Example #1
  * Look for an .nfo file in the NZB, return the NFO message id.
  * Gets the NZB completion.
  * Looks for PAR2 files in the NZB.
  * @param string $guid
  * @param string $relID
  * @param int    $groupID
  * @param string $groupName
  * @return bool
  * @access public
 public function getNfoFromNZB($guid, $relID, $groupID, $groupName)
     $fetchedBinary = false;
     $messageID = $this->parseNZB($guid, $relID, $groupID, true);
     if ($messageID !== false) {
         $fetchedBinary = $this->nntp->getMessages($groupName, $messageID['id'], $this->alternateNNTP);
         if ($this->nntp->isError($fetchedBinary)) {
             // NFO download failed, increment attempts.
             $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET nfostatus = nfostatus - 1 WHERE id = %d', $relID));
             if ($this->echooutput) {
                 echo 'f';
             return false;
         if ($this->nfo->isNFO($fetchedBinary, $guid) === true) {
             if ($this->echooutput) {
                 echo $messageID['hidden'] === false ? '+' : '*';
         } else {
             if ($this->echooutput) {
                 echo '-';
             $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET nfostatus = %d WHERE id = %d', Nfo::NFO_NONFO, $relID));
             $fetchedBinary = false;
     } else {
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             echo '-';
         $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET nfostatus = %d WHERE id = %d', Nfo::NFO_NONFO, $relID));
     return $fetchedBinary;
Example #2
     * Fetch a comment and insert it.
     * @param string $messageID Message-ID for the article.
     * @param string $siteID    id of the site.
     * @return bool
    protected function insertNewComment(&$messageID, &$siteID)
        // Get the article body.
        $body = $this->nntp->getMessages(self::group, $messageID);
        // Check if there's an error.
        if ($this->nntp->isError($body)) {
            return false;
        // Decompress the body.
        $body = @gzinflate($body);
        if ($body === false) {
            return false;
        // JSON Decode the body.
        $body = json_decode($body, true);
        if ($body === false) {
            return false;
        // Just in case.
        if (!isset($body['USER']) || !isset($body['SID']) || !isset($body['RID']) || !isset($body['TIME']) | !isset($body['BODY'])) {
            return false;
        $cid = md5($body['SID'] . $body['USER'] . $body['TIME'] . $siteID);
        // Insert the comment.
        if ($this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('
				INSERT IGNORE INTO releasecomment
				(text, createddate, issynced, shareid, cid, gid, nzb_guid, siteid, username, userid, releaseid, shared, host, sourceID)
				VALUES (%s, %s, 1, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 0, 0, 2, "", 999)', $this->pdo->escapeString($body['BODY']), $this->pdo->from_unixtime($body['TIME'] > time() ? time() : $body['TIME']), $this->pdo->escapeString($body['SID']), $this->pdo->escapeString($cid), $this->pdo->escapeString($body['RID']), $this->pdo->escapeString($body['RID']), $this->pdo->escapeString($siteID), $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($body['USER'], 0, 3) === 'sn-' ? 'SH_ANON' : 'SH_' . $body['USER'])))) {
            return true;
        return false;
Example #3
     * Attempt to get a better name from a par2 file and categorize the release.
     * @note Called from NZBContents.php
     * @param string $messageID MessageID from NZB file.
     * @param int    $relID     id of the release.
     * @param int    $groupID   Group id of the release.
     * @param \NNTP   $nntp      Class NNTP
     * @param int    $show      Only show result or apply iy.
     * @return bool
    public function parsePAR2($messageID, $relID, $groupID, &$nntp, $show)
        if ($messageID === '') {
            return false;
        $query = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('
				SELECT id, groupid, categoryid, name, searchname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(postdate) AS post_date, id AS releaseid
				FROM releases
				WHERE isrenamed = 0
				AND id = %d', $relID));
        if ($query === false) {
            return false;
        // Only get a new name if the category is OTHER.
        $foundName = true;
        if (!in_array((int) $query['categoryid'], array(\Category::CAT_BOOK_OTHER, \Category::CAT_GAME_OTHER, \Category::CAT_MOVIE_OTHER, \Category::CAT_MUSIC_OTHER, \Category::CAT_PC_MOBILEOTHER, \Category::CAT_TV_OTHER, \Category::CAT_MISC_HASHED, \Category::CAT_XXX_OTHER, \Category::CAT_MISC_OTHER))) {
            $foundName = false;
        // Get the PAR2 file.
