protected function conn_device($id) { if ($id == 0) { return '-'; } $dev = Model_Device::find($id); if ($dev) { return $dev->hostname; } return '-'; }
/** * * Update database update mac/conn device/ vlan/ configdata */ public function action_index() { if (isset($this->field)) { $out['status'] = 'ok'; $val = \Validation::forge(); $val->add_field('act', 'action id', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[20]'); $val->add_field('val', 'value', 'required|min_length[1]'); $val->add_field('mid', 'mac port id', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[20]'); if ($val->run()) { $new_val = $val->validated('val'); if ($this->tmpl) { $macport = Model_Device_Template_Network_Mac::find($val->validated('mid')); } else { $macport = Model_Network_Mac::find($val->validated('mid')); } if ($macport) { switch ($val->validated('act')) { case 'macset': if ($this->isValidMAC($new_val)) { $macport->mac_address = $new_val; } else { $out['old'] = $macport->mac_address; $out['status'] = 'no'; } break; case 'connect': $dev = Model_Device::find($new_val); if ($dev) { $macport->conn_device = $dev->id; } break; case 'disconnect': $macport->conn_device = 0; break; case 'vlanset': if ($new_val == 0) { $macport->vlan = 0; } else { if ($this->tmpl) { $vlan = Model_Device_Template_Network_Vlan::find($new_val); } else { $vlan = Model_Network_Vlan::find($new_val); } $macport->vlan = $vlan->id; } break; } $macport->save(); } } echo json_encode($out); } }
public function action_new() { $a = array('stat' => 'no'); if ($_POST) { $this->val->add_field('tid', 'template id', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[20]'); $this->val->add_field('name', 'element name', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[250]'); $this->val->add_field('type', 'element type', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[20]'); $this->val->add_field('tab', 'window tab', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[20]'); if ($this->val->run()) { $device = Model_Device::find($this->val->validated('tid')); if ($device) { $field_props = array('type' => $this->elements($this->val->validated('type')), 'name' => $this->val->validated('name'), 'static' => 0, 'deviceID' => $device->id, 'tab' => $this->val->validated('tab')); $field = new Model_Device_Fieldset($field_props); $field->save(); $a = array('id' => $field->id); } } } echo json_encode($a); }
private function check_boundary($pdu, $size) { //template dont have boundary if ($this->tmpl) { return true; } //this dev $meDev = $pdu->device; //devices below $DevBelows = Model_Device::find()->where('rack', $meDev->rack)->where('cat', $meDev->cat)->where('id', '!=', $meDev->id)->where('meta_default_data', $meDev->meta_default_data)->get(); $boundary = $pdu->pos + $size + 1; //get all devices in rack and see if they have pos < then boundary foreach ($DevBelows as $down) { $pdu2 = $down->power; if ($pdu2->pos > $pdu->pos and $pdu2->pos <= $boundary) { return false; } } return true; }
public function action_get() { if ($_POST) { $val = \Validation::forge(); $val->add_field('did', 'Device id', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[18]'); if ($val->run()) { $device = Model_Device::find($val->validated('did')); $rack = Model_Rack::find($device->rack); $room = Model_Room::find($rack->room); $floor = Model_Floor::find($room->floor); $build = Model_Building::find($floor->building); $data = array('id' => $device->id, 'hostname' => $device->hostname, 'rack' => $device->rack, 'rack_pos' => $device->rack_pos, 'rack_units' => $device->rack_units, 'cat' => $device->cat, 'type' => $device->type, 'room' => $room->id, 'floor' => $floor->id, 'build' => $build->id); echo json_encode($data); } } }
