public static function CheckSetDb() { try { Multicategory::model()->findAll(); } catch (exception $e) { return false; } }
/** * Used for general category browsing (which is really a search by category or family) * The URL manager passes the category request_url which we look up here */ public function actionBrowse() { $strC = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getQuery('cat'); $strB = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getQuery('brand'); $strS = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getQuery('class_name'); $strInv = ''; //If we haven't passed any criteria, we just query the database $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->alias = 'Product'; if (!empty($strC)) { $objCategory = Category::LoadByRequestUrl($strC); if ($objCategory) { $criteria->join = 'LEFT JOIN xlsws_product_category_assn as ProductAssn ON'; $intIdArray = array($objCategory->id); $intIdArray = array_merge($intIdArray, $objCategory->GetBranchPath()); $criteria_new = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria_new->addInCondition('category_id', $intIdArray); $criteria_new->addCondition('is_default = 0'); $numberOfRow = Multicategory::model()->count($criteria_new); $rows = Multicategory::model()->findAll($criteria_new); $productIds = array(); foreach ($rows as $_row) { $productIds[] = $_row->product_id; } if ($numberOfRow > 0) { $criteria->addCondition('ProductAssn.category_id IN (' . implode(",", $intIdArray) . ') OR IN (' . implode(",", $productIds) . ')'); } else { $criteria->addInCondition('ProductAssn.category_id', $intIdArray); } $this->pageTitle = $objCategory->PageTitle; $this->pageDescription = $objCategory->PageDescription; $this->pageImageUrl = $objCategory->CategoryImage; $this->breadcrumbs = $objCategory->Breadcrumbs; $this->pageHeader = Yii::t('category', $objCategory->label); $this->subcategories = $objCategory->getSubcategoryTree($this->MenuTree); if ($objCategory->custom_page) { $this->custom_page_content = $objCategory->customPage->page; } $this->canonicalUrl = $objCategory->getCanonicalUrl(); } } if (!empty($strB)) { $objFamily = Family::LoadByRequestUrl($strB); if ($objFamily) { $criteria->addCondition('family_id = :id'); $criteria->params = array(':id' => $objFamily->id); $this->pageTitle = $objFamily->PageTitle; $this->pageHeader = $objFamily->family; $this->canonicalUrl = $objFamily->getCanonicalUrl(); } } if (!empty($strS)) { $objClasses = Classes::LoadByRequestUrl($strS); if ($objClasses) { $criteria->addCondition('class_id = :id'); $criteria->params = array(':id' => $objClasses->id); $this->pageHeader = $objClasses->class_name; $this->canonicalUrl = $objClasses->getCanonicalUrl(); } } if (_xls_get_conf('INVENTORY_OUT_ALLOW_ADD') == Product::InventoryMakeDisappear) { $criteria->addCondition('(inventory_avail>0 OR inventoried=0)'); } if (!_xls_get_conf('CHILD_SEARCH') || empty($strQ)) { $criteria->addCondition('Product.parent IS NULL'); } if (Product::HasFeatured() && empty($strS) && empty($strB) && empty($strC)) { $criteria->addCondition('featured=1'); $this->pageHeader = 'Featured Products'; } $criteria->addCondition('web=1'); $criteria->addCondition('current=1'); $criteria->order = 'Product.' . _xls_get_sort_order(); $productsGrid = new ProductGrid($criteria); $this->returnUrl = $this->canonicalUrl; $this->pageImageUrl = ""; if ($strB == '*') { $familiesCriteria = new CDbCriteria(); $familiesCriteria->order = 'family'; if (CPropertyValue::ensureBoolean(Yii::app()->params['DISPLAY_EMPTY_CATEGORY']) === false) { $familiesCriteria->addCondition('child_count > 0'); } $families = Family::model()->findAll($familiesCriteria); $this->render('brands', array('model' => $families)); } else { if (isset($_GET['viewall']) && $_GET['viewall'] == 1) { Yii::app()->params['PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE'] = $productsGrid->getNumberOfRecords(); } $this->render('grid', array('model' => $productsGrid->getProductGrid(), 'item_count' => $productsGrid->getNumberOfRecords(), 'page_size' => Yii::app()->params['PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE'], 'items_count' => $productsGrid->getNumberOfRecords(), 'pages' => $productsGrid->getPages())); } }
