        $result['high'] = implode(".", $ip);
    //return result!
    return $result;
  * Determines whether or not the supplied IP is within the supplied network.
  * This function determines whether an IP address is within a network.
  * The IP address ($ip) must be supplied in dot-quad format, and the
  * network ($network) may be either a string containing a CIDR
  * formatted network definition, or a Net_IPv4 object.
  * @param  string $ip A quad-dot representation of an IP address 
  * @param  string $network A string representing the network in CIDR format or a Net_IPv4 object.
  * @return boolean  true if the IP address exists within the network
 function ipInNetwork($ip, $network)
     if (!is_object($network) || get_class($network) != 'net_ipv4') {
         $network = Net_IPv4::parseAddress($network);
     if (!is_object($network) || get_class($network) != 'net_ipv4') {
         return $network;
     $net = Net_IPv4::ip2double($network->network);
     $bcast = Net_IPv4::ip2double($network->broadcast);
     $ip = Net_IPv4::ip2double($ip);
     if ($ip >= $net && $ip <= $bcast) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
     return (double) sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip));
Example #8
  * Determines whether or not the supplied IP is within the supplied network.
  * This function determines whether an IP address is within a network.
  * The IP address ($ip) must be supplied in dot-quad format, and the
  * network ($network) may be either a string containing a CIDR
  * formatted network definition, or a Net_IPv4 object.
  * @param  string  $ip      A dot quad representation of an IP address
  * @param  string  $network A string representing the network in CIDR format or a Net_IPv4 object.
  * @return bool             true if the IP address exists within the network
 function ipInNetwork($ip, $network)
     if (!is_object($network) || strcasecmp(get_class($network), 'net_ipv4') != 0) {
         $network = Net_IPv4::parseAddress($network);
     if (strcasecmp(get_class($network), 'pear_error') === 0) {
         return false;
     $net = Net_IPv4::ip2double($network->network);
     $bcast = Net_IPv4::ip2double($network->broadcast);
     $ip = Net_IPv4::ip2double($ip);
     if ($ip >= $net && $ip <= $bcast) {
         return true;
     return false;
Example #9
if (isset($opts['n'])) {
    $force_network = true;
if (isset($opts['b'])) {
    $force_broadcast = true;
if (isset($opts['r'])) {
    $net = Net_IPv4::parseAddress($opts['r']);
    if (ip2long($net->network) !== false) {
        perform_snmp_scan($net, $force_network, $force_broadcast);
        echo 'Scanned ' . $stats['count'] . ' IPs, Already known ' . $stats['known'] . ' Devices, Added ' . $stats['added'] . ' Devices, Failed to add ' . $stats['failed'] . ' Devices.' . PHP_EOL;
        echo 'Runtime: ' . (microtime(true) - $ts) . ' secs' . PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        echo 'Could not interpret supplied CIDR noted IP-Range: ' . $opts['r'] . PHP_EOL;
} elseif (isset($config['nets']) && !empty($config['nets'])) {
    if (!is_array($config['nets'])) {
        $config['nets'] = array($config['nets']);
    foreach ($config['nets'] as $subnet) {
        $net = Net_IPv4::parseAddress($subnet);
        perform_snmp_scan($net, $force_network, $force_broadcast);
    echo 'Scanned ' . $stats['count'] . ' IPs, Already know ' . $stats['known'] . ' Devices, Added ' . $stats['added'] . ' Devices, Failed to add ' . $stats['failed'] . ' Devices.' . PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Runtime: ' . (microtime(true) - $ts) . ' secs' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo 'Please either add a range argument with \'-r <CIDR_RANGE>\' or define $config[\'nets\'] in your config.php' . PHP_EOL;
  * convert an IP address into a hex value
  * @param string $IP
  * @return string
 protected function convertIpToHex($host)
     if (!isset($host) || empty($host) || !is_string($host)) {
