  * Open a back end module and return it as HTML
  * @param string $module
  * @return string
 protected function getBackendModule($module)
     $arrModule = array();
     foreach ($GLOBALS['BE_MOD'] as &$arrGroup) {
         if (isset($arrGroup[$module])) {
             $arrModule =& $arrGroup[$module];
     $arrInactiveModules = \ModuleLoader::getDisabled();
     // Check whether the module is active
     if (is_array($arrInactiveModules) && in_array($module, $arrInactiveModules)) {
         $this->log('Attempt to access the inactive back end module "' . $module . '"', __METHOD__, TL_ACCESS);
     $this->import('BackendUser', 'User');
     // Dynamically add the "personal data" module (see #4193)
     if (\Input::get('do') == 'login') {
         $arrModule = array('tables' => array('tl_user'), 'callback' => 'ModuleUser');
     } elseif ($module != 'undo' && !$this->User->hasAccess($module, 'modules')) {
         $this->log('Back end module "' . $module . '" was not allowed for user "' . $this->User->username . '"', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
     $arrTables = (array) $arrModule['tables'];
     $strTable = \Input::get('table') ?: $arrTables[0];
     $id = !\Input::get('act') && \Input::get('id') ? \Input::get('id') : $this->Session->get('CURRENT_ID');
     // Store the current ID in the current session
     if ($id != $this->Session->get('CURRENT_ID')) {
         $this->Session->set('CURRENT_ID', $id);
     define('CURRENT_ID', \Input::get('table') ? $id : \Input::get('id'));
     $this->Template->headline = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$module][0];
     // Add the module style sheet
     if (isset($arrModule['stylesheet'])) {
         foreach ((array) $arrModule['stylesheet'] as $stylesheet) {
             $GLOBALS['TL_CSS'][] = $stylesheet;
     // Add module javascript
     if (isset($arrModule['javascript'])) {
         foreach ((array) $arrModule['javascript'] as $javascript) {
             $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = $javascript;
     $dc = null;
     // Redirect if the current table does not belong to the current module
     if ($strTable != '') {
         if (!in_array($strTable, $arrTables)) {
             $this->log('Table "' . $strTable . '" is not allowed in module "' . $module . '"', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
         // Load the language and DCA file
         // Include all excluded fields which are allowed for the current user
         if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['fields']) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['fields'] as $k => $v) {
                 if ($v['exclude']) {
                     if ($this->User->hasAccess($strTable . '::' . $k, 'alexf')) {
                         if ($strTable == 'tl_user_group') {
                             $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['fields'][$k]['orig_exclude'] = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['fields'][$k]['exclude'];
                         $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['fields'][$k]['exclude'] = false;
         // Fabricate a new data container object
         if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['dataContainer'] == '') {
             $this->log('Missing data container for table "' . $strTable . '"', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
             trigger_error('Could not create a data container object', E_USER_ERROR);
         $dataContainer = 'DC_' . $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['dataContainer'];
         /** @var \DataContainer $dc */
         $dc = new $dataContainer($strTable, $arrModule);
     // AJAX request
     if ($_POST && \Environment::get('isAjaxRequest')) {
     } elseif (class_exists($arrModule['callback'])) {
         /** @var \Module $objCallback */
         $objCallback = new $arrModule['callback']($dc);
         $this->Template->main .= $objCallback->generate();
     } elseif (\Input::get('key') && isset($arrModule[\Input::get('key')])) {
         $objCallback = new $arrModule[\Input::get('key')][0]();
         $this->Template->main .= $objCallback->{$arrModule[\Input::get('key')][1]}($dc);
         // Add the name of the parent element
         if (isset($_GET['table']) && in_array(\Input::get('table'), $arrTables) && \Input::get('table') != $arrTables[0]) {
             if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['ptable'] != '') {
                 $objRow = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['ptable'] . " WHERE id=?")->limit(1)->execute(CURRENT_ID);
                 if ($objRow->title != '') {
                     $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $objRow->title;
                 } elseif ($objRow->name != '') {
                     $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $objRow->name;
         // Add the name of the submodule
         $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG'][$strTable][\Input::get('key')][1], \Input::get('id'));
     } elseif (is_object($dc)) {