        $par2 = $nntp->getMessages($this->groups->getByNameByID($groupID), $messageID, $this->alternateNNTP);
        if ($nntp->isError($par2)) {
            return false;
        // Put the PAR2 into Par2Info, check if there's an error.
        if ($this->_par2Info->error) {
            return false;
        // Get the file list from Par2Info.
        $files = $this->_par2Info->getFileList();
        if ($files !== false && count($files) > 0) {
            $filesAdded = 0;
            // Loop through the files.
            foreach ($files as $file) {
                if (!isset($file['name'])) {
                // If we found a name and added 10 files, stop.
                if ($foundName === true && $filesAdded > 10) {
                if ($this->addpar2) {
                    // Add to release files.
                    if ($filesAdded < 11 && $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('
								SELECT id
								FROM releasefiles
								WHERE releaseid = %d
								AND name = %s', $relID, $this->pdo->escapeString($file['name']))) === false) {
                        // Try to add the files to the DB.
                        if ($this->releaseFiles->add($relID, $file['name'], $file['size'], $query['post_date'], 0)) {
                } else {
                // Try to get a new name.
                if ($foundName === false) {
                    $query['textstring'] = $file['name'];
                    if ($this->nameFixer->checkName($query, 1, 'PAR2, ', 1, $show) === true) {
                        $foundName = true;
            // If we found some files.
            if ($filesAdded > 0) {
                $this->debugging->log(get_class(), __FUNCTION__, 'Added ' . $filesAdded . ' releasefiles from PAR2 for ' . $query['searchname'], \Logger::LOG_INFO);
                // Update the file count with the new file count + old file count.
						UPDATE releases
						SET rarinnerfilecount = rarinnerfilecount + %d
						WHERE id = %d', $filesAdded, $relID));
            if ($foundName === true) {
                return true;
        return false;
Example #4
     * Returns unix time for an article number.
     * @param int    $post      The article number to get the time from.
     * @param array  $groupData Usenet group info from NNTP selectGroup method.
     * @return bool|int
    public function postdate($post, array $groupData)
        // Set table names
        $groupID = $this->_groups->getIDByName($groupData['group']);
        $group = [];
        if ($groupID !== '') {
            $group = $this->_groups->getCBPTableNames($this->_tablePerGroup, $groupID);
        $currentPost = $post;
        $attempts = $date = 0;
        do {
            // Try to get the article date locally first.
            if ($groupID !== '') {
                // Try to get locally.
                $local = $this->_pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('
						SELECT b.date AS date
						FROM %s b, %s p
						WHERE b.id = p.binaryid
						AND b.groupid = %s
						AND p.number = %s LIMIT 1', $group['bname'], $group['pname'], $groupID, $currentPost));
                if ($local !== false) {
                    $date = $local['date'];
            // If we could not find it locally, try usenet.
            $header = $this->_nntp->getXOVER($currentPost);
            if (!$this->_nntp->isError($header)) {
                // Check if the date is set.
                if (isset($header[0]['Date']) && strlen($header[0]['Date']) > 0) {
                    $date = $header[0]['Date'];
            // Try to get a different article number.
            if (abs($currentPost - $groupData['first']) > abs($groupData['last'] - $currentPost)) {
                $tempPost = round($currentPost / (mt_rand(1005, 1012) / 1000), 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
                if ($tempPost < $groupData['first']) {
                    $tempPost = $groupData['first'];
            } else {
                $tempPost = round(mt_rand(1005, 1012) / 1000 * $currentPost, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
                if ($tempPost > $groupData['last']) {
                    $tempPost = $groupData['last'];
            // If we got the same article number as last time, give up.
            if ($tempPost === $currentPost) {
            $currentPost = $tempPost;
            if ($this->_debug) {
                $this->_colorCLI->doEcho($this->_colorCLI->debug('Postdate retried ' . $attempts . " time(s)."));
        } while ($attempts++ <= 20);
        // If we didn't get a date, set it to now.