public function action_new() { $out = 0; if ($_POST) { $val = \Validation::forge(); $val->add_field('rack', 'rack id', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[20]'); $val->add_field('p', 'position left|right', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[20]'); if ($val->run()) { $rack = Model_Rack::find($val->validated('rack')); if ($rack) { $size = $rack->size; //left or right side pdu if ($val->validated('p') == 'l') { $m = 1; } else { $m = 2; } $devs = Model_Device::find()->where('rack', $rack->id)->where('cat', 4)->where('meta_default_data', $m)->get(); $pos = $this->empty_space($devs, $rack->size); if ($pos >= 0) { $props = array('hostname' => 'vertical pdu', 'type' => 0, 'cat' => 4, 'rack' => $rack->id, 'rack_pos' => 0, 'rack_units' => 0, 'parent_device' => 0, 'meta_default_data' => $m, 'meta_update_time' => time(), 'meta_update_user' => $this->user); //print_r($props); $dev = new Model_Device($props); $dev->save(); $this->add_device_default_fields($dev); $power = Model_Device_Power::find()->where('deviceID', $dev->id)->get_one(); $this->tmpl = false; $power->pos = $pos; $power->input = 1; $power->output = 8; $power->save(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) { $prop = array('powerID' => $power->id, 'conn_type' => 1, 'type' => 2); if ($this->tmpl) { $socket = new Model_Device_Template_Pdu_Socket($prop); } else { $socket = new Model_Device_Power_Socket($prop); } $socket->save(); } $out = array('id' => $power->id, 'ru' => 8, 'pos' => $pos, 'devid' => $dev->id, 'name' => $dev->hostname, 'parent_device' => 0, 'out' => $power['output'], 'cur' => $power['current']); } } } } echo json_encode(array('data' => $out)); }
/** * * frontend device CRUD connector */ public function action_device($id = null) { if ($id) { if ($id != 'new') { } else { //create new device in rack, return value if ($id == 'new') { $val = \Validation::forge(); $val->add_field('rack', 'rack id', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[20]'); //validate rack if ($val->run()) { $rack = Model_Rack::find($val->validated('rack')); //rack exist if ($rack) { //check position $pos = $this->check_device_position($rack); if ($pos) { $props = array('hostname' => 'new device', 'type' => 0, 'cat' => 0, 'rack' => $rack->id, 'rack_pos' => $pos, 'rack_units' => 1, 'parent_device' => 0, 'meta_default_data' => 0, 'meta_update_time' => time(), 'meta_update_user' => $this->user); //print_r($props); $new = new Model_Device($props); $new->save(); $dev = array("id" => $new['id'], "position" => $new['rack_pos'], "units" => $new['rack_units'], "type" => $new['type'], "cat" => 0, "host" => $new['hostname'], "parent" => $new['parent_device']); } echo json_encode($dev); } } else { $error = $val->error(); print_r($error); } } } } }
private function add_switch($rack, $user, $pos, $name) { $props = array('hostname' => $name, 'type' => 0, 'cat' => 2, 'rack' => $rack->id, 'rack_pos' => $pos, 'rack_units' => 1, 'parent_device' => 0, 'meta_default_data' => 0, 'meta_update_time' => time(), 'meta_update_user' => $user); //print_r($props); $this->net_type = 2; $sw = new Model_Device($props); $sw->save(); $this->add_device_default_fields($sw); $network = Model_Device_Network::find()->where('deviceID', $sw->id)->get_one(); $network->ports = 48; $network->save(); $macc = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 48; $i++) { $prop = array('networkID' => $network->id, 'mac_address' => '', 'conn_device' => 0, 'vlan' => 0, 'type' => 1); $macs = new Model_Network_Mac($prop); $macs->save(); array_push($macc, $macs->id); } return array('id' => $sw->id, 'macs' => $macc); }
