public function action_index() { $materials = new Model_Material('group'); $gid = $this->request->param('id'); $data = $materials->getTopMaterials($gid, 'time', 1); $this->template->data = $data; }
public function action_index() { $materialId = $this->request->param('id'); $materials = new Model_Material('groups'); //получить содержимое папки $data = $materials->getMaterial($materialId); $fields = $materials->getFields2($materialId, TRUE); $model = array("photos" => array()); $model["id"] = Arr::get($data, "id"); $model["name"] = Arr::get($data, "name"); $model["article"] = Arr::get($data, "art"); $model["price"] = number_format(Arr::get($fields, 'price'), 0, "", " "); Resources::add_scripts(array("js/modules/material/material.js"), get_class()); // --- Фотки ---------------------------------------------------- // есть фото if (isset($fields["photos"][0])) { $photos = $fields["photos"]; $model["general_photo"] = $photos[0]["value"]; // Фоток больше 1 if (count($photos) > 1) { foreach ($photos as $photo) { $model["photos"][] = array("original" => $photo["value"], "mini" => Route::url("miniimg2", array("filename" => $photo["value"]))); } } } else { $model["general_photo"] = "/img/noimg.png"; } // --- /Фотки ---------------------------------------------------- // --- Коментарии ------------------------------------------------ echo '<script>window.material_id = JSON.parse(\'' . $materialId . '\');</script>'; $this->load_module("comments", "/widgets/Comments/index"); // --- /Коментарии ----------------------------------------------- $this->set_template("/widgets/material/material.php", "twig")->render($model)->body(); }
public function getTags($fieldName) { $materials = new Model_Material('group'); //получаем ид поля по названию $fields[] = $materials->getField($fieldName); $tags = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { //получить все значения $result = DB::select('value')->from('group_param_values')->where('pid', '=', $field['id'])->execute(); $vids = $result->as_array(); foreach ($vids as $vid) { $result = DB::select('value')->from($field['type'])->where('id', '=', $vid['value'])->execute(); $values = $result->as_array(); foreach ($values as $value) { $value = explode(',', $value['value']); foreach ($value as $tag) { if ($tag != '') { $tags[trim($tag)] = $materials->str2url($tag); } } } } } ksort($tags); return $tags; }
public function getPath($dir) { //первым делом ищем в структуре $category = new Model_Category('tree'); $categoryId = $category->getCategoryIdByUrl($dir); if ($categoryId) { $dirs = []; $categoryData = $category->getCategory($categoryId); $parents = $category->getParents($categoryId); foreach ($parents as $parent) { if ($parent['level'] > 1 && $parent['url'] != 'glavnaya') { $dirs[] = $parent['url']; } } return array('name' => $categoryData['name'], 'path' => implode('/', $dirs)); } //теперь ищем в материалах $materials = new Model_Material('group'); $materialUrl = str_replace('.html', '', $dir); $materialId = $materials->getMaterialIdByUrl($materialUrl); if ($materialId) { $materialData = $materials->getMaterial($materialId); $categoryId = $materials->getTreeIdByMid($materialId); $categoryData = $category->getCategory($categoryId); return array('name' => $materialData['name'], 'path' => $categoryData['url'] . '/' . $dir); } else { return FALSE; } }
public function action_tags() { $widgets = array(); $tagName = urldecode($this->request->param('id')); $materials = new Model_Material('groups'); $materialList = $materials->getMidFromTags($tagName); if (!$materialList) { throw new HTTP_Exception_404(); } //Описание ингридиента $tagUrl = $materials->str2url($tagName); $ingridientId = $materials->getMaterialIdByUrl($tagUrl); if ($ingridientId) { $widgets[] = Request::factory('widgets/material/index/' . $ingridientId)->execute(); } $this->styles = array('/css/search.css'); $old_styles = $this->template->styles; array_unique($this->styles); $new_styles = array_merge($this->styles, $old_styles); $this->template->styles = $new_styles; $this->template->title = $tagName . ''; $this->template->page_title = $tagName; $this->template->keywords = $tagName . '' . $tagName; $this->template->description = '' . $tagName; $materialsString = implode('/', $materialList); View::set_global('categoryName', ''); $widgets[] = Request::factory('widgets/catalog/index/' . $materialsString . '/tags')->execute(); $this->template->styles[] = 'css/catalog.css'; $this->template->block_center = $widgets; }
public function getCart($userId) { $result = DB::select()->from($this->tableName)->where('user', '=', $userId)->group_by('mid')->execute()->as_array(); $material = new Model_Material('groups'); $category = new Model_Category('tree'); $base = new Model_Base(); $arr = array(); foreach ($result as $item) { //var_dump($item); //название модели $materialData = $material->getMaterial($item['mid']); $arr[$item['mid']]['name'] = $materialData['name']; $arr[$item['mid']]['mid'] = $item['mid']; //url модели $categoryName = $category->getNode($material->getTreeIdByMid($item['mid'])); $categoryName = $base->str2url($categoryName['name']); $arr[$item['mid']]['url'] = $categoryName . '/' . $materialData['url'] . '.html'; //Изображение $fields = $material->getFields($item['mid'], true); $arr[$item['mid']]['img'] = $fields['Photos'][0]; //количество $arr[$item['mid']]['count'] = $this->getCartCount($userId, $item['mid']); //сумма $arr[$item['mid']]['sum'] = $this->getCartPrice($userId, $item['mid']); //размер $arr[$item['mid']]['size'] = $item['size']; //цвет $arr[$item['mid']]['color'] = $item['color']; } return $arr; }