        if (!$date) {
            $date = time();
        } else {
            $date = strtotime($date);
        if ($this->_debug) {
            $this->_debugging->log('Binaries', "postdate", 'Article (' . $post . "'s) date is (" . $date . ') (' . $this->daysOld($date) . " days old)", \Logger::LOG_INFO);
        return $date;
Example #5

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../config.php';
use nzedb\db\Settings;
$start = TIME();
$pdo = new Settings();
$consoleTools = new ConsoleTools(['ColorCLI' => $pdo->log]);
// Create the connection here and pass
$nntp = new NNTP(['Settings' => $pdo]);
if ($nntp->doConnect() !== true) {
    exit($pdo->log->error("Unable to connect to usenet."));
echo $pdo->log->header("Getting first/last for all your active groups.");
$data = $nntp->getGroups();
if ($nntp->isError($data)) {
    exit($pdo->log->error("Failed to getGroups() from nntp server."));
echo $pdo->log->header("Inserting new values into shortgroups table.");
$pdo->queryExec('TRUNCATE TABLE shortgroups');
// Put into an array all active groups
$res = $pdo->query('SELECT name FROM groups WHERE active = 1 OR backfill = 1');
foreach ($data as $newgroup) {
    if (myInArray($res, $newgroup['group'], 'name')) {
        $pdo->queryInsert(sprintf('INSERT INTO shortgroups (name, first_record, last_record, updated) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, NOW())', $pdo->escapeString($newgroup['group']), $pdo->escapeString($newgroup['first']), $pdo->escapeString($newgroup['last'])));
        echo $pdo->log->primary('Updated ' . $newgroup['group']);
echo $pdo->log->header('Running time: ' . $consoleTools->convertTimer(TIME() - $start));
function myInArray($array, $value, $key)
    //loop through the array
Example #6
 private function _postArticle($article, $retries = 3)
     // Extract message id
     if (!preg_match('/Message-ID: <(?P<id>[^>]+)>/', $article[0], $matches)) {
         // we couldn't extract the message id
         return false;
     $msg_id = $matches['id'];
     // Connect to server
     if (($this->_pdo->getSetting('alternate_nntp') == 1 ? $this->_nntp->doConnect(true, true) : $this->_nntp->doConnect()) !== true) {
         exit($this->_pdo->log->error("Unable to connect to usenet." . PHP_EOL));
     while ($retries > 0) {
         try {
             $summary = $this->_nntp->selectGroup($this->_post_group);
             if (NNTP::isError($summary)) {
                 $summary = $this->_nntpReset($this->_post_group);
             // Check if server will receive an article
             $_err = $this->_nntp->cmdPost();
             if (NNTP::isError($_err)) {
                 $summary = $this->_nntpReset($this->_post_group);
             // Actually send the article
             $_err = $this->_nntp->cmdPost2($article);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Ensure We're not connected
             try {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 /* do nothing */
             // Post failed
             // try again
         // Now we verify the post worked okay
         // The below code was commented out but not removed as it
         // is good reference on how to quickly scan for an article.
         // The problem with the below code is some providers were
         // taking up to 20 min for the post to show... so checking
         // right after posting was failing for this group.
         // $summary = $this->_nntp->selectGroup($this->_post_group);
         // if(NNTP::isError($summary)) {
         // 	$summary = $this->_nntpReset($this->_post_group);
         // 	$retries--;
         // 	continue;
         // }
         // $last = intval($summary['last']);
         // $batch = $last - SpotNab::VERIFY_FETCH_HEADER_COUNT;
         // $headers = $this->_get_headers($this->_post_group,
         // 			"$batch-$last", $retries);
         // // Ensure We're not connected
         // try{$this->_nntp->doQuit();}
         // catch(Exception $e)
         // {/* do nothing */}
         // if($headers === false){
         // 	// We failed
         // 	return false;
         // }
         // // Okay we have headers to scan (we'll work back from the end to
         // // the front to speed the process up)
         // for($i=count($headers)-1; $i >0; $i--){
         // 	if(!array_key_exists('Message-ID', $headers[$i]))
         // 		continue;
         // 	if ($headers[$i]['Message-ID'] == "<$msg_id>")
         // 		// Great! we found the post we just posted
         // 		return true;
         // }
         // // Otherwise we didn't find the Message-ID so we fail
         // return false;
         // Restore handler
         // We're done
         return true;
     // Restore handler
     return false;
function daytopost($nntp, $group, $days, $debug = true, $bfcheck = true)
    global $pdo;
    $st = false;
    if ($debug && $bfcheck) {
        echo $pdo->log->primary('Finding start and end articles for ' . $group . '.');
    if (!isset($nntp)) {
        $nntp = new \NNTP(['Settings' => $pdo]);
        if ($nntp->doConnect(false) !== true) {
        $st = true;
    $binaries = new \Binaries(['NNTP' => $nntp, 'Settings' => $pdo]);
    $data = $nntp->selectGroup($group);
    if ($nntp->isError($data)) {
        $data = $nntp->dataError($nntp, $group, false);
        if ($data === false) {
    // Goal timestamp.
