Example #1
 public function action_delete($id = null)
     if ($user_center = Model_User_Center::find($id)) {
         Session::set_flash('success', 'Deleted user_center #' . $id);
     } else {
         Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not delete user_center #' . $id);
Example #2
 public static function generate_disposition_report($center = null, $has_access = TRUE, $all_centers = TRUE, $start_date = null, $end_date = null, $include_no_contacts = FALSE)
     // Check the logged in user is authorised to view the disposition report
     if ($has_access) {
         // Check if the user has access to all disposition reports or just their own center
         if ($all_centers) {
             $view_all = TRUE;
         } else {
             $view_all = FALSE;
             list($driver, $user_id) = Auth::get_user_id();
             $this_user = Model_User::find($user_id);
             // ## START - Pull an array of call centers this user can access
             $call_center_array = array();
             $sall_call_centers = Model_User_Center::query()->where('user', $user_id)->get();
             foreach ($sall_call_centers as $acc) {
                 $call_center_check = Model_Call_Center::find($acc->center);
                 $call_center_array[] = $call_center_check->shortcode;
             // ## END - Pull an array of call centers this user can access
             if (count($call_center_array) < 1) {
                 return array('status' => 'FAIL', 'message' => 'You do not have access to the disposition report.');
             } else {
                 $center = $call_center_array;
         if (!is_null($center) || $view_all) {
             if (is_null($start_date)) {
                 $start_date = date("d-m-Y");
             if (!is_null($start_date) && is_null($end_date)) {
                 $end_date = $start_date;
             $cache_name = $center . $start_date . $end_date;
             $disposition_duration = "\n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t(CLD.DateCreated >= CONVERT(datetime, '" . $start_date . "', 105) AND CLD.DateCreated <= CONVERT(datetime, '" . $end_date . "', 105)+1)\n\t\t\t\tOR\n\t\t\t\t(CC.LastContactAttempt >= CONVERT(datetime, '" . $start_date . "', 105) AND CC.LastContactAttempt <= CONVERT(datetime, '" . $end_date . "', 105)+1)\n\t\t\t\t) ";
             $pack_in_duration = "(D_CLD.DatePackReceived >= CONVERT(datetime, '" . $start_date . "', 105) AND D_CLD.DatePackReceived <= CONVERT(datetime, '" . $end_date . "', 105)) ";
             if (is_array($center)) {
                 // Multiple call centers allowed
                 $flatList = "";
                 $total = count($center);
                 $i = 1;
                 foreach ($center as $sCenter) {
                     $flatList .= $sCenter;
                     $flatList .= $i < $total ? "', '" : "";
                 $call_center_choice = "AND DI_REF.short_code IN ('" . $flatList . "')";
             } else {
                 $call_center_choice = !is_null($center) ? "AND DI_REF.short_code = '" . $center . "'" : "";
             $results1 = DB::query("SELECT CLD.ClientID\n\t\t\t\t  ,CLD.LeadRef AS 'Dialler Lead ID'\n\t\t\t      ,(CD.Forename + ' ' + CD.Surname) AS Name\n\t\t\t      , CASE WHEN D_CLD.SourceID > 0 THEN (SELECT TOP (1) Description FROM Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Type_Lead_Source WHERE ID=D_CLD.SourceID)\n                      WHEN LBA.LeadSourceID > 0 THEN (SELECT TOP (1) Description FROM Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Type_Lead_Source WHERE ID=LBA.LeadSourceID)\n                      ELSE (SELECT TOP (1) Description FROM Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Type_Lead_Source WHERE Reference COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT=DI_REF.list_id COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT)\n                    END AS 'Lead Source'\n\t\t\t      ,CASE WHEN\n\t\t\t      \tISNULL(DI_REF.short_code,'<None>') = '<None>'\n\t\t\t       THEN\n\t\t\t       \t('<span id='''+CONVERT(varchar,CLD.ClientID)+''' class=''no-office''></span>')\n\t\t\t       ELSE\n\t\t\t       \tDI_REF.short_code\n\t\t\t       END AS Office\n\t\t\t      ,CASE WHEN\n\t\t\t      \t DI_REF.short_code = 'REACTIV'\n\t\t\t       