public function caravan_dismis($config, $ca) { call("delete from caravan where ca_id = {$ca}"); require_once 'functions/MsgMgr.php'; $MsgMgr = new MsgMgr(); $MsgMgr->raport($config, $town, 'karawana zakończyła podróż w ' . $tname); }
public function colectors_dismis($config, $town, $id) { $data = get_row("select * from colectors where co_id = {$id}"); call("update game_objects set go_lvl = go_lvl + " . $data->co_counts . " where go_type = 3 and go_subtype = 8 and go_t_id =" . $town); require_once 'functions/TownMgr.php'; $towns = new TownMgr(); $towns->change_resources($config, $town, $data->co_wood, $data->co_stone, $data->co_iron, 0); require_once 'functions/MsgMgr.php'; $MsgMgr = new MsgMgr(); $user = get_one("select t_usr_id from towns where t_id = " . $town); $MsgMgr->raport($config, $user, 'Zbieracze powrócili do miasta i przynieśli ze sobą ' . $data->co_wood . ' drewna, ' . $data->co_stone . ' gliny i ' . $data->co_iron . ' żelaza'); }
public function spy_dismis($config, $town, $counts) { call("update game_objects set go_lvl = go_lvl + {$counts} where go_type = 3 and go_subtype = 7 and go_t_id =" . $town); require_once 'functions/MsgMgr.php'; $MsgMgr = new MsgMgr(); $user = get_one("select t_usr_id from towns where t_id = " . $town); $MsgMgr->raport($config, $user, 'Szpiegowie powrócili do miasta'); }
public function army_dismis($config, $town, $army_id) { $units = get_all("select * from army_units where au_a_id = {$army_id} and au_counts > 0"); call("delete from army where a_id = {$army_id}"); call("delete from army_units where au_a_id = {$army_id}"); if (is_array($units)) { foreach ($units as $unit) { call("update game_objects set go_lvl = go_lvl + " . $unit->au_counts . " where go_type = 3 and go_subtype = " . $unit->au_gop_subtype . " and go_t_id =" . $town); } } require_once 'functions/MsgMgr.php'; $MsgMgr = new MsgMgr(); $user = get_one("select t_usr_id from towns where t_id = " . $town); $MsgMgr->raport($config, $user, 'Armia powróciłą do miasta '); }
public function quest_end($config, $player) { $quest = (int) $quest; if ($player->in_quest != 0) { $quest = get_row("select * , unix_timestamp() as tnow from quests where q_id = " . $player->in_quest); if ($quest->tnow >= $player->in_quest_time) { $text = ''; if ($quest->q_exp > 0) { $exp = floor($quest->q_exp * ($player->lvl + 1) * 1.77); call("update users set in_quest = 0,in_quest_time = 0, exp = exp + " . $exp . " where usr_id = " . $player->usr_id); call("update users set skills = skills + 1, exp = exp - exp_lvl, exp_lvl = exp_lvl * 1.45, lvl = lvl + 1 where exp >= exp_lvl and usr_id = " . $player->usr_id); $text .= 'Twój heros zdobył ' . $exp . ' doświadczenia<br/>'; } if ($quest->q_res > 0) { $res = floor($quest->q_res * ($player->lvl + 1) * 1.77); call("update users set in_quest = 0,in_quest_time = 0 where usr_id = " . $player->usr_id); require_once 'functions/TownMgr.php'; $TownMgr = new TownMgr(); $TownMgr->change_resources($config, $player->actual_town, $res, $res, $res, 0); $text .= 'Twój heros zdobył ' . $res . ' każdego z surowców<br/>'; } require_once 'functions/MsgMgr.php'; $MsgMgr = new MsgMgr(); $MsgMgr->raport($config, $player->usr_id, $text); } } }