Example #1
  * Creates the model file
 private function createModel()
     $fileName = $this->configSettings['pathTo']['models'] . $this->nameOf("modelName") . ".php";
     if (\File::exists($fileName)) {
         $this->model->exists = true;
     $fileContents = "protected \$table = '" . $this->model->getTableName() . "';\n";
     if (!$this->model->hasTimestamps()) {
         $fileContents .= "\tpublic \$timestamps = false;\n";
     if ($this->model->hasSoftdeletes()) {
         $fileContents .= "\tprotected \$softDelete = true;\n";
     $properties = "";
     foreach ($this->model->getProperties() as $property => $type) {
         $properties .= "'{$property}',";
     $properties = rtrim($properties, ",");
     $fileContents .= "\tprotected \$fillable = array(" . $properties . ");\n";
     $fileContents = $this->addRelationships($fileContents);
     $template = $this->configSettings['useRepository'] ? "model.txt" : "model-no-repo.txt";
     $this->makeFileFromTemplate($fileName, $this->configSettings['pathTo']['templates'] . $template, $fileContents);
Example #2
  *  For relationships that have been removed, this is the reverse to add them
  * @param Relation[] $removedRelationships
  * @param string $tableName
  * @return string
 private function rollbackForRemovedProperties($removedRelationships, $tableName)
     $functionContents = "";
     foreach ($removedRelationships as $relation) {
         if ($relation->getType() == "belongsToMany") {
             $functionContents .= "\t\tSchema::create('" . $relation->getPivotTableName($this->model) . "', function(Blueprint \$table) {\n";
             $functionContents .= "\t\t\t\$table->integer('" . $relation->getForeignKeyName() . "')->unsigned();\n";
             $functionContents .= "\t\t\t\$table->integer('" . $this->model->lower() . "_id')->unsigned();\n";
             $functionContents .= "\t\t\t\$table->foreign('" . $relation->getForeignKeyName() . "')->references('id')->on('" . $relation->getRelatedModelTableName() . "');\n";
             $functionContents .= "\t\t\t\$table->foreign('" . $this->model->lower() . "_id')->references('id')->on('" . $this->model->getTableName() . "');\n";
             $functionContents .= "\t\t});\n";
         } else {
             $functionContents .= "\t\tSchema::table('" . $tableName . "', function(Blueprint \$table) {\n";
             $functionContents .= "\t\t\t\$table->integer('" . $relation->getForeignKeyName() . "')->unsigned();\n";
             $functionContents .= "\t\t\t\$table->foreign('" . $relation->getForeignKeyName() . "')->references('id')->on('" . $relation->getRelatedModelTableName() . "');\n";
             $functionContents .= "\t\t});\n";
     return $functionContents;
Example #3
  * Push an objet to a has many association
  * @param mixed $obj object
  * @return pushed
 public function push($obj)
     if (!$obj) {
     $cls = get_called_class();
     $escape = Driver::$escape_char;
     $value = array_key_exists(self::getPK(), $this->_data) ? $this->_data[self::getPK()] : null;
     $other_cls = get_class($obj);
     $other_pk = $other_cls::getPK();
     $other_value = $obj->get($other_pk);
     $table = Model::getTableName($other_cls);
     $foreign = self::hasManyForeignKey(Inflections::pluralize(strtolower($other_cls)));
     // if the current object exists ...
     if (!is_null($value)) {
         $obj->set(strtolower($foreign), $value);
         // if the pushed object is still not saved
         if (is_null($other_value)) {
             if (!$obj->save()) {
                 return false;
             $other_value = $obj->get($other_pk);
         $foreign = self::$_mapping[$other_cls][$foreign];
         $other_pk = self::$_mapping[$other_cls][$other_pk];
         $sql = "update {$escape}{$table}{$escape} set {$escape}{$foreign}{$escape}={$value} where {$escape}{$other_pk}{$escape}={$other_value}";
         $stmt = self::query($sql);
         $rst = $stmt->rowCount() == 1;
         return $rst;
     // if current object does not exists ...