         static::raiseError(__METHOD__ . '(), $host parameter is invalid!');
         return false;
     global $ms;
     $ipv4 = new Net_IPv4();
     $parsed = $ipv4->parseAddress($host);
     // if CIDR contains no netmask or was unparsable, we assume /32
     if (empty($parsed->netmask)) {
         $parsed->netmask = "";
     if (!$ipv4->validateIP($parsed->ip)) {
         $ms->throwError(_("Incorrect IP address! Can not convert it to hex!"));
     if (!$ipv4->validateNetmask($parsed->netmask)) {
         $ms->throwError(_("Incorrect Netmask! Can not convert it to hex!"));
     if (($hex_host = $ipv4->atoh($parsed->ip)) == false) {
         $ms->throwError(_("Failed to convert " . $parsed->ip . " to hex!"));
     if (($hex_subnet = $ipv4->atoh($parsed->netmask)) == false) {
         $ms->throwError(_("Failed to convert " . $parsed->netmask . " to hex!"));
     return array('ip' => $hex_host, 'netmask' => $hex_subnet);
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window.listNetworkInterface=" . json_encode($listnetworkinterfaces) . ";</script>";
$interfacerec->sql = "SELECT id_device_ifspeedduplex,device_ifspeedduplex FROM _device_ifspeedduplex";
$listifspeedduplex = $interfacerec->dbData;
$interfacerec->sql = "\nSELECT \na.id_device_interfacelabel,\na.device_interfacelabel \nFROM _device_interfacelabel a\nWHERE NOT EXISTS \n(SELECT b.id_device_interfacelabel \nFROM _cfg_device_interface b \nWHERE a.id_device_interfacelabel=b.id_device_interfacelabel \nAND b.id_cfg_device=" . $_POST["id_cfg_device"] . " \nAND b.cfg_device_interface_enabled=1) AND id_device=" . $_POST["id_device"];
$listiflabel = $interfacerec->dbData;
$listnetmask = array();
for ($i = 15; $i < 33; $i++) {
    $net = Net_IPv4::parseAddress("" . $i);
    $net->bitmask = $i;
    $netmask = $net->netmask;
    $listNetmask[] = array($i, $netmask . " / " . $i);
# Filterable Objects
## Network
$gdbo = new ArcDb();
$gdbo->dbConStr = $globalDBCON;
$gdbo->dbType = $globalDBTP;
$gdbo->dbSchema = $globalDB;
$gdbo->sql = "SELECT\nid_cfg_device_ip4netaddress,\nCONCAT(CAST(inet_ntoa(cfg_device_ip4netaddress) as CHAR),'/',CAST(cfg_device_ip4netaddress_nmbits as CHAR)) as Network\nFROM _cfg_device_ip4netaddress";
$gdbo->dbFilter = " WHERE id_cfg_device_netgroup=";
$gdbo->type = "list";
$gdbo->id = "id_cfg_device_ip4netaddress";
    $old_table[$entry['ifIndex']][$entry['ipv4_address']] = $entry;
// Process founded IPv4 addresses
$valid[$ip_version] = array();
$check_networks = array();
if (count($ip_data)) {
    foreach ($ip_data as $ifIndex => $addresses) {
        if (!isset($cache['port_index'][$device_id][$ifIndex])) {
        // continue if ifIndex not found
        $port_id = $cache['port_index'][$device_id][$ifIndex];
        foreach ($addresses as $ipv4_address => $entry) {
            $update_array = array();
            $ipv4_mask = $entry['ipAdEntNetMask'];
            $addr = Net_IPv4::parseAddress($ipv4_address . '/' . $ipv4_mask);
            $ipv4_prefixlen = $addr->bitmask;
            $ipv4_network = $addr->network . '/' . $ipv4_prefixlen;
            $full_address = $ipv4_address . '/' . $ipv4_prefixlen;
            // First check networks
            $ipv4_network_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ?', array($ipv4_network));
            if (empty($ipv4_network_id)) {
                $ipv4_network_id = dbInsert(array('ipv4_network' => $ipv4_network), 'ipv4_networks');
                echo 'N';
            // Check IPs in DB
            if (isset($old_table[$ifIndex][$ipv4_address])) {
                foreach (array('ipv4_prefixlen', 'ipv4_network_id', 'port_id') as $param) {
                    if ($old_table[$ifIndex][$ipv4_address][$param] != ${$param}) {
                        $update_array[$param] = ${$param};
Example #13
 * Get first available IP address
function getFirstAvailableIPAddress($subnetId)
    global $database;
    /* get all ip addresses in subnet */
