Example #1
    public static function deleteItem($item_order)
        $db = new MyPDO();
        $row = $db->prepare('DELETE FROM playlist
							WHERE order_number = :item_order
							LIMIT 1');
        $row->bindParam('item_order', $item_order, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $db = null;
Example #2
function subscriptionList()
    header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');
    $pdo = new MyPDO();
    $stm = $pdo->prepare('SELECT f.id, f.name, f.url, f.website, c.id as c_id, c.name as c_name FROM `%_feed` f
		INNER JOIN `%_category` c ON c.id = f.category');
    $res = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $subscriptions = array();
    foreach ($res as $line) {
        $subscriptions[] = array('id' => 'feed/' . $line['id'], 'title' => $line['name'], 'categories' => array(array('id' => 'user/-/label/' . $line['c_name'], 'label' => $line['c_name'])), 'url' => $line['url'], 'htmlUrl' => $line['website']);
    echo json_encode(array('subscriptions' => $subscriptions)), "\n";

include_once "/var/www/html/xlinkdb/db/MyPDO.php";
$dbaccess = new MyPDO();
$jobs = $dbaccess->prepare("select * from jobdb where `name`='docking' and `status`='ongoing'");
while ($job = $jobs->fetch()) {
    $folderPath = "/home/czheng/jenkins_workspace/" . $job['proA'] . "_" . $job['proB'] . "/";
    if (file_exists($folderPath . $job['proA'] . "_" . $job['proB'] . ".pdb")) {
        $updateJob = $dbaccess->prepare("update jobdb set `status`='complete' where `job_id`=" . $job['job_id']);
        //move file
        system("cp " . $folderPath . $job['proA'] . "_" . $job['proB'] . ".pdb /var/www/html/xlinkdb/pdb/");
        //update database
        $needUpdate = $dbaccess->prepare("select * from xlinkdb where proA='" . $job['proA'] . "' and proB='" . $job['proB'] . "'");
        while ($update = $needUpdate->fetch()) {
            $residueA = intval($update['kposA']) + intval($update['startPosA']) + 1;
            $residueB = intval($update['kposB']) + intval($update['startPosB']) + 1;
            $pdb = fopen($folderPath . $job['proA'] . "_" . $job['proB'] . ".pdb", "r");
            $pdbCode = $job['proA'] . "_" . $job['proB'];
            $atomNumberA = "####";
            $atomNumberB = "####";
            $coodsA = array("x" => 0, "y" => 0, "z" => 0);
            $coodsB = array("x" => 0, "y" => 0, "z" => 0);
            while ($line = fgets($pdb)) {
                $res = intval(substr($line, 22, 4));
                if (substr($line, 0, 4) === "ATOM" and $res === $residue and substr($line, 21, 1) === "A" and substr($line, 12, 2) === "CA") {
                    $atomNumberA = substr($line, 6, 5);
                    $coodsA['x'] = intval($line, 30, 8);
                    $coodsA['y'] = intval($line, 38, 8);

include_once "/var/www/html/xlinkdb/db/MyPDO.php";
$dbaccess = new MyPDO();
$jobs = $dbaccess->prepare("select * from jobdb where `name`='model' and `status`='ongoing'");
while ($job = $jobs->fetch()) {
    $folderPath = "/home/czheng/jenkins_workspace/" . $job['proA'];
    if (file_exists($folderPath . $job['proA'] . ".pdb")) {
        $updateJob = $dbaccess->prepare("update jobdb set `status`='complete' where `job_id`=" . $job['job_id']);
        //move file
        system("cp " . $folderPath . $job['proA'] . ".pdb /var/www/html/xlinkdb/pdb/");
        //update database
        $needUpdate = $dbaccess->prepare("select cross_linkID, kposA, startPosA from xlinkdb where proA='" . $job['proA'] . "'");
        while ($update = $needUpdate->fetch()) {
            $residue = intval($update['kposA']) + intval($update['startPosA']) + 1;
            $pdb = fopen($folderPath . $job['proA'] . ".pdb", "r");
            $atomNumber = "####";
            while ($line = fgets($pdb)) {
                if (strlen($line) < 54) {
                $res = intval(substr($line, 22, 4));
                if (substr($line, 0, 4) === "ATOM" and $res === $residue and substr($line, 12, 2) === "CA") {
                    $atomNumber = substr($line, 6, 5);
            $executeUpdate = $dbaccess->prepare("update xlinkdb \n                                                 set pdbA='" . $job['proA'] . "' siteA='" . $residue . ":A' atomNumA='" . $atomNumber . "' \n                                                 where `cross_linkID`=" . $update['cross_linkID']);
Example #5
                    $_POST['prefix'] = $dbprefix;
try {
    $db = new MyPDO('mysql:host=' . $dbhost . ';dbname=' . $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass, array(), $dbprefix);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    //echo $e->getMessage();
$db->query('SET character_set_connection = ' . $sqlchar);
$db->query('SET character_set_client = ' . $sqlchar);
$db->query('SET character_set_results = ' . $sqlchar);
$db->query('SET SESSION wait_timeout = 60;');
if (isset($_GET['multi']) and preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,5}/i", $_GET['multi']) and strlen($_GET['multi']) <= 5) {
    $tmp_prefix = $_GET['multi'] . '_';
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM multiclan WHERE prefix = '" . $tmp_prefix . "';";
    $q = $db->prepare($sql);
    if ($q->execute() == TRUE) {
        $multi = $q->fetchColumn();
    } else {
        die(show_message($q->errorInfo(), __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql));
    if ($multi == 1) {
    } else {
Example #6
 public function testPrepare()
     $dbh = new MyPDO('sqlite::memory:');
     $stmt = $dbh->prepare('SELECT 1');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('MyPDOStatement', $stmt);
Example #7