     if (is_null($value)) {
 * 连接查询列表显示
 * 进行列表过滤
 * @access protected
 * @param Model $model 数据对象
 * @param HashMap $map 过滤条件
 * @param string $sortBy 排序
 * @param boolean $asc 是否正序
 * @return void
 * @throws ThinkExecption
 protected function _listLink($model, $map, $option = array(), $sortBy = '', $asc = false)
     $field || ($field = "*");
     $table || ($table = $model->getTableName());
     //$table = "{$this->trueTableName} j";
     //$r = $this->table($table)->field($field)->join($join)->where($map)->count();
     //return $r;
     //排序字段 默认为主键名
     if (isset($_REQUEST['_order'])) {
         $order = $_REQUEST['_order'];
     } else {
         $order = !empty($sortBy) ? $sortBy : $model->getPk();
     //接受 sost参数 0 表示倒序 非0都 表示正序
     //$setOrder = setOrder(array(array('viewCount', 'a.view_count'), 'a.id'), $orderBy, $orderType, 'a');
     if (isset($_REQUEST['_sort'])) {
         $sort = $_REQUEST['_sort'] ? 'asc' : 'desc';
     } else {
         $sort = $asc ? 'asc' : 'desc';
     if ($sql) {
         $sqlCount = getCountSql($sql);
         $count = $db->query($sqlCount);
     } else {
         $pk = $model->getPk();
         $count = $model->table($table)->field($field)->join($join)->where($map)->count($pk);
     if ($count > 0) {
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['listRows'])) {
             $listRows = $_REQUEST['listRows'];
         } else {
             $listRows = '';
         $p = new XPage($count, $listRows);
         //echo C('PAGE_STYLE');exit;
         //$s =  rand(1,25);echo $s;
         $p->style = C('PAGE_STYLE');
         if ($sql) {
             $voList = $model->query(sql . "`" . $order . "` " . $sort . $p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows);
         } else {
             $voList = $model->table($table)->field($field)->join($join)->where($map)->order("`" . $order . "` " . $sort)->limit($p->firstRow . ',' . $p->listRows)->select();
         //echo $model->getlastsql();
         if (C('highLightKeyword') && $_REQUEST['keyword']) {
             $keyword = $_REQUEST['keyword'];
             foreach ($voList as $k => $v) {
                 $voList[$k]['jtitle'] = hightLightKeyword($v['jtitle'], $keyword);
                 $voList[$k]['request'] = hightLightKeyword($v['request'], $keyword);
                 $voList[$k]['ctitle'] = hightLightKeyword($v['ctitle'], $keyword);
         foreach ($map as $key => $val) {
             if (!is_array($val)) {
                 $p->parameter .= "{$key}=" . urlencode($val) . "&";
         $page = $p->show();
         $sortImg = $sort;
         $sortAlt = $sort == 'desc' ? '升序排列' : '倒序排列';
         $sort = $sort == 'desc' ? 1 : 0;
         $this->assign('list', $voList);
         $this->assign('sort', $sort);
         $this->assign('order', $order);
         $this->assign('sortImg', $sortImg);
         $this->assign('sortType', $sortAlt);
         $this->assign("page", $page);
     Cookie::set('_currentUrl_', __SELF__);
Example #5
  * Prepares this model for any other existing Model.
  * The original does not have to use the FluentBuilderTrait.
  * @param Model $model
  * @return DynamicFluentModel
 public function withModel(Model $model)
     return $this->withTable($model->getTableName(), $model->getPrimaryKeyName(), $model->getColumns());
Example #6
 private function getMinPriceByHotGoods()
     $model = new Model('goods as g');
     $table_goods = $model->getTableName("goods");
     $table_prom_goods = $model->getTableName("prom_goods");
     $tableNameStr = $table_goods . " AS g," . $table_prom_goods . " AS p";
     $queryFeilds = "MIN(g.sell_price) AS minprice ,MIN(g.prom_id) AS promid ,p.end_time AS endtime";
     $queryWhere = "is_online = 0 AND store_nums > 0 AND g.prom_id = p.id AND p.start_time <= NOW() AND p.end_time >= NOW()";
     $groupFeilds = "prom_id";
     $this->assign('minprice', $model->customQuery($tableNameStr, $queryFeilds, $queryWhere, $groupFeilds, null, null, null));