Example #1

 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: aljordan
 * Date: 10/26/15
 * Time: 8:44 PM
function validateDate($date)
    $d = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $date);
    return $d && $d->format('Y-m-d') == $date;
$iniArray = parse_ini_file("../nextsurvey.ini.php");
$db = new MySqli($iniArray['host'], $iniArray['username'], $iniArray['password'], $iniArray['database']);
$action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : '';
switch ($action) {
    case 'loadSurveyResults':
        $surveyId = $_POST['surveyId'];
        $pageId = $_POST['pageId'];
        $beginDate = $_POST['beginDate'];
        $endDate = $_POST['endDate'];
        $questionsFilter = $_POST['questionsFilter'];
        $pageFilter = "";
        $beginDateFilter = "";
        $endDateFilter = "";
        if ($pageId !== "all") {
            $pageFilter = " and question.pageId = {$pageId}";
        if (validateDate($beginDate)) {
            $beginDateFilter = " and response.datetime >= '{$beginDate}'";

$db = new MySqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'pbas_db');

$action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : '';
//action to be used(insert, delete, update, fetch)
$lstparray = !empty($_POST['lstparray']) ? $_POST['lstparray'] : '';
//an array of the student details
//check if the student is not an empty string
//and assigns a value to $name and $age if its not empty
if (!empty($lstparray)) {
    $course = $lstparray['course'];
    $level = $lstparray['level'];
    $mot = $lstparray['mot'];
    $noc = $lstparray['noc'];
    $practicals = $lstparray['practicals'];
    $ctdr = $lstparray['ctdr'];
    $ctapi = $lstparray['ctapi'];
    $tlapi = $lstparray['tlapi'];
switch ($action) {
        //only select student records which aren't deleted
        $students = $db->query("SELECT * FROM teach_lstp");
        $students_r = array();
        while ($row = $students->fetch_array()) {
            //default student data
            $course = $row['Teach_LSTP_Course'];
            $level = $row['Teach_LSTP_Level'];
Example #3

$db = new MySqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'tutorials');
$action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : '';
$student = !empty($_POST['student']) ? $_POST['student'] : '';
if (!empty($student)) {
    $name = $student['name'];
    $age = $student['age'];
switch ($action) {
    case 'insert':
        $db->query("INSERT INTO students SET name = '{$name}', age = '{$age}'");
        echo $db->insert_id;
        //last insert id
    case 'update':
        $id = $student['id'];
        $db->query("UPDATE students SET name = '{$name}', age = '{$age}' WHERE id = '{$id}'");
    case 'delete':
        $id = $_POST['student_id'];
        $db->query("UPDATE students SET status = 0 WHERE id = '{$id}'");
        $students = $db->query("SELECT * FROM students WHERE status = 1");
        $students_r = array();
        while ($row = $students->fetch_array()) {
            $id = $row['id'];
            $name = $row['name'];
            $age = $row['age'];
            $name_update = false;

$iniArray = parse_ini_file("../nextsurvey.ini.php");
$db = new MySqli($iniArray['host'], $iniArray['username'], $iniArray['password'], $iniArray['database']);
$action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : '';
switch ($action) {
    case 'insertAnswerTemplate':
        $dbAnswerTemplate = !empty($_POST['dbAnswerTemplate']) ? $_POST['dbAnswerTemplate'] : '';
        if (!empty($dbAnswerTemplate)) {
            //note - use of $mysqli->real_escape_string() is to prevent SQL Injection attacks.
            $answerTemplateName = $db->real_escape_string($dbAnswerTemplate);
            $db->query("INSERT INTO answertemplate (answerTemplateName, locked) VALUES ('{$answerTemplateName}',0)");
            echo $db->insert_id;
            //last insert id
    case 'saveAnswers':
        $answersArray = !empty($_POST['dbAnswersArray']) ? $_POST['dbAnswersArray'] : '';
        foreach ($answersArray as $answer) {
            $answerId = $answer['answerId'];
            $answerOrder = $answer['answerOrder'];
            $answerText = $db->real_escape_string($answer['answerText']);
            $answerTemplateId = $db->real_escape_string($answer['answerTemplateId']);
            $test = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as x, answerId FROM answer WHERE answerId = '{$answerId}' and answerTemplateId = '{$answerTemplateId}'");
            $result = $test->fetch_array();
            if ($result[0] == 0) {
                $db->query("INSERT INTO answer (answerId, answerText, answerOrder, answerTemplateId) VALUES ('{$answerId}', '{$answerText}', '{$answerOrder}', '{$answerTemplateId}')");
            } else {
                $db->query("UPDATE answer SET answerOrder = '{$answerOrder}', answerText = '{$answerText}' WHERE answerId = '{$answerId}' and answerTemplateId = '{$answerTemplateId}'");
Example #5

