function smwfNMInitializeTables() { global $smwgNMIP; require_once $smwgNMIP . '/includes/SMW_NMStorage.php'; NMStorage::getDatabase()->setup(true); return true; }
/** * Returns the single instance of this class. * * @return NMStorage * The single instance of this class. */ public static function getInstance() { if (!isset(self::$mInstance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$mInstance = new $c(); } return self::$mInstance; }
public function notifyUsers() { global $wgSitename, $wgSMTP, $wgEmergencyContact, $wgEnotifyMeJob; $sStore = NMStorage::getDatabase(); $nm_send_jobs = array(); $id = 0; if ( count( $this->m_notifyHtmlMsgs ) > 0 ) { $notifications = $sStore->getNotifyMe( array_keys( $this->m_notifyHtmlMsgs ) ); } $html_style = ''; // <style> // table.smwtable{background-color: #EEEEFF;} // table.smwtable th{background-color: #EEEEFF;text-align: left;} // table.smwtable td{background-color: #FFFFFF;padding: 1px;padding-left: 5px;padding-right: 5px;text-align: left;vertical-align: top;} // table.smwtable tr.smwfooter td{font-size: 90%;line-height: 1;background-color: #EEEEFF;padding: 0px;padding-left: 5px;padding-right: 5px;text-align: right;vertical-align: top;} // </style>'; $html_showall = array(); foreach ( $this->m_notifyHtmlMsgs as $notify_id => $msg ) { $html_msg = $html_style; $showing_all = false; if ( isset( $notifications[$notify_id] ) && $notifications[$notify_id]['show_all'] ) { SMWQueryProcessor::processFunctionParams( SMWNotifyProcessor::getQueryRawParams( $notifications[$notify_id]['query'] ), $querystring, $params, $printouts ); $format = 'auto'; if ( array_key_exists( 'format', $params ) ) { $format = strtolower( trim( $params['format'] ) ); global $smwgResultFormats; if ( !array_key_exists( $format, $smwgResultFormats ) ) { $format = 'auto'; } } $query = SMWQueryProcessor::createQuery( $querystring, $params, SMWQueryProcessor::INLINE_QUERY, $format, $printouts ); $res = smwfGetStore()->getQueryResult( $query ); $printer = SMWQueryProcessor::getResultPrinter( $format, SMWQueryProcessor::INLINE_QUERY, $res ); $result = $printer->getResult( $res, $params, SMW_OUTPUT_HTML ); // FIXME: hardcode switch to full url global $wgScriptPath, $wgServer; $result = str_replace ( $wgScriptPath, $wgServer . $wgScriptPath, $result ); $html_msg .= $result . '<br/>'; $html_showall[$notify_id] = array ( 'name' => $notifications[$notify_id]['name'], 'html' => $result ); $showing_all = true; $link = $res->getQueryLink()->getURL(); } global $smwgNMHideDiffWhenShowAll; if ( !( $smwgNMHideDiffWhenShowAll && $showing_all ) ) { $html_msg .= wfMsg( 'smw_nm_hint_notification_html', $this->m_notifyHtmlMsgs[$notify_id] ); if ( isset( $this->m_notifyHtmlPropMsgs[$notify_id] ) ) { $html_msg .= wfMsg( 'smw_nm_hint_nmtable_html', $this->m_notifyHtmlPropMsgs[$notify_id] ); } } if ( $showing_all ) { $id = $sStore->addNotifyRSS( 'nid', $notify_id, "All current items, " . date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', time() ), $this->applyStyle( $html_msg ), $link ); } else { $id = $sStore->addNotifyRSS( 'nid', $notify_id, $this->m_title->getText(), $this->applyStyle( $html_msg ) ); } } foreach ( $this->m_userMsgs as $user_id => $msg ) { // generate RSS items $html_msg = $html_style; foreach ( array_unique( $this->m_userNMs[$user_id] ) as $showall_nid ) { if ( isset( $html_showall[$showall_nid] ) ) { $html_msg .= wfMsg( 'smw_nm_hint_item_html', $html_showall[$showall_nid]['name'], $html_showall[$showall_nid]['html'] ); } } $html_msg .