public function action_index() { $base = new Model_Base(); $pageNum = 0; $param = $this->request->param('id'); $filters = $base->safeArrAssoc($_GET); $params = explode('/', $param); $gid = $params[0]; foreach ($params as $paramName) { if (preg_match("/page(\\d)/", $paramName)) { $pageNum = str_replace('page', '', $paramName); } } $marker = array_pop($params); $catalog = new Model_Material('groups'); //смотрим шаблон для виджета $widget = new Model_Widget(); $template = $widget->getTempalte('catalog2', $gid); if ($template) { $this->template = View::factory('widgets/' . $template); } // $categoryName = $catalog->getCategoryNameByCatalog(); //получить содержимое папки // $count = $catalog->getCountMaterials($param); $count = $catalog->getCountMaterials($gid); $pagination = Pagination::factory(array('total_items' => $count)); $pagination->current_page = $pageNum; $data = $catalog->getFullMaterials($gid); $this->template->data = $data; $this->template->pagination = $pagination; }
public function action_index() { $model = array("items" => array()); $this->setopt(array("name" => "catalog_id", "description" => "Ид каталога", "default" => 4)); $materials = new Model_Material('group'); $gid = $this->getopt("catalog_id"); $items = $materials->getTopMaterials($gid, 'views', 4); foreach ($items as $id => $item) { $model["items"][] = array("photo" => $item['photos'][0]['value'], "href" => '/' . $item['node'] . $item['url'] . '.html', "name" => $item['name'], "price" => number_format(Arr::get($item, 'price'), 0, '', ' ')); } $this->set_template("/widgets/w_top.php", "twig")->render($model)->body(); }
public function action_index() { $data = array(); if (!is_readable(APPPATH . 'config/database.php')) { Request::initial()->redirect('install'); } $cat = new Model_Category(); $materials = new Model_Material(); $cat->checkTree(); $tree = $cat->getTree(); $data['tree'] = $cat->getITree($tree); $data['teachers'] = $materials->getTeachersGropupByNode(); $this->tpl->content = View::factory('main', $data); }
public function action_index() { $materialId = $this->request->param('id'); $materials = new Model_Material('groups'); //get widget template $widget = new Model_Widget(); $template = $widget->getTempalte('files', $materialId); if ($template) { $this->template = View::factory('widgets/' . $template); } //get data $data = $materials->getMaterial($materialId); $fields = $materials->getFields2($materialId, TRUE); $this->template->material = $data; $this->template->fields = $fields; }
public function action_index() { $materialId = $this->request->param('id'); $materials = new Model_Material('groups'); //получить содержимое папки $data = $materials->getMaterial($materialId); $fields = $materials->getFields2($materialId, TRUE); //смотрим шаблон для виджета $widget = new Model_Widget(); $template = $widget->getTempalte('material', $materialId); if ($template) { $this->template = View::factory('widgets/' . $template); } $group = $materials->getGroup($materials->getGroupFromMid($materialId)); if ($group['name'] == 'Новости') { $this->template = View::factory('widgets/w_news_item'); $this->template->breadcrumbs = Request::factory('widgets/breadcrumb/index/')->execute(); } // if($group['name']=='Диспенсеры') // { // if(isset($fields['type'][0])) // { // $uri = Request::detect_uri(); // $dirs = explode('/', $uri); // array_pop($dirs); // $categoryName = array_pop($dirs); // // $category = new Model_Category('tree'); // $categoryId = $category->getCategoryIdByUrl($categoryName); // // $GLOBALS['categoryId'] = $categoryId; // // $dopdata = $materials->getFullMaterials2($group['id'], 5, 0, NULL, array('type' => array($fields['type'][0]['value']))); // unset($dopdata[$materialId]); // // $this->template->dopdata = array_slice($dopdata, 0, 4); // } // } //получаем комментарии $comments = Request::factory('widgets/comments/index/' . $materialId)->execute(); $callback_form = Request::factory('widgets/callback/index/')->execute(); $this->template->callback = $callback_form; $this->template->material = $data; $this->template->fields = $fields; $this->template->comments = $comments; }
public function action_index() { $materials = new Model_Material('group'); $gid = $this->request->param('id'); $template = $this->request->param('template'); if ($template) { $this->template = View::factory('widgets/' . $template); } //смотрим шаблон для виджета $widget = new Model_Widget(); $template = $widget->getTempalte('top', $gid); if ($template) { $this->template = View::factory('widgets/' . $template); } $data = $materials->getRandomMaterials($gid, 4, time()); $this->template->data = $data; }
public function get_response() { $this->template = View::factory('base'); $config = Kohana::$config->load('main')->site; $base = new Model_Base(); $options = $base->getOptions(); $this->template->styles = $config['styles']; $this->template->styles[] = 'css/menu.css'; $this->template->scripts = $config['scripts']; $this->template->scripts[] = 'js/errors.js'; $this->template->title = 'Ошибка 404 - Страница не найдена'; $this->template->description = $options['description']; $this->template->keywords = $options['keywords']; $this->template->page_title = null; $header = View::factory('header'); $footer = View::factory('footer'); $this->template->header = $header; $this->template->footer = $footer; $this->template->for_cart = null; $this->template->top_menu = array(Request::factory('widgets/menu/index/4')->execute()); $this->template->left_menu = null; $this->template->block_left = null; $this->template->block_right = null; $this->template->pathway = null; $this->message = '<h1>Упс! Ошибка 404.