Example #1
 public static function initBindings()
     $NativeBinding = new NativeBinding();
     self::$Bindings = array($NativeBinding);
     self::$BindingsByName[$NativeBinding->getName()] = $NativeBinding;
     PluginRegistry::ForEachBinding(function ($PluginInstance) {
function msgUserCreate($aRequest)
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/config.php';
    $Out = Out::getInstance();
        $Salt = UserProxy::generateKey32();
        $NativeBinding = new NativeBinding();
        $HashedPassword = $NativeBinding->hash($aRequest['pass'], $Salt, 'none');
        $PublicMode = defined('PUBLIC_MODE') && PUBLIC_MODE;
        $DefaultGroup = $PublicMode ? 'member' : 'none';
        $Out->pushValue('publicmode', $PublicMode);
        if (!UserProxy::createUser($DefaultGroup, 0, 'none', $aRequest['name'], $HashedPassword, $Salt)) {
    } else {
function msgProfileupdate($aRequest)
    if (validUser()) {
        global $gGame;
        $UserId = UserProxy::getInstance()->UserId;
        if (validAdmin() && isset($aRequest['userId']) && $aRequest['userId'] != 0) {
            $UserId = intval($aRequest['userId']);
        $Connector = Connector::getInstance();
        do {
            // Update password
            if (isset($aRequest['newPass']) && $aRequest['oldPass'] != '') {
                if (UserProxy::getInstance()->validateCredentials($aRequest['oldPass'])) {
                    // User authenticated with valid password
                    // change the password of the given id. ChangePassword does a check
                    // for validity (e.g. only admin may change other user's passwords)
                    $Salt = UserProxy::generateKey32();
                    $HashedPassword = NativeBinding::nativeHash($aRequest['newPass'], $Salt, 'none');
                    if (!UserProxy::changePassword($UserId, $HashedPassword, $Salt)) {
                        $Out = Out::getInstance();
                } else {
                    $Out = Out::getInstance();
            // Update always log in
            if ($aRequest['autoAttend'] == 'true') {
                $ExistsRequest = $Connector->prepare('SELECT UserSettingId FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserSetting` ' . 'WHERE UserId=:UserId and Name="AutoAttend" LIMIT 1');
                $ExistsRequest->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                if ($ExistsRequest->fetchFirst() == null) {
                    $AttendRequest = $Connector->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserSetting` (UserId, Name) VALUES (:UserId, "AutoAttend")');
                    $AttendRequest->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            } else {
                $RemoveQuery = $Connector->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserSetting` WHERE ' . 'UserId = :UserId AND (Name = "AutoAttend") LIMIT 1');
                $RemoveQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            // Update vacation settings
            $Ranges = getVacationData($aRequest);
            $VacationMessage = $aRequest['vacationMessage'] == null ? '' : requestToXML($aRequest['vacationMessage'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
            // Revoke ranges that have been removed
            foreach ($Ranges['revoke'] as $RevokeRange) {
                $RevokeQuery = $Connector->prepare('UPDATE `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` USING (RaidId) ' . 'SET `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance`.Status = "undecided", Comment = "" ' . 'WHERE Start >= FROM_UNIXTIME(:Start) AND Start <= FROM_UNIXTIME(:End) ' . 'AND `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance`.Status = "unavailable" AND `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance`.UserId = :UserId');
                $RevokeQuery->bindValue(':Start', max($RevokeRange[0], time()), PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $RevokeQuery->bindValue(':End', max($RevokeRange[1], time()), PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $RevokeQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            // Update already affected ranges
            foreach ($Ranges['update'] as $UpdateRange) {
                $UpdateQuery = $Connector->prepare('UPDATE `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` USING(RaidId) ' . 'SET Comment = :Message ' . 'WHERE Start >= FROM_UNIXTIME(:Start) AND Start <= FROM_UNIXTIME(:End) ' . 'AND UserId = :UserId AND Status = "unavailable"');
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Start', $UpdateRange[0], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':End', $UpdateRange[1], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Message', $VacationMessage, PDO::PARAM_STR);
            // Update/Insert new ranges
            foreach ($Ranges['new'] as $NewRange) {
