Example #1
  * Function : process
  * Purpose: Perform exact and fuzzy matching on a species name, or single genus name
  * Input: - genus, genus+species, or genus+species+authority (in this version), as "searchtxt"
  *        - "search_mode" to control search mode: currently normal (default) / rapid / no_shaping
  *        - "debug" - print internal parameters used if not null
  * Outputs: list of genera and species that match (or near match) input terms, with associated
  *   ancillary info as desired
  * Remarks:
  *   (1) This demo version is configured to access base data in three tables:
  *          - genlist_test1 (genus info); primary key (PK) is genus_id
  *          - splist_test1 (species info); PK is species_id, has genus_id as foreign key (FK)
  *              (= link to relevant row in genus table)
  *          - auth_abbrev_test1 (authority abbreviations - required by subsidiary function
  *            "normalize_auth". Refer README file for relevant minimum table definitions.
  *       If authority comparisons are not required, calls to "normalize_auth" can be disabled and
  *         relevant function commented out, removing need for third table.
  *       (In a production system, table and column names can be varied as desired so long as
  *         code is altered at relevant points, also could be re-configured to hold all genus+species info together in a single table with minor re-write).
  *   (2) Writes to and reads back from pre-defined global temporary tables
  *      "genus_id_matches" and "species_id_matches", new instances of these are automatically
  *      created for each session (i.e., do not need clearing at procedure end). Refer
  *      README file for relevant table definitions.
  *   (3) When result shaping is on in this version, a relevant message displayed as required
  *      for developer feedback, if more distant results are being masked (in producton version,
  *       possibly would not do this)
  *   (4) Requires the following subsidiary functions (supplied elsewhere in this package):
  *         - normalize
  *         - normalize_auth
  *         - reduce_spaces
  *         - ngram
  *         - compare_auth
  *         - near_match
  *         - mdld
  *   (5) Accepts "+" as input separator in place of space (e.g. "H**o+sapiens"), e.g. for calling
  *         via a HTTP GET request as needed.
  * @param string $searchtxt : genus, genus+species, or genus+species+authority
  * @param string $search_mode : normal (default) / rapid / no_shaping
  * @param boolean $cache
  * @return boolean
 public function process($searchtxt, $search_mode = 'normal', $cache = false)
     $this->input = $searchtxt;
     $this->search_mode = $search_mode;
     $this->searchtxt = $searchtxt;
     $this->debug['process'][] = "1 (searchtxt:{$searchtxt}) (search_mode:{$search_mode})";
     $this->this_search_family = '';
     $this->this_search_genus = '';
     $this->this_search_species = '';
     $this->this_authority = '';
     $this->this_authorities = array();
     $this->this_search_infra1 = '';
     $this->this_search_infra2 = '';
     $this->this_search_rank1 = '';
     $this->this_search_rank2 = '';
     $this->this_start_string = '';
     $this->this_cleaned_txt = '';
     $this->this_family_string = '';
     $this->this_family_unmatched = '';
     $this->this_status_string = '';
     $text_str = $searchtxt;
     // accept "+" as separator if supplied, tranform to space
     if (strpos($text_str, '+') !== false) {
         $text_str = str_replace('+', ' ', $text_str);
     #$replace=array("%", "<", "{", "}", "&", "_", "\t");
     $replace = array("\t");
     $text_str = str_replace($replace, ' ', $text_str);
     if (strpos($text_str, '  ') !== false) {
         $text_str = preg_replace("/ {2,}/", ' ', $text_str);
     $text_str = trim($text_str);
     $this->debug['process'][] = "1a (text_str:{$text_str})";
     if (is_null($text_str) || $text_str == '') {
         $this->debug['process'][] = "2 Return(false)";
         return false;
     if (preg_match('/^[^[:alpha:]]+/u', $text_str, $start_matches)) {
         $text_str = str_replace($start_matches[0], '', $text_str);
         $this->this_start_string = $start_matches[0];
     if (preg_match("/(?:(?:\\s|^)(?:\\-?cf\\.?|vel\\.? sp\\.? aff\\.?|\\-?aff\\.?)(?:\\s|\$))|(?:\\?+)/i", $text_str, $anno_matches)) {