</h1><br><p>Запрашиваемая страница не найдена. Скорее всего она была перемещена или удалена.</p>'; // Remembering that `$this` is an instance of HTTP_Exception_404 //проверка редиректов $gid = 34; $materials = new Model_Material('group'); $redirects = $materials->getMaterials($gid, 1000, 0); $url = Request::detect_uri(); foreach ($redirects as $redirect) { if ($redirect['name'] == Kohana::$base_url . substr($url, 1)) { $fields = $materials->getFields2($redirect['id'], TRUE); $this->redirect = $fields['to']; } } if (Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION) { $view = View::factory('errors/404')->set('message', $this->message)->set('redirect', $this->redirect)->render(); } else { $view = View::factory('errors/404')->set('message', $this->message)->render(); } $this->template->block_center = array($view); $response = Response::factory()->status(404)->body($this->template->render()); return $response; }
public function vote($materialId, $ansver) { $ansverId = trim(str_replace('Вариант', '', $ansver)); $materials = new Model_Material('group'); $fields = $materials->getFields2($materialId); foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field['title'] == 'Ответов ' . $ansverId) { //получаем значение $query = 'SELECT b.* FROM group_param_values a, ' . $field['type'] . ' b WHERE a.mid =' . $materialId . ' AND =' . $field['id'] . ' AND a.value ='; $res = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $query)->execute()->current(); $cnt = intval($res['value']) + 1; $query = 'UPDATE ' . $field['type'] . ' SET value = ' . $cnt . ' WHERE id =' . $res['id']; $res = DB::query(Database::UPDATE, $query)->execute(); if ($res) { return TRUE; } } } }
public function action_index() { $string = urldecode($this->request->param('id')); $materials = new Model_Material('groups'); $pageNum = intval(Arr::get($_GET, 'page', 0)); if (strlen($string) > 2) { $cat_counter = $materials->getCountFullMaterials2(0, $string); $pagination = Pagination::factory(array('total_items' => $cat_counter)); if (isset($param_array['page']) && $param_array['page'] == 'all') { $pagination->items_per_page = 20; $pagination->offset = 0; } $pagination->current_page = $pageNum; $data = $materials->getFullMaterials2(0, $pagination->items_per_page, $pagination->offset, $string); $this->template->pagination = $pagination; $this->template->data = $data; } else { $this->template->pagination = ''; $this->template->data = array(); } }
public function action_catalog() { $materials = new Model_Material('groups'); //получаем url материала $materialID = $this->request->param('id'); $material = $materials->getMaterial($materialID); $fields = $materials->getFields2($materialID, TRUE); $this->template->title = $material['name']; $this->template->page_title = $material['name']; $this->template->keywords = $material['keywords']; $this->template->description = $material['description']; $this->template->links = array('<link rel="canonical" href="' . Kohana::$base_url . 'catalog/' . $materialID . '.html"/>'); $this->template->styles = Resources::load_styles(); if (!$material['id']) { throw new HTTP_Exception_404(); } //обновляем просмотры $materials->updateViews($material['id']); $widgets[] = Request::factory('widgets/material/index/' . $materialID)->execute(); $this->template->block_center = $widgets; }
public function action_showcontent() { $data = array(); $id = $this->request->param('id'); $material = new Model_Material(); $data = $material->showMaterialById($id); if (!$data) { throw new HTTP_Exception_404('Запрашиваемая статья не найдена'); return; } $this->template->content = View::factory('contentview', $data); //Категории для сайдбара $tree = new Model_Tree(); $data_cat = array(); $data_cat = $tree->getCategoryUrl(); if (!$data_cat) { throw new HTTP_Exception_404('Запрашиваемая категория не найдена'); return; } $this->template->categorys = $data_cat; }
public function action_index() { $errors = array(); $materialId = $this->request->param('id'); $materials = new Model_Material('group'); //смотрим шаблон для виджета $widget = new Model_Widget(); $template = $widget->getTempalte('polls', $materialId); if ($template) { $this->template = View::factory('widgets/' . $template); } $name = 'polls_' . $materialId; $voted = FALSE; //Cookie::delete($name); if (Cookie::get($name)) { $voted = TRUE; } else { if (isset($_POST['save_polls'])) { $polls = new Model_Polls(); //сохраняем результаты голосования $result = $polls->vote($_POST['save_polls'], $_POST['answer']); if ($result) { //создаем куки по данному опросу if (!Cookie::set($name, 'voted', Date::YEAR)) { $errors[] = 'Вероятно в Вашем браузере отключены Cookie.'; } else { $voted = TRUE; } } } } $data = $materials->getMaterial($materialId); $fields = $materials->getFields2($materialId, TRUE); $fields2 = $materials->getFields2($materialId, FALSE); $this->template->data = $data; $this->template->fields = $fields; $this->template->fields2 = $fields2; $this->template->voted = $voted; //Получаем список меню }
public function action_index() { // basic $url = $this->request->param('id'); $data = array(); $tree = new Model_Tree(); $data['categorys'] = $tree->getCategoryUrl(); if (!$data['categorys']) { throw new HTTP_Exception_404('Запрашиваемая категория не найдена'); return; } $this->template = View::factory('basic', $data); //home $data_content = array(); $material = new Model_Material(); $data_content = $material->getBooksID(); if (!$data_content) { throw new HTTP_Exception_404('Запрашиваемая категория не найдена'); return; } $this->template->contentpost = $data_content; }
