public function retriveGroupMessage() { $input = Input::all(); $user = Auth::user(); $messages = DB::table('conversation_message')->where('conversation_id', $input['conversationID'])->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(); //$scope.messages = $messages; $userid = $user->id; $userList = ConversationUser::where('conversation_id', '=', $input['conversationID'])->get(); $userNotificationStatus = GroupNotificationStatus::where('conversation_id', '=', $input['conversationID'])->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->get(); $userListArray = array(); $j = 0; foreach ($userList as $key => $value) { # code... //echo($value->user_id); $userInfo = DB::select('select * from users where id = ?', array($value->user_id)); $userListArray[$j]['id'] = $userInfo[0]->id; $userListArray[$j]['full_name'] = $userInfo[0]->firstname . ' ' . $userInfo[0]->lastname; $j++; } $i = 0; $tmessages['user_list'] = json_encode($userListArray); $tmessages['status'] = false; if (isset($userNotificationStatus[0])) { if ($userNotificationStatus[0]->status == 1) { # code... $tmessages['status'] = true; } } foreach ($messages as $message) { $user = DB::select('select * from users where id = ?', array($message->sender_id)); //print_r($user[0]->picture); $m = new \MomentPHP\MomentPHP($message->created_at); $momentFromVo = $m->fromNow(); $tmessages['mlist'][$i]['userid'] = $user[0]->id; $tmessages['mlist'][$i]['pic'] = base64_decode($user[0]->picture); $tmessages['mlist'][$i]['fname'] = $user[0]->firstname . " " . $user[0]->lastname; $tmessages['mlist'][$i]['message'] = $message->message; $tmessages['mlist'][$i]['created_at'] = $momentFromVo; $tmessages['mlist'][$i]['id'] = $message->id; $tmessages['mlist'][$i]['current_user'] = $userid; $i++; } return json_encode($tmessages); // }
print curl_error($ch); } else { curl_close($ch); } $columns = json_decode($resp)->results["0"]->data_columns; $data = json_decode($resp)->results["0"]->data; $todayActions = array(); $tomorrowActions = array(); $weekendActions = array(); $nextweekActions = array(); // echo $nwd_start->format("d.m.Y") . ' ' . $dateOfEndOfWeek; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $a_date = substr($value[array_search("ACTION_DATE", $columns)], 0, 10); $inst = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP($a_date); $inst2 = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP($a_date); $inst3 = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP(); $inst3->add(1, 'day'); // echo $a_date . ' --- {' . $inst3->format('d.m.Y') . '} : '; // echo $wkd_start->format('d.m.Y') . ' <> ' . $wkd_end->format('d.m.Y'); // echo $a_date . ' -- '; $inst2Format = $inst2->format('d.m.Y'); if ($a_date == $today) { array_push($todayActions, $value); } else { if ($a_date == $inst3->format('d.m.Y')) { array_push($tomorrowActions, $value); } else { if ($inst2Format == $wkd_start->format('d.m.Y') || $inst2Format == $wkd_end->format('d.m.Y')) { array_push($weekendActions, $value); } else { if ($inst2 >= $nwd_start && $inst2 <= $dateOfEndOfWeek3) {
public function searchConversationByID() { $input = Input::all(); $user = Auth::user(); $messages = array(); $umessages = Message::where('to', '=', $user['id'])->where('from', $input['id'])->get(); $imessages = Message::where('to', '=', $input['id'])->where('from', $user['id'])->get(); //echo($input['id']); $i = 0; foreach ($umessages as $umessage) { if (true) { $tou = DB::select('select * from users where id = ?', array($umessage->to)); $fromu = DB::select('select * from users where id = ?', array($umessage->from)); $messages['user']['firstname'] = ucfirst($tou[0]->firstname); $messages['user']['lastname'] = ucfirst($tou[0]->lastname); $messages['list'][$i]['id'] = $umessage->id; $messages['list'][$i]['message'] = $umessage->message; $messages['list'][$i]['from'] = $umessage->from; $messages['list'][$i]['to'] = $umessage->to; $messages['list'][$i]['pic'] = base64_decode($fromu[0]->picture); $messages['list'][$i]['tousername'] = $tou[0]->firstname . " " . $tou[0]->lastname; $messages['list'][$i]['fromusername'] = $fromu[0]->firstname . " " . $fromu[0]->lastname; if ($umessage->from == $user['id']) { $messages['list'][$i]['type'] = 'current_user'; } $m = new \MomentPHP\MomentPHP($umessage->updated_at); $momentFromVo = $m->fromNow(); $messages['list'][$i]['updated_at'] = $momentFromVo; $i++; } } foreach ($imessages as $imessage) { if (true) { $tou = DB::select('select * from users where id = ?', array($imessage->to)); $fromu = DB::select('select * from users where id = ?', array($imessage->from)); $messages['user']['firstname'] = ucfirst($tou[0]->firstname); $messages['user']['lastname'] = ucfirst($tou[0]->lastname); $messages['list'][$i]['id'] = $imessage->id; $messages['list'][$i]['message'] = $imessage->message; $messages['list'][$i]['from'] = $imessage->from; $messages['list'][$i]['to'] = $imessage->to; $messages['list'][$i]['pic'] = base64_decode($fromu[0]->picture); $messages['list'][$i]['tousername'] = $tou[0]->firstname . " " . $tou[0]->lastname; $messages['list'][$i]['fromusername'] = $fromu[0]->firstname . " " . $fromu[0]->lastname; if ($imessage->from == $user['id']) { $messages['list'][$i]['type'] = 'current_user'; } $m = new \MomentPHP\MomentPHP($imessage->updated_at); $momentFromVo = $m->fromNow(); $messages['list'][$i]['updated_at'] = $momentFromVo; $i++; } } //print_r($messages); return $messages; }
public function notificationEmailCron() { $userObj = new stdClass(); // read user data from the database and check if the user are not inside admin group $users = DB::table('users')->where('notification_email', 1)->where('suspended', 0)->get(array('id', 'username', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'created_at', 'updated_at')); if (sizeof($users) < 1) { print_r('no users found<br/>'); } // loop thru all the users with email_notification enable foreach ($users as $user) { // init role assignment to check wether the user is admin or normal user $role_assignments = DB::table('role_assignments')->where('user_id', $user->id)->where('role_id', 1)->get(); //print_r($role_assignments); if (count($role_assignments) > 0) { continue; } // building up the userObj $userObj->id = $user->id; $userObj->username = $user->username; $userObj->firstname = $user->firstname; $userObj->lastname = $user->lastname; $userObj->email = $user->email; $userObj->created_at = $user->created_at; $userObj->updated_at = $user->updated_at; $groupid = null; $group = null; $notifications = null; // init user task object $userTaskObj = new UserTask(); $fiveDaysAgo = new DateTime('now - 5 days'); $oneDaysAgo = new DateTime('now - 1 days'); $groupid = DB::table('group_users')->where('user_id', $user->id)->pluck('group_id'); // select group_name based on user_id from user table $group = DB::table('groups')->where('id', $groupid)->get(array('id', 'name')); // set the user group to the 1st group // currently the user has one group only but the user may have more group in the future // so initially set the user group to the 1st element of the array $userObj->groupid = $group[0]->id; $userObj->groupname = $group[0]->name; // get the latest 5 notifications belong to the user $notifications = DB::table('notifications')->where('user_id', $user->id)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(5)->get(); // get the user outgoing notifications in the last 1 day $outGoingNotifications = DB::table('notifications')->where('source_user_id', $user->id)->where('created_at', '>', $oneDaysAgo->format(DateTime::ISO8601))->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(); // check the user post in the last 1 day $wallPost = DB::table('posts')->where('user_id', $user->id)->where('group_id', $groupid)->where('created_at', '>', $oneDaysAgo->format(DateTime::ISO8601))->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(); $totaltasks = $userTaskObj->totalTasks($userObj->groupid); // completed tasks $completedTasks = DB::table('user_tasks')->where('user_id', $user->id)->where('group_id', $groupid)->where('complete', 1)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get(array('id', 'updated_at')); // check to see if user is first in group to complete missions and the 1st in the team to finish $results = DB::select('select ut.user_id, count(1) finished, max(ut.updated_at) as complete_at, u.username, from user_tasks ut JOIN users u ON = user_id where ut.group_id = ? and ut.complete = 1 group by ut.user_id having count(1) = ? order by max(ut.updated_at) LIMIT 1', array($groupid, $totaltasks)); // set object value $userObj->number_of_completed_tasks = count($completedTasks); $userObj->completed_tasks = $completedTasks; $userObj->days_since_last_completed_task = 0; $userObj->missions_completed = 'false'; $userObj->first_to_complete_all_missions = 'false'; $userObj->number_of_total_tasks = $totaltasks; $userObj->first_to_complete_all_missions_username = ""; //Get days passed since user created $timeStartDate = $userObj->created_at; $dayPassed = daysDiff(new DateTime($timeStartDate), new DateTime('now')) + 1; // check if the user has completed all their tasks if (count($completedTasks) == $totaltasks && $totaltasks > 0) { $userObj->missions_completed = 'true'; if (count($results > 0) && $results[0]->user_id == $user->id) { $userObj->first_to_complete_all_missions = 'true'; } } else { if (count($completedTasks) > 0) { // get last completed task $lastCompletedTask = reset($completedTasks); $userObj->days_since_last_completed_task = daysDiff(new DateTime($lastCompletedTask->updated_at), new DateTime('now')); } } print '$userObj->days_since_last_completed_task: ' . $userObj->days_since_last_completed_task . '<br>'; $userObj->inactive_user = '******'; $userObj->inactive_user_on_missions = 'false'; // begin pendingTask related code // get pending_task of user $pendingTask = DB::table('user_tasks')->where('user_id', $user->id)->where('group_id', $groupid)->where('complete', 0)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $userObj->pending_task = $pendingTask; // check if user has not used the app by checking pending tasks or out going notifications //TODO: add check for $userObj->days_since_last_completed_task in IF if (count($outGoingNotifications) == '0' && count($wallPost) == '0' && !isset($userObj->pending_task) && daysDiff(new DateTime($userObj->created_at), new DateTime('now')) > 0 && $userObj->missions_completed != true) { // check if the user has any completed tasks $userObj->inactive_user = '******'; } elseif ($userObj->days_since_last_completed_task > 1) { $userObj->inactive_user_on_missions = 'true'; } print '$userObj->inactive_user: '******'<br>'; $userObj->pending_task_everyday = 'false'; // if there is a pending task that is at least 1 day old if ($pendingTask) { $pendingDaysOld = daysDiff(new DateTime($pendingTask->created_at), new DateTime('now')); print 'pendingDaysOld: ' . $pendingDaysOld . '<br>'; if ($pendingDaysOld > 0) { $userObj->pending_task_everyday = 'true'; } } print 'count($outGoingNotifications): ' . count($outGoingNotifications) . '<br>'; print 'count($wallPost): ' . count($wallPost) . '<br>'; print 'isset($userObj->pending_task): ' . isset($userObj->pending_task) . '<br>'; print 'daysDiff(new DateTime($userObj->created_at), new DateTime(now)): ' . daysDiff(new DateTime($userObj->created_at), new DateTime('now')) . '<br>'; print 'userObj->pending_task_everyday: ' . $userObj->pending_task_everyday . '<br>'; print '$userObj->completed_tasks: ' . $userObj->number_of_completed_tasks . '<br>'; print '$userObj->missions_completed: ' . $userObj->missions_completed . '<br>'; print 'first_to_complete_all_missions: ' . $userObj->first_to_complete_all_missions . '<br>'; print 'inactive_user_on_missions: ' . $userObj->inactive_user_on_missions . '<br>'; // end pendingTask related code $noNotificationFlag = true; if ($notifications) { $noNotificationFlag = false; $userObj->notifications = $notifications; } $userObj->notification_content = ""; // check if there is any notification belongs to the user // call push notification object $pushNotificationObject = new PushNotificationController(); $mailContent = "Hi " . $userObj->firstname . "<br/><br/>"; // set nothing to send flag to check whether to send an email $nothingToSend = true; // if there is a pending task the last 1 day if ($userObj->pending_task_everyday == 'true') { // sendput push notification //$pushNotificationObject->sendPushNotification(SITE_URL."/#/mission", "Just a friendly reminder that you have a pending Mission and your team mates need you! If you haven't already, \nplease log in to On A Roll 21 and let them know how you roll.", "mobile", $userObj->id); $mailContent .= "Just a friendly reminder that you have a pending Mission and your team mates need you! If you haven't already, please log in to On A Roll 21™ and let them know how you roll.