THEN\n\t\t\t\t     ISNULL((\n\t\t\t\t       SELECT Top (1)\n\t\t\t\t         Undersigned COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT \n\t\t\t\t       FROM\n\t\t\t\t         Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Users AS D_URS\n\t\t\t\t       LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t         Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_LeadData AS D_CLD ON D_URS.ID = D_CLD.TelesalesAgent\n\t\t\t\t       WHERE\n\t\t\t\t         D_CLD.LeadPoolReference = CLD.ClientID\n\t\t\t\t     ), '')\n\t\t\t       ELSE\n\t\t\t         ISNULL(DI_REF.full_name, '') END AS 'Telesales Agent',\n\t\t\t      \n\t\t\t      ISNULL((\n\t\t\t        SELECT Top (1)\n\t\t\t          Undersigned\n\t\t\t        FROM\n\t\t\t          Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Users AS D_URS\n\t\t\t        LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t          Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_LeadData AS D_CLD ON D_URS.ID = D_CLD.Counsellor\n\t\t\t        WHERE\n\t\t\t          D_CLD.LeadPoolReference = CLD.ClientID\n\t\t\t      ),(SELECT Top (1)\n\t\t\t      \t  Undersigned\n\t\t\t      \tFROM\n\t\t\t      \t  Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Users AS DURS\n\t\t\t      \tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t      \t  Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.CampaignContactAccess AS CCA ON DURS.ID = CCA.UserID\n\t\t\t      \tWHERE\n\t\t\t      \t  CCA.CampaignContactID = CC.ID\n\t\t\t      \tORDER BY\n\t\t\t      \tCCA.AccessDate DESC)) AS 'Consolidator'\n\t\t\t      \n\t\t\t      ,TCR.[Description]\n\t\t\t      ,ISNULL(DI_REF.product,'DR') AS Product\n\t\t\t      ,D_CPD.NormalExpectedPayment / 100 AS DI,\n\t\t\t      (\n\t\t\t      \tSELECT Top (1)\n\t\t\t      \t\tResponseText\n\t\t\t      \tFROM\n\t\t\t      \t\tDebtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_CustomQuestionResponses\n\t\t\t      \tWHERE\n\t\t\t      \t\tQuestionID = 10001\n\t\t\t      \t\tAND ClientID = D_CLD.Client_ID\n\t\t\t      ) AS 'Delivery',\n\t\t\t      (\n\t\t\t      \tSELECT Top (1)\n\t\t\t      \t\tResponseVal\n\t\t\t      \tFROM\n\t\t\t      \t\tDebtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_CustomQuestionResponses\n\t\t\t      \tWHERE\n\t\t\t      \t\tQuestionID = 10007\n\t\t\t      \t\tAND ClientID = D_CLD.Client_ID\n\t\t\t      ) AS 'ProductType'\n\t\t\t      ,CONVERT(varchar, CLD.DateCreated, 120) AS 'Referred Date'\n\t\t\t      ,CONVERT(varchar, CC.LastContactAttempt, 120) AS 'Last Contact Date'\n\t\t\t      ,CASE\n\t\t\t         WHEN CC.ContactResult = 700\n\t\t\t           THEN CONVERT(varchar, CC.Appointment, 120)\n\t\t\t         ELSE\n\t\t\t           ''\n\t\t\t       END AS 'Call Back Date'\n\t\t\t       , CC.ContactResult AS ContactResult\n\t\t\t  FROM\n\t\t\t    Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Client_LeadDetails AS CLD\n\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t    Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Client_Details AS CD ON CLD.ClientID = CD.ClientID\n\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t    Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Campaign_Contacts AS CC ON CLD.ClientID = CC.ClientID\n\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t    Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Type_ContactResult AS TCR ON CC.ContactResult = TCR.ID\n\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\tLeadpool_GABFS.dbo.LeadBatch AS LBA ON CLD.LeadBatchID = LBA.ID\n\n\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t    Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_LeadData AS D_CLD ON CLD.ClientID = D_CLD.LeadPoolReference\n\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t    Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Users AS D_U ON D_CLD.TelesalesAgent = D_U.ID\n\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t    Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_PaymentData AS D_CPD ON D_CLD.Client_ID = D_CPD.ClientID\n\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t  \tDialler.dbo.referrals AS DI_REF ON CLD.ClientID = DI_REF.leadpool_id\n\n\n\t\t\t  WHERE\n\t\t\t    " . $disposition_duration . "\n\t\t\t\tAND NOT ((D_CPD.InitialAgreedAmount is null OR D_CPD.NormalExpectedPayment <= 0) AND CC.ContactResult = 1500)\n\t\t\t    " . $call_center_choice . "\n\t\t\t    AND ISNULL(DI_REF.product,'DR') = 'DR'\n\t\t\t  ORDER BY\n\t\t\t\tCLD.LeadRef2\n\t\t\t    ,TCR.[Description]\n\t\t\t    ,Product\n\t\t\t    ,CLD.DateCreated DESC")->cached(300, "disposition.report." . $cache_name . "gab", false)->execute('debtsolv');