public function action_index() { $out = array(); if (count($_GET) > 0) { /* 'buildings'=>Array(), 'rooms'=>Array(), 'floors'=>Array(), 'buildings'=>Array(), 'fields'=>Array() */ $key = false; if (isset($_GET['key'])) { $key = $_GET['key']; } if ($key) { $key_right = $key . '%'; $key = '%' . $key . '%'; //device hostname $device = Model_Device::find()->where('hostname', 'like', $key)->limit(5)->where('meta_update_user', $this->user)->get(); $m = array('type' => 'Device', 'tn' => 1, 'items' => array()); foreach ($device as $dev) { $rack = $dev->racks; $room = $rack->rooms; array_push($m['items'], array('id' => $dev->id, 'name' => $dev->hostname, 'room' => $room->id, 'rack' => $rack->id, 'floor' => $room->floors->id, 'building' => $room->floors->buildings->id)); } array_push($out, $m); //buildings $buildings = Model_Building::find()->where('name', 'like', $key)->where('meta_update_user', $this->user)->limit(5)->get(); $m = array('type' => 'Building', 'tn' => 2, 'items' => array()); foreach ($buildings as $bui) { array_push($m['items'], array('id' => $bui->id, 'name' => $bui->name)); } array_push($out, $m); //floors $floors = Model_Floor::find()->where('name', 'like', $key)->where('meta_update_user', $this->user)->limit(5)->get(); $m = array('type' => 'Floor', 'tn' => 3, 'items' => array()); foreach ($floors as $fl) { array_push($m['items'], array('id' => $fl->id, 'name' => $fl->name, 'building' => $fl->buildings->id)); } array_push($out, $m); //rooms $rooms = Model_Room::find()->where('name', 'like', $key)->where('meta_update_user', $this->user)->limit(5)->get(); $m = array('type' => 'Room', 'tn' => 4, 'items' => array()); foreach ($rooms as $rm) { array_push($m['items'], array('id' => $rm->id, 'name' => $rm->name, 'floor' => $rm->floors->id, 'building' => $rm->floors->buildings->id)); } array_push($out, $m); //racks $rack = Model_Rack::find()->where('name', 'like', $key)->where('meta_update_user', $this->user)->limit(5)->get(); $m = array('type' => 'Rack', 'tn' => 5, 'items' => array()); foreach ($rack as $rm) { array_push($m['items'], array('id' => $rm->id, 'name' => $rm->name, 'floor' => $rm->rooms->floors->id, 'room' => $rm->rooms->id, 'building' => $rm->rooms->floors->buildings->id)); } array_push($out, $m); //ip address $query = \DB::query('select distinct * from network_ip_ports where ipv4 like "' . $key_right . '" group by networkID limit 0,5'); $ips = $query->as_object()->execute(); foreach ($ips as $ip) { $tab = $ip->type == 3 ? 6 : 2; $network = Model_Device_Network::find()->where('id', $ip->networkID)->get_one(); $device = $network->device; $m = array('type' => 'IPv4', 'tn' => 6, 'items' => array()); $room = $device->racks->rooms; array_push($m['items'], array('id' => $ip->id, 'name' => $ip->ipv4, 'room' => $device->racks->rooms->id, 'rack' => $device->racks->id, 'building' => $room->floors->buildings->id, 'floor' => $room->floors->id, 'tab' => $tab, 'dev' => $device->id)); array_push($out, $m); } //raid $query = \DB::query('select,,, df.deviceID, d.hostname, df.value, hrd.model, hrd.serial_number, as "rid" from device as d join device_fieldset as df on df.deviceID = join hardware_raid AS hr on hr.fieldsetID = join hardware_raid_data as hrd on hrd.hardware_raid = where hrd.model like "' . $key . '" or hrd.serial_number like "' . $key . '" group by hrd.serial_number, hrd.model'); $raid = $query->as_object()->execute(); foreach ($raid as $fd) { $device = Model_Device::find($fd->deviceID); $m = array('type' => $fd->name, 'tn' => 6, 'items' => array()); $room = $device->racks->rooms; array_push($m['items'], array('id' => $fd->id, 'name' => $fd->value, 'room' => $device->racks->rooms->id, 