         $text_str = trim(str_replace($anno_matches[0], ' ', $text_str));
         $this->this_status_string = trim($anno_matches[0]);
     $text_str = str_replace(' -', '-', $text_str);
     $text_str = str_replace('- ', '-', $text_str);
     $this->this_preprocessed_txt = $text_str;
     $text_str = preg_replace("/(?<=\\s|^)(?:\\S*[^[:alpha:][:space:]])?(indeterminad[ao]|undetermined|unknown|indet\\.?|sp\\.?\\s+nov\\.?|sp\\.?)(?:[^[:alpha:][:space:]]\\S*)?(?=\\s|\$)/i", ' ', $text_str);
     if (strpos($text_str, '  ') !== false) {
         $text_str = preg_replace("/ {2,}/", ' ', $text_str);
     $text_str = trim($text_str);
     if (preg_match('/^(((?:[[:alpha:]]+aceae)|Cruciferae|Guttiferae|Umbelliferae|Compositae|Leguminosae|Palmae|Labiatae|Gramineae|Mimosoideae|Papilionoideae|Caesalpinioideae|fam(?:ily)?)((?:[^[:alpha:][:space:]]\\S*)?))(?=\\s+|$)/i', $text_str, $fam_matches)) {
         $text_str = trim(str_replace($fam_matches[0], '', $text_str));
         $this->this_family_string = $fam_matches[1];
         $this->this_search_family = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($fam_matches[2], 0, 1)) . mb_strtolower(mb_substr($fam_matches[2], 1));
         $this->this_family_unmatched = $fam_matches[3];
         if (preg_match("/^fam(ily)?\$/i", $this->this_search_family)) {
             $this->this_family_unmatched = $this->this_search_family . $this->this_family_unmatched;
             $this->this_search_family = '';
         if (!$this->parse_only && $this->this_search_family) {
             $searchFamilyName = $this->db->searchFamilyName($this->this_search_family);
             if (isset($searchFamilyName)) {
                 foreach ($searchFamilyName as $returnedFamilyName) {
                     $this->saveFamilyMatches($returnedFamilyName->nameID, $this->this_search_family, 0, 'Y');
             $nm = new NearMatch();
             $this_near_match_family = $nm->near_match($this->this_search_family);
             $this_family_start = substr($this->this_search_family, 0, 3);
             $this_family_length = strlen($this->this_search_family);
             $family_res = $this->db->family_cur($this->search_mode, $this_near_match_family, $this_family_length, $this_family_start);
             if (count($family_res)) {
                 foreach ($family_res as $drec) {
                     $family_match = $this->match_family($this->this_search_family, $drec->search_family_name);
                     if ($family_match['match']) {
                         $phonetic_flag = $family_match['phonetic_match'] ? 'Y' : null;
                         $this->saveFamilyMatches($drec->family_id, $drec->family, $family_match['edit_distance'], $phonetic_flag);
                 // end foreach
     if ($text_str == 'exit' || $text_str == 'end' || $text_str == 'q' || $text_str == '.') {
         return true;
     //unhyphened trinormial
     if (preg_match('/^([[:alpha:]]+) ([[:alpha:]]+)[\\.\\s]([[:alpha:]]+)(.*)/', $text_str, $matches)) {
         $specific_epithet_str = "{$matches['2']}-{$matches['3']}";
         $check_res = $this->db->checkSpecificEpithet(array($specific_epithet_str));
         foreach ($check_res as $ck) {
             if ($ck->count > 0 && mb_strtolower($ck->specificEpithet) == mb_strtolower($specific_epithet_str)) {
                 $text_str = str_ireplace_first("{$matches['2']} {$matches['3']}", "{$matches['2']}-{$matches['3']}", $text_str);
                 $this->this_preprocessed_txt = str_ireplace_first("{$matches['2']} {$matches['3']}", "{$matches['2']}-{$matches['3']}", $this->this_preprocessed_txt);
     $this->this_cleaned_txt = $text_str;
     $token = explode(" ", $text_str);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($token); $i++) {
         if (preg_match('/^[[:alpha:]]+\\.?$/u', $token[$i])) {
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $token[$i] = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($token[$i], 0, 1)) . mb_strtolower(mb_substr($token[$i], 1));
             } elseif (mb_strtoupper($token[$i]) == $token[$i]) {
                 $token[$i] = mb_strtolower($token[$i]);
             } else {
     $text_str = implode(" ", $token);
     // Clearing the temporary tables
     // includes stripping of presumed non-relevant content including subgenera, comments, cf's, aff's, etc... to
     // Normalizing the search text