function isAssigned($_productid, $categoryid) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition('product_id=' . $_productid . ' AND category_id=' . $categoryid . ' AND is_default = 0'); $is_exsit = Multicategory::model()->count($criteria); if ($is_exsit > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public function IsProductAffected($objItem) { $arrCode = unserialize(strtolower(serialize($this->LsCodeArray))); if (empty($arrCode)) { //no product restrictions return true; } $boolReturn = false; foreach ($arrCode as $strCode) { $strCode = strtolower($strCode); if (isset($objItem->product->family) && substr($strCode, 0, 7) == "family:" && trim(substr($strCode, 7, 255)) == strtolower($objItem->product->family->family)) { $boolReturn = true; } if (isset($objItem->product->class) && substr($strCode, 0, 6) == "class:" && trim(substr($strCode, 6, 255)) == strtolower($objItem->product->class->class_name)) { $boolReturn = true; } if (substr($strCode, 0, 8) == "keyword:") { $productTags = ProductTags::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('product_id' => $objItem->product->id)); $strKeyword = trim(substr($strCode, 8, 255)); foreach ($productTags as $tag) { if (strtolower($tag->tag->tag) == $strKeyword) { $boolReturn = true; } } } if (substr($strCode, 0, 9) == "category:") { $arrTrail = Category::GetTrailByProductId($objItem->product->id, 'names'); $strTrail = implode("|", $arrTrail); $strCompareCode = trim(substr($strCode, 9, 255)); if ($strCompareCode == strtolower(substr($strTrail, 0, strlen($strCompareCode)))) { $boolReturn = true; } $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition('product_id=' . $objItem->product->id); $hasMulticategory = Multicategory::model()->count($criteria); if ($hasMulticategory) { $categoryOthers = Multicategory::model()->findAll(); foreach ($categoryOthers as $other) { $otherCategory = Category::model()->findByPk($other->category_id); if ($otherCategory && $otherCategory->label != "") { if ($strCompareCode == strtolower($otherCategory->label)) { return true; } if ($otherCategory->getParent()) { if ($strCompareCode == strtolower($otherCategory->getParent()->label)) { return true; } if ($otherCategory->getParent()->getParent()) { if ($strCompareCode == strtolower($otherCategory->getParent()->getParent()->label)) { return true; } } } } } } } } if (_xls_array_search_restrict_begin(strtolower($objItem->code), $arrCode)) { $boolReturn = true; } //We normally return true if it's a match. If this code uses Except, then the logic is reversed if ($this->IsExcept()) { $boolReturn = $boolReturn == true ? false : true; } return $boolReturn; }
public function actionSave() { $selected_categories = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getParam('categories'); $_productid = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getParam('pid'); $page = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getParam('page'); if ($_productid != "") { $delete = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->delete('xlsws_mod_multicategory', '`product_id`=' . $_productid); } if (count($selected_categories) > 0) { foreach ($selected_categories as $key => $_category) { $criteria_new = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria_new->addCondition('product_id=' . $_productid . ' AND category_id=' . $_category . ''); $is_exsit = Multicategory::model()->count($criteria_new); $is_assigned_from_pos = $this->isAssignedByPOS($_productid, $_category); if (!$is_exsit && !$is_assigned_from_pos) { $insert = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->insert('xlsws_mod_multicategory', array('product_id' => $_productid, 'category_id' => $_category)); } } } $this->redirect($this->createUrl('multicategory/index', array('page' => $page))); }