$iniArray = parse_ini_file("nextsurvey.ini.php");
$db = new MySqli($iniArray['host'], $iniArray['username'], $iniArray['password'], $iniArray['database']);
$action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : '';
switch ($action) {
        $surveys = $db->query("select surveyid, surveyname, surveydescription from survey where archived = 0 and published = 1 order by surveyname");
        $surveysReturned = array();
        while ($row = $surveys->fetch_array()) {
            $surveyId = $row['surveyid'];
            $surveyName = $row['surveyname'];
            $surveyDescription = $row['surveydescription'];
            $surveysReturned[] = array('surveyId' => $surveyId, 'surveyName' => $surveyName, 'surveyDescription' => $surveyDescription);
        echo json_encode($surveysReturned);
Example #6

$iniArray = parse_ini_file("nextsurvey.ini.php");
$db = new MySqli($iniArray['host'], $iniArray['username'], $iniArray['password'], $iniArray['database']);
$action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : '';
switch ($action) {
    case 'saveResponses':
        $dbUserId = !empty($_POST['dbUserId']) ? $_POST['dbUserId'] : '';
        $dbSurveyId = !empty($_POST['dbSurveyId']) ? $_POST['dbSurveyId'] : '';
        $userId = $db->real_escape_string($dbUserId);
        $surveyId = $db->real_escape_string($dbSurveyId);
        $questionsArray = !empty($_POST['dbQuestionsArray']) ? $_POST['dbQuestionsArray'] : '';
        foreach ($questionsArray as $response) {
            $questionId = $response['questionId'];
            $selectedAnswerId = $db->real_escape_string($response['selectedAnswer']);
            $freeResponseText = $db->real_escape_string($response['freeResponseText']);
            if ($selectedAnswerId == "null" && $freeResponseText != "null") {
                // check to see if free response question
                $test = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as x, freeResponseId FROM freeResponse WHERE surveyId = '{$surveyId}' and userId = '{$userId}' and questionId = '{$questionId}'");
                $result = $test->fetch_array();
                if ($result[0] == 0) {
                    $db->query("INSERT INTO freeResponse (userId, surveyId, questionId, responseText, datetime) VALUES ('{$userId}', '{$surveyId}', '{$questionId}', '{$freeResponseText}', NOW())");
                } else {
                    $db->query("UPDATE freeResponse SET responseText = '{$freeResponseText}', datetime = NOW() WHERE surveyId = '{$surveyId}' and userId = '{$userId}' and questionId = '{$questionId}'");
            } else {
                if ($selectedAnswerId != "null") {
                    $test = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) as x, responseId FROM response WHERE surveyId = '{$surveyId}' and userId = '{$userId}' and questionId = '{$questionId}'");
                    $result = $test->fetch_array();
                    if ($result[0] == 0) {
                        $db->query("INSERT INTO response (userId, surveyId, questionId, answerId, datetime) VALUES ('{$userId}', '{$surveyId}', '{$questionId}', '{$selectedAnswerId}', NOW())");
Example #7