public function action_index() { $materials = new Model_Material('groups'); $gid = $this->request->param('id'); $ready = array(); //получаем набор фильтров $filters = $materials->getFieldsSet($gid); foreach ($filters as $filter) { if ($filter['for_filters'] == '1') { if ($filter['type'] == 'select') { $value_set = array(); $set = $materials->getSelectValues($filter['id']); foreach ($set as $set_item) { $value_set[] = $set_item; } $filter['value_set'] = $value_set; } array_push($ready, $filter); } } $this->template->filters = $ready; $this->template->search_params = $_GET; }
public function newParam($mid, $pid, $value, $files = array(), $export = FALSE) { $materials = new Model_Material('group'); $material = $materials->getMaterial($mid); /*ONLY FOR EXPORT OPTION!*/ if ($export == TRUE) { foreach ($value as $val) { $insert = DB::insert('files', array('id', 'value'))->values(array('', $val)); $result = $insert->execute(); $paramId = $result[0]; $insert = DB::insert('group_param_values', array('id', 'pid', 'mid', 'value'))->values(array('', $pid, $mid, $paramId))->execute(); } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($files['uploads']['name']); ++$i) { if ($files['uploads']['size'][$i] < 50000000 && $files['uploads']['size'][$i] > 100) { //расширение файла $ext = explode('.', $files['uploads']['name'][$i]); $extension = array_pop($ext); //генерируем имя изображения $base = new Model_Base(); $extarr = explode('.', $files['uploads']['name'][$i]); $ext = array_pop($extarr); //$filename = $material['url'] . '_'.substr(md5(microtime() * time()),0,rand(20,10)).'.'.$ext; $filename = $files['uploads']['name'][$i]; $names = explode('/', $filename); $title = array_pop($names); if (copy($files['uploads']['tmp_name'][$i], DOCROOT . $this->dir . $filename)) { $insert = DB::insert('files', array('id', 'value', 'title', 'size', 'ext'))->values(array('', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->dir . $filename, $title, $files['uploads']['size'][$i], $ext)); $result = $insert->execute(); $paramId = $result[0]; $insert = DB::insert('group_param_values', array('id', 'pid', 'mid', 'value'))->values(array('', $pid, $mid, $paramId))->execute(); } } } } }
public function before() { // Выполняем функцию родительского класса parent::before(); $base = new Model_Base(); $config = Kohana::$config->load('main')->site; $positions = Kohana::$config->load('main')->positions; $options = $base->getOptions(); $auth = Auth::instance(); if (isset($options['work']) && $options['work'] == 'TRUE' && $auth->logged_in('admin') == 0) { $this->template = View::factory('cap'); } $this->template->title = $options['title']; $this->template->description = $options['description']; $this->template->keywords = $options['keywords']; $this->template->page_title = null; $this->template->links = array(); // $cart = Request::factory("widgets/"); $header = Request::factory('widgets/header/index')->execute(); // ->bind('cart', $cart); $footer = Request::factory('widgets/footer/index')->execute(); foreach ($positions as $key => $value) { $this->template->{$key} = $value; } $this->template->header = $header; $this->template->footer = $footer; if (isset($_GET['login'])) { //активируем пользователя $vData = $_GET; $validation = Validation::factory($vData); $validation->rule('username', 'not_empty'); $validation->rule('username', 'min_length', array(':value', '2')); $validation->rule('username', 'max_length', array(':value', '250')); $validation->rule('password', 'not_empty'); $validation->rule('password', 'min_length', array(':value', '6')); $validation->rule('password', 'max_length', array(':value', '50')); if (!$validation->check()) { $errors[] = $validation->errors('registrationErrors'); } else { $auth = Auth::instance(); $username = Arr::get($_GET, 'username', ''); $password = Arr::get($_GET, 'password', ''); if ($auth->login($username, $password)) { Controller::redirect('/user'); } else { $errors[] = 'Не верный логин или пароль.'; } } } if (isset($_GET['site_version'])) { if ($_GET['site_version'] == 'standart') { Cookie::set('site_version', 'standart'); } else { Cookie::set('site_version', 'adaptive'); } } $site_version = Cookie::get('site_version', 'adaptive'); //проверка редиректов $gid = 46; $materials = new Model_Material('group'); $redirects = $materials->getMaterials($gid, 1000, 0); $url = Request::detect_uri(); foreach ($redirects as $redirect) { if ($redirect['name'] == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($url, 1)) { $fields = $materials->getFields2($redirect['id'], TRUE); Controller::redirect(Kohana::$base_url . substr($fields['to'], 1), 301); } } $auth = Request::factory('widgets/auth/')->execute(); $this->template->site_version = $site_version; $this->template->auth = $auth; $this->template->styles = array(); $this->template->scripts = $config['scripts']; }
public function newParam($mid, $pid, $value, $files = array()) { $index = 'image_' . $pid; $materials = new Model_Material('group'); $material = $materials->getMaterial($mid); if ($files[$index]['size'] > 0) { foreach ($files as $file_key => $file) { $file_param = explode('_', $file_key); if ($file_param[0] == 'image') { //загружаем изображение if ($file['size'] < 5000000 && $file['size'] > 0) { $ext = explode('.', $file['name']); $extension = array_pop($ext); //генерируем имя изображения $base = new Model_Base(); $extarr = explode('.', $file['name']); $ext = array_pop($extarr); $filename = $material['url'] . '_' . substr(md5(microtime() * time()), 0, rand(20, 10)) . '.' . $ext; if (copy($file['tmp_name'], DOCROOT . $this->dir . $filename)) { $base = new Model_Base(); $options = $base->getOptions(); $size = explode(',', $options['upload_size']); //изменяем картинку //открываем изображение $image = Image::factory(DOCROOT . $this->dir . $filename); //начинаем работу с нужной картинкой. Путь указан от корня приложения // if(count($size)==2) // { // $size = explode(',', $options['upload_size']); // $image->resize($size[0], $size[1]); // } //сохраняем новое изображение $image->save(NULL, $options['image_quality']); //первый параметр - путь, имя и формат изображения. Второй - качество изображения $value = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->dir . $filename; } } } } } else { $server_name = Request::parseUrl($value); if ($server_name != Kohana::$base_url && $server_name != '') { $ext = explode('.', $value); $extension = array_pop($ext); //генерируем имя изображения $base = new Model_Base(); $extarr = explode('.', $value); $ext = array_pop($extarr); $filename = $material['url'] . '_' . substr(md5(microtime() * time()), 0, rand(20, 10)) . '.' . $ext; if (copy($value, DOCROOT . $this->dir . $filename)) { //загружаем их к себе //открываем изображение $image = Image::factory(DOCROOT . $this->dir . $filename); //начинаем работу с нужной картинкой. Путь указан от корня приложения //меняем размер картинки $image->resize(800, 1000); //изменение размера по короткой стороне //сохраняем новое изображение $image->save(); //первый параметр - путь, имя и формат изображения. Второй - качество изображения unset($image); $value = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->dir . $filename; } } else { $value = str_replace($server_name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $value); } } //сохраняем картинку $insert = DB::insert('images', array('id', 'value'))->values(array('', $value)); $result = $insert->execute(); $insertId = $result[0]; //Добавляем связь материала с папкой $insert = DB::insert('group_param_values', array('id', 'pid', 'mid', 'value'))->values(array('', $pid, $mid, $insertId))->execute(); if ($insert != NULL) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
public function send($data) { $material = new Model_Material('groups'); $fields = $material->getFields2($data['template'], TRUE); //отправляем письмо $config = Kohana::$config->load('email'); Email::connect($config); $subject = Arr::get($fields, 'title'); $from = $config['options']['username']; $message = Arr::get($fields, 'text'); $message = str_replace('@#object#@', Arr::get($data, 'object_name'), $message); $message = str_replace('@#url#@', Arr::get($data, 'object_url'), $message); //генерируем уникальный разделитель $bound = "--" . md5(uniqid(time())); foreach ($data['check_name'] as $subscriberId) { $subscriber = $this->getSubscriber($subscriberId); if ($subscriber['active'] == 1) { $message = str_replace('@#subscriber#@', $subscriber['name'], $message); $subject = str_replace('@#subscriber#@', $subscriber['name'], $subject); $message = str_replace('@#site#@', Kohana::$base_url, $message); $mymessage = str_replace('@#email#@', $subscriber['email'], $message); // $mail_header = "MIME-Version: 1.0;\r\n"; // $mail_header.= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$bound\"\r\n"; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n"; $headers .= "From: Morrismedia <" . $from . ">\r\n"; //прикрепляем файл //путь к файлу $file_path = DOCROOT . '/img/user/novost-1_859f1ca6ad9b29c3475.png'; //если файл найден, прикрепляем его к сообщению if (file_exists($file_path)) { $file_name = basename($file_path); $fa = fopen($file_path, "rb"); if ($fa) { $multipart_message = "\r\n--{$bound}\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "\r\n"; $multipart_message .= chunk_split(base64_encode($message)); $multipart_message .= "\r\n\r\n--{$bound}\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"{$file_name}\"\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$file_name}\"\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "\r\n"; $multipart_message .= chunk_split(base64_encode(fread($fa, filesize($file_path)))); fclose($fa); //передаем текст сообщения и прикрепленный файл в переменную $message = $multipart_message; } else { $message = $message; } } else { //если файл не существует передаем текстовое сообщение $message = $message; } // var_dump($mail_header); $result = mail($subscriber['email'], $subject, $mymessage, $headers); if ($result) { $this->messages[] = 'Успешная отправка на ' . $subscriber['email']; $this->updateSend($subscriber['email']); } else { $this->errors[] = 'Ошибка отправки на ' . $subscriber['email']; } // try // { // if(mail($subscriber['email'], $subject, $message, $mail_header, '*****@*****.**')) //// if(Email::send($subscriber['email'], $from, $subject, $message, $html = TRUE)) // { // $this->messages[] = 'Успешная отправка на '.$subscriber['email']; // $this->updateSend($subscriber['email']); // } // else // $this->errors[] = 'Ошибка отправки на '.$subscriber['email']; // } // catch (Exception $e) // { // $this->errors[] = 'Ошибка отправки на '.$subscriber['email']; // } } } return array('messages' => $this->messages, 'errors' => $this->errors); }
