Example #1
$action = $env->request->get('action');
if ($controller == "admin/module/source") {
    $sublinks = array();
$naviMain = new CMF_Hydrogen_View_Helper_Navigation_SingleList($links, NULL, 'layout-navigation-main-inner');
$naviMain = $naviMain->render($controller . '/' . $action, TRUE);
$naviSub = "";
foreach ($sublinks as $path => $links) {
    if (substr($controller . '/', 0, strlen($path)) == $path) {
        $naviSub = new CMF_Hydrogen_View_Helper_Navigation_SingleList($links, NULL, 'layout-navigation-sub-inner');
        $naviSub = $naviSub->render($controller, TRUE);
$model = new Model_Instance($env);
$optInstance = array('' => '-');
foreach ($model->getAll() as $instanceId => $instance) {
    $optInstance[$instanceId] = $instance->title;
$instanceId = $env->getSession()->get('instanceId');
$optInstance = UI_HTML_Elements::Options($optInstance, $instanceId);
$badges = array();
$infos = array($words['footer_info']['copyright'], sprintf($words['footer_info']['date'], date('d.m.Y')), sprintf($words['footer_info']['time'], date('H:i:s')));
if (!$config->get('app.production')) {
    $infos[] = sprintf($words['footer_info']['time_stopped'], $env->getClock()->stop(0, 2));
    if ($env->has('dbc') && $env->getDatabase()->numberStatements) {
        $infos[] = sprintf($words['footer_info']['requests'], $env->getDatabase()->numberStatements);
$userId = (int) $session->get('userId');
$roleId = (int) $session->get('roleId');
Example #2
	protected function initRemote( $forceInstanceId = NULL ){
		$messenger		= $this->getMessenger();
		$instance		= $this;
		$this->remote	= $this;																	//  use own environment by default

		if( class_exists( 'Model_Instance' ) ){														//  module for instance support is installed
			$model		= new Model_Instance( $this );												//  create model for reading instance settings
			$instances	= $model->getAll();															//  get all configured instances
			if( count( $instances ) == 1 )															//  only one instance is configured
				$instance	= array_pop( $instances );												//  get this instance's environment
			else if( $instances ){																	//  several instances are configured
				$sessionedId	= $this->session->get( 'instanceId' );								//  
				if( $forceInstanceId ){																//  an instance is forced
					if( !array_key_exists( $forceInstanceId, $instances ) )							//  but not configured
						throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Forced instance "'.$forceInstanceId.'" is not existing' );
					$instance	=  $instances[$forceInstanceId];									//  get forced instance's environment
				else if( $sessionedId ){															//  an instance has been selected before
					if( !array_key_exists( $sessionedId, $instances ) ){							//  but is not configured anymore
						$this->session->remove( 'instanceId' );										//  remove selected instance ID from session
						throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Selected instance "'.$sessionedId.'" is not existing anymore' );
					$instance	= $instances[$sessionedId];											//  get instance environment
#				else{
#					$instance	=  $instances[array_shift( array_keys( $instances ) )];
#				}
			$pathApp		= $instance->uri;
			$pathConfig		= !empty( $instance->configPath ) ? $instance->configPath : "config/";
			$fileConfig		= !empty( $instance->configFile ) ? $instance->configFile : "config.ini";

			if( !preg_match( '/^\//', $pathApp ) )
				$pathApp	= getEnv( 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ).'/'.$pathApp;

			$options	= array(
				'configFile'	=> $pathApp.$pathConfig.$fileConfig,
				'pathApp'		=> $pathApp
				$this->remote		= new CMF_Hydrogen_Environment_Remote( $options );
			catch( Exception $e )
				switch( $e->getCode() ){
					case 503:
						$this->getMessenger()->noteError( 'Access to application denied: Server load to high' );
						$this->getMessenger()->noteError( $e->getMessage() );
				$this->remote		= new CMF_Hydrogen_Environment_Dummy( $options );
			$this->pathApp		= $pathApp;
			$this->pathConfig	= $pathApp.$pathConfig;
		$this->clock->profiler->tick( 'env: remote' );
Example #3
	public function index( $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL, $arg3 = NULL, $arg4 = NULL, $arg5 = NULL ){
		if( $this->env->getRequest()->has( 'resetInstanceId' ) ){
			$this->env->getSession()->remove( 'instanceId' );
			$this->restart( NULL );

		$logicInstance	= Logic_Instance::getInstance( $this->env );
		$modelInstance	= new Model_Instance( $this->env );
		$instances		= $modelInstance->getAll();
		foreach( $instances as $instanceId => $instance ){
			$instance->modules	= $logicInstance->listModules( $instanceId );
		$instanceId		= $this->env->getSession()->get( 'instanceId' );

		$this->addData( 'instances', $instances );
		$this->addData( 'instanceId', $instanceId );

		if( $instanceId ){
			$remote			= $this->env->getRemote();
			$logicModule	= Logic_Module::getInstance( $this->env );
			$this->env->clock->profiler->tick( 'Index::index: init' );

			$listModulesMissing		= array();
			$listModulesPossible	= array();
			$listModulesUpdate		= array();
			$modulesInstalled		= array();

			$modulesAll				= $logicModule->model->getAll();
			$this->env->clock->profiler->tick( 'Index::index: get all' );
			if( $remote instanceof CMF_Hydrogen_Environment_Remote ){
				$modulesInstalled		= $remote->getModules()->getAll();
				$this->env->clock->profiler->tick( 'Index::index: get installed' );

				foreach( $modulesInstalled as $module ){
					foreach( $module->relations->needs as $need )
						if( !array_key_exists( $need, $modulesInstalled ) )
							$listModulesMissing[]	= $need;
					foreach( $module->relations->supports as $support )
						if( !array_key_exists( $support, $modulesInstalled ) )
							$listModulesPossible[]	= $support;
				$this->env->clock->profiler->tick( 'Index::index: get more' );

				foreach( $modulesInstalled as $module )
					if( $module->versionInstalled && $module->versionAvailable )
						if( version_compare( $module->versionAvailable, $module->versionInstalled ) > 0 )
							$listModulesUpdate[]	= $module;

				foreach( $listModulesMissing as $module ){
					$url	= './admin/module/installer/index/'.$module;
					$link	= UI_HTML_Tag::create( 'a', $module, array( 'href' => $url ) );
					$span	= UI_HTML_Tag::create( 'span', $link, array( 'class' => 'icon module module-status-4' ) );
					$this->env->getMessenger()->noteFailure( 'Modul '.$span.' ist nicht vollständig installiert.' );
				$this->addData( 'remote', $remote );
				$this->addData( 'remoteConfig', $remote->getConfig() );

			$this->addData( 'instance', $modelInstance->get( $instanceId ) );
			$this->addData( 'modulesAll', $modulesAll );
			$this->addData( 'modulesInstalled', $modulesInstalled );
			$this->addData( 'modulesMissing', $listModulesMissing );
			$this->addData( 'modulesPossible', $listModulesPossible );
			$this->addData( 'modulesUpdate', $listModulesUpdate );

		$this->env->clock->profiler->tick( 'Index::index: done' );