'rack' => $device->racks->id, 'building' => $room->floors->buildings->id, 'floor' => $room->floors->id, 'tab' => $fd->tab, 'dev' => $fd->deviceID, 'hostname' => $fd->hostname, 'model' => $fd->model, 'serial' => $fd->serial_number, 'rid' => $fd->rid)); array_push($out, $m); } $notes = Model_Notes::find()->where('txt', 'like', $key)->where('meta_update_user', $this->user)->limit(5)->get(); $m = array('type' => 'Device Notes', 'tn' => 7, 'items' => array()); foreach ($notes as $note) { $device = $note->device; $room = $device->racks->rooms; array_push($m['items'], array('id' => $note->id, 'name' => substr($note->txt, -100), 'room' => $device->racks->rooms->id, 'rack' => $device->racks->id, 'building' => $room->floors->buildings->id, 'floor' => $room->floors->id, 'tab' => 4, 'dev' => $device->id)); } array_push($out, $m); //ram $query = \DB::query('select,,, df.deviceID, d.hostname, df.value, hrd.model, hrd.serial_number, as "rid" from device as d join device_fieldset as df on df.deviceID = join hardware_ram AS hr on hr.fieldsetID = join hardware_ram_data as hrd on hrd.hardware_ram = where hrd.model like "' . $key . '" or hrd.serial_number like "' . $key . '" group by hrd.serial_number, hrd.model'); $ram = $query->as_object()->execute(); foreach ($ram as $fd) { $device = Model_Device::find($fd->deviceID); $m = array('type' => $fd->name, 'tn' => 8, 'items' => array()); $room = $device->racks->rooms; array_push($m['items'], array('id' => $fd->id, 'name' => $fd->value, 'room' => $device->racks->rooms->id, 'rack' => $device->racks->id, 'building' => $room->floors->buildings->id, 'floor' => $room->floors->id, 'tab' => $fd->tab, 'dev' => $fd->deviceID, 'hostname' => $fd->hostname, 'model' => $fd->model, 'serial' => $fd->serial_number, 'rid' => $fd->rid)); array_push($out, $m); } } echo json_encode($out); } }
private function vpsdata($id) { $device = Model_Device::find($id); $this->id = $device->id; /* * SUMMARY * */ $sockets = $this->get_field('Processor Sockets'); $cores = $this->get_field('Cores per Socket'); $hyperthreading = $this->get_field('hyperthreading'); $hyper = 'No'; $hyperNum = 1; if ($hyperthreading == 1) { $hyper = 'Yes'; $hyperNum = 2; } $logic = $sockets * $cores * $hyperNum; $summary = array('manufacturer' => $this->get_field('Manufacturer'), 'model' => $this->get_field('Model'), 'speed' => $this->get_field('Core speed (GHz)'), 'processor' => $this->get_field('Processor Type'), 'sockets' => $sockets, 'cores' => $cores, 'hyperthreading' => $hyper, 'logic' => $logic, 'memory' => $this->get_memory(), 'localStorage' => $this->get_storage(), 'vps' => array(), 'ram_used' => 0, 'hdd_used' => 0, 'cpu_used' => 0); $vpss = $device->vps; $ram = 0; $cpu = 0; $hdd = 0; foreach ($vpss as $vps) { $ips = $vps->ips; $ip_data = array(); foreach ($ips as $ip) { $ipv4 = $this->vps_port($ip); array_push($ip_data, array('id' => $ip->portID, 'data' => $ipv4)); } array_push($summary['vps'], array('id' => $vps->id, 'hostname' => $vps->hostname, 'cpu' => $vps->cpu, 'ram' => $vps->ram, 'hdd' => $vps->storage, 'ip' => $ip_data)); $ram += $vps->ram; $cpu += $vps->cpu; $hdd += $vps->storage; } $summary['ram_used'] = $ram; $summary['hdd_used'] = $hdd; $summary['cpu_used'] = $cpu; $debug = array('debug' => 'Page rendered in {exec_time}s using {mem_usage}mb of memory.'); array_push($summary, $debug); return $summary; }
