Example #1
File: Panel.php Project: ssrsfs/blg
 public static function CountCommentsOn($uri)
     $urlmeta = Model_UrlMeta::GetUrl($uri);
     if ($urlmeta->exists()) {
         if (isset(slef::$_cachedCounts[$uri])) {
             return self::$_cachedCounts[$uri];
         $comments = new Model_Comment();
         $comments->where('urlmetaid = ?', $urlmeta['id']);
         $total = $comments->getTotal();
         self::$_cachedCounts[$uri] = $total;
         return $total;
     return null;
Example #2
File: index.php Project: ssrsfs/blg
	Comment admin listing controller

	24 march 2011: cleaned up
	25 march 2011: rewrote to use DAO
	29 march 2011: now using getTotal
// TODO: Consider making a separate admin page for comment sections (i.e., each URL that has a comment plugin)
// TODO: Do it by adding filters at the top
//$comments = Comment::DAOFactory();
$comments = new Model_Comment();
    $pm->setVariable('comments_require_approval', COMMENTS_REQUIRE_APPROVAL);
        $comments->where('approved = 0');
        $pm->setVariable('totalpending', $comments->getTotal());
        $comments = new Model_Comment();
if (isset($_REQUEST['show']) && 'unapproved' == $_REQUEST['show']) {
    $comments->where('approved = 0');
if (isset($_REQUEST['application'])) {
    $comments->select()->where('#__page.application = ?', $_REQUEST['application']);
$total = $comments->getTotal();
$comments->order('datecreated DESC');
$comments->setPagination(isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1);
$pm->setVariable('comments', $comments);
$page = !empty($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
Pagination::Calculate($total, 20, $page);