Example #1
 function data($packet, $offset)
     $data = $packet->dn_comp($this->qname, $offset);
     $data .= pack('n', Net_DNS::typesbyname(strtoupper($this->qtype)));
     $data .= pack('n', Net_DNS::classesbyname(strtoupper($this->qclass)));
     return $data;
Example #2
  * Parses a resource record section of a packet
  * Examines a DNS packet at the specified offset and parses the data
  * of a section which contains RRs (ANSWER, AUTHORITY, ADDITIONAL).
  * @param string    $data   The packet data returned from the server
  * @param integer   $offset The location offset of the start of the resource
  *                          record section.
  * @return  array   An array of type array($rr, $offset) where $rr
  *                  is a Net_DNS_RR object and $offset is the
  *                  location of the next section of the packet which
  *                  needs to be parsed.
 function parse_rr($data, $offset)
     list($name, $offset) = $this->dn_expand($data, $offset);
     if ($name === null) {
         return array(null, null);
     if (strlen($data) < $offset + 10) {
         return array(null, null);
     $a = unpack("@{$offset}/n2tc/Nttl/nrdlength", $data);
     $type = $a['tc1'];
     $class = $a['tc2'];
     $ttl = $a['ttl'];
     $rdlength = $a['rdlength'];
     $type = Net_DNS::typesbyval($type);
     $class = Net_DNS::classesbyval($class);
     $offset += 10;
     if (strlen($data) < $offset + $rdlength) {
         return array(null, null);
     $rrobj =& Net_DNS_RR::factory(array($name, $type, $class, $ttl, $rdlength, $data, $offset));
     if (is_null($rrobj)) {
         return array(null, null);
     $offset += $rdlength;
     return array($rrobj, $offset);
Example #3
 function data(&$packet, $offset)
     $data = $packet->dn_comp($this->name, $offset);
     $data .= pack('n', Net_DNS::typesbyname(strtoupper($this->type)));
     $data .= pack('n', Net_DNS::classesbyname(strtoupper($this->class)));
     $data .= pack('N', $this->ttl);
     $offset += strlen($data) + 2;
     // The 2 extra bytes are for rdlength
     $rdata = $this->rdata($packet, $offset);
     $data .= pack('n', strlen($rdata));
     $data .= $rdata;
     return $data;
 function error()
     if ($this->error != 0) {
         $rcode = Net_DNS::rcodesbyval($error);
     return $rcode;
Example #5
  * Returns the binary data containing the properties of the header
  * Packs the properties of the Header object into a binary string
  * suitable for using as the Header section of a DNS packet.
  * @return string   binary representation of the header object
  * @access public
 function data()
     $opcode = Net_DNS::opcodesbyname($this->opcode);
     $rcode = Net_DNS::rcodesbyname($this->rcode);
     $byte2 = $this->qr << 7 | $opcode << 3 | $this->aa << 2 | $this->tc << 1 | $this->rd;
     $byte3 = $this->ra << 7 | $rcode;
     return pack('nC2n4', $this->id, $byte2, $byte3, $this->qdcount, $this->ancount, $this->nscount, $this->arcount);