             $results = array();
             foreach ($results1 as $rsult) {
                 $results[] = $rsult;
             foreach ($results2 as $rsult) {
                 $results[] = $rsult;
             $totals = array('referrals' => array('count' => 0, 'value' => 0), 'pack_outs' => array('count' => 0, 'value' => 0), 'dr_pack_outs' => array('count' => 0, 'value' => 0), 'dmplus_pack_outs' => array('count' => 0, 'value' => 0), 'pack_ins' => array('count' => 0, 'value' => 0), 'paid' => array('count' => 0, 'value' => 0));
             $result_parse = array();
             $lost_parse = array();
             $po_result_parse = array();
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 if ($result['Dialler Lead ID'] == 'fab' || $result['Telesales Agent'] == 'FAB Admin' || $result['Consolidator'] == 'FAB Admin') {
                     // Do Nothing
                 } else {
                     if (($result['ContactResult'] == 0 || $result['ContactResult'] == 900 || $result['ContactResult'] == 721) && !$include_no_contacts) {
                         $lost_parse[] = array('<a href="/reports/change_offices/' . $result['ClientID'] . '/">' . $result['ClientID'] . '</a>', $result['Dialler Lead ID'], $result['Name'], $result['Lead Source'], $result['Office'], $result['Telesales Agent'], $result['Consolidator'], '<div class="dispositionName">' . $result['Description'] . '</div>', date("d-m-y H:i:s", strtotime($result['Referred Date'])));
                     } else {
                         if (strtotime($result['Referred Date']) >= strtotime($start_date . " 00:00:00") && strtotime($result['Referred Date']) <= strtotime($end_date . " 23:59:59")) {
                             $pdtype = "";
                             switch ((string) $result['ProductType']) {
                                 case '0':
                                     $pdtype = "DR";
                                 case '1':
                                     $pdtype = "DMPLUS";
                                 case '2':
                                     $pdtype = "PPI";
                                 case '3':
                                     $pdtype = "DRPLUS";
                                 case '':
                                     $pdtype = "";
                             $result_parse[] = array('<a href="/reports/change_offices/' . $result['ClientID'] . '/">' . $result['ClientID'] . '</a>', $result['Dialler Lead ID'], $result['Name'], $result['Lead Source'], $result['Office'], $result['Telesales Agent'], $result['Consolidator'], '<div class="dispositionName">' . $result['Description'] . '</div>', $result['DI'], $result['Delivery'], $pdtype, date("d-m-y", strtotime($result['Referred Date'])), date("d-m-y H:i", strtotime($result['Last Contact Date'])), $result['Call Back Date'] != " " ? date("d-m-y", strtotime($result['Call Back Date'])) : "");
                             $totals['referrals']['value'] = $totals['referrals']['value'] + $result['DI'];
                         if ($result['Description'] == "Lead Completed") {
                             $pdtype = "";
                             switch ((string) $result['ProductType']) {
                                 case '0':
                                     $pdtype = "DR";
                                     $totals['dr_pack_outs']['value'] = $totals['dr_pack_outs']['value'] + $result['DI'];
                                 case '1':
                                     $pdtype = "DMPLUS";
                                     $totals['dmplus_pack_outs']['value'] = $totals['dmplus_pack_outs']['value'] + $result['DI'];
                                 case '2':
                                     $pdtype = "PPI";
                                 case '3':
                                     $pdtype = "DRPLUS";
                                     $totals['dr_pack_outs']['value'] = $totals['dr_pack_outs']['value'] + $result['DI'];