= wfMsg( 'smw_nm_hint_notification_html', $this->m_userHtmlNMMsgs[$user_id] ); if ( isset( $this->m_userHtmlPropMsgs[$user_id] ) ) { $html_msg .= wfMsg( 'smw_nm_hint_nmtable_html', $this->m_userHtmlPropMsgs[$user_id] ); } global $wgNMReportModifier, $wgUser; if ( $wgNMReportModifier ) { $userText = $wgUser->getName(); if ( $wgUser->getId() == 0 ) { $page = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Contributions', $userText ); } else { $page = Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $userText ); } $l = '<a href="' . $page->getFullUrl() . '">' . htmlspecialchars( $userText ) . '</a>'; $html_msg .= wfMsg( 'smw_nm_hint_modifier_html', $l ); $msg .= wfMsg( 'smw_nm_hint_modifier', $wgUser->getName() ); } $id = $sStore->addNotifyRSS( 'uid', $user_id, $this->m_title->getText(), $this->applyStyle( $html_msg ) ); if ( $wgEnotifyMeJob ) { // send notifications by mail $user_info = $sStore->getUserInfo( $user_id ); $user = User::newFromRow( $user_info ); if ( ( $user_info->user_email != '' ) && $user->getOption( 'enotifyme' ) ) { $name = ( ( $user_info->user_real_name == '' ) ? $user_info->user_name:$user_info->user_real_name ); $params = array( 'to' => new MailAddress( $user_info->user_email, $name ), 'from' => new MailAddress( $wgEmergencyContact, 'Admin' ), 'subj' => wfMsg( 'smw_nm_hint_mail_title', $this->m_title->getText(), $wgSitename ), 'body' => wfMsg( 'smw_nm_hint_mail_body', $name, $msg ), 'replyto' => new MailAddress( $wgEmergencyContact, 'Admin' ) ); $nm_send_jobs[] = new SMW_NMSendMailJob( $this->m_title, $params ); } } } if ( $wgEnotifyMeJob ) { if ( count( $nm_send_jobs ) ) { Job :: batchInsert( $nm_send_jobs ); } } else { global $phpInterpreter; if ( !isset( $phpInterpreter ) ) { // if $phpInterpreter is not set, assume it is in search path // if not, starting of bot will FAIL! $phpInterpreter = "php"; } // copy from SMW_GardeningBot.php ob_start(); phpinfo(); $info = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // Get Systemstring preg_match( '!\nSystem(.*?)\n!is', strip_tags( $info ), $ma ); // Check if it consists 'windows' as string preg_match( '/[Ww]indows/', $ma[1], $os ); global $smwgNMIP ; if ( $os[0] == '' && $os[0] == null ) { // FIXME: $runCommand must allow whitespaces in paths too $runCommand = "$phpInterpreter -q $smwgNMIP/specials/SMWNotifyMe/SMW_NMSendMailAsync.php"; // TODO: test async code for linux. // low prio $nullResult = `$runCommand > /dev/null &`; } else // windowze { $runCommand = "\"\"$phpInterpreter\" -q \"$smwgNMIP/specials/SMWNotifyMe/SMW_NMSendMailAsync.php\"\""; $wshShell = new COM( "WScript.Shell" ); $runCommand = "cmd /C " . $runCommand; $oExec = $wshShell->Run( $runCommand, 7, false ); } } }
function rcDoOutputFeed(&$feed, $type, $id, $limit) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $feed->outHeader(); if ($type == "nid") { $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $showall = $dbr->selectField('smw_nm_query', 'show_all', array('notify_id' => $id), 'NotifyMeRSS'); if ($showall) { $query = $dbr->selectField('smw_nm_query', 'query', array('notify_id' => $id), 'NotifyMeRSS'); SMWQueryProcessor::processFunctionParams(SMWNotifyProcessor::getQueryRawParams($query), $querystring, $params, $printouts); $query = SMWQueryProcessor::createQuery($querystring, $params, SMWQueryProcessor::INLINE_QUERY, 'auto', $printouts); $res = smwfGetStore()->getQueryResult($query); $items = array(); $labels = array(); foreach ($res->getPrintRequests() as $pr) { $labels[] = $pr->getText(SMW_OUTPUT_WIKI); } $row = $res->getNext(); $linker = new Linker(); while ($row !