getWeather() public method

* Getters and setters
public getWeather ( $postal_code, $country_code = NULL )
 	// Google maps api URL
 	// This is required to get the timezone offset from the current user's location
 	$google_json = "" . $user_lat . "," . $user_long . "&timestamp=" . $timestamp;
 	$google_time = json_decode(file_get_contents($google_json));
 	$dst_offset = $google_time->dstOffset;
 	$raw_offset = $google_time->rawOffset;
 	$timestamp_offset = ( $dst_offset + $raw_offset ) / 60 / 60;
 	//$local_time = $timestamp + $dst_offset + $raw_offset;
 $nest = new Nest($nest_username, $nest_password_decrypt);
 $nest_devices = $nest->getDevices();
 foreach ($nest_devices as $device) {
     // Gather information from the Nest class object for storage
     $infos = $nest->getDeviceInfo($device);
     $energy = $nest->getEnergyLatest($device);
     $weather_nest = $nest->getWeather($user_location);
     // Gather the device information for storage
     $device_serial_number = $infos->serial_number;
     $nest_location = $infos->where;
     $device_name = $infos->name;
     $battery_level = $infos->current_state->battery_level;
     // Outside weather pulled from the nest class
     $outside_humidity = $weather_nest->outside_humidity;
     $outside_temperature = $weather_nest->outside_temperature;
     // Inside weather pulled from the nest class
     $temperature = $infos->current_state->temperature;
     $humidity = $infos->current_state->humidity;
     // Current running statistics for the graph
     $ac = $infos->current_state->ac == "" ? 0 : $infos->current_state->ac;
     $heat = $infos->current_state->heat == "" ? 0 : $infos->current_state->heat;
     $scale = $infos->scale;