<br/><br/>"; $nothingToSend = false; } elseif ($userObj->inactive_user == 'true') { // send out push notification //$pushNotificationObject->sendPushNotification(SITE_URL."/#/journal", "Just a friendly reminder that you've not accepted any Missions or participated in your teams Wall. \nYour team mates need you! If you haven't already, please log in to On A Roll 21 and let them know how you roll...", "mobile", $userObj->id); $mailContent .= "Just a friendly reminder that you've not accepted any Missions or participated in your teams Wall. Your team mates need you! If you haven't already, please log in to On A Roll 21 and let them know how you roll...<br><br>"; $nothingToSend = false; } else { if ($userObj->inactive_user_on_missions == 'true') { // send out push notification //$pushNotificationObject->sendPushNotification(SITE_URL."/#/journal", "Just a friendly reminder that you've not recently accepted any Missions. \nYour team mates need you! If you haven't already, please log in to On A Roll 21 and let them know how you roll...", "mobile", $userObj->id); $mailContent .= "Just a friendly reminder that you've not recently accepted any Missions. Your team mates need you! If you haven't already, please log in to On A Roll 21 and let them know how you roll...<br><br>"; $nothingToSend = false; } elseif ($userObj->missions_completed == 'true') { $mailContent .= "You are awesome! You've completed all missions and achieved your goal! <br/><br/>"; $nothingToSend = false; } } // check if the user is the first to complete all missions if ($dayPassed <= $totaltasks) { if ($userObj->first_to_complete_all_missions == 'true') { $mailContent .= "And you are the first in your team to do so! You win a CHOCOLATE COOKIE :) <br/><br/>"; // sending email $nothingToSend = false; } else { // check if the record exists if (count($results) > 0) { $mailContent .= "Congratulations to " . $results[0]->username . " for being the first to reach their goal in team " . $userObj->groupname . "! <br/><br/>"; $nothingToSend = false; } } } if (isset($mailContent) && !$noNotificationFlag) { // if newest notification is older than 1 day display no new notifications message $newestNotification = reset($notifications); $daysSinceNewest = daysDiff(new DateTime($newestNotification->created_at), new DateTime('now')); print 'daysSinceNewest: ' . $daysSinceNewest . '<br>'; if ($daysSinceNewest > 1) { $mailContent .= "You currently have no new notifications.<br/>"; $mailContent .= "Your passed notifications in Team " . $userObj->groupname . ":<br/><br/>"; } else { $mailContent .= "Your latest notifications in Team " . $userObj->groupname . ":<br/><br/>"; } $nothingToSend = false; } if (isset($notifications)) { // add notification into the notification collection foreach ($notifications as $key => $value) { $m = new \MomentPHP\MomentPHP($value->created_at); $momentFromVo = $m->fromNow(); $userFirstname = DB::table('users')->where('id', $value->source_user_id)->pluck("firstname"); // message type if ($value->type == "message") { $mailContent .= $userFirstname . ' sent you a message: ' . $value->message . ' - ' . $momentFromVo . ' <br/>'; } // new roller type if ($value->type == "newgroupmember") { $mailContent .= $userFirstname . ' has joined your team - ' . $momentFromVo . ' <br/>'; } // new like if ($value->type == "newlike") { $mailContent .= $userFirstname . ' liked your post - ' . $momentFromVo . ' <br/>'; } // new lcomment if ($value->type == "newcomment") { $mailContent .= $userFirstname . ' commented on your post - ' . $momentFromVo . ' <br/>'; } // group first to complete if ($value->type == "firstcomplete") { $mailContent .= $value->message . ' - ' . $momentFromVo . ' <br/>'; } } } // if nothing to send skip to the next user if ($nothingToSend) { continue; } // build up the notification email object $notificationEmailObj['content'] = $mailContent; $notificationEmailObj['email'] = $userObj->email; echo $mailContent; echo "--------------------------------------</br>" . $userObj->email; if (isset($mailContent)) { // send out email notification $baseController = new BaseController(); $baseController->notificationEmail($userObj->email, $notificationEmailObj, "Another Day Rolls By!..", "", "notification"); } } return "OK - Task Done"; }