//Show last 20 Status of User Time Line in array format. 

//Show last 20 Status of Following Time Line in array format.  
	//Optional $twitter->followingTimeLine(2) to show next page with 20 more status

//Show last 20 Status of Public Time Line in array format.  

//Show Replies of your Updates in array format.  
	//Optional $twitter->repliesLine(2) to show next page	

//Show a single status, specified by the id parameter below, in array format.  
	//Requires input of the post ID

//Destroy a single status, specified by the id parameter below
	//Requires input of the post ID
/********************* User Methods *****************************/

echo 'User Messages:';
//Returns up to 100 of the authenticating users you follow who have most recently updated, in array format.