    $goaldate = date('U') - 86400 * $days;
    $totalnumberofarticles = $data['last'] - $data['first'];
    $upperbound = $data['last'];
    $lowerbound = $data['first'];
    if ($debug && $bfcheck) {
        echo $pdo->log->header('Total Articles: ' . number_format($totalnumberofarticles) . ' Newest: ' . number_format($upperbound) . ' Oldest: ' . number_format($lowerbound));
    if ($data['last'] == PHP_INT_MAX) {
        exit($pdo->log->error("Group data is coming back as php's max value. You should not see this since we use a patched Net_NNTP that fixes this bug."));
    $firstDate = $binaries->postdate($data['first'], $data);
    $lastDate = $binaries->postdate($data['last'], $data);
    if ($goaldate < $firstDate && $bfcheck) {
        if ($st === true) {
        echo $pdo->log->warning("The oldest post indexed from {$days} day(s) ago is older than the first article stored on your news server.\nSetting to First available article of (date('r', {$firstDate}) or daysOld({$firstDate}) days).");
        return $data['first'];
    } else {
        if ($goaldate > $lastDate && $bfcheck) {
            if ($st === true) {
            echo $pdo->log->error("ERROR: The oldest post indexed from {$days} day(s) ago is newer than the last article stored on your news server.\nTo backfill this group you need to set Backfill Days to at least ceil(daysOld({$lastDate})+1) days (date('r', {$lastDate}-86400).");
            return '';
    if ($debug && $bfcheck) {
        echo $pdo->log->primary("Searching for postdates.\nGroup's Firstdate: " . $firstDate . ' (' . (is_int($firstDate) ? date('r', $firstDate) : 'n/a') . ").\nGroup's Lastdate: " . $lastDate . ' (' . date('r', $lastDate) . ").");
    $interval = floor(($upperbound - $lowerbound) * 0.5);
    $templowered = '';
    $dateofnextone = $lastDate;
    // Match on days not timestamp to speed things up.
    while (daysOld($dateofnextone) < $days) {
        while (($tmpDate = $binaries->postdate($upperbound - $interval, $data)) > $goaldate) {
            $upperbound = $upperbound - $interval;
        if (!$templowered) {
            $interval = ceil($interval / 2);
        $dateofnextone = $binaries->postdate($upperbound - 1, $data);
        while (!$dateofnextone) {
            $dateofnextone = $binaries->postdate($upperbound - 1, $data);
    if ($st === true) {
    if ($bfcheck) {
        echo $pdo->log->header("\nBackfill article determined to be " . $upperbound . " " . $pdo->log->setColor('Yellow') . "(" . date('r', $dateofnextone) . ")" . $pdo->log->rsetcolor());
    } else {
        echo $pdo->log->header('Current article determined to be ' . $upperbound . " " . $pdo->log->setColor('Yellow') . "(" . date('r', $dateofnextone) . ")" . $pdo->log->rsetcolor());
    // which is '.daysOld($dateofnextone)." days old.\n";
    return $upperbound;
     * Download and process binaries for JPG pictures.
     * @void
     * @access protected
    protected function _processJPGMessageIDs()
        // Download JPG file.
        if ($this->_foundJPGSample === false && !empty($this->_JPGMessageIDs)) {
            // Try to download it.
            $jpgBinary = $this->_nntp->getMessages($this->_releaseGroupName, $this->_JPGMessageIDs, $this->_alternateNNTP);
            if ($this->_nntp->isError($jpgBinary)) {
                $jpgBinary = false;
            if ($jpgBinary !== false) {
                if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                    $this->_echo('(jB)', 'primaryOver', false);
                // Try to create a file with it.
                @file_put_contents($this->tmpPath . 'samplepicture.jpg', $jpgBinary);
                // Try to resize and move it.