    $query = 'SELECT `ip_addr` from `ipaddresses` where `subnetId` = "' . $subnetId . '" order by `ip_addr` ASC;';
    /* execute */
    try {
        $ipAddresses = $database->getArray($query);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $error = $e->getMessage();
        print "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" . _('Error') . ": {$error}</div>";
        return false;
    /* get subnet */
    $query = 'SELECT `subnet`,`mask` from `subnets` where `id` = "' . $subnetId . '";';
    $subnet2 = $database->getArray($query);
    $subnet = $subnet2[0]['subnet'];
    $mask = $subnet2[0]['mask'];
    /* create array of IP addresses */
    $ipaddressArray[] = $subnet;
    foreach ($ipAddresses as $ipaddress) {
        $ipaddressArray[] = $ipaddress['ip_addr'];
    //get array size
    $size = sizeof($ipaddressArray);
    $curr = 0;
    //get type
    $type = IdentifyAddress($subnet);
    // IPv4
    if ($type == "IPv4") {
        //if subnet is /32
        if ($mask == "32") {
            if ($size == 1) {
                $firstAvailable = $ipaddressArray[0];
            } else {
                $firstAvailable = false;
        } elseif ($mask == "31") {
            if ($size == 1) {
                $firstAvailable = $ipaddressArray[0];
            } elseif ($size == 2) {
                $delta = $ipaddressArray[1] - $ipaddressArray[0];
                if ($delta == 1) {
                    $firstAvailable = $ipaddressArray[0];
                } else {
                    $firstAvailable = gmp_strval(gmp_add($ipaddressArray[0], 1));
            } else {
                $firstAvailable = false;
        } elseif ($size == 1) {
            $firstAvailable = gmp_strval(gmp_add($ipaddressArray[0], 1));
        } else {
            //get first change -> delta > 1
            for ($m = 1; $m <= $size - 1; $m++) {
                $delta = gmp_strval(gmp_sub($ipaddressArray[$m], $ipaddressArray[$m - 1]));
                //compare with previous
                if ($delta != 1) {
                    $firstAvailable = gmp_strval(gmp_add($ipaddressArray[$m - 1], 1));
                    $m = $size;
                } else {
                    $firstAvailable = gmp_strval(gmp_add($ipaddressArray[$m], 1));
            //if bcast ignore!
            require_once 'PEAR/Net/IPv4.php';
            $Net_IPv4 = new Net_IPv4();
            $net = $Net_IPv4->parseAddress(transform2long($subnet) . "/" . $mask);
            if ($net->broadcast == transform2long($firstAvailable)) {
                $firstAvailable = false;
    } else {
        //if subnet is /128
        if ($mask == "128" && $type == "IPv6") {
            if ($size == 1) {
                $firstAvailable = $ipaddressArray[0];
            } else {
                $firstAvailable = false;
        } elseif ($mask == "127" && $type == "IPv6") {
            if ($size == 1) {
                $firstAvailable = $ipaddressArray[0];
            } elseif ($size == 2) {
                $delta = $ipaddressArray[1] - $ipaddressArray[0];
                if ($delta == 1) {
                    $firstAvailable = $ipaddressArray[0];
                } else {
                    $firstAvailable = gmp_strval(gmp_add($ipaddressArray[0], 1));
            } else {
                $firstAvailable = false;
        } elseif ($size == 1) {
            $firstAvailable = gmp_strval($ipaddressArray[0]);
        } elseif ($subnet == $ipaddressArray[0]) {
            $firstAvailable = gmp_strval($subnet);
        } else {
            //get first change -> delta > 1
            for ($m = 1; $m <= $size - 1; $m++) {
                $delta = gmp_strval(gmp_sub($ipaddressArray[$m], $ipaddressArray[$m - 1]));
                //compare with previous
                if ($delta != 1) {
                    $firstAvailable = gmp_strval(gmp_add($ipaddressArray[$m - 1], 1));
                    $m = $size;
                } else {
                    $firstAvailable = gmp_strval(gmp_add($ipaddressArray[$m], 1));
            //if bcast ignore!
