private function _dumpDatabase($filename, $dbname, $droptable)
     $filename .= ".sql";
     $filename = $this->folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
     $dbconfigList = BizSystem::getConfiguration()->getDatabaseInfo();
     $dbconfig = $dbconfigList[$dbname];
     if (strtolower($dbconfig["Driver"]) != 'pdo_mysql') {
     include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/lib/MySQLDump.class.php";
     $backup = new MySQLDump();
     if ($droptable == 1) {
         $backup->droptableifexists = true;
     } else {
         $backup->droptableifexists = false;
     if ($dbconfig["Port"]) {
         $dbHost = $dbconfig["Server"] . ":" . $dbconfig["Port"];
     } else {
         $dbHost = $dbconfig["Port"];
     $dbc = $backup->connect($dbHost, $dbconfig["User"], $dbconfig["Password"], $dbconfig["DBName"], $dbconfig["Charset"]);
     if (!$dbc) {
         echo $backup->mysql_error;
     $data = $backup->output;
     file_put_contents($filename, $data);
     @chmod($filename, 0777);
     return $filename;
  * Run the task, and do the business
  * @param SS_HTTPRequest $httpRequest 
 function run($httpRequest)
     global $databaseConfig;
     // environment type
     // debug
     ini_set("display_errors", "2");
     $dbhost 		= $databaseConfig['server'];
     $dbuser 		= $databaseConfig['username'];
     $dbpwd   		= $databaseConfig['password'];
     $dbname  		= $databaseConfig['database'];
     $backupfolder 	= $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/db_backups';
     $dumpfile	 	= $backupfolder."/".$dbname."_".date("Y-m-d_H-i-s").".sql";
     if (!is_dir($backupfolder)) mkdir($backupfolder);
     passthru("/usr/bin/mysqldump --opt --host=$dbhost --user=$dbuser --password=$dbpwd $dbname > $dumpfile");
     echo "Created: ".$dumpfile; passthru("tail -1 $dumpfile");	
     $drop_table_if_exists = false;
     //Add MySQL 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS' Statement To Output
     $dbhost = $databaseConfig['server'];
     $dbuser = $databaseConfig['username'];
     $dbpass = $databaseConfig['password'];
     $dbname = $databaseConfig['database'];
     $backupfolder = __DIR__ . '/../../db_backups';
     $dumpfile = $backupfolder . "/" . $dbname . "_" . date("Y-m-d_H-i-s") . ".sql";
     $backup = new MySQLDump();
     $backup->droptableifexists = $drop_table_if_exists;
     $backup->connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
     //Connect To Database
     if (!$backup->connected) {
         die('Error: ' . $backup->mysql_error);
     //On Failed Connection, Show Error.
     //List Database Tables.
     $broj = count($backup->tables);
     //Count Database Tables.
     $output = '';
     echo "found " . $broj . " tables \n\n";
     for ($i = 0; $i < $broj; $i++) {
         $table_name = $backup->tables[$i];
         //Get Table Names.
         //Dump Data to the Output Buffer.
         $output .= $backup->output;
     if (!is_dir($backupfolder)) {
     file_put_contents($dumpfile, $output);
     echo "Dumped into " . $dumpfile;
     //echo "<pre>".$output."</pre>";
Example #3
//db host
$dbuser = $db_USER;
//db user name
$dbpass = $db_PASS;
//db password
$dbname = $db_NAME;
//db to work with
$drop_table_if_exists = true;
//should we drop table if exist?
$somecontent = "/*\n\n+-------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n+-------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n+---------By:Amila Jayasinghe (\n\n+-------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n*/\n\n";
// no need for editing further
$backup = new MySQLDump();
//create new instance of MySQLDump
$backup->droptableifexists = $drop_table_if_exists;
//set drop table if exists
$backup->connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
if (!$backup->connected) {
    die('Error: ' . $backup->mysql_error);
//if not connected, display error
//list all tables
$broj = count($backup->tables);
//count all tables, $backup->tables will be array of table names
//echo "<pre>\n"; //start preformatted output
$somecontent .= "-- Dumping tables for database: `{$dbname}`\n";
//write "intro" ;)
$somecontent .= "\n\nSET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; \n";
//write "intro" ;)
//dump all tables:
Example #4
$permission_level = getPermissionLevel($_SESSION['egps_username']);
if ($permission_level > $MINIMUM_AUTHORIZATION_LEVEL || $permission_level == NULL) {
    $system_message = $system_message . "You do not have permission to view this page (IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ")";
    IPP_LOG($system_message, $_SESSION['egps_username'], 'ERROR');
    require IPP_PATH . 'security_error.php';
//************** validated past here SESSION ACTIVE WRITE PERMISSION CONFIRMED****************
//include class
require_once IPP_PATH . 'include/MySQLDump.class.php';
//create new instance of MySQLDump
$backup = new MySQLDump();
//set drop table if exists
$backup->droptableifexists = true;
//connect to mysql server (host, user, pass, db)
$backup->connect($mysql_data_host, $mysql_data_username, $mysql_data_password, 'ipp');
//if not connected, display error
if (!$backup->connected) {
    die('Error: ' . $backup->mysql_error);
//get all tables in db
//reset buffer
$buffer = '';
//go through all tables and dump them to buffer
foreach ($backup->tables as $table) {
    $buffer .= $backup->dump_table($table);
if (strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "MSIE 5.5")) {
    // had to make it MSIE 5.5 because if 6 has no "attachment;" in it it defaults to "inline"
    $attachment = "";
			}				// end function validate_key()
            // end  else
        case 'dump':
            // see	for MySQL parameters
            require_once './incs/MySQLDump.class.php';
            $backup = new MySQLDump();
            //create new instance of MySQLDump
            $the_db = $mysql_prefix . $mysql_db;
            $backup->connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_passwd, $the_db);
            // connect
            if (!$backup->connected) {
                die('Error: ' . $backup->mysql_error);
            // MySQL parameters from
            // list all tables
            $broj = count($backup->tables);
            // count all tables, $backup->tables
            //   will be array of table names
	function copyit() {						// 11/30/09
		var tempval= document.the_form.the_dump;