                $this->_foundJPGSample = $this->_releaseImage->saveImage($this->_release['guid'] . '_thumb', $this->tmpPath . 'samplepicture.jpg', $this->_releaseImage->jpgSavePath, 650, 650) === 1 ? true : false;
                if ($this->_foundJPGSample !== false) {
                    // Update the DB to say we got it.
							UPDATE releases
							SET jpgstatus = %d
							WHERE id = %d', 1, $this->_release['id']));
                    if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                        $this->_echo('j', 'primaryOver', false);
                @unlink($this->tmpPath . 'samplepicture.jpg');
            } else {
                if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                    $this->_echo('f', 'warningOver', false);
Example #9
  * Update the list of newsgroups and return an array of messages.
  * @param string $groupList
  * @param int    $active
  * @param int    $backfill
  * @return array
 public function addBulk($groupList, $active = 1, $backfill = 1)
     if (preg_match('/^\\s*$/m', $groupList)) {
         $ret = "No group list provided.";
     } else {
         $nntp = new NNTP(['Echo' => false]);
         if ($nntp->doConnect() !== true) {
             return 'Problem connecting to usenet.';
         $groups = $nntp->getGroups();
         if ($nntp->isError($groups)) {
             return 'Problem fetching groups from usenet.';
         $regFilter = '/' . $groupList . '/i';
         $ret = [];
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             if (preg_match($regFilter, $group['group']) > 0) {
                 $res = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = %s', $this->pdo->escapeString($group['group'])));
                 if ($res === false) {
                     $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf('INSERT INTO groups (name, active, backfill) VALUES (%s, %d, %d)', $this->pdo->escapeString($group['group']), $active, $backfill));
                     $ret[] = ['group' => $group['group'], 'msg' => 'Created'];
         if (count($ret) === 0) {
             $ret = 'No groups found with your regex, try again!';
     return $ret;
Example #10
  * Get nzpre data from usenet and parse.
 public function nzpreUpdate()
     if (empty($this->pdo->getSetting('nzpregroup')) || empty($this->pdo->getSetting('nzpresubject')) || empty($this->pdo->getSetting('nzpreposter')) || empty($this->pdo->getSetting('nzprefield')) || empty($this->pdo->getSetting('nzprekey'))) {
         return false;
     if ($this->echooutput) {
         echo "Predb   : Checking for new pre data ";
     $nntp = new NNTP();
     if (!$nntp->doConnect()) {
         echo "Failed to get NNTP connection\n";
         return false;
     $ret = $groupData = $nntp->selectGroup($this->pdo->getSetting('nzpregroup'));
     if ($nntp->isError($ret)) {
         echo "Predb   : Error " . $ret->getMessage() . "\n";
         return false;
     $ret = $groupMsgs = $nntp->getOverview($groupData['last'] - (!empty($this->pdo->getSetting('nzprearticles')) ? $this->pdo->getSetting('nzprearticles') : 500) . '-' . $groupData['last']);
     if ($nntp->isError($ret)) {
         echo "Predb   : Error " . $ret->getMessage() . "\n";
         return false;
     $added_updated = 0;
     $nzprekey = $this->pdo->getSetting('nzprekey');
     while (strlen($nzprekey) < 1024) {
         $nzprekey = $nzprekey . $nzprekey;
     $cnt = !empty($this->pdo->getSetting('nzprearticles')) ? $this->pdo->getSetting('nzprearticles') : 500;
     foreach ($groupMsgs as $groupMsg) {
         if ($cnt % 50 == 0 && $cnt != 0 && $this->echooutput) {
             echo $cnt . "..";
         if (preg_match('/^' . $this->pdo->getSetting('nzpresubject') . '$/', $groupMsg['Subject']) && preg_match('/^' . $this->pdo->getSetting('nzpreposter') . '/', $groupMsg['From'])) {
             $ret = $msgHeader = $nntp->getHeader($groupMsg['Message-ID']);
             if ($nntp->isError($ret)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($msgHeader); $i++) {
                 if (preg_match('/^' . $this->pdo->getSetting('nzprefield') . ': /', $msgHeader[$i])) {
                     if ($nzpreParse = $this->nzpreParse(str_replace($this->pdo->getSetting('nzprefield') . ': ', '', $msgHeader[$i]), $nzprekey)) {
                         if ($this->updatePreDB($this->pdo, $nzpreParse)) {
     if ($this->echooutput) {
         echo "\nPredb   : Added/Updated " . $added_updated . " records\n";
Example #11
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../www/config.php';
if (!isset($argv[1])) {
$group = $argv[1];
//$cleaner = new CollectionsCleaning();
$nntp = new NNTP();
$cli = new ColorCLI();
if ($nntp->doConnect() !== true) {
    exit($cli->error("Unable to connect to usenet."));
$number = 1000000;
//exec("tmux kill-session -t NNTPProxy");
$groupArr = $nntp->selectGroup($group);
if ($nntp->isError($groupArr) || !isset($groupArr['first']) || !isset($groupArr['last'])) {
if (isset($argv[2]) && is_numeric($argv[2])) {
    $first = $argv[2];
} else {
    if ($groupArr['last'] - $number > $groupArr['first']) {
        $first = $groupArr['last'] - $number;
    } else {
        $first = $groupArr['first'];
$last = $groupArr['last'];
@unlink(nZEDb_RES . 'logs' . DS . 'not_yenc' . DS . $group . '.txt');
@unlink(nZEDb_RES . 'logs' . DS . 'not_yenc' . DS . $group . '.failed.regex.txt');
Example #12
     * Backfill single group.