                                     $pdtype = "";
                             $po_result_parse[] = array('<a href="/reports/change_offices/' . $result['ClientID'] . '/">' . $result['ClientID'] . '</a>', $result['Dialler Lead ID'], $result['Name'], $result['Lead Source'], $result['Office'], $result['Telesales Agent'], $result['Consolidator'], $result['DI'], $result['Delivery'], $pdtype, date("d-m-y", strtotime($result['Referred Date'])));
                             $totals['pack_outs']['value'] = $totals['pack_outs']['value'] + $result['DI'];
             $pack_ins1 = DB::query("SELECT CLD.ClientID AS 'Leadpool ID'\n\t\t\t\t\t  ,D_CPD.ClientID AS ClientID\n\t\t\t\t\t  ,CLD.LeadRef AS 'Dialler Lead ID'\n\t\t\t\t      ,(CD.Forename + ' ' + CD.Surname) AS Name\n\t\t\t\t      , CASE WHEN D_CLD.SourceID > 0 THEN (SELECT TOP (1) Description FROM Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Type_Lead_Source WHERE ID=D_CLD.SourceID)\n                          WHEN LBA.LeadSourceID > 0 THEN (SELECT TOP (1) Description FROM Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Type_Lead_Source WHERE ID=LBA.LeadSourceID)\n                          ELSE (SELECT TOP (1) Description FROM Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Type_Lead_Source WHERE Reference COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT=DI_REF.list_id COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT)\n                        END AS 'Lead Source'\n\t\t\t\t      ,CLD.LeadRef2 AS Office\n\t\t\t\t      ,TCR.[Description]\n\t\t\t\t      \n\t\t\t\t      , CASE\n\t\t\t\t      \t\tWHEN\n\t\t\t\t      \t\t\tDI_REF.full_name = ' '\n\t\t\t\t      \t\tTHEN\n\t\t\t\t      \t\t\t'NONE'\n\t\t\t\t      \t\tELSE\n\t\t\t\t      \t\t\tISNULL(DI_REF.full_name,D_U.Undersigned)\n\t\t\t\t      \t\tEND AS 'Telesales Agent'\n\t\t\t      \n\t\t\t\t      ,ISNULL((\n\t\t\t\t        SELECT Top (1)\n\t\t\t\t          Undersigned\n\t\t\t\t        FROM\n\t\t\t\t          Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Users AS D_URS\n\t\t\t\t        LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t          Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_LeadData AS D_CLD ON D_URS.ID = D_CLD.Counsellor\n\t\t\t\t        WHERE\n\t\t\t\t          D_CLD.LeadPoolReference = CLD.ClientID\n\t\t\t\t      ),(SELECT Top (1)\n\t\t\t\t      \t  Undersigned\n\t\t\t\t      \tFROM\n\t\t\t\t      \t  Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Users AS DURS\n\t\t\t\t      \tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t      \t  Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.CampaignContactAccess AS CCA ON DURS.ID = CCA.UserID\n\t\t\t\t      \tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t      \t  CCA.CampaignContactID = CC.ID\n\t\t\t\t      \tORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t      \tCCA.AccessDate DESC)) AS 'Consolidator'\n\t\t\t\t      \n\t\t\t\t      ,CASE\n\t\t\t\t         WHEN D_CPD.InitialAgreedAmount > 0 AND CC.ContactResult = 1500\n\t\t\t\t            THEN 'DR'\n\t\t\t\t         WHEN (D_CPD.InitialAgreedAmount is null OR D_CPD.InitialAgreedAmount <= 0) AND CC.ContactResult = 1500\n\t\t\t\t            THEN 'PPI'\n\t\t\t\t         ELSE\n\t\t\t\t           ''\n\t\t\t\t         END AS Product\n\t\t\t\t      ,D_CPD.NormalExpectedPayment / 100 AS DI\n\t\t\t\t      ,(\n\t\t\t\t      \tSELECT Top (1)\n\t\t\t\t      \t\tResponseText\n\t\t\t\t      \tFROM\n\t\t\t\t      \t\tDebtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_CustomQuestionResponses\n\t\t\t\t      \tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t      \t\tQuestionID = 10001\n\t\t\t\t      \t\tAND ClientID = D_CLD.Client_ID\n\t\t\t\t      ) AS 'Delivery'\n\t\t\t\t      ,CONVERT(varchar, D_CLD.DatePackReceived, 105) AS 'Pack In Date'\n\t\t\t\t      ,CONVERT(varchar, CLD.DateCreated, 120) AS 'Referred Date'\n\t\t\t\t      ,CONVERT(varchar, CC.LastContactAttempt, 120) AS 'Last Contact Date'\n\t\t\t\t      ,CASE\n\t\t\t\t         WHEN CC.ContactResult = 700\n\t\t\t\t           THEN CONVERT(varchar, CC.Appointment, 120)\n\t\t\t\t         ELSE\n\t\t\t\t           ''\n\t\t\t\t       END AS 'Call Back Date'\n\t\t\t\t  FROM\n\t\t\t\t    Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Client_LeadDetails