ini_set('session.save_path', realpath(dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) . '/temp'));
//On pr�pare l'utilisation des variables de fonctions (variable qui sont stock�es sur le serveur pour chaque session ouverte)
// Fichier auth.php
include_once "config/MyPDO.class.php";
$connect = new MyPDO();
// On int�gre les informations de connexion � la base de donn�es ainsi que le fichier (ou librairie fonctions.php)
// On r�cup�re ce que l'utilisateur � saisi, si il n'a rien saisi (login ou mot de passe) on le renvoi sur la page de cr�ation de compte
$AfficherFormulaire = TRUE;
if (!empty($_POST['pseudo']) and !empty($_POST['MotDePasse'])) {
    $req = $connect->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*),TYPE FROM users WHERE password = :MotDePasse AND login = :pseudo');
    $req->bindValue(':pseudo', $_POST['pseudo'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $req->bindValue(':MotDePasse', $_POST['MotDePasse'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $resultat = $req->fetch();
    if ($resultat[0] == 0) {
        echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>\n    alert('login ou mot de passe incorrect');\n    self.parent.location.href='login.html';\n    </SCRIPT> ";
    if ($resultat[0] != 0 && $resultat[1] == 0) {
        $_SESSION['pseudo'] = $_POST['pseudo'];
        $_SESSION['password'] = $_POST['MotDePasse'];
        $_SESSION['admin'] = "auth_ok";
        $_SESSION['superadmin'] = "auth_ok";
        header("location: acceuil.php");
        $AfficherFormulaire = FALSE;
    } elseif ($resultat[0] != 0 && $resultat[1] == 1) {
Example #8
 public function getFeeds()
     $cat_id = $this->param('cat_id');
     $unread_only = $this->param('unread_only', false);
     $limit = (int) $this->param('limit', -1);
     $offset = (int) $this->param('offset', -1);
     // $include_nested = $this->param('include_nested', false) === true;  // not supported
     $sql_values = array();
     $sql_where = '';
     if ($cat_id >= 0) {
         // special ids are not supported (yet?)
         $sql_where = ' WHERE f.category = ?';
         $sql_values[] = $cat_id;
     $sql_limit = '';
     if ($limit >= 0 && $offset >= 0) {
         $sql_limit = ' LIMIT ? OFFSET ?';
         $sql_values[] = $limit;
         $sql_values[] = $offset;
     $pdo = new MyPDO();
     $sql = 'SELECT f.id, f.name, f.url, f.category, f.cache_nbUnreads AS unread, f.lastUpdate' . ' FROM `%_feed` f' . $sql_where . $sql_limit;
     $stm = $pdo->prepare($sql);
     $res = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $feeds = array();
     foreach ($res as $feed) {
         if ($unread_only && $feed['unread'] <= 0) {
         $feeds[] = array('id' => $feed['id'], 'title' => $feed['name'], 'feed_url' => $feed['url'], 'unread' => $feed['unread'], 'has_icon' => true, 'cat_id' => $feed['category'], 'last_updated' => $feed['lastUpdate']);