Example #1
 public static function _init()
     $subquery = \DB::select('price.id')->from(array(Model_Price::table(), 'price'))->where('price.product_id', '=', \DB::expr(\DB::quote_identifier('product.id')))->where('price.available', 1)->order_by('price.price')->limit(1);
     static::$_valid_relations['has_one'] = 'Indigo\\Erp\\Stock\\HasOne';
     static::$_has_one['price']['key_from'] = array('id', $subquery);
     static::$_has_one['price']['key_to'] = array('product_id', 'id');
     static::$_has_many['prices'] = array('model_to' => 'Model_Price', 'cascade_delete' => true);
Example #2
 public function execute($job, $data)
     // Trigger price update/change event and modify data
     $data = \Event::instance('supplier')->trigger('update', $data, 'array');
     $data = call_user_func_array('\\Arr::merge_assoc', $data);
     // This is all about update
     $data = $data[0];
     // Do not update some fields
     $set = \Arr::filter_keys($data, array('external_id', 'supplier_id'), true);
     $data['updated_at'] = time();
     return Model_Price::query()->set($set)->where('external_id', $data['external_id'])->where('supplier_id', $data['supplier_id'])->update();
Example #3
  * 增加价格配置段
 public function addAction()
     if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
         $aPrice = $this->_checkData('add');
         if (empty($aPrice)) {
             return null;
         if (Model_Price::addData($aPrice) > 0) {
             return $this->showMsg('价格配置段增加成功!', true);
         } else {
             return $this->showMsg('价格配置段增加失败!', false);
Example #4
 public function execute($job, $data)
     return Model_Price::query()->set(array('available' => \Arr::get($data, 'key', 1), 'updated_at' => time()))->where('external_id', 'IN', \Arr::get($data, 'ids'))->where('supplier_id', \Arr::get($data, 'supplier_id'))->update();
Example #5
  * Update price and availability
  * @param	boolean		$cached		Update from already downloaded files
  * @return	boolean 				All products have been processed
 public function change($cached = false)
     // Get data from supplier
     if (!($products = $this->_change($cached))) {
         return true;
     // Get current prices from supplier
     $price = \DB::select('external_id', 'price', 'available')->from(Model_Price::table())->where('supplier_id', $this->model->id)->execute()->as_array('external_id');
     // Cast values to the appropriate data type
     array_walk($price, function (&$product, $id) use(&$price) {
         $product['price'] = \Num::currency($product['price']);
         $product['available'] = intval($product['available']);
     $count = array(0);
     $available = array();
     foreach ($products as $id => $product) {
         // Are we sure that it exists?
         if (!array_key_exists($id, $price)) {
         // Default data casting and values
         $product['price'] = \Arr::get($product, 'price');
         is_null($product['price']) or $product['price'] = \Num::currency($product['price']);
         $a = \Arr::get($product, 'available');
         // Check if product's price has been changed, or just became (un)available
         if (!is_null($product['price'])) {
             // Foolproofness: set the update array manually
             $product = array('price' => $product['price'], 'external_id' => $id, 'supplier_id' => $this->model->id);
             // Update availability if changed
             is_null($a) or $product['available'] = $a;
             // Get job and queue
             $job = $this->get_config('change.job', 'Indigo\\Erp\\Stock\\Job_Supplier_Change');
             $queue = $this->get_config('change.queue', 'update');
             // Use Queue if available (greater performance)
             if (\Package::loaded('queue')) {
                 $count[0] += \Queue::push($queue, $job, array($product, $price[$id])) ? 1 : 0;
             } else {
                 try {
                     $job = new $job();
                     $count[0] += $job->execute(null, $product);
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
         } elseif (!is_null($a)) {
             $available[$a][] = $id;
     // Update availability information
     $available = $this->_available($available);
     $count[1] = $available[0];
     $count[2] = $available[1];
     // Set the last updated time for supplier prices
     $this->model->set('last_update', time())->save();
     // Log success
     \Log::info($this->model->name . ' frissítve: ' . $count[0] . ' frissítés, ' . $count[1] . ' lett elérhetetlen, ' . $count[2] . ' lett elérhető.');
     // All product have been processed
     return array_sum($count) == count($products);
Example #6
 public function execute($job, $data)
     return Model_Price::forge()->set($data)->save();
Example #7
  * 自媒体中心
 public function indexAction()
     $aParam = $this->getParams();
     $aParam['type'] = isset($aParam['type']) ? intval($aParam['type']) : Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN;
     $iAdID = (int) $this->getParam('id');
     $aAd = null;
     if ($iAdID > 0) {
         $aAd = Model_Ad::getDetail($iAdID);
     if (!empty($aAd)) {
         $aParam['type'] = $aAd['iMediaType'];
         $sReferer = $this->getRequest()->getHttpReferer();
         if (strpos($sReferer, '/ad/add') > 0) {
             if (!empty($aAd['sCatID'])) {
                 $aParam['catid'] = intval($aAd['sCatID']);
             if (!empty($aAd['sCityID'])) {
                 $aParam['city'] = explode(',', $aAd['sCityID']);