AS CLD\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t    Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Client_Details AS CD ON CLD.ClientID = CD.ClientID\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t    Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Campaign_Contacts AS CC ON CLD.ClientID = CC.ClientID\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t    Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Type_ContactResult AS TCR ON CC.ContactResult = TCR.ID\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t\tLeadpool_GABFS.dbo.LeadBatch AS LBA ON CLD.LeadBatchID = LBA.ID\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t\tLeadpool_GABFS.dbo.Type_Lead_Source AS LSO ON LBA.LeadSourceID = LSO.ID\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t    Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_LeadData AS D_CLD ON CLD.ClientID = D_CLD.LeadPoolReference\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t    Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Users AS D_U ON D_CLD.TelesalesAgent = D_U.ID\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t    Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_PaymentData AS D_CPD ON D_CLD.Client_ID = D_CPD.ClientID\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t  \tDialler.dbo.referrals AS DI_REF ON CLD.ClientID = DI_REF.leadpool_id\n\t\t\t\t  WHERE \n\t\t\t\t  \t" . $pack_in_duration . "\n\t\t\t\t  \t" . $call_center_choice . "\n\t\t\t\t  \tAND D_U.Undersigned <> 'FAB Admin'\n\t\t\t\t  \tAND D_CPD.NormalExpectedPayment > 0\n\t\t\t\t  ORDER BY\n\t\t\t\t\tCLD.LeadRef2\n\t\t\t\t    ,TCR.[Description]\n\t\t\t\t    ,Product\n\t\t\t\t    ,CLD.DateCreated DESC")->cached(300)->execute('debtsolv');
             $pack_ins = array();
             foreach ($pack_ins1 as $pi) {
                 $pack_ins[] = $pi;
             foreach ($pack_ins2 as $pi) {
                 $pack_ins[] = $pi;
             $all_pack_in = array();
             foreach ($pack_ins as $pack_in) {
                 $all_pack_in[] = array('<a href="/reports/change_offices/' . $pack_in['ClientID'] . '/">' . $pack_in['ClientID'] . '</a>', $pack_in['Dialler Lead ID'], $pack_in['Name'], $pack_in['Lead Source'], $pack_in['Office'], $pack_in['Telesales Agent'], $pack_in['Consolidator'], $pack_in['DI'], $pack_in['Delivery'], date("d-m-y", strtotime($pack_in['Referred Date'])), date("d-m-y", strtotime($pack_in['Pack In Date'])));
                 $totals['pack_ins']['value'] = $totals['pack_ins']['value'] + $pack_in['DI'];
             $paid_duration = "(D_CD.FirstPaymentDate >= '" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start_date)) . "' AND D_CD.FirstPaymentDate <= '" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime($end_date)) . "') ";
             $paid_reports1 = \DB::query("SELECT\n                                                D_CD.ClientID\n                                              , D_CLD.LeadPoolReference\n                                              , (CD.Forename + ' ' + CD.Surname) AS Name\n                                              , CASE WHEN D_CLD.SourceID > 0 THEN (SELECT TOP (1) Description FROM Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Type_Lead_Source WHERE ID=D_CLD.SourceID)\n                                                  WHEN LBA.LeadSourceID > 0 THEN (SELECT TOP (1) Description FROM Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Type_Lead_Source WHERE ID=LBA.LeadSourceID)\n                                                  ELSE (SELECT TOP (1) Description FROM Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Type_Lead_Source WHERE Reference COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT=DI_REF.list_id COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT)\n                                                END AS 'Lead Source'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  , CLD.LeadRef2 AS Office\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  , CASE\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t\tWHEN\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t\t\tDI_REF.full_name = ' '\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t\tTHEN\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t\t\t'NONE'\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t\tELSE\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t\t\tISNULL(DI_REF.full_name,D_U.Undersigned)\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t\tEND AS 'Telesales Agent'\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t\t\t\t\t\t  ,ISNULL((\n                            \t\t\t\t        SELECT Top (1)\n                            \t\t\t\t          Undersigned\n                            \t\t\t\t        FROM\n                            \t\t\t\t          Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Users AS D_URS\n                            \t\t\t\t        LEFT JOIN\n                            \t\t\t\t          Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_LeadData AS D_CLD ON D_URS.ID = D_CLD.Counsellor\n                            \t\t\t\t        WHERE\n                            \t\t\t\t          D_CLD.LeadPoolReference = CLD.ClientID\n                            \t\t\t\t      ),(SELECT Top (1)\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t  Undersigned\n                            \t\t\t\t      \tFROM\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t  Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Users AS DURS\n                            \t\t\t\t      \tLEFT JOIN\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t  Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.CampaignContactAccess AS CCA ON DURS.ID = CCA.UserID\n                            \t\t\t\t      \tWHERE\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t  CCA.CampaignContactID = CC.ID\n                            \t\t\t\t      \tORDER BY\n                            \t\t\t\t      \t  CCA.AccessDate DESC)) AS 'Consolidator'\n                                                                          , D_CPD.NormalExpectedPayment/100 AS DI\n                                                                          ,(\n                            \t\t\t      \tSELECT Top (1)\n                            \t\t\t      \t\tResponseVal\n                            \t\t\t      \tFROM\n                            \t\t\t      \t\tDebtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_CustomQuestionResponses\n                            \t\t\t      \tWHERE\n                            \t\t\t      \t\tQuestionID = 10007\n                            \t\t\t      \t\tAND ClientID = D_CLD.Client_ID\n                            \t\t\t      ) AS 'ProductType'\n                                              ,CONVERT(varchar, CLD.DateCreated, 120) AS 'Referred Date'\n                                              ,CONVERT(varchar, D_CLD.DatePackReceived, 105) AS 'Pack In Date'\n                                              , D_CD.FirstPaymentDate\n                                            FROM\n                                              Dialler.dbo.client_dates AS D_CD\n                                            LEFT JOIN\n                                              Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_PaymentData AS D_CPD ON D_CPD.ClientID=D_CD.ClientID\n                                            LEFT JOIN\n                                              Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Client_LeadData AS D_CLD ON D_CD.ClientID = D_CLD.Client_ID\n                                            LEFT JOIN\n                                              Dialler.dbo.referrals AS DI_REF ON D_CLD.LeadPoolReference = DI_REF.leadpool_id\n                                            LEFT JOIN\n                                              Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Client_LeadDetails AS CLD ON CLD.ClientID = D_CLD.LeadPoolReference\n                                            LEFT JOIN\n                                              Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Client_Details AS CD ON D_CLD.LeadPoolReference = CD.ClientID\n                                            LEFT JOIN\n                                              Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.LeadBatch AS LBA ON CLD.LeadBatchID = LBA.ID\n                                            LEFT JOIN\n                                              Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Type_Lead_Source AS LSO ON LBA.LeadSourceID = LSO.ID\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t    Leadpool_GABFS.dbo.Campaign_Contacts AS CC ON CLD.ClientID = CC.ClientID\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\t    Debtsolv_GABFS.dbo.Users AS D_U ON D_CLD.TelesalesAgent = D_U.ID\n                                            WHERE\n                                              " . $paid_duration . "\n                                              " . $call_center_choice . "\n                                              AND D_CD.Office = 'GAB'\n\t\t\t\t")->cached(300)->execute('debtsolv');