     * @param array $groupArr
     * @param int $left
     * @param int|string $articles
     * @return void
    public function backfillGroup($groupArr, $left, $articles = '')
        // Start time for this group.
        $startGroup = microtime(true);
        $groupName = str_replace('alt.binaries', 'a.b', $groupArr['name']);
        // If our local oldest article 0, it means we never ran update_binaries on the group.
        if ($groupArr['first_record'] <= 0) {
            $dMessage = "You need to run update_binaries on " . $groupName . ". Otherwise the group is dead, you must disable it.";
            if ($this->_debug) {
                $this->_debugging->log('Backfill', "backfillGroup", $dMessage, Logger::LOG_ERROR);
            if ($this->_echoCLI) {
        // Select group, here, only once
        $data = $this->_nntp->selectGroup($groupArr['name']);
        if ($this->_nntp->isError($data)) {
            $data = $this->_nntp->dataError($this->_nntp, $groupArr['name']);
            if ($this->_nntp->isError($data)) {
        if ($this->_echoCLI) {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary('Processing ' . $groupName), true);
        // Check if this is days or post backfill.
        $postCheck = $articles === '' ? false : true;
        // Get target post based on date or user specified number.
        $targetpost = (string) ($postCheck ? round($groupArr['first_record'] - $articles) : $this->_binaries->daytopost($groupArr['backfill_target'], $data));
        // Check if target post is smaller than server's oldest, set it to oldest if so.
        if ($targetpost < $data['first']) {
            $targetpost = $data['first'];
        // Check if our target post is newer than our oldest post or if our local oldest article is older than the servers oldest.
        if ($targetpost >= $groupArr['first_record'] || $groupArr['first_record'] <= $data['first']) {
            $dMessage = "We have hit the maximum we can backfill for " . $groupName . ", skipping it, consider disabling backfill on it.";
            if ($this->_debug) {
                $this->_debugging->log('Backfill', "backfillGroup", $dMessage, Logger::LOG_NOTICE);
            if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->notice($dMessage), true);
        if ($this->_echoCLI) {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary('Group ' . $groupName . "'s oldest article is " . number_format($data['first']) . ', newest is ' . number_format($data['last']) . ".\nOur target article is " . number_format($targetpost) . '. Our oldest article is article ' . number_format($groupArr['first_record']) . '.'));
        // Set first and last, moving the window by max messages.
        $last = (string) ($groupArr['first_record'] - 1);
        // Set the initial "chunk".
        $first = (string) ($last - $this->_binaries->messageBuffer + 1);
        // Just in case this is the last chunk we needed.
        if ($targetpost > $first) {
            $first = $targetpost;
        $done = false;
        while ($done === false) {
            if ($this->_echoCLI) {
                $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->set256('Yellow') . "\nGetting " . number_format($last - $first + 1) . " articles from " . $groupName . ", " . $left . " group(s) left. (" . number_format($first - $targetpost) . " articles in queue)." . $this->pdo->log->rsetColor(), true);
            $lastMsg = $this->_binaries->scan($groupArr, $first, $last, $this->_safePartRepair);
            // Get the oldest date.
            if (isset($lastMsg['firstArticleDate'])) {
                // Try to get it from the oldest pulled article.