     $n = new Normalize($this->db);
     $this->debug['process'][] = "3 (text_str:{$text_str})";
     if (!$this->chop_overload) {
         // leave presumed genus + species + authority (in this instance), with  genus and species in uppercase
         $splitter = new Splitter($n, $text_str);
         $this->this_search_genus = $this_search_genus = $splitter->get('genus');
         $this->this_search_species = $this_search_species = $splitter->get('species');
         $this->this_authorities = $splitter->get('authors');
         $this->this_authority = $this_authority = end($this->this_authorities);
         if (preg_match("/^gen(us)?\$/i", $this->this_search_genus)) {
             $this->this_search_genus = '';
         if (preg_match("/^sp(p|ecies)?\$/i", $this->this_search_species)) {
             $this->this_search_species = '';
         $infraspecies = $splitter->get('infraspecies');
         if (isset($infraspecies)) {
             if (isset($infraspecies[0])) {
                 if ($infraspecies[0][0] != 'n/a') {
                     $this->this_search_rank1 = $infraspecies[0][0];
                 $this->this_search_infra1 = $infraspecies[0][1];
             if (isset($infraspecies[1])) {
                 if ($infraspecies[1][0] != 'n/a') {
                     $this->this_search_rank2 = $infraspecies[1][0];
                 $this->this_search_infra2 = $infraspecies[1][1];
         if (NAME_PARSER == 'gni') {
             $this->gni_parser_result = $splitter->parsed_response;
     if ($this->parse_only) {
         return true;
     // cache_flag switch detemines if caching is allowed for the source
     if ($this->cache_flag == true) {
         if ($this_search_genus != '' && $this_search_species != '' && $this_authority != '') {
             $cache_key = $this_search_genus . '-' . $this_search_species . '-' . $this_authority . '_' . $search_mode;
             $cache_path = $this->cache_path . $this->db->source . "/authority/";
         } else {
             if ($this_search_genus != '' && $this_search_species != '') {
                 $cache_key = $this_search_genus . '-' . $this_search_species . '_' . $search_mode;
                 $cache_path = $this->cache_path . $this->db->source . "/species/";
             } else {
                 if ($this_search_genus != '') {
                     $cache_key = $this_search_genus . '_' . $search_mode;
                     $cache_path = $this->cache_path . $this->db->source . "/genus/";
         $this->_cache = new Cache($cache_path);
     $cache_loop_flag = false;
     if ($cache == true && $this->cache_flag == true) {
         if ($this->_cache->cache_exists()) {
             $cache_loop_flag = true;
     if (!$cache_loop_flag) {
         $search_str = $this->this_search_genus;
         if ($this->this_search_species) {
             $search_str .= ' ' . $this_search_species;
         if ($this->this_search_infra1) {
             if ($this->this_search_rank1 != '') {
                 $search_str .= ' ' . $this->this_search_rank1;
             $search_str .= ' ' . $this->this_search_infra1;
         if ($this->this_search_infra2) {
             if ($this->this_search_rank2 != '') {
                 $search_str .= ' ' . $this->this_search_rank2;
             $search_str .= ' ' . $this->this_search_infra2;
         $searchScientificName = $this->db->searchScientificName(array($text_str, $search_str));
         if (isset($searchScientificName)) {
             $has_match = 0;
             foreach ($searchScientificName as $returnedScientificName) {
                 if ($returnedScientificName->specificEpithet != '') {
                     $has_match = 1;
                     if ($returnedScientificName->nameRank != 'species' && $returnedScientificName->nameRank != 'nothospecies') {
                         if ($returnedScientificName->infraspecificEpithet2 || $this->this_search_infra2) {
                             $this->saveInfra2Matches($returnedScientificName->nameID, $returnedScientificName->scientificName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Y');
                         } elseif ($returnedScientificName->infraspecificEpithet || $this->this_search_infra1) {
                             $this->saveInfra1Matches($returnedScientificName->nameID, $returnedScientificName->scientificName, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Y');