         $act = \Input::get('act');
         if ($act == '' || $act == 'paste' || $act == 'select') {
             $act = $dc instanceof \listable ? 'showAll' : 'edit';
         switch ($act) {
             case 'delete':
             case 'show':
             case 'showAll':
             case 'undo':
                 if (!$dc instanceof \listable) {
                     $this->log('Data container ' . $strTable . ' is not listable', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
                     trigger_error('The current data container is not listable', E_USER_ERROR);
             case 'create':
             case 'cut':
             case 'cutAll':
             case 'copy':
             case 'copyAll':
             case 'move':
             case 'edit':
                 if (!$dc instanceof \editable) {
                     $this->log('Data container ' . $strTable . ' is not editable', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
                     trigger_error('The current data container is not editable', E_USER_ERROR);
         $strFirst = null;
         $strSecond = null;
         // Handle child child tables (e.g. tl_style)
         if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['ptable'])) {
             $ptable = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['ptable'];
             if (in_array($ptable, $arrTables)) {
                 if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$ptable]['config']['ptable'])) {
                     $ftable = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$ptable]['config']['ptable'];
                     if (in_array($ftable, $arrTables)) {
                         $strFirst = $ftable;
                         $strSecond = $ptable;
         // Build the breadcrumb trail
         if ($strFirst !== null && $strSecond !== null) {
             if (!isset($_GET['act']) || \Input::get('act') == 'paste' && \Input::get('mode') == 'create' || \Input::get('act') == 'select' || \Input::get('act') == 'editAll' || \Input::get('act') == 'overrideAll') {
                 if ($strTable == $strSecond) {
                     $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM {$strFirst} WHERE id=?";
                 } else {
                     $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM {$strFirst} WHERE id=(SELECT pid FROM {$strSecond} WHERE id=?)";
             } else {
                 if ($strTable == $strSecond) {
                     $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM {$strFirst} WHERE id=(SELECT pid FROM {$strSecond} WHERE id=?)";
                 } else {
                     $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM {$strFirst} WHERE id=(SELECT pid FROM {$strSecond} WHERE id=(SELECT pid FROM {$strTable} WHERE id=?))";
             // Add the first level name
             $objRow = $this->Database->prepare($strQuery)->limit(1)->execute($dc->id);
             if ($objRow->title != '') {
                 $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $objRow->title;
             } elseif ($objRow->name != '') {
                 $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $objRow->name;
             if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strSecond])) {
                 $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strSecond];
             // Add the second level name
             $objRow = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$strSecond} WHERE id=?")->limit(1)->execute(CURRENT_ID);
             if ($objRow->title != '') {
                 $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $objRow->title;
             } elseif ($objRow->name != '') {
                 $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $objRow->name;
         } else {
             // Add the name of the parent element
             if ($strTable && in_array($strTable, $arrTables) && $strTable != $arrTables[0]) {
                 if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['ptable'] != '') {
                     $objRow = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['ptable'] . " WHERE id=?")->limit(1)->execute(CURRENT_ID);
                     if ($objRow->title != '') {
                         $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $objRow->title;
                     } elseif ($objRow->name != '') {
                         $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $objRow->name;
             // Add the name of the submodule
             if ($strTable && isset($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strTable])) {
                 $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strTable];
         // Add the current action
         if (\Input::get('act') == 'editAll') {
             $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['all'][0];
         } elseif (\Input::get('act') == 'overrideAll') {
             $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['all_override'][0];
         } else {
             if (\Input::get('id')) {