== false) { $wikipage = $row[0]->getNextObject(); // get the object $a = new Article($wikipage->getTitle()); $description = "<table style=\"width: 60em; font-size: 90%; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; background-color: #f9f9f9; color: black; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; padding: 0.2em; clear: right; text-align:left;\"><tr><th style=\"text-align: center; background-color:#ccccff;\" colspan=\"2\"><big>" . $wikipage->getText() . "</big></th></tr>"; $idx = 0; foreach ($row as $field) { $description .= "<tr><td>" . $labels[$idx] . "</td><td>"; $first_value = true; while (($object = $field->getNextObject()) !== false) { if ($first_value) { $first_value = false; } else { $description .= ', '; } $description .= $object->getShortText(SMW_OUTPUT_HTML, $linker); } $description .= "</td></tr>"; $idx++; } $description .= "</table>"; $items[] = array('title' => $wikipage->getText(), 'notify' => $description, 'timestamp' => $a->getTimestamp()); $row = $res->getNext(); } } else { $items = NMStorage::getDatabase()->getNotifyRSS($type, $id, $limit); } } else { $items = NMStorage::getDatabase()->getNotifyRSS($type, $id, $limit); } foreach ($items as $i) { if (isset($i['link']) && $i['link']) { $item = new FeedItem($i['title'], $i['notify'], $i['link'], $i['timestamp']); } else { $title = Title::makeTitle(NS_MAIN, $i['title']); $talkpage = $title->getTalkPage(); $item = new FeedItem($title->getPrefixedText(), $i['notify'], $title->getFullURL(), $i['timestamp'], "", $talkpage->getFullURL()); } $feed->outItem($item); } $feed->outFooter(); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
$wgRequestTime = microtime(true); /** */ # Abort if called from a web server if (isset($_SERVER) && array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER)) { print "This script must be run from the command line\n"; exit; } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0') < 0) { print "Sorry! This version of MediaWiki requires PHP 5; you are running " . PHP_VERSION . ".\n\n" . "If you are sure you already have PHP 5 installed, it may be " . "installed\n" . "in a different path from PHP 4. Check with your system administrator.\n"; die(-1); } // include commandLine script which provides some basic // methodes for maintenance scripts $mediaWikiLocation = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../..'; require_once "{$mediaWikiLocation}/maintenance/"; global $smwgNMIP; require_once $smwgNMIP . '/includes/SMW_NMStorage.php'; $sStore = NMStorage::getDatabase(); $msgs = $sStore->getUnmailedNMMessages(); foreach ($msgs as $msg) { // send notifications by mail if ($msg['user_id'] == null) { continue; } $user_info = $sStore->getUserInfo($msg['user_id']); $user = User::newFromRow($user_info); if ($user_info->user_email != '' && $user->getGlobalPreference('enotifyme')) { $name = $user_info->user_real_name == '' ? $user_info->user_name : $user_info->user_real_name; UserMailer::send(new MailAddress($user_info->user_email, $name), new MailAddress($wgEmergencyContact, 'Admin'), wfMsg('smw_nm_hint_mail_title', $msg['title'], $wgSitename), wfMsg('smw_nm_hint_mail_body_html', $name, $msg['notify']), new MailAddress($wgEmergencyContact, 'Admin'), 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'); } }