                     } else {
                         $this->saveSpeciesMatches($returnedScientificName->nameID, $returnedScientificName->scientificName, 0, 0, 0, 'Y');
                 } elseif ($returnedScientificName->genus != '') {
                     $has_match = 1;
                     $this->saveGenusMatches($returnedScientificName->nameID, $returnedScientificName->genus, 0, 'Y');
             if ($has_match) {
                 return true;
         $this->debug['process'][] = "3a (this_search_genus:{$this_search_genus}) (this_search_species:{$this_search_species}) (this_authority:{$this_authority})";
         $nm = new NearMatch();
         $this_near_match_genus = $nm->near_match($this_search_genus);
         $this_near_match_species = '';
         $this->debug['process'][] = "3b (this_near_match_genus:{$this_near_match_genus})";
         //TODO refactor inside of a method
         $this_genus_start = substr($this_search_genus, 0, 3);
         $this_genus_end = substr($this_search_genus, -3);
         $this_genus_length = strlen($this_search_genus);
         $this->debug['process'][] = "3c (this_search_genus,{$this_search_genus}) (this_genus_start:{$this_genus_start}) (this_genus_end:{$this_genus_end}) (this_genus_length:{$this_genus_length})";
         if ($this_search_species != '') {
             $this_near_match_species = $nm->near_match($this_search_species, 'epithet_only');
             $this_species_length = strlen($this_search_species);
             $this->debug['process'][] = "4 (this_search_species:{$this_search_species}) (this_near_match_species:{$this_near_match_species}) (this_species_length:{$this_species_length})";
         // now look for exact or near matches on genus first select candidate genera for edit distance (MDLD) test
         // for drec in genus_cur loop -- includes the genus pre-filter (main portion)
         $genus_res = $this->db->genus_cur3($this->search_mode, $this_near_match_genus, $this_near_match_species, $this_genus_length, $this_genus_start, $this_genus_end);
         #				$this->debug['process'][] = array("5 (genus_res)" => $genus_res);
         $genus_matches = array();
         if (count($genus_res)) {
             // EJS -- attempt to reduce the amount of species_cur
             // this will be the naive approach
             foreach ($genus_res as $drec) {
                 $genus_match = $this->match_genera($this_search_genus, $drec->search_genus_name);
                 if ($genus_match['match']) {
                     // don't include a genus already in the array
                     if (!array_key_exists($drec->genus_id, $genus_matches)) {
                         $phonetic_flag = $genus_match['phonetic_match'] ? 'Y' : null;
                         $this->saveGenusMatches($drec->genus_id, $drec->genus, $genus_match['edit_distance'], $phonetic_flag);
                     $genus_matches[$drec->genus_id] = $genus_match;
             // end foreach
         $species_matches = array();
         if ($this_search_species != '' && count($genus_matches)) {
             $species_res = $this->db->species_cur_in2(array_keys($genus_matches), $this_species_length);
             if (isset($species_res)) {
                 foreach ($species_res as $drec) {
                     $species_epithets_match = $this->match_species_epithets($this_search_species, $drec->search_species_name);
                     $genus_match = $genus_matches[$drec->genus_id];
                     $binomials_match = $this->match_matches(array($genus_match, $species_epithets_match));
                     if ($binomials_match['match']) {
                         if (!array_key_exists($drec->species_id, $species_matches)) {
                             $binomial_phonetic_flag = $binomials_match['phonetic_match'] ? 'Y' : null;
                             $this->saveSpeciesMatches($drec->species_id, $drec->genus_species, $genus_match['edit_distance'], $species_epithets_match['edit_distance'], $binomials_match['edit_distance'], $binomial_phonetic_flag);
                         $species_epithets_match['genus_match'] = $genus_match;
                         $species_matches[$drec->species_id] = $species_epithets_match;
                 // EJS -- end
         $infra1_matches = array();
         if ($this->this_search_infra1 != '' && count($species_matches)) {