public function action_devices($id = null, $name = null) { if ($id and $name) { $device = Model_Device::find($id); if ($device) { $fields = $device->fields; $h = array('title' => $device->hostname . 'X', 'category' => $device->cat, 'items' => array()); $a = array(); $file = tempnam(DOCROOT . "images", "zip"); $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $m = $zip->open($file, \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); //images $zip->addEmptyDir('images'); $zip->addEmptyDir('images/tumb'); foreach ($fields as $field) { $val = ''; if ($field['value'] != null) { $val = htmlspecialchars_decode($field['value']); } $a = array('name' => $field['name'], 'tab' => $field['tab'], 'value' => $val, 'element' => $field['type'], 'static' => $field['static'], 'extra' => $field['extra'], 'class' => "", 'items' => null); //get hdd into array if ($field['type'] == 'hdd') { $a['items'] = array(); $hdds = $field->hdd; $a['raid_type'] = $hdds->raid_type; $a['size'] = $hdds->size; $a['total'] = $hdds->total; foreach ($hdds->rows as $hdd) { $m = array('model' => $hdd['model'], 'size' => $hdd['size'], 'vport' => $hdd['vport'], 'serial_number' => $hdd['serial_number']); array_push($a['items'], $m); } } //get ram into array if ($field['type'] == 'ram') { $a['items'] = array(); $rams = $field->ram; $a['ram_type'] = $rams->ram_type; $a['size'] = $rams->size; $a['total'] = $rams->total; foreach ($rams->rows as $ram) { $m = array('model' => $ram['model'], 'size' => $ram['size'], 'port' => $ram['port'], 'serial_number' => $ram['serial_number']); array_push($a['items'], $m); } } //get images into array if ($field['type'] == 'img') { $imagedir = DOCROOT . 'images/'; $a['items'] = array(); $imgs = $field->images; foreach ($imgs as $img) { if (is_file($imagedir . $img->id . '.png')) { $zip->addFile($imagedir . $img->id . '.png', 'images/' . $img->id . '.png'); } if (is_file($imagedir . 'tumb/' . $img->id . '.png')) { $zip->addFile($imagedir . 'tumb/' . $img->id . '.png', 'images/tumb/' . $img->id . '.png'); } $im = array('type' => $img->type, 'tmpl' => 'true', 'w' => $img->width, 'h' => $img->height); array_push($a['items'], $im); } } if ($field['type'] == 'power_in') { $a['element'] = 'none'; $a['nolegend'] = 'ok'; $a['special'] = 'inpowerfield'; $pdu = $field->power; $a['data'] = array('input' => $pdu->input, 'current' => $pdu->current, 'output' => $pdu->output, 'type' => $pdu->type, 'sockets' => array()); foreach ($pdu->socket as $socket) { array_push($a['data']['sockets'], array('type' => $socket->type, 'conn_type' => $socket->conn_type)); } } if ($field['type'] == 'power_out') { $a['element'] = 'none'; $a['nolegend'] = 'ok'; $a['special'] = 'powerfield'; $pdu = $field->power; $a['data'] = array('input' => $pdu->input, 'current' => $pdu->current, 'output' => $pdu->output, 'type' => $pdu->type, 'sockets' => array()); foreach ($pdu->socket as $socket) { array_push($a['data']['sockets'], array('type' => $socket->type, 'conn_type' => $socket->conn_type)); } } /* * KVM distribution * */ if ($field['type'] == 'kvm_in') { $a['element'] = 'none'; $a['nolegend'] = 'ok'; $a['special'] = 'inkvmfield'; $kvm = $field->kvm; $a['data'] = array('input' => $kvm->input, 'output' => $kvm->output, 'sockets' => array()); foreach ($kvm->socket as $socket) { array_push($a['data']['sockets'], array('id' => $socket->id, 'type' => $socket->type, 'conn_type' => $socket->conn_type)); } } if ($field['type'] == 'kvm_out') { $a['element'] = 'none'; $a['nolegend'] = 'ok'; $a['special'] = 'kvmfield'; $kvm = $field->kvm; $a['data'] = array('input' => $kvm->input, 'output' => $kvm->output, 'sockets' => array()); foreach ($kvm->socket as $socket) { array_push($a['data']['sockets'], array('type' => $socket->type, 'conn_type' => $socket->conn_type)); } } if ($field['type'] == 'network') { $a['element'] = 'none'; $a['data'] = array(); echo $field['type']; if ($field->network) { $a['extra'] = array('type' => $field->network->type, 