public function Create() { $this->LogInfo("company create ..."); $obj = $this->GetCommonData(); //创建公司 $companyDao = $this->GetModel(); $condition['company_name'] = $obj->company_name; $companyID = $companyDao->where($condition)->getField('company_id'); if ($companyID != '') { $this->LogWarn("Create company failed, company has exist. Company_name is " . $obj->company_name); $this->errorCode = MispErrorCode::COMPANY_EXISTED; $this->ReturnJson(); return; } $object = $this->objectToArray($obj); $object['company_status'] = CompanyEnum::STATUS_NORMAL; try { $companyID = MispCommonService::Create($companyDao, $object); } catch (FuegoException $e) { $this->errorCode = $e->getCode(); $this->ReturnJson(); return; } //创建公司基本角色 try { $roleID = $this->CreateBasicRole($companyID); } catch (FuegoException $e) { $this->errorCode = $e->getCode(); $this->ReturnJson(); return; } //创建System user $systemUserDao = MispDaoContext::SystemUser(); $user['user_name'] = $obj->user_name; $user['password'] = "******"; $user['role_id'] = $roleID; //增加公司时,同时增加了一个企业管理员账户 $user['reg_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $user['company_id'] = $companyID; $this->LogInfo("Create first admin of company, user info is " . json_encode($user)); try { $userID = MispCommonUserService::Create($user); } catch (FuegoException $e) { $this->errorCode = $e->getCode(); $this->ReturnJson(); return; } //创建admin $admin['user_id'] = $userID; $admin['user_name'] = $obj->user_name; $admin['company_id'] = $companyID; $this->LogInfo("Create first admin of company, admin info is " . json_encode($admin)); $this->errorCode = MispServiceContext::UserManage()->CreateAdmin($admin); $this->ReturnJson(); }
public function ModifyPassword() { $req = $this->GetReqObj(); $reqType = $this->GetReqType(); $this->LogInfo("Modify password,client type is " . $reqType); if ($reqType == ClientTypeEnum::IOS || $reqType == ClientTypeEnum::ANDROID) { //修改密码 $condition['company_id'] = $req->app_id; $condition['user_name'] = $req->user_name; $this->errorCode = MispServiceContext::UserManage()->ModifyPassword($condition, $req); } if ($reqType == "WEB") { $condition['user_name'] = $_SESSION['user']['user_name']; $this->errorCode = MispServiceContext::UserManage()->ModifyPassword($condition, $req); if ($this->errorCode == MispErrorCode::SUCCESS) { session_destroy(); } } $this->ReturnJson(); }