             $this_infra1 = $this->this_search_infra1;
             $this_rank1 = $this->this_search_rank1;
             $this_infra1_length = strlen($this_infra1);
             $infra1_res = $this->db->infra1_cur_in(array_keys($species_matches), $this_infra1_length);
             if (isset($infra1_res)) {
                 foreach ($infra1_res as $drec) {
                     $infra1_match = $this->match_species_epithets($this_infra1, $drec->search_infra1_name);
                     $species_match = $species_matches[$drec->species_id];
                     $genus_match = $species_match["genus_match"];
                     $binomials_match = $this->match_matches(array($genus_match, $species_match, $infra1_match));
                     if ($binomials_match['match']) {
                         if (!array_key_exists($drec->infra1_id, $infra1_matches)) {
                             $binomial_phonetic_flag = $binomials_match['phonetic_match'] ? 'Y' : null;
                             $this->saveInfra1Matches($drec->infra1_id, $drec->species_infra1, $genus_match['edit_distance'], $species_match['edit_distance'], $infra1_match['edit_distance'], $binomials_match['edit_distance'], $binomial_phonetic_flag);
                         $infra1_match["species_match"] = $species_match;
                         $infra1_matches[$drec->infra1_id] = $infra1_match;
                 // EJS -- end
         $infra2_matches = array();
         if ($this->this_search_infra2 != '' && count($infra1_matches)) {
             $this_infra2 = $this->this_search_infra2;
             $this_rank2 = $this->this_search_rank2;
             $this_infra2_length = strlen($this_infra2);
             $infra2_res = $this->db->infra2_cur_in(array_keys($species_matches), $this_infra2_length);
             if (isset($infra2_res)) {
                 foreach ($infra2_res as $drec) {
                     $infra2_match = $this->match_species_epithets($this_infra2, $drec->search_infra2_name);
                     $infra1_match = $infra1_matches[$drec->infra1_id];
                     $species_match = $infra1_match['species_match'];
                     $genus_match = $species_match["genus_match"];
                     $binomials_match = $this->match_matches(array($genus_match, $species_match, $infra1_match, $infra2_match));
                     if ($binomials_match['match']) {
                         if (!array_key_exists($drec->infra2_id, $infra2_matches)) {
                             $binomial_phonetic_flag = $binomials_match['phonetic_match'] ? 'Y' : null;
                             $this->saveInfra2Matches($drec->infra1_id, $drec->species_infra1, $genus_match['edit_distance'], $species_match['edit_distance'], $infra2_match['edit_distance'], $infra1_match['edit_distance'], $binomials_match['edit_distance'], $binomial_phonetic_flag);
                         $infra2_match["infra1_match"] = $infra1_match;
                         $infra2_matches[$drec->infra2_id] = $infra2_match;
                 // EJS -- end
     // End Cache Loop Flag
     return true;
                    $near_match_genus = $nm->near_match($genus_desc);
                    $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO `genlist%s` (`GENUS_ID`, `GENUS`, `AUTHORITY`, `GEN_LENGTH`, `NEAR_MATCH_GENUS`, `SEARCH_GENUS_NAME`) VALUES  ('%s','%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s')", mysql_escape_string($postfix), mysql_escape_string($genus_id_desc), mysql_escape_string($genus_desc), mysql_escape_string($authority_desc), mysql_escape_string($genus_length), mysql_escape_string($near_match_genus), mysql_escape_string($search_genus_name));
                } elseif (trim($data[3]) == '') {
                    // Used to slow down the script for shared hosted sites
                    // Create Species
                    $species_id_desc = $data[$species_id];
                    $species_desc = $data[$species];
                    $species_length = strlen($species_desc);
                    $genus_id_desc = $data[1];
                    $genus_desc = $master[$data[1]];
                    $norm = new Normalize();
                    $nm = new NearMatch();
                    $search_species_name = $norm->normalize($species_desc);
                    $near_match_species = $nm->near_match($species_desc);
                    $authority_desc = $data[$authority];