'nics' => $field->network->nics, 'vports' => $field->network->vports, 'ports' => $field->network->ports, 'uplinks' => $field->network->uplinks, 'config_data' => $field->network->config_data); $a['type'] = $field->network->type; switch ($field->network->type) { case 1: //server ip tables $a['special'] = 'ipfield'; $i = 1; foreach ($field->network->ip as $ip) { array_push($a['data'], array('port' => array('n' => $i, 'name' => $ip->nic_name, 'ipv4' => $ip->ipv4, 'ipv6' => $ip->ipv6, 'conn_type' => $ip->conn_type, 'conn_speed' => $ip->conn_speed, 'type' => $ip->type))); $i++; } break; case 2: $a['special'] = 'macfield'; $a['vlans'] = array(); $i = 1; foreach ($field->network->mac as $mac) { $d = array('n' => $i, 'mac_addr' => $mac->mac_address, 'conn_dev' => $mac->conn_device, 'vlan' => $mac->vlan, 'type' => $mac->type); array_push($a['data'], $d); $i++; } foreach ($field->network->vlan as $vlan) { $d = array('id' => $vlan->id, 'name' => $vlan->name); array_push($a['vlans'], $d); } break; case 3: $a['special'] = 'panelfield'; $i = 1; foreach ($field->network->mac as $mac) { $d = array('n' => $i, 'id' => $mac->id, 'mac_addr' => $mac->mac_address, 'conn_dev' => $mac->conn_device, 'vlan' => $mac->vlan, 'type' => $mac->type); array_push($a['data'], $d); $i++; } break; } } } array_push($h['items'], $a); } $json = json_encode($h); //data $zip->addFromString('data.json', $json); $zip->close(); ob_clean(); header('Content-Type: application/zip'); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . str_replace(' ', '_', $device->hostname) . '.zip"'); readfile($file); exit; //unlink($file); } } }
public function action_device($id = null) { if ($_POST) { $val = \Validation::forge('templates'); if ($id == 'edit') { $val->add_field('did', 'device id', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[20]'); $val->add_field('type', 'device new type', 'required|min_length[1]|max_length[10]'); if ($val->run()) { //get device current template type $dev = Model_Device::find($val->validated('did')); //set template $template = Model_Device_Template::find($val->validated('type')); //category $cat = $template->category; //store position of vertical pdu $power_temp = false; if ($cat->id == 4) { if ($dev->meta_default_data > 0) { $power_temp = $dev->power; } } $pdu_size_wrong = $this->check_for_PDU($template, $dev); if ($pdu_size_wrong) { echo json_encode(array('error' => 'You cant use this template, no enough space in rack')); } else { $dev_fields = Model_Device_Fieldset::find()->where('deviceID', $dev->id)->get(); //delete all data from device foreach ($dev_fields as $dev_field) { $dev_field->delete(); } $fields = $template->field; $dev->type = $template->id; $dev->save(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $data = array('name' => $field['name'], 'static' => $field['static'], 'value' => htmlspecialchars_decode($field['value']), 'type' => $field['type'], 'deviceID' => $dev->id, 'tab' => $field['tab'], 'extra' => $field['extra']); $new_field = new Model_Device_Fieldset($data); $new_field->save(); $this->insert_template_to_device_data($field, $new_field); } $out = false; if ($cat->id == 4) { $dev = Model_Device::find($val->validated('did')); //check if vertical PDU , and echo number of output pins if ($dev->meta_default_data > 0) { $po = Model_Device_Power::find()->where('deviceID', $val->validated('did'))->get_one(); $po->pos = $power_temp->pos; $po->ru = $power_temp->ru; $po->save(); $out = $po->output; echo json_encode(array('type' => $template->id, 'id' => $dev->id, 'cat' => $cat->id, 'out' => $out)); } } if (!$out) { echo json_encode(array('type' => $template->id, 'id' => $dev->id, 'cat' => $cat->id)); } } } } } }