                $newdate = strtotime($lastMsg['firstArticleDate']);
            } else {
                // If above failed, try to get it with postdate method.
                $newdate = $this->_binaries->postdate($first, $data);
					UPDATE groups
					SET first_record_postdate = %s, first_record = %s, last_updated = NOW()
					WHERE id = %d', $this->pdo->from_unixtime($newdate), $this->pdo->escapeString($first), $groupArr['id']));
            if ($first == $targetpost) {
                $done = true;
            } else {
                // Keep going: set new last, new first, check for last chunk.
                $last = (string) ($first - 1);
                $first = (string) ($last - $this->_binaries->messageBuffer + 1);
                if ($targetpost > $first) {
                    $first = $targetpost;
        if ($this->_echoCLI) {
            $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary(PHP_EOL . 'Group ' . $groupName . ' processed in ' . number_format(microtime(true) - $startGroup, 2) . " seconds."), true);
Example #13
} else {
    $groups = $pdo->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM groups WHERE name = %s', $pdo->escapeString($argv[1])));
if (count($groups) === 0) {
    if ($argv[1] === 'all') {
        exit('ERROR! No groups were found with backfill enabled!' . PHP_EOL);
    } else {
        exit('ERROR! Group (' . $argv[1] . ') not found!' . PHP_EOL);
$nntp = new NNTP(['Settings' => $pdo]);
$nntp->doConnect() or exit('Could not connect to Usenet!' . PHP_EOL);
$binaries = new Binaries(['NNTP' => $nntp, 'Settings' => $pdo]);
foreach ($groups as $group) {
    $groupNNTP = $nntp->selectGroup($group['name']);
    if ($nntp->isError($groupNNTP)) {
        echo 'ERROR! Could not fetch information from NNTP for group (' . $group['name'] . ')' . PHP_EOL;
    $postDate = $pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(postdate) AS postdate FROM releases WHERE group_id = %d ORDER BY postdate ASC LIMIT 1', $group['id']));
    if ($postDate === false) {
        echo 'ERROR! Could not find any existing releases for group (' . $group['name'] . ')' . PHP_EOL;
    $articleNumber = (int) $binaries->daytopost(round((time() - $postDate['postdate']) / 86400), $groupNNTP);
    if ($group['last_record'] != 0 && $articleNumber >= $group['last_record']) {
        echo 'ERROR! Could not determine the article number for this date: (' . $postDate['postdate'] . ') on group (' . $group['name'] . ')' . PHP_EOL;
    $articleDate = $binaries->postdate($articleNumber, $groupNNTP);
Example #14
 public function fetchTestBinaries($groupname, $numarticles, $clearexistingbins)
     $nntp = new NNTP();
     $binaries = new Binaries();
     $groups = new Groups();
     $ret = [];
     if ($clearexistingbins == true) {
         $this->pdo->queryExec('truncate releaseregextesting');
     $groupsToFetch = [];
     if (preg_match('/^[a-z]{2,3}(\\.[a-z0-9\\-]+)+$/', $groupname)) {
         $groupsToFetch[] = array('name' => $groupname);
     } elseif ($groupname === 0) {
         $groupsToFetch = $groups->getAll();
     } else {
         $newsgroups = $nntp->getGroups();
         foreach ($newsgroups as $ngroup) {
             if (preg_match('/' . $groupname . '/', $ngroup['group'])) {
                 $groupsToFetch[] = array('name' => $ngroup['group']);
     foreach ($groupsToFetch as $groupArr) {
         $group = $groupArr['name'];
         $data = $nntp->selectGroup($group);
         if (NNTP::isError($data)) {
             $ret[] = "Could not select group (doesnt exist on USP): {$group}";
         } else {
             $rangeStart = $data['last'] - $numarticles;
             $rangeEnd = $groupEnd = $data['last'];
             $rangeTotal = $rangeEnd - $rangeStart;
             $done = false;
             while ($done === false) {
                 if ($rangeTotal > $binaries->messageBuffer) {
                     if ($rangeStart + $binaries->messageBuffer > $groupEnd) {
                         $rangeEnd = $groupEnd;
                     } else {
                         $rangeEnd = $rangeStart + $binaries->messageBuffer;
                 $msgs = $nntp->getXOver($rangeStart . "-" . $rangeEnd, true, false);
                 if (NNTP::isError($msgs)) {
                     $ret[] = "Error {$msgs->code}: {$msgs->message} on " . $group;
                     continue 2;
                 $headers = [];
                 if (is_array($msgs)) {
                     //loop headers, figure out parts
                     foreach ($msgs as $msg) {
                         if (!isset($msg['Number'])) {
                         $msgPart = $msgTotalParts = 0;