             $all_paid = array();
             foreach ($paid_reports1 as $paid) {
                 $pdtype = "";
                 switch ((string) $paid['ProductType']) {
                     case '0':
                         $pdtype = "DR";
                     case '1':
                         $pdtype = "DMPLUS";
                     case '2':
                         $pdtype = "PPI";
                     case '3':
                         $pdtype = "DRPLUS";
                     case '':
                         $pdtype = "";
                 $all_paid['G' . $paid['ClientID']] = array('<a href="/reports/change_offices/' . $paid['ClientID'] . '/">' . $paid['ClientID'] . '</a>', $paid['LeadPoolReference'], $paid['Name'], $paid['Lead Source'], $paid['Office'], $paid['Telesales Agent'], $paid['Consolidator'], $paid['DI'], $pdtype, date("d-m-y", strtotime($paid['Referred Date'])), date("d-m-y", strtotime($paid['Pack In Date'])), date("d-m-y", strtotime($paid['FirstPaymentDate'])));
                 $totals['paid']['value'] = $totals['paid']['value'] + $paid['DI'];
             foreach ($paid_reports2 as $paid) {
                 $pdtype = "";
                 switch ((string) $paid['ProductType']) {
                     case '0':
                         $pdtype = "DR";
                     case '1':
                         $pdtype = "DMPLUS";
                     case '2':
                         $pdtype = "PPI";
                     case '3':
                         $pdtype = "DRPLUS";
                     case '':
                         $pdtype = "";
                 $all_paid['R' . $paid['ClientID']] = array('<a href="/reports/change_offices/' . $paid['ClientID'] . '/">' . $paid['ClientID'] . '</a>', $paid['LeadPoolReference'], $paid['Name'], $paid['Lead Source'], '<a href="/reports/change_offices/' . $paid['ClientID'] . '/">' . $paid['Office'] . '</a>', '<a href="/reports/change_offices/' . $paid['ClientID'] . '/">' . $paid['Telesales Agent'] . '</a>', $paid['Consolidator'], $paid['DI'], $pdtype, date("d-m-y", strtotime($paid['Referred Date'])), date("d-m-y", strtotime($paid['Pack In Date'])), date("d-m-y", strtotime($paid['FirstPaymentDate'])));
                 $totals['paid']['value'] = $totals['paid']['value'] + $paid['DI'];
             $totals['paid']['count'] = 0;
             $totals['paid']['value'] = 0;
             $all_paid_return = array();
             foreach ($all_paid as $allPaid) {
                 $all_paid_return[] = $allPaid;
                 $totals['paid']['value'] = $totals['paid']['value'] + $allPaid[7];
             // arrange the totals
             $totals['referrals']['value'] = number_format($totals['referrals']['value'], 2);
             $totals['pack_outs']['value'] = number_format($totals['pack_outs']['value'], 2);
             $totals['dr_pack_outs']['value'] = number_format($totals['dr_pack_outs']['value'], 2);
             $totals['dmplus_pack_outs']['value'] = number_format($totals['dmplus_pack_outs']['value'], 2);
             $totals['pack_ins']['value'] = number_format($totals['pack_ins']['value'], 2);
             $totals['paid']['value'] = number_format($totals['paid']['value'], 2);