                 if (\Input::get('do') == 'files' || \Input::get('do') == 'tpl_editor') {
                     // Handle new folders (see #7980)
                     if (strpos(\Input::get('id'), '__new__') !== false) {
                         $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . dirname(\Input::get('id')) . ' » ' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG'][$strTable]['new'][1];
                     } else {
                         $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . \Input::get('id');
                 } elseif (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG'][$strTable][$act])) {
                     $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG'][$strTable][$act][1], \Input::get('id'));
             } elseif (\Input::get('pid')) {
                 if (\Input::get('do') == 'files' || \Input::get('do') == 'tpl_editor') {
                     $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . \Input::get('pid');
                 } elseif (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG'][$strTable][$act])) {
                     $this->Template->headline .= ' » ' . sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG'][$strTable][$act][1], \Input::get('pid'));
         return $dc->{$act}();
     return null;
Example #2
  * Generate the navigation menu and return it as array
  * @param boolean $blnShowAll
  * @return array
 public function navigation($blnShowAll = false)
     $arrModules = array();
     $session = $this->Session->getData();
     // Toggle nodes
     if (\Input::get('mtg')) {
         $session['backend_modules'][\Input::get('mtg')] = isset($session['backend_modules'][\Input::get('mtg')]) && $session['backend_modules'][\Input::get('mtg')] == 0 ? 1 : 0;
         \Controller::redirect(preg_replace('/(&(amp;)?|\\?)mtg=[^& ]*/i', '', \Environment::get('request')));
     $arrInactiveModules = \ModuleLoader::getDisabled();
     $blnCheckInactiveModules = is_array($arrInactiveModules);
     foreach ($GLOBALS['BE_MOD'] as $strGroupName => $arrGroupModules) {
         if (!empty($arrGroupModules) && ($strGroupName == 'system' || $this->hasAccess(array_keys($arrGroupModules), 'modules'))) {
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['icon'] = 'modMinus.gif';
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['title'] = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['collapseNode']);
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['label'] = ($label = is_array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName]) ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName][0] : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName]) != false ? $label : $strGroupName;
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['href'] = \Controller::addToUrl('mtg=' . $strGroupName);
             // Do not show the modules if the group is closed
             if (!$blnShowAll && isset($session['backend_modules'][$strGroupName]) && $session['backend_modules'][$strGroupName] < 1) {
                 $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'] = false;
                 $arrModules[$strGroupName]['icon'] = 'modPlus.gif';
                 $arrModules[$strGroupName]['title'] = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['expandNode']);
             } else {
                 foreach ($arrGroupModules as $strModuleName => $arrModuleConfig) {
                     // Exclude inactive modules
                     if ($blnCheckInactiveModules && in_array($strModuleName, $arrInactiveModules)) {
                     // Check access
                     if ($strModuleName == 'undo' || $this->hasAccess($strModuleName, 'modules')) {
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName] = $arrModuleConfig;
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['title'] = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName][1]);
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['label'] = ($label = is_array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName]) ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName][0] : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName]) != false ? $label : $strModuleName;
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['icon'] = !empty($arrModuleConfig['icon']) ? sprintf(' style="background-image:url(\'%s%s\')"', TL_ASSETS_URL, $arrModuleConfig['icon']) : '';
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['class'] = 'navigation ' . $strModuleName;
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['href'] = TL_SCRIPT . '?do=' . $strModuleName . '&amp;ref=' . TL_REFERER_ID;
                         // Mark the active module and its group
                         if (\Input::get('do') == $strModuleName) {
                             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['class'] = ' trail';
                             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['class'] .= ' active';
     // HOOK: add custom logic
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation'] as $callback) {