                // Update all raids that already have an attendance record
                $UpdateQuery = $Connector->prepare('UPDATE `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` USING(RaidId) ' . 'SET Status = "unavailable", Comment = :Message ' . 'WHERE Start >= FROM_UNIXTIME(:Start) AND Start <= FROM_UNIXTIME(:End) ' . 'AND UserId = :UserId');
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Start', $NewRange[0], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':End', $NewRange[1], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':UserId', intval($UserId), PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Message', $VacationMessage, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                // Find all reaids the do not have an attendance record
                $AffectedQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid`.RaidId FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` ON (`' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid`.RaidId = `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance`.RaidId ' . 'AND (`' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance`.UserId = :UserId OR `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance`.UserId IS NULL)) ' . 'WHERE Start >= FROM_UNIXTIME(:Start) AND Start <= FROM_UNIXTIME(:End) ' . 'AND UserId IS NULL ' . 'GROUP BY RaidId');
                $AffectedQuery->bindValue(':Start', $NewRange[0], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $AffectedQuery->bindValue(':End', $NewRange[1], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $AffectedQuery->bindValue(':UserId', intval($UserId), PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $AffectedQuery->loop(function ($aRaid) use(&$Connector, $UserId, $VacationMessage) {
                    // Set user to unavailable
                    $InsertQuery = $Connector->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` ' . '(UserId, RaidId, Status, Comment) ' . 'VALUES (:UserId, :RaidId, "unavailable", :Message)');
                    $InsertQuery->bindValue(':UserId', intval($UserId), PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $InsertQuery->bindValue(':RaidId', $aRaid['RaidId'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $InsertQuery->bindValue(':Message', $VacationMessage, PDO::PARAM_STR);
            // Update user settings
            if (count($Ranges['new']) == 0 && count($Ranges['update']) == 0) {
                if (count($Ranges['revoke']) > 0) {
                    $RemoveQuery = $Connector->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserSetting` WHERE ' . 'UserId = :UserId AND (Name = "VacationStart" OR Name = "VacationEnd" OR Name = "VacationMessage") LIMIT 3');
                    $RemoveQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            } else {
                if ($Ranges['SettingsFound']) {
                    $UpdateQuery = $Connector->prepare('UPDATE `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserSetting` SET IntValue = :Start WHERE UserId = :UserId AND Name = "VacationStart" LIMIT 1;' . 'UPDATE `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserSetting` SET IntValue = :End WHERE UserId = :UserId AND Name = "VacationEnd" LIMIT 1;' . 'UPDATE `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserSetting` SET TextValue = :Message WHERE UserId = :UserId AND Name = "VacationMessage" LIMIT 1;');
                    $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Start', $aRequest['vacationStart'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':End', $aRequest['vacationEnd'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Message', $VacationMessage, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                } else {
                    $InsertQuery = $Connector->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserSetting` (IntValue, UserId, Name) VALUES (:Start, :UserId, "VacationStart");' . 'INSERT INTO `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserSetting` (IntValue, UserId, Name) VALUES (:End, :UserId, "VacationEnd");' . 'INSERT INTO `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserSetting` (TextValue, UserId, Name) VALUES (:Message, :UserId, "VacationMessage");');
                    $InsertQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $InsertQuery->bindValue(':Start', $aRequest['vacationStart'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $InsertQuery->bindValue(':End', $aRequest['vacationEnd'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $InsertQuery->bindValue(':Message', $VacationMessage, PDO::PARAM_STR);
            // Update characters
            $CharacterQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character` WHERE UserId = :UserId AND Game = :Game ORDER BY Name');
            $CharacterQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
