/** * Редактирование команды * * @param int $id */ public function action_edit($id = null) { is_null($id) and \Response::redirect('teams'); if (!($team = \Model_Team::find($id))) { \Session::set_flash('error', 'Команда не найдена.'); \Response::redirect_back('admin/competitions/teams'); } $val = \Model_Team::validate('edit'); if ($val->run()) { // Валидация для фото $config = array('path' => DOCROOT . 'assets/img/teams', 'randomize' => true, 'ext_whitelist' => array('img', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png')); \Upload::process($config); if (\Upload::is_valid() or \Upload::get_errors()[0]['errors'][0]['error'] == 4) { $team->value = \Input::post('value'); if (!\Upload::get_errors()) { // Сохраняем файл на диск \Upload::save(); // Меняем размер изображения на 50px * 50px $files = \Upload::get_files(); $path = $files[0]['saved_to'] . $files[0]['saved_as']; \Image::load($path)->resize(50, 50, true)->save($path); // Удаляем старый файл if ($team->logo_uri) { unlink(DOCROOT . 'assets/img/teams/' . $team->logo_uri); } $team->logo_uri = $files[0]['saved_as']; } if ($team->save()) { \Session::set_flash('success', 'Команда обновлена.'); \Response::redirect_back('admin/competitions/teams'); } else { Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not update Team #' . $id); } } } else { if (\Input::method() == 'POST') { $team->value = $val->validated('value'); \Session::set_flash('error', $val->error()); } $this->template->set_global('team', $team, false); } $this->template->content = \View::forge('competitions/teams/edit'); }
public function action_update($id = false) { if (!is_numeric($id)) { \Response::redirect('admin/team/list'); } // Get news item to edit if (!($item = Model_Team::find_one_by_id($id))) { \Response::redirect('admin/team/list'); } \View::set_global('title', 'Edit Member'); if (\Input::post()) { $val = Model_Team::validate('update'); // Upload image and display errors if there are any $image = $this->upload_image(); if (!$image['exists'] && \Config::get('details.image.required', false) && empty($item->images)) { // No previous images and image is not selected and it is required \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to upload content image</strong>'); \Messages::error('You have to select image'); } elseif ($image['errors']) { \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to upload content image</strong>'); foreach ($image['errors'] as $error) { \Messages::error($error); } } if ($val->run() && $image['is_valid'] && !(!$image['exists'] && \Config::get('details.image.required', false) && empty($item->images))) { /** IMAGES **/ // Get all alt texts to update if there is no image change foreach (\Arr::filter_prefixed(\Input::post(), 'alt_text_') as $image_id => $alt_text) { if (strpos($image_id, 'new_') === false) { $item_images[$image_id] = array('id' => $image_id, 'data' => array('alt_text' => \Input::post('alt_text_' . $image_id, ''))); } } // Save images if new files are submitted if (isset($this->_image_data)) { foreach ($this->_image_data as $image_data) { $cover_count = count($item->images); if (strpos($image_data['field'], 'new_') === false) { // Update existing image if (str_replace('image_', '', $image_data['field']) != 0) { $image_id = (int) str_replace('image_', '', $image_data['field']); $cover_count--; $item_images[$image_id] = array('id' => $image_id, 'data' => array('content_id' => $item->id, 'image' => $image_data['saved_as'], 'alt_text' => \Input::post('alt_text_' . $image_id, ''))); $this->delete_image(\Input::post('image_db_' . $image_id, '')); } } else { // Save new image $image_tmp = str_replace('image_new_', '', $image_data['field']); $item_images[0] = array('id' => 0, 'data' => array('content_id' => $item->id, 'image' => $image_data['saved_as'], 'alt_text' => \Input::post('alt_text_new_' . $image_tmp, ''), 'cover' => $cover_count == 0 ? 1 : 0, 'sort' => $cover_count + 1)); } } } Model_Team::bind_images($item_images); /** END OF IMAGES **/ // Get POST values $insert = \Input::post(); // Prepare some values $insert['published_at'] = !empty($insert['published_at']) ? strtotime($insert['published_at']) : \Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); $insert['active_from'] = !empty($insert['active_from']) ? strtotime($insert['active_from']) : NULL; $insert['active_to'] = !empty($insert['active_to']) ? strtotime($insert['active_to']) : NULL; if ($insert['status'] != 2) { unset($insert['active_from']); unset($insert['active_to']); } $item->set($insert); try { $item->save(); \Messages::success('Member successfully updated.'); \Response::redirect(\Input::post('exit', false) ? \Uri::create('admin/team/list/') : \Uri::admin('current')); } catch (\Database_Exception $e) { // show validation errors \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to update member</strong>'); // Uncomment lines below to show database errors //$errors = $e->getMessage(); //\Messages::error($errors); } } else { // Delete uploaded images if there is news saving error if (isset($this->_image_data)) { foreach ($this->_image_data as $image_data) { $this->delete_image($image_data['saved_as']); } } if ($val->error() != array()) { // show validation errors \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to update member</strong>'); foreach ($val->error() as $e) { \Messages::error($e->get_message()); } } } } $team = Model_Team::find_one_by_id($id); \Theme::instance()->set_partial('content', $this->view_dir . 'update')->set('team', $team); }