     $aData = Model_Media::search($aParam);
     foreach ($aData['aList'] as &$aRow) {
         $aRow['sCatName'] = Model_Media::getCategoryNames($aRow['iMediaID']);
     switch ($aParam['type']) {
         case Model_Media::TYPE_WEIXIN:
             $aData['aType'] = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIXIN_CATEGORY);
             $aData['aTag'] = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIXIN_TAG);
         case Model_Media::TYPE_FRIEND:
             $aData['aType'] = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_FRIEND_CATEGORY);
             $aData['aTag'] = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_FRIEND_TAG);
         case Model_Media::TYPE_WEIBO:
             $aData['aType'] = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIBO_CATEGORY);
             $aData['aTag'] = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_WEIBO_TAG);
         case Model_Media::TYPE_NEWS:
             $aData['aType'] = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_NEWS_CATEGORY);
             $aData['aTag'] = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_NEWS_TAG);
     $aData['aPrice'] = Model_Price::getOption();
     $aData['aFollower'] = Model_Follower::getOption();
     $aData['aCity'] = Model_City::getPairCitys(Model_City::TYPE_FRONT);
     $aData['aLevel'] = Model_Domain::getOption(Model_Domain::TYPE_MEDIA_RECOMMEND);
     $aData['aAd'] = $aAd;
     if (!empty($aData['aAd'])) {
         $aData['aChooseID'] = Model_AdMedia::getCol(array('where' => array('iStatus >' => 0, 'iAdID' => $iAdID)), 'iMediaID');
     if (empty($aData['aChooseID'])) {
         $sCookieKey = 'media_choose_' . $aParam['type'];
         $aData['aChooseID'] = !empty($_COOKIE[$sCookieKey]) ? explode(',', $_COOKIE[$sCookieKey]) : array();
     $aData['aChoose'] = array();
     foreach ($aData['aChooseID'] as $k => $v) {
         $aMedia = Model_Media::getDetail($v);
         if (empty($aMedia)) {
         $aData['aChoose'][] = $aMedia;
     $this->assign('aData', $aData);
     $this->assign('aParam', $aParam);
     $this->assign('sTopMenu', empty($aAd) ? 'media' : 'aadd');
     $this->setMeta('media_center', array('sTitle' => '媒体中心'));
Example #8
  * 搜索自媒体
  * @param unknown $aParam            
  * @param string $sOrder            
  * @param number $iPageSize            
  * @return Ambigous <NULL, boolean, string, multitype:multitype: Ambigous <> , multitype:, array/string, int/false, number, unknown, unknown>
 public static function search($aParam, $sOrder = '', $iPageSize = 20)
     $aRule = array();
     $aTable = array('t_media m');
     $aWhere = array('m.iStatus=1', 'm.iPut=1', 'm.iMediaType=' . intval($aParam['type']));
     if (!empty($aParam['name'])) {
         $aWhere[] = '(m.sMediaName LIKE "%' . $aParam['name'] . '%" OR m.sOpenName LIKE "%' . $aParam['name'] . '%")';
     if (!empty($aParam['catid'])) {
         $aTable[] = 't_media_category c';
         $aWhere[] = 'c.iMediaID=m.iMediaID';
         $aWhere[] = 'c.iCategoryID=' . intval($aParam['catid']);
         //$aWhere[] = 'c.iCategoryID IN(' . join(',', $aParam['catid']) . ')';
     if (!empty($aParam['price'])) {
         $aPrice = Model_Price::parsePrice($aParam['price']);
         $aWhere[] = '(m.iPrice1>=' . $aPrice[0] . ' AND m.iPrice1<' . $aPrice[1] . ' OR m.iPrice2>=' . $aPrice[0] . ' AND m.iPrice2<' . $aPrice[1] . ')';
     if (!empty($aParam['follower'])) {
         $aFollower = explode('~', $aParam['follower']);
         $aWhere[] = '(m.iFollowerNum>=' . $aFollower[0] . ' AND m.iFollowerNum<' . $aFollower[1] . ')';
     if (!empty($aParam['city'])) {
         $aTable[] = 't_media_city ct';
         $aWhere[] = 'ct.iMediaID=m.iMediaID';
         $aWhere[] = 'ct.iCityID IN(' . join(',', $aParam['city']) . ')';
     if (!empty($aParam['readnum0'])) {
         $aWhere[] = 'm.iReadAvgNum >=' . intval($aParam['readnum0']);
     if (!empty($aParam['readnum1'])) {
         $aWhere[] = 'm.iReadAvgNum <=' . intval($aParam['readnum1']);
     if (!empty($aParam['score'])) {
         $aWhere[] = 'm.iScore >=' . intval($aParam['score']);
     if (!empty($aParam['tag'])) {
         $aTable[] = 't_media_tag t';
         $aWhere[] = 't.iMediaID=m.iMediaID';
         $aWhere[] = 't.iTagID IN(' . join(',', $aParam['tag']) . ')';
     if (! empty($aParam['aCriceID'])) {
         $aTable[] = 't_media_cricle cr';
         $aWhere[] = 'cr.iMediaID=m.iMediaID';
         $aWhere[] = 'cr.iCricleID IN(' . join(',', $aParam['aCriceID']) . ')';
     $iPage = max(intval($aParam['page']), 1);
     $sLimit = ' LIMIT ' . ($iPage - 1) * $iPageSize . ',' . $iPageSize;
     $sOrder = empty($sOrder) ? '' : ' ORDER BY ' . $sOrder;
     $sSQL = 'SELECT m.* FROM ' . join(',', $aTable) . ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $aWhere) . ' GROUP BY m.iMediaID' . $sOrder . $sLimit;
     $aRet['aList'] = self::query($sSQL);
     if ($iPage == 1 && count($aRet['aList']) < $iPageSize) {
         $aRet['iTotal'] = count($aRet['aList']);
         $aRet['aPager'] = null;
     } else {
         unset($aParam['limit'], $aParam['order']);
         $sSQL = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT m.iMediaID) FROM ' . join(',', $aTable) . ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', $aWhere);
         $aRet['iTotal'] = self::query($sSQL, 'one');
         $sUrl = Util_Common::getUrl();
         $aRet['aPager'] = Util_Page::getPage($aRet['iTotal'], $iPage, $iPageSize, $sUrl, $aParam);
     return $aRet;