public function action_index() { $data = array(); $id = $this->request->param('id'); $emails = new Model_Email(); $material = new Model_Material('group'); if (isset($_POST['send'])) { $fields = $material->getFields2($_POST['template'], TRUE); //отправляем письмо $config = Kohana::$config->load('email'); Email::connect($config); $subject = Arr::get($fields, 'title'); $from = $config['options']['username']; $message = Arr::get($fields, 'text'); //генерируем уникальный разделитель $bound = "--" . md5(uniqid(time())); foreach ($_POST['check_name'] as $subscriberId) { $subscriber = $emails->getSubscriber($subscriberId); $message = str_replace('@#subscriber#@', $subscriber['name'], $message); $subject = str_replace('@#subscriber#@', $subscriber['name'], $subject); $message = str_replace('@#site#@', Kohana::$base_url, $message); $mail_header = "MIME-Version: 1.0;\r\n"; $mail_header .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"{$bound}\"\r\n"; $mail_header .= "Отправитель: <" . $from . ">\r\n"; $mail_header .= "Для ответа <" . $from . ">\r\n"; $mail_header .= "Subject: {$subject} \n"; //прикрепляем файл //путь к файлу $file_path = DOCROOT . '/img/user/novost-1_859f1ca6ad9b29c3475.png'; //если файл найден, прикрепляем его к сообщению if (file_exists($file_path)) { $file_name = basename($file_path); $fa = fopen($file_path, "rb"); if ($fa) { $multipart_message = "\r\n--{$bound}\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "\r\n"; $multipart_message .= chunk_split(base64_encode($message)); $multipart_message .= "\r\n\r\n--{$bound}\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"{$file_name}\"\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$file_name}\"\r\n"; $multipart_message .= "\r\n"; $multipart_message .= chunk_split(base64_encode(fread($fa, filesize($file_path)))); fclose($fa); //передаем текст сообщения и прикрепленный файл в переменную $message = $multipart_message; } else { $message = $message; } } else { //если файл не существует передаем текстовое сообщение $message = $message; } // var_dump($message); try { if (mail($subscriber['email'], $subject, $message, $mail_header)) { // if(Email::send($subscriber['email'], $from, $subject, $message, $html = TRUE)) $this->messages[] = 'Успешная отправка на ' . $subscriber['email']; } else { $this->errors[] = 'Ошибка отправки на ' . $subscriber['email']; } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->errors[] = 'Ошибка отправки на ' . $subscriber['email']; } } } if ($id == NULL) { $this->templates = $material->getMaterials(59, 100, 0, '', array(), array('text')); $data['emails'] = $emails->getEmails(); } $this->template->content = View::factory('admin/admEmails', array('data' => $data, 'user' => $this->user, 'templates' => $this->templates, 'errors' => $this->errors, 'messages' => $this->messages)); }
public function goSearch($string) { $materials = new Model_Material('groups'); //подключаем библиотеки require_once DOCROOT . 'application/classes/PHPMorphy/src/common.php'; $dir = DOCROOT . 'application/classes/PHPMorphy/dicts/'; $lang = 'ru_RU'; $opts = array('storage' => PHPMORPHY_STORAGE_FILE); try { $morphy = new phpMorphy($dir, $lang, $opts); } catch (phpMorphy_Exception $e) { die('Error occured while creating phpMorphy instance: ' . $e->getMessage()); } $data = array(); $request = null; $errors = null; if (!empty($string)) { // Очищаем от html-тегов и прочего $search = trim(addslashes(strip_tags($string))); $request = $search; } /* Создаем экземпляр phpMorphy */ if (!empty($search)) { // Обрабатываем данные как и в прошлом контроллере if (mb_strlen($search, "UTF-8") > 2) { preg_match_all('/([a-zа-яё]+)/ui', mb_strtoupper($search, "UTF-8"), $search_words); $words = $morphy->lemmatize($search_words[1]); $s_words = array(); $pre_result = array(); $sorter = array(); foreach ($words as $k => $w) { if (!$w) { $w[0] = $k; } if (mb_strlen($w[0], "UTF-8") > 2) { $s_words[] = $w[0]; } } if (!count($s_words)) { // Обрабатываем ошибку (нет ни одного слова длиннее 2 символов) } else { //перебираем каждое слово foreach ($s_words as $s_word) { //сначала ищем в названиях материалов $search_index = ORM::factory('Materials')->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $s_word . '%')->find_all(); foreach ($search_index as $si) { //если в другом слове было совпадение if (isset($pre_result[$si->id])) { //добавляем вес $sorter[$si->id] = $sorter[$si->id] + 2; $pre_result[$si->id]['weight'] = $pre_result[$si->id]['weight'] + 2; $pre_result[$si->id]['s_text'] = str_ireplace(mb_strtolower($s_word), '<b>' . $s_word . '</b>', strip_tags($pre_result[$si->id]['s_text'])); } else { $sorter[$si->id] = 2; $material = $materials->getMaterial($si->id); $pre_result[$si->id] = array('weight' => 2, 's_text' => str_ireplace(mb_strtolower($s_word), '<b>' . $s_word . '</b>', strip_tags($si->name))); } } //ищем в текстах $search_index = ORM::factory('Texts')->where('value', 'LIKE', '%' . $s_word . '%')->find_all(); foreach ($search_index as $si) { //получаем mid для материала $mid = $materials->getMidFromFieldId($si->id, 'texts'); if (isset($pre_result[$mid])) { $sorter[$mid] = $sorter[$mid] + 1; $pre_result[$mid]['weight'] = $pre_result[$mid]['weight'] + 1; $pre_result[$mid]['s_text'] = str_ireplace(mb_strtolower($s_word), '<b>' . $s_word . '</b>', strip_tags($pre_result[$mid]['s_text'])); } else { $pre_result[$mid] = array('weight' => 2, 's_text' => str_ireplace(mb_strtolower($s_word), '<b>' . $s_word . '</b>', strip_tags($si->value))); $sorter[$mid] = 1; } } //ищем в текстах $search_index = ORM::factory('Chars')->where('value', 'LIKE', '%' . $s_word . '%')->find_all(); foreach ($search_index as $si) { //получаем mid для материала $mid = $materials->getMidFromFieldId($si->id, 'chars'); if (isset($pre_result[$mid])) { $sorter[$mid] = $sorter[$mid] + 1; $pre_result[$mid]['weight'] = $pre_result[$mid]['weight'] + 1; $pre_result[$mid]['s_text'] = str_ireplace(mb_strtolower($s_word), '<b>' . $s_word . '</b>', strip_tags($pre_result[$mid]['s_text'])); } else { $pre_result[$mid] = array('weight' => 2, 's_text' => str_ireplace(mb_strtolower($s_word), '<b>' . $s_word . '</b>', strip_tags($si->value))); $sorter[$mid] = 1; } } } arsort($sorter); // Сортируем массив по весу результатов foreach ($sorter as $id => $weight) { // Тут, соответственно, получаем данные о результатах и помещаем в массив $data[] = $id; } } } else { // Обрабатываем ошибку - введен слишком короткий запрос } } else { // Обрабатываем ошибку - пустой поисковый запрос } return $data; }