             return array('status' => 'SUCCESS', 'totals' => $totals, 'paid' => array("aaData" => $all_paid_return, "bPaginate" => false, "bDestroy" => true, "bProcessing" => true, "aoColumnDefs" => array(array("iDataSort" => 2, "asSorting" => array("asc"), "aTargets" => array(0))), "aoColumns" => array(array("sTitle" => "Client ID", "bSortable" => false), array("sTitle" => "Leadpool ID", "bSortable" => false), array("sTitle" => "Name", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Lead Source", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Office", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Telesales", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Consolidator", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "DI", "sType" => "numeric"), array("sTitle" => "Product", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Referred", "sType" => "date-uk"), array("sTitle" => "Pack In", "sType" => "date-uk"), array("sTitle" => "First Payment", "sType" => "date-uk"))), 'no_contacts' => array("aaData" => $lost_parse, "bPaginate" => false, "bDestroy" => true, "bProcessing" => true, "aoColumnDefs" => array(array("iDataSort" => 2, "asSorting" => array("asc"), "aTargets" => array(0))), "aoColumns" => array(array("sTitle" => "Leadpool ID", "bSortable" => false), array("sTitle" => "Dialler ID", "bSortable" => false), array("sTitle" => "Name", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Lead Source", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Office", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Telesales", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Consolidator", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Result", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Referred", "sType" => "date-uk"))), 'referrals' => array("aaData" => $result_parse, "bDestroy" => true, "bPaginate" => false, "bProcessing" => true, "aoColumnDefs" => array(array("iDataSort" => 2, "asSorting" => array("asc"), "aTargets" => array(0))), "aoColumns" => array(array("sTitle" => "Leadpool ID", "bSortable" => false), array("sTitle" => "Dialler ID", "bSortable" => false), array("sTitle" => "Name", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Lead Source", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Office", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Telesales", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Consolidator", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Result", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "DI", "sType" => "numeric"), array("sTitle" => "Delivery", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Product", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Referred", "sType" => "date-uk"), array("sTitle" => "Last Contact", "sType" => "date-euro"), array("sTitle" => "Call Back", "sType" => "date-uk"))), 'pack_ins' => array("aaData" => $all_pack_in, "bDestroy" => true, "bPaginate" => false, "bProcessing" => true, "aoColumnDefs" => array(array("iDataSort" => 2, "asSorting" => array("asc"), "aTargets" => array(0))), "aoColumns" => array(array("sTitle" => "Debtsolv ID", "bSortable" => false), array("sTitle" => "Dialler ID", "bSortable" => false), array("sTitle" => "Name", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Lead Source", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Office", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Telesales", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Consolidator", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "DI", "sType" => "numeric"), array("sTitle" => "Delivery", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Referred", "sType" => "date-uk"), array("sTitle" => "Pack In", "sType" => "date-uk"))), 'pack_outs' => array("aaData" => $po_result_parse, "bDestroy" => true, "bPaginate" => false, "bProcessing" => true, "aoColumnDefs" => array(array("iDataSort" => 2, "asSorting" => array("asc"), "aTargets" => array(0))), "aoColumns" => array(array("sTitle" => "Leadpool ID", "bSortable" => false), array("sTitle" => "Dialler ID", "bSortable" => false), array("sTitle" => "Name", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Lead Source", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Office", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Telesales", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Consolidator", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "DI", "sType" => "numeric"), array("sTitle" => "Delivery", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Product", "sType" => "string"), array("sTitle" => "Referred", "sType" => "date-uk"))));
     } else {
         $this->response(array('status' => 'FAIL', 'message' => 'You do not have access to the disposition report.'));