                    $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO `splist%s` (`SPECIES_ID`, `GENUS_ORIG`, `SPECIES`, `GENUS_ID`, `AUTHORITY`, `SP_LENGTH`, `NEAR_MATCH_SPECIES`, `SEARCH_SPECIES_NAME`) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s') ", mysql_escape_string($postfix), mysql_escape_string($species_id_desc), mysql_escape_string($genus_desc), mysql_escape_string($species_desc), mysql_escape_string($genus_id_desc), mysql_escape_string($authority_desc), mysql_escape_string($species_length), mysql_escape_string($near_match_species), mysql_escape_string($search_species_name));
            // end while
            print round(memory_get_usage() * 0.0009) . "KB - Final Memory Used<br>";
} else {
    print ' A valid name parameter has to be supplied.';
function select_source($source)
Example #3
 public static function match_author_words($author1, $author2)
     $match = $phonetic_match = false;
     $nm = new NearMatch();
     $author1_phonetic = $nm->near_match($author1);
     $author2_phonetic = $nm->near_match($author2);
     $author1_length = strlen($author1);
     $author2_length = strlen($author2);
     $ed = DamerauLevenshteinMod::distance($author1, $author2, 2, 3);
     // add the author post-filter
     // min. 51% "good" chars
     // first char must match for ED 2+
     if ($ed <= 3 && min($author1_length, $author2_length) > $ed * 2 && ($ed < 2 || substr($author1, 0, 1) == substr($author2, 0, 1)) || $author1_phonetic == $author2_phonetic) {
         $match = true;
         if ($author1_phonetic == $author2_phonetic) {
             $phonetic_match = true;
     return array('match' => $match, 'phonetic_match' => $phonetic_match, 'edit_distance' => $ed);
Example #4
 $handle = fopen('../authorities/' . $sourcefile, "r");
 while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
     if ($first) {
         $first = false;
     $norm = new Normalize();
     $nm = new NearMatch();
     $genus_desc = $data[$genus];
     $gen_length_desc = strlen($genus_desc);
     #					$genus_array = json_decode(file_get_contents(TAXAMATCH_URL . '?cmd=normalize&str=' . $genus_desc),true);
     #					$search_genus_name_desc = $genus_array['data'];
     $search_genus_name_desc = $norm->normalize($genus_desc);
     #					$near_match_genus_array = json_decode(file_get_contents(TAXAMATCH_URL . '?cmd=near_match&str=' . $genus_desc),true);
     #					$near_match_genus_desc = $near_match_genus_array['data'];
     $near_match_genus_desc = $nm->near_match($genus_desc);
     $species_desc = $data[$species];
     $sp_length_desc = strlen($species_desc);
     #					$species_array = json_decode(file_get_contents(TAXAMATCH_URL . '?cmd=normalize&str=' . $species_desc),true);
     #					$search_species_name_desc = $species_array['data'];
     $search_species_name_desc = $norm->normalize($species_desc);
     #					$near_match_species_array = json_decode(file_get_contents(TAXAMATCH_URL . '?cmd=near_match&str=' . $species_desc),true);
     #					$near_match_species_desc = $near_match_species_array['data'];
     $near_match_species_desc = $nm->near_match($species_desc);
     if ($authority_abbr) {
         $authority_abbr_desc = $data[$authority_abbr];
         $authority_desc = $data[$authority];
         $query = sprintf(" INSERT INTO auth_abbrev%s (`AUTH_ABBR`, `AUTH_FULL`) VALUES ('%s','%s') ", mysql_escape_string($postfix), mysql_escape_string($authority_abbr_desc), mysql_escape_string($authority_desc));
     } else {
         $authority_desc = $data[$authority];
Example #5
 case 'treat_word':
     require_once 'classes/class.nearmatch.php';
     $nm = new NearMatch();
     $strip_ending = $strip_ending == '' ? 0 : $strip_ending;
     $normalize = $normalize == '' ? 0 : $normalize;
     $data = $nm->treat_word($str, $strip_ending, $normalize);
     if ($output == 'xml') {
         $data = $nm->getXML();
     $debug = $nm->debug;
 case 'near_match':
     require_once 'classes/class.nearmatch.php';
     $nm = new NearMatch();
     $data = $nm->near_match($str);
     if ($output == 'xml') {
         $data = $nm->getXML();
     $debug = $nm->debug;
 case 'compare_auth':
     require_once 'classes/class.taxamatch.php';
     $tm = new Taxamatch();
     $data = $tm->compare_auth($str, $str2);
     if ($output == 'xml') {
         $data = $tm->getXML();
     $debug = $tm->debug;
 case 'ngram':