public function createFromGroups($parentId, $groupId) { $material = new Model_Material('groups'); $base = new Model_Base(); //получаем дерево групп $groups = $material->getTree($groupId); // 1. Получаем количество групп $groupCount = count($groups); // 2. Получаем крайний правый ключ $parentGroup = $material->getNode($groupId); $rightKey = (int) $parentGroup['right_key'] + 1; // 3. Получаем левый ключ $parentNode = $this->nstree->getNode($parentId); // получаем левел $level = (int) $parentNode['level']; $leftKey = (int) $parentNode['left_key'] + 1; //echo $leftKey.'-'.$rightKey; $this->nstree->modifyNodes($leftKey, $rightKey); $parent_node_lk = $parentNode["left_key"]; $parent_node_rk = $parentNode["right_key"]; $parent_node_level = $parentNode["level"]; $parent_group_lk = $parentGroup["left_key"]; $parent_group_rk = $parentGroup["left_key"]; $parent_group_level = $parentGroup["level"]; foreach ($groups as $group) { // Преобразование level'a группы для ноды $level_offset = $parent_node_level - $parent_group_level; $url = $base->str2url($group["name"]); while (!$this->unique_url($url)) { $url = $url . "-"; } $node = array("name" => $group["name"], "url" => $url, "id" => NULL, "left_key" => $group["left_key"] + $leftKey, "right_key" => $group["right_key"] + $leftKey, "level" => $group["level"] + $level_offset); list($insert_id, $tmp) = DB::insert("tree", array_keys($node))->values(array_values($node))->execute(); DB::query(NULL, "COMMIT")->execute(); //Подключаем материалы $action = "sidebar"; $left_menu = array("id" => NULL, "node_id" => $insert_id, "widget_id" => 2, "param" => "twig", "action" => $action, "options" => '{"' . $action . '_parent_id":"' . $parentId . '"}', "position" => "left_block", "title" => "Меню", "ordering" => 10); //list($insert_id, $tmp) = DB::insert("tree_widgets_rel", array_keys($left_menu))->values(array_values($left_menu))->execute(); DB::insert("tree_widgets_rel", array_keys($left_menu))->values(array_values($left_menu))->execute(); $action = "index"; $catalog = array("id" => NULL, "node_id" => $insert_id, "widget_id" => 1, "param" => "twig", "action" => $action, "options" => '{"' . $action . '_catalog_id":"' . $group['id'] . '"}', "position" => "right_block", "title" => "Каталог", "ordering" => 10); //list($insert_id, $tmp) = DB::insert("tree_widgets_rel", array_keys($catalog))->values(array_values($catalog))->execute(); DB::insert("tree_widgets_rel", array_keys($catalog))->values(array_values($catalog))->execute(); } /*foreach ($groups as $group) { //берем узел //var_dump($group); //обновляем данные $url = $base->str2url($group["name"]); while(!$this->unique_url($url)) { $url = $url."-"; } $extrafields = array("name" => $group["name"], "url" =>$url); $node = array( "id" => NULL, "left_key" => $group["left_key"] + $leftKey, "right_key" => $group["right_key"] + $leftKey, "level" => $group["level"] + $level ); $node = $node + $extrafields; list($insert_id, $tmp) = DB::insert("tree", array_keys($node))->values(array_values($node))->execute(); DB::query(NULL, "COMMIT")->execute(); //Подключаем материалы $action = "sidebar"; $left_menu = array( "id" => NULL, "node_id" => $insert_id, "widget_id" => 1, "param" => "twig", "action" => $action, "options" => '{"' . $action . '_parent_id":"' . $parentId . '"}', "position" => "left_block", "title" => "Меню", "ordering" => 10, ); list($insert_id, $tmp) = DB::insert("tree_widgets_rel", array_keys($left_menu))->values(array_values($left_menu))->execute(); $action = "index"; $catalog = array( "id" => NULL, "node_id" => $insert_id, "widget_id" => 1, "param" => "twig", "action" => $action, "options" => '{"' . $action . '_catalog_id":"' . $group['id'] . '"}', "position" => "right_block", "title" => "Каталог", "ordering" => 10, ); list($insert_id, $tmp) = DB::insert("tree_widgets_rel", array_keys($catalog))->values(array_values($catalog))->execute(); }*/ }
public function action_index() { $id = $this->request->param('id'); if ($id == 'export') { $query = 'SELECT * FROM vz_catalog ORDER BY act DESC LIMIT 700, 100'; $result = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $query)->execute()->as_array(); $types = array('', 'База отдыха', 'Загородный отель', 'Санаторий', 'Кемпинг', 'Гостиница', 'Конно - спортивный клуб', 'Коттедж'); $region = array('0' => '', '66' => 'Свердловская область', '74' => 'Челябинская область', '72' => 'Тюменская область', '59' => 'Пермский край', '2' => 'Башкортостан'); $facialities = array('0' => '', '1' => 'Баня', '3' => 'Баня, Бассейн', '4' => 'Бильярд', '5' => 'Баня, Бильярд', '7' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Бильярд', '9' => 'Баня, Лес', '11' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Лес', '13' => 'Баня, Бильярд, Лес', '15' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Бильярд, Лес', '17' => 'Баня, Водоем', '20' => 'Бильярд, Водоем', '21' => 'Баня, Бильярд, Водоем', '23' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Бильярд, Водоем', '24' => 'Лес, Водоем', '25' => 'Баня, Лес, Водоем', '27' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Лес, Водоем', '29' => 'Баня, Бильярд, Лес, Водоем', '31' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Бильярд, Лес, Водоем', '33' => 'Баня, Питание', '35' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Питание', '37' => 'Баня, Бильярд, Питание', '39' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Бильярд, Питание', '40' => 