Example #1
    printf("Caught exception '%s', on line %d\n", $e->getMessage(), __LINE__);
try {
    $cursor = $collection->find();
    echo "Find all docs, should be 3, verify 1x USA citizen, 2x Icelandic\n";
    foreach ($cursor as $document) {
    echo "\n";
    $result = $collection->distinct("citizen");
    echo "Distinct countries:\n";
    echo "\n";
    echo "aggregate\n";
    $result = $collection->aggregate([['$project' => ["name" => 1, "_id" => 0]]], ["useCursor" => true, "batchSize" => 2]);
    printf("Should be 3 different people\n");
    foreach ($result as $person) {
    echo "\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    printf("Caught exception '%s', on line %d\n", $e->getMessage(), __LINE__);
try {
    $result = $collection->updateMany(["citizen" => "Iceland"], ['$set' => ["viking" => true]]);
    printf("Updated: %d (out of expected 2), verify Icelandic people are vikings\n", $result->getModifiedCount());
    $result = $collection->find();
    foreach ($result as $document) {
             $extra_fields = ['year' => ['$first' => '$year']];
             $sort_field = "year";
             $ord = 1;
             $filter = ["continent" => $parts[0], "country" => $parts[1]];
             //This is our last drilldown level, so we won't set ID to retrieved values:
             $put_id = null;
 // first build group section for aggregation query:
 $group = ['_id' => $group_field, 'count' => ['$sum' => 1], 'sum' => ['$sum' => '$value']];
 if ($extra_fields) {
     $group = array_merge($group, $extra_fields);
 // execute the aggregation query against the MongoDB database.
 $queryResult = $collection->aggregate([['$match' => (object) $filter], ['$group' => $group], ['$sort' => [$sort_field => $ord]], ['$limit' => $limit]]);
 //Now build the data in format that is supported by FacetChart
 $chartValues = [];
 $count = 0;
 //In this example we will make FacetChart to ask for subvalues on each bar clicked.
 foreach ($queryResult as $row) {
     $r = ["name" => $row->_id, "value" => $row->sum];
     //Putting "ID" in chartValues, means that FacetChart will ask for subvalues.
     if ($put_id) {
         //Let's construct our own custom ID:
         $val_id = $id ? $id . "_" . $row->_id : $row->_id;
         $r["id"] = $val_id;
     $chartValues[] = $r;
         $dateFormat = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00.000Z";
     case "d":
         $dateFormat = "%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00.000Z";
     case "M":
         $dateFormat = "%Y-%m-01T00:00:00.000Z";
     case "y":
         $dateFormat = "%Y-01-01T00:00:00.000Z";
         throw new Exception("Incorrect 'unit' specified in the URL.");
 // execute the aggregation query against the MongoDB database.
 $queryResult = $collection->aggregate([['$match' => (object) $filter], ['$sort' => [$timeField => 1]], ['$group' => ['_id' => ['$dateToString' => ['format' => $dateFormat, 'date' => '$' . $timeField]], 'first' => ['$first' => '$' . $valueField], 'last' => ['$last' => '$' . $valueField], 'min' => ['$min' => '$' . $valueField], 'max' => ['$max' => '$' . $valueField], 'count' => ['$sum' => 1], 'sum' => ['$sum' => '$' . $valueField]]], ['$sort' => ['_id' => 1]], ['$limit' => $limit]]);
 // $from and $to are used to inform the chart about the data range this response covers
 // while in many scenarios it matches the timestamps of the first and last value, they
 // might be different if it is known that there are empty time ranges either at the beginning
 // or the end.
 $from = isset($_GET["from"]) && $_GET["from"] ? (double) $_GET["from"] : null;
 $to = null;
 // now build the data in format that is supported by TimeChart
 $chartValues = [];
 $count = 0;
 foreach ($queryResult as $row) {
     // unfortunately PHP does not support retrieving timestamps with millisecond precision
     // so this workaround is used.
     $phpTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.uO', $row->_id);
     $jsTime = (double) ($phpTime->getTimestamp() . substr($phpTime->format("u"), 0, 3));
     $chartValues[] = [$jsTime, $row->min, $row->max, $row->first, $row->last, $row->sum, $row->count];
     $parts = explode("_", $id);
     $c = count($parts);
     if ($c == 1) {
         $group_field = "country";
         $filter = ["continent" => $id];
     } else {
         if ($c == 2) {
             $group_field = "name";
             $filter = ["continent" => $parts[0], "country" => $parts[1]];
             //This is our last drilldown level, so we won't set ID to retrieved values:
             $put_id = null;
 // execute the aggregation query against the MongoDB database.
 $queryResult = $collection->aggregate([['$match' => (object) $filter], ['$group' => ['_id' => "\$" . $group_field, 'count' => ['$sum' => 1], 'sum' => ['$sum' => '$value']]], ['$sort' => [$sort_field => -1]], ['$limit' => $limit]]);
 //Now build the data in format that is supported by PieChart
 $chartValues = [];
 $count = 0;
 //It is possible to add subvalues to each record,
 //but in this example we will make piechart to ask for subvalues on each slice click.
 $subvalues = null;
 foreach ($queryResult as $row) {
     $r = ["name" => $row->_id, "value" => $row->sum, "subvalues" => $subvalues];
     //Putting "ID" in chartValues, means that PieChart will ask for subvalues.
     if ($put_id) {
         //Let's construct our own custom ID:
         $val_id = $id ? $id . "_" . $row->_id : $row->_id;
         $r["id"] = $val_id;
     $chartValues[] = $r;