            $firstAvailable = gmp_strval(gmp_add($ipaddressArray[$size - 1], 1));
    /* return first available IP address */
    return $firstAvailable;
Example #14
  * Returns all IPv4 subnet masks with different presentations
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function get_ipv4_masks()
     # loop masks
     for ($mask = 30; $mask >= 8; $mask--) {
         // initialize
         $out[$mask] = new StdClass();
         // fake cidr
         $net = Net_IPv4::parseAddress("{$mask}");
         // set
         $out[$mask]->bitmask = $mask;
         // bitmask
         $out[$mask]->netmask = $net->netmask;
         // netmask
         $out[$mask]->host_bits = 32 - $mask;
         // host bits
         $out[$mask]->subnet_bits = 32 - $out[$mask]->host_bits;
         // network bits
         $out[$mask]->hosts = number_format($this->get_max_hosts($mask, "IPv4"), 0, ",", ".");
         // max hosts
         $out[$mask]->subnets = number_format(pow(2, $mask - 8), 0, ",", ".");
         // binary
         $parts = explode(".", $net->netmask);
         foreach ($parts as $k => $p) {
             $parts[$k] = str_pad(decbin($p), 8, 0);
         $out[$mask]->binary = implode(".", $parts);
     # return result
     return $out;
Example #15
    $old_table[$entry['ifIndex']][$entry['ipv4_address']] = $entry;
// Process founded IPv4 addresses
$valid[$ip_version] = array();
$check_networks = array();
if (count($ip_data)) {
    foreach ($ip_data as $ifIndex => $addresses) {
        if (!isset($cache['port_index'][$device_id][$ifIndex])) {
        // continue if ifIndex not found
        $port_id = $cache['port_index'][$device_id][$ifIndex];
        foreach ($addresses as $ipv4_address => $entry) {
            $update_array = array();
            $ipv4_prefix = $entry['ipAddressPrefix'] ? $entry['ipAddressPrefix'] : $entry['ipAdEntNetMask'];
            $addr = Net_IPv4::parseAddress($ipv4_address . '/' . $ipv4_prefix);
            $ipv4_prefixlen = $addr->bitmask;
            $ipv4_network = $addr->network . '/' . $ipv4_prefixlen;
            $full_address = $ipv4_address . '/' . $ipv4_prefixlen;
            // First check networks
            $ipv4_network_id = dbFetchCell('SELECT `ipv4_network_id` FROM `ipv4_networks` WHERE `ipv4_network` = ?', array($ipv4_network));
            if (empty($ipv4_network_id)) {
                $ipv4_network_id = dbInsert(array('ipv4_network' => $ipv4_network), 'ipv4_networks');
                echo 'N';
            // Check IPs in DB
            if (isset($old_table[$ifIndex][$ipv4_address])) {
                foreach (array('ipv4_prefixlen', 'ipv4_network_id', 'port_id') as $param) {
                    if ($old_table[$ifIndex][$ipv4_address][$param] != ${$param}) {
                        $update_array[$param] = ${$param};