'Лес, Питание', '41' => 'Баня, Лес, Питание', '43' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Лес, Питание', '44' => 'Бильярд, Лес, Питание', '45' => 'Баня, Биллиард, Лес, Питание', '47' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Бильярд, Лес, Питание', '49' => 'Баня, Лес, Питание', '51' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Лес, Питание', '53' => 'Баня, Бильярд, Лес, Питание', '56' => 'Лес, Водоем, Питание', '57' => 'Баня, Лес, Водоем, Питание', '58' => 'Бассейн, Лес, Водоем, Питание', '59' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Лес, Водоем, Питание', '60' => 'Бильярд, Лес, Водоем, Питание', '61' => 'Баня, Бильярд, Лес, Водоем, Питание', '63' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Бильярд, Лес, Водоем, Питание', '65' => 'Баня, Бассейн, Бильярд, Лес, Водоем, Питание'); $base = new Model_Base(); $material = new Model_Material('group'); $counter = 0; foreach ($result as $item) { $photos = array(); $dates = array(); $faciality = array(); $dquery = 'SELECT busy_date FROM vz_calendar WHERE cottage_id =' . $item['id']; $dresult = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $dquery)->execute()->as_array(); if (isset($facialities[$item['opt']])) { $ifaciality = explode(',', $facialities[$item['opt']]); } else { $ifaciality = array(); } foreach ($ifaciality as $fitem) { $faciality[] = trim($fitem); } foreach ($dresult as $date) { $dates[] = $date['busy_date']; } $pquery = 'SELECT id, title FROM vz_images WHERE top = ' . $item['id'] . ' ORDER by ord'; $presult = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $pquery)->execute()->as_array(); foreach ($presult as $pitem) { $id = intval($pitem['id']); if ($id < 1000) { $folder = 0; } if ($id > 999 && $id < 10000) { $folder = substr($id, 0, 1); } if ($id > 9999) { $folder = substr($id, 0, 2); } $photos[] = '/img/user/catalog/' . $folder . '/' . $pitem['id'] . 'b.jpg'; } if ($item['act'] == 1) { $sleep = 0; } else { $sleep = 1; } $insert = array('title' => $item['name'], 'url' => $base->str2url($item['name']), 'description' => $item['description'], 'sleep' => $sleep, 'date_241' => $dates, 'select_223' => array($types[$item['object_type']]), 'chars_224' => $item['pagetitle'], 'chars_225' => $item['spec_offer'], 'chars_226' => $item['spec_price'], 'chars_227' => $item['city'], 'select_228' => array($region[$item['region']]), 'chars_229' => $item['len'], 'chars_230' => $item['path'], 'select_231' => $faciality, 'chars_232' => $item['bad1'], 'chars_233' => $item['bad2'], 'chars_234' => $item['rooms'], 'price_235' => $item['cost'], 'chars_236' => $item['dayprice'], 'chars_237' => $item['people'], 'chars_238' => $item['mincapacity'], 'chars_239' => $item['capacity'], 'photoalbum_243' => $photos, 'texts_242' => $item['content']); $res = $material->newMaterial($insert, '33', array(), TRUE); if ($res) { ++$counter; } else { $this->data['errors'][] = 'Материал ' . $item['name'] . ' не был добавлен'; } // // echo '<pre>'; // var_dump($insert); // echo '<pre>'; } $this->data['messages'][] = 'Добавлено ' . $counter . ' материалов'; } elseif ($id == 'comments') { //перебираем все отзывы $query = 'SELECT a.*, AS obj_name FROM vz_reviews a, vz_catalog b WHERE a.object_id = ORDER BY object_id DESC LIMIT 0, 1000'; $result = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $query)->execute()->as_array(); $cnt = 0; foreach ($result as $comment) { $q = 'SELECT id FROM materials WHERE name =\'' . $comment['obj_name'] . '\''; $res = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $q)->execute()->current(); if ($res) { $q1 = "UPDATE vz_reviews SET object_id = " . $res['id'] . ' WHERE id =' . $comment['id']; $res1 = DB::query(Database::UPDATE, $q1)->execute(); if (!$res1) { $this->data['errors'][] = $q1; } else { ++$cnt; } } } $this->data['messages'][] = 'Обновлено ' . $cnt . ' комментариев'; } elseif ($id == 'update_id') { $cnt = 0; //ПЕРЕБИРАЕМ ВСЕ КОТТЕДЖИ $query = 'SELECT * FROM vz_catalog WHERE act!=0 ORDER BY act DESC LIMIT 0, 500'; $result = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $query)->execute()->as_array(); foreach ($result as $item) { //делаем запрос по названию $q = 'UPDATE materials SET old_id = ' . $item['id'] . ' WHERE name = \'' . $item['name'] . '\''; $res = DB::query(Database::UPDATE, $q)->execute(); if (!$res) { $this->data['errors'][] = $q; } else { ++$cnt; } } } $this->template->content = View::factory('admin/admScripts', array('data' => $this->data, 'user' => $this->user)); }
public function getOrder($orderId) { $order = ORM::factory("Orders")->where("id", "=", $orderId)->find()->as_array(); $items = DB::select()->from("order_materials")->where("order_id", "=", $orderId)->execute()->as_array(); $materials = new Model_Material("groups"); $catalog = new Model_Category("tree"); foreach ($items as $item) { $material = $materials->getMaterial($item["mid"]); $fields = $materials->getFields2($item["mid"], TRUE); $categoryId = $materials->getTreeIdByMid($item["mid"]); $parents = $catalog->getParents($categoryId); $node = ""; foreach ($parents as $key => $parent) { if ($parent["url"] == "glavnaya") { $node .= $parents[$key + 1]["url"] . "/"; break; } } $order["items"][$item["mid"]] = array_merge($material, $fields); $order["items"][$item["mid"]]["cnt"] = $item["cnt"]; $order["items"][$item["mid"]]["node"] = $node; } return $order; }
public function action_getTree() { $id = Arr::get($_POST, 'id'); $table = Arr::get($_POST, 'table', 'tree'); $materials = new Model_Material($table); $tree = $materials->getTree($id); $view = View::factory('/admin/widgets/select')->bind('tree', $tree); echo $view; }