function action_index() { $this->requireLogin(); $account = $this->auth->getAccount(); $reg = Model_Registration::getAllRegistrationsByConvention($account->id); $this->template->heading = __('Account:') . ' ' . html::chars($account->gname) . ' ' . html::chars($account->sname); $this->template->subheading = "Account settings as well as current and past ticket purchases."; $this->template->content = new View('user/index', array('registrations' => $reg)); }
public function action_export2($cid) { if (!isset($cid) || !is_numeric($cid) || $cid <= 0) { die('Get out of here!'); } $passes = ORM::Factory('Pass')->where("convention_id", '=', $cid)->find_all(); $status_values = Model_Registration::getStatusValues(); if ($post = $this->request->post()) { $export_passes = array(); $export_status = array(); $export_age = array(); //Determine what to export. This is a bit cheap but it works... foreach ($post as $k => $v) { /* Pass */ if ($k[0] == 'p') { $temp = explode("_", $k); $export_passes[$temp[1]] = $temp[1]; } else { if ($k[0] == 's') { $temp = explode("_", $k); $export_status[$temp[1]] = $temp[1]; } } } $this->doExport($cid, $export_passes, $export_status); } $this->template->content = new View('admin/Export2', array('passes' => $passes, 'status_values' => $status_values, 'callback' => "export2/{$cid}")); }
<div id='list'> <?php echo '<p><strong>Payment Status:</strong> ' . Model_Registration::regStatusToString($reg['status']) . '</p>'; echo '<p><strong>Badge Type:</strong> ' . $pass['name'] . '<br /><strong>Price: </strong>$' . $pass['price'] . '</p>'; echo '<p><strong>Email:</strong> ' . $reg['email'] . '<br /><strong>DOB: </strong>' . $reg['dob'] . '</p>'; ?> <p> <?php echo html::anchor($createLink, $createText, $createText); ?> </p> <table width='100%'> <?php foreach ($rows as $row) { print $row; } ?> </table> </div>