                         $pattern = '|\\((\\d+)[\\/](\\d+)\\)|i';
                         preg_match_all($pattern, $msg['Subject'], $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                         $matchcnt = sizeof($matches[0]);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $matchcnt; $i++) {
                             //not (int)'d here because of the preg_replace later on
                             $msgPart = $matches[1][$i];
                             $msgTotalParts = $matches[2][$i];
                         if (!isset($msg['Subject']) || $matchcnt == 0) {
                             // not a binary post most likely.. continue
                         if ((int) $msgPart > 0 && (int) $msgTotalParts > 0) {
                             $subject = utf8_encode(trim(preg_replace('|\\(' . $msgPart . '[\\/]' . $msgTotalParts . '\\)|i', '', $msg['Subject'])));
                             if (!isset($headers[$subject])) {
                                 $headers[$subject]['Subject'] = $subject;
                                 $headers[$subject]['From'] = $msg['From'];
                                 $headers[$subject]['Date'] = strtotime($msg['Date']);
                                 $headers[$subject]['Message-ID'] = $msg['Message-ID'];
                                 $headers[$subject]['Size'] = $msg['Bytes'];
                             } else {
                                 $headers[$subject]['Size'] += $msg['Bytes'];
                     if (isset($headers) && count($headers)) {
                         $groupRegexes = $this->getForGroup($group);
                         $binSetData = [];
                         foreach ($headers as $subject => $data) {
                             $binData = array('name' => $subject, 'fromname' => $data['From'], 'date' => $data['Date'], 'binaryhash' => md5($subject . $data['From'] . $group), 'groupname' => $group, 'regexid' => "null", 'categoryid' => "null", 'reqid' => "null", 'blacklistid' => 0, 'size' => $data['Size'], 'relname' => "null", 'relpart' => "null", 'reltotalpart' => "null");
                             //Filter binaries based on black/white list
                             if ($binaries->isBlackListed($data, $group)) {
                                 //binary is blacklisted
                                 $binData['blacklistid'] = 1;
                             //Apply Regexes
                             $regexMatches = [];
                             foreach ($groupRegexes as $groupRegex) {
                                 $regexCheck = $this->performMatch($groupRegex, $subject, $data['From']);
                                 if ($regexCheck !== false) {
                                     $regexMatches = $regexCheck;
                                     $binData['regexid'] = $regexCheck['regexid'];
                                     $binData['categoryid'] = $regexCheck['regcatid'];
                                     $binData['reqid'] = empty($regexCheck['reqid']) ? "null" : $regexCheck['reqid'];
                                     $binData['relname'] = $regexCheck['name'];
                             $binSetData[] = $binData;
                         //insert 500 bins at a time
                         $binChunks = array_chunk($binSetData, 500);
                         foreach ($binChunks as $binChunk) {
                             foreach ($binChunk as $chunk) {
                                 $binParams[] = sprintf("(%s, %s, FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, now())", $this->pdo->escapeString($chunk['name']), $this->pdo->escapeString($chunk['fromname']), $this->pdo->escapeString($chunk['date']), $this->pdo->escapeString($chunk['binaryhash']), $this->pdo->escapeString($chunk['groupname']), $chunk['regexid'], $chunk['categoryid'], $chunk['reqid'], $chunk['blacklistid'], $chunk['size']);
                             $binSql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO releaseregextesting (name, fromname, date, binaryhash, groupname, regexid, categoryid, reqid, blacklistid, size, dateadded) VALUES " . implode(', ', $binParams);
                             //echo $binSql;
                         $ret[] = "Fetched " . number_format($numarticles) . " articles from " . $group;
                     } else {
                         $ret[] = "No headers found on " . $group;
                 } else {
                     $ret[] = "Can't get parts from server (msgs not array) on " . $group;
                 if ($rangeEnd == $groupEnd) {
                     $done = true;
                 $rangeStart = $rangeEnd + 1;
     return $ret;