             $arrModules = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($arrModules, $blnShowAll);
     return $arrModules;
Example #3
  * Create the config cache files
 public function generateConfigCache()
     // Generate the class/template laoder cache file
     $objCacheFile = new \File('system/cache/config/autoload.php', true);
     $objCacheFile->write('<?php ');
     // add one space to prevent the "unexpected $end" error
     foreach (\ModuleLoader::getActive() as $strModule) {
         $strFile = 'system/modules/' . $strModule . '/config/autoload.php';
         if (file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strFile)) {
     // Close the file (moves it to its final destination)
     // Generate the module loader cache file
     $objCacheFile = new \File('system/cache/config/modules.php', true);
     $objCacheFile->append(sprintf("static::\$active = %s;\n", var_export(\ModuleLoader::getActive(), true)));
     $objCacheFile->append(sprintf("static::\$disabled = %s;", var_export(\ModuleLoader::getDisabled(), true)));
     // Close the file (moves it to its final destination)
     // Generate the config cache file
     $objCacheFile = new \File('system/cache/config/config.php', true);
     $objCacheFile->write('<?php ');
     // add one space to prevent the "unexpected $end" error
     foreach (\ModuleLoader::getActive() as $strModule) {
         $strFile = 'system/modules/' . $strModule . '/config/config.php';
         if (file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strFile)) {
     // Close the file (moves it to its final destination)
     // Generate the page mapping array
     $arrMapper = array();
     $objPages = \PageModel::findPublishedRootPages();
     if ($objPages !== null) {
         while ($objPages->next()) {
             $strBase = $objPages->dns ?: '*';
             if ($objPages->fallback) {
                 $arrMapper[$strBase . '/empty.fallback'] = $strBase . '/empty.' . $objPages->language;
             $arrMapper[$strBase . '/empty.' . $objPages->language] = $strBase . '/empty.' . $objPages->language;
     // Generate the page mapper file
     $objCacheFile = new \File('system/cache/config/mapping.php', true);
     $objCacheFile->write(sprintf("<?php\n\nreturn %s;\n", var_export($arrMapper, true)));
     // Add a log entry
     $this->log('Generated the config cache', __METHOD__, TL_CRON);
Example #4
  * check module access
  * @param $module
  * @return bool
 protected function hasAccess($module)
     $arrModule = array();
     foreach ($GLOBALS['BE_MOD'] as &$arrGroup) {
         if (isset($arrGroup[$module])) {
             $arrModule =& $arrGroup[$module];
     $arrInactiveModules = \ModuleLoader::getDisabled();
     // Check whether the module is active
     if (is_array($arrInactiveModules) && in_array($module, $arrInactiveModules)) {
         return false;
     $this->import('BackendUser', 'User');
     // Check whether the current user has access to the current module
     if (!$this->User->hasAccess($module, 'modules')) {
         return false;
     return true;
Example #5
  * Create the config cache files
 public function generateConfigCache()
     // Generate the class/template laoder cache file
     $objCacheFile = new \File('system/cache/config/autoload.php', true);
     $objCacheFile->write('<?php ');
     // add one space to prevent the "unexpected $end" error
     foreach (\ModuleLoader::getActive() as $strModule) {
         $strFile = 'system/modules/' . $strModule . '/config/autoload.php';
         if (file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strFile)) {
     // Close the file (moves it to its final destination)
     // Generate the module loader cache file
     $objCacheFile = new \File('system/cache/config/modules.php', true);
     $objCacheFile->write('<?php ');
     // add one space to prevent the "unexpected $end" error
     $strContent = "\n\n";
     $strContent .= "/**\n * Active modules\n */\n";
     $strContent .= "static::\$active = array\n";
     $strContent .= "(\n";
     foreach (\ModuleLoader::getActive() as $strModule) {
         $strContent .= "\t'{$strModule}',\n";
     $strContent .= ");\n\n";
     $strContent .= "/**\n * Disabled modules\n */\n";
     $strContent .= "static::\$disabled = array\n";
     $strContent .= "(\n";
     foreach (\ModuleLoader::getDisabled() as $strModule) {
         $strContent .= "\t'{$strModule}',\n";
     $strContent .= ");";
     // Close the file (moves it to its final destination)
     // Generate the config cache file
     $objCacheFile = new \File('system/cache/config/config.php', true);
     $objCacheFile->write('<?php ');
     // add one space to prevent the "unexpected $end" error
     foreach (\ModuleLoader::getActive() as $strModule) {
         $strFile = 'system/modules/' . $strModule . '/config/config.php';
         if (file_exists(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strFile)) {
     // Close the file (moves it to its final destination)
     // Add a log entry
     $this->log('Generated the autoload cache', __METHOD__, TL_CRON);