$iniArray = parse_ini_file("../nextsurvey.ini.php");
$db = new MySqli($iniArray['host'], $iniArray['username'], $iniArray['password'], $iniArray['database']);
$action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : '';
switch ($action) {
    case 'insertSurvey':
        $dbSurvey = !empty($_POST['dbSurvey']) ? $_POST['dbSurvey'] : '';
        if (!empty($dbSurvey)) {
            //note - use of $mysqli->real_escape_string() is to prevent SQL Injection attacks.
            //$surveyId = $db->real_escape_string($dbSurvey['surveyId']);
            $surveyName = $db->real_escape_string($dbSurvey['surveyName']);
            $surveyDescription = $db->real_escape_string($dbSurvey['surveyDescription']);
            $locked = $db->real_escape_string($dbSurvey['locked']);
            $published = $db->real_escape_string($dbSurvey['published']);
            //$db->query("INSERT INTO survey (surveyid, surveyname, surveydescription, locked) VALUES ('$surveyId', '$surveyName', '$surveyDescription', '$locked')");
            $db->query("INSERT INTO survey (surveyname, surveydescription, locked, published) VALUES ('{$surveyName}', '{$surveyDescription}', {$locked}, {$published})");
            echo $db->insert_id;
            //last insert id
    case 'updateSurvey':
        $dbSurvey = !empty($_POST['dbSurvey']) ? $_POST['dbSurvey'] : '';
        if (!empty($dbSurvey)) {
            $surveyId = $db->real_escape_string($dbSurvey['surveyId']);
            $surveyName = $db->real_escape_string($dbSurvey['surveyName']);
            $surveyDescription = $db->real_escape_string($dbSurvey['surveyDescription']);
            $published = $db->real_escape_string($dbSurvey['published']);
            $db->query("UPDATE survey SET surveyName = '{$surveyName}'," . " surveyDescription = '{$surveyDescription}', published = {$published} " . "WHERE surveyId = '{$surveyId}'");
Example #8
        print $intCount . ']';
        $strColumns = 'pkid';
        $strValues = 'NULL';
        foreach ($arrResult as $strKey => $strValue) {
            $strColumns .= ', `' . strtolower($strKey) . '`';
            if (strlen($strValue)) {
                $strValues .= ", '" . $objMySql->escape_string($strValue) . "'";
            } else {
                $strValues .= ', NULL';
        $strSql = sprintf('INSERT INTO `%s` VALUES (%s);', strtolower($strTableName), $strValues);
    print " Done.\r\n";
$strConnectionArray = unserialize(DB_CONNECTION_3);
$objOdbc = odbc_connect(ACS_ODBC, null, null);
$objMySql = new MySqli($strConnectionArray['server'], $strConnectionArray['username']);
$objResult = $objMySql->query('SHOW TABLES;');
$intRowCount = $objResult->num_rows;
$intIndex = 1;
while ($strArray = $objResult->fetch_array()) {
    printf('[%3s/%3s] ', $intIndex, $intRowCount);
    $strTableName = $strArray[0];
    ImportData($objOdbc, $objMySql, $strTableName);
Example #9
    $strSql .= "    PRIMARY KEY (pkid)\r\n);\r\n\r\n";
    return $strSql;
$objOdbc = odbc_connect(ACS_ODBC, null, null);
$objDirectory = opendir(ACS_DATA_PATH);
$strSql = null;
while ($strFile = readdir($objDirectory)) {
    $strFile = strtolower($strFile);
    if (substr($strFile, strlen($strFile) - 7) == '.acsdat') {
        $strTableName = substr($strFile, 0, strlen($strFile) - 7);
        $strSql .= GetTableScript($objOdbc, $strTableName, $strTableName, null);
if (trim(strtolower($objParameters->GetDefaultValue('output_path'))) == 'run') {
    $strConnectionArray = unserialize(DB_CONNECTION_3);
    $objMySql = new MySqli($strConnectionArray['server'], $strConnectionArray['username']);
    $objMySql->query('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `' . $strConnectionArray['database'] . '`;');
    $objMySql->query('CREATE DATABASE `' . $strConnectionArray['database'] . '`;');
    foreach (explode(';', $strSql) as $strSqlStatement) {
        $objMySql->query(trim($strSqlStatement . ';'));
        if ($strError = $objMySql->error) {
            print $strError . "\r\n";
} else {
    file_put_contents($objParameters->GetDefaultValue('output_path'), $strSql);