            $CharacterQuery->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
            $ValidCharacterIds = array();
            $UpdatedCharacteIds = array();
            $CharacterQuery->loop(function ($Data) use(&$ValidCharacterIds) {
                array_push($ValidCharacterIds, $Data['CharacterId']);
            $NumCharacters = isset($aRequest['charId']) && is_array($aRequest['charId']) ? count($aRequest['charId']) : 0;
            // Sanity check mainchar
            $FoundMainChar = false;
            for ($CharIndex = 0; $CharIndex < $NumCharacters; ++$CharIndex) {
                if ($aRequest['mainChar'][$CharIndex] == 'true') {
                    if ($FoundMainChar) {
                        $aRequest['mainChar'][$CharIndex] = 'false';
                    } else {
                        $FoundMainChar = true;
            if (!$FoundMainChar && $NumCharacters > 0) {
                $aRequest['mainChar'][0] = 'true';
            // Update/insert chars
            for ($CharIndex = 0; $CharIndex < $NumCharacters; ++$CharIndex) {
                $CharId = $aRequest['charId'][$CharIndex];
                $ClassArray = $aRequest['charClass'][$CharIndex];
                $Classes = count($ClassArray) == 1 ? $ClassArray[0] : implode(':', $ClassArray);
                if ($CharId == 0) {
                    // Insert new character
                    $InsertChar = $Connector->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character` ' . '( UserId, Name, Game, Class, Mainchar, Role1, Role2 ) ' . 'VALUES ( :UserId, :Name, :Game, :Class, :Mainchar, :Role1, :Role2 )');
                    $InsertChar->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                    $InsertChar->bindValue(':Name', requestToXML($aRequest['name'][$CharIndex], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), PDO::PARAM_STR);
                    $InsertChar->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                    $InsertChar->bindValue(':Class', $Classes, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                    $InsertChar->bindValue(':Mainchar', $aRequest['mainChar'][$CharIndex], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                    $InsertChar->bindValue(':Role1', $aRequest['role1'][$CharIndex], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                    $InsertChar->bindValue(':Role2', $aRequest['role2'][$CharIndex], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                    if (!$InsertChar->execute()) {
                } else {
                    if (in_array($CharId, $ValidCharacterIds)) {
                        // Update character
                        array_push($UpdatedCharacteIds, $CharId);
                        $UpdateChar = $Connector->prepare('UPDATE `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character` ' . 'SET Class = :Class, Mainchar = :Mainchar, Role1 = :Role1, Role2 = :Role2 ' . 'WHERE CharacterId = :CharacterId AND UserId = :UserId');
                        $UpdateChar->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                        $UpdateChar->bindValue(':CharacterId', $CharId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                        $UpdateChar->bindValue(':Class', $Classes, PDO::PARAM_STR);
                        $UpdateChar->bindValue(':Mainchar', $aRequest['mainChar'][$CharIndex], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                        $UpdateChar->bindValue(':Role1', $aRequest['role1'][$CharIndex], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                        $UpdateChar->bindValue(':Role2', $aRequest['role2'][$CharIndex], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                        if (!$UpdateChar->execute()) {
            $IdsToRemove = array_diff($ValidCharacterIds, $UpdatedCharacteIds);
            foreach ($IdsToRemove as $CharId) {
                // Remove character
                $DropChar = $Connector->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character` ' . 'WHERE CharacterId = :CharacterId AND UserId = :UserId');
                $DropAttendance = $Connector->prepare('DELETE FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` ' . 'WHERE CharacterId = :CharacterId AND UserId = :UserId');
                $DropChar->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $DropChar->bindValue(':CharacterId', $CharId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $DropAttendance->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                $DropAttendance->bindValue(':CharacterId', $CharId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
                if (!$DropChar->execute()) {
                if (!$DropAttendance->execute()) {
        } while (!$Connector->commit());
    } else {
        $Out = Out::getInstance();