Example #1
 function getSefURL($id)
     $url = "";
     if (is_numeric($id)) {
         $url = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT url_sef FROM #__mijosef_sitemap WHERE id = {$id}");
     return $url;
Example #2
 function _getItemCatId($id)
     static $cache = array();
     if (!isset($cache[$id])) {
         if ($this->MijosefConfig->cache_instant == 1) {
             $rows = MijoDatabase::loadRowList("SELECT id, cid FROM #__banner");
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $cache[$row[0]] = $row[1];
         } else {
             $cache[$id] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT cid FROM #__banner WHERE id = {$id}");
     if (!isset($cache[$id])) {
         $cache[$id] = "";
     return $cache[$id];
Example #3
 function onAfterDispatch()
     if (!self::_systemCheckup(true)) {
     $url_1 = "index.php?option=com_content";
     // Get item id
     $item_id = JRequest::getInt('id');
     $url_2 = "id={$item_id}&view=article";
     $url_3 = "format=pdf";
     // Get row
     $url = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT url_sef FROM #__mijosef_urls WHERE url_real LIKE '{$url_1}%' AND url_real LIKE '%{$url_2}%' AND url_real NOT LIKE '%{$url_3}%'");
     if ($url && !Mijosef::get('utility')->JoomFishInstalled()) {
         $row = MijoDatabase::loadObject("SELECT id, url_sef, title, description, keywords, lang, robots, googlebot FROM #__mijosef_metadata WHERE url_sef = '{$url}'");
         if (!$row) {
             $row = new stdClass();
             $row->id = 0;
             $row->url_sef = $url;
             $row->title = '';
             $row->description = '';
             $row->keywords = '';
             $row->lang = '';
             $row->robots = '';
             $row->googlebot = '';
         $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
         $mainframe->setUserState('com_mijosef.metadata', $row);
         $language = JFactory::getLanguage();
         // Render output
         $output = Mijosef::get('utility')->render(JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins/system/mijosefmetacontent/mijosefmetacontent_tmpl.php');
         $document = JFactory::getDocument();
         $document->setBuffer($document->getBuffer('component') . $output, 'component');
     return true;
Example #4
    JError::raiseWarning('100', JText::sprintf('COM_MIJOSEF_CPANEL_STATUS_NOTE_MOD', '<a href="index.php?option=com_config">', '</a>'));
if ($status['sef'] && !$status['htaccess']) {
    JError::raiseWarning('100', JText::sprintf('COM_MIJOSEF_CPANEL_STATUS_HTA_NO'));
if (!$status['htaccess'] || !$status['mod_rewrite'] || !$status['sef']) {
    JError::raiseNotice('100', JText::sprintf('COM_MIJOSEF_CPANEL_STATUS_NOTE_REQUIREMENTS', '<a href="http://www.mijosoft.com/support/docs/mijosef/installation-upgrading/requirements" target="_blank">', '</a>'));
if (Mijosef::get('utility')->JoomFishInstalled()) {
    $jf_id = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT extension_id FROM #__extensions WHERE element = 'jfrouter' AND folder = 'system' AND enabled = '1'");
    if (!is_null($jf_id)) {
        JError::raiseNotice('100', JText::sprintf('COM_MIJOSEF_CPANEL_STATUS_NOTE_JFROUTER', '<a href="index.php?option=com_plugins&view=plugin&client=site&task=edit&cid[]=' . $jf_id . '">', '</a>'));
if ($this->MijosefConfig->multilang == 1) {
    $lf_id = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT extension_id FROM #__extensions WHERE element = 'languagefilter' AND folder = 'system' AND enabled = '1'");
    if (!is_null($lf_id)) {
        JError::raiseNotice('100', JText::sprintf('COM_MIJOSEF_CPANEL_STATUS_NOTE_LANGUAGEFILTER', '<a href="index.php?option=com_plugins&task=plugin.edit&extension_id=' . $lf_id . '">', '</a>'));
if (empty($this->MijosefConfig->pid) && (MIJOSEF_PACK == 'plus' || MIJOSEF_PACK == 'pro')) {
    JError::raiseWarning('100', JText::sprintf('COM_MIJOSEF_CPANEL_STATUS_NOTE_PERSONAL_ID', '<a href="index.php?option=com_mijosef&controller=config&task=edit">', '</a>'));
			<td valign="top" width="58%">
Example #5
 function unpublishTag($tag)
     if (empty($tag)) {
         return false;
     $urls = self::_getURLs();
     if (!is_array($urls) || empty($urls)) {
         return false;
     foreach ($urls as $url) {
         $found = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT url_sef FROM #__mijosef_tags_map WHERE tag = '{$tag}' AND url_sef = '{$url}'");
         if ($found) {
         MijoDatabase::query("INSERT INTO #__mijosef_tags_map (tag, url_sef) VALUES ('{$tag}', '{$url}')");
     return true;
Example #6
 function getCountMeta()
     $count = array();
     $count['all'] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__mijosef_metadata WHERE title != '' AND description != '' AND keywords != ''");
     $count['title'] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__mijosef_metadata WHERE title != ''");
     $count['desc'] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__mijosef_metadata WHERE description != ''");
     $count['key'] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__mijosef_metadata WHERE keywords != ''");
     $count['total'] = array_sum($count);
     return $count;
Example #7
 function getExtensionFromRequest()
     static $extension;
     if (!isset($extension)) {
         $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(0), 'method', 'array');
         $extension = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT extension FROM #__mijosef_extensions WHERE id = " . $cid[0]);
     return $extension;
Example #8
 function _setExtension($option)
     static $components = array();
     if (!isset($components[$option])) {
         $filter = Mijosef::get('utility')->getSkippedComponents();
         $component = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT `element` FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `type` = 'component' AND `element` NOT IN ({$filter}) AND `element` = '{$option}'");
         if (!is_null($component)) {
             $routed = false;
             $name = "";
             if (!$routed) {
                 if (file_exists(JPATH_MIJOSEF_ADMIN . '/extensions/' . $component . '.php')) {
                     $name = Mijosef::get('utility')->getXmlText(JPATH_MIJOSEF_ADMIN . '/extensions/' . $component . '.xml', 'name');
                     $router = 3;
                     $routed = true;
             if (!$routed) {
                 if (file_exists(JPATH_SITE . '/components/' . $component . '/router.php')) {
                     $router = 2;
                     $routed = true;
             if (!$routed) {
                 $router = 1;
             $prms = array();
             $prms['router'] = "{$router}";
             $prms['prefix'] = "";
             $prms['skip_menu'] = "0";
             $reg = new JRegistry($prms);
             $params = $reg->toString();
             MijoDatabase::query("INSERT IGNORE INTO #__mijosef_extensions (name, extension, params) VALUES ('{$name}', '{$component}', '{$params}')");
             $components[$option] = $params;
         } else {
             $components[$option] = false;
     return $components[$option];
Example #9
 function checkComponents()
     $filter = Mijosef::get('utility')->getSkippedComponents();
     $components = MijoDatabase::loadResultArray("SELECT `element` FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `type` = 'component' AND `element` NOT IN ({$filter}) ORDER BY `element`");
     foreach ($components as $component) {
         // Check if there is already a record available
         $total = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__mijosef_extensions WHERE extension = '{$component}'");
         if ($total < 1) {
             $name = "";
             $routed = false;
             if (!$routed) {
                 $ext = JPATH_MIJOSEF_ADMIN . '/extensions/' . $component . '.php';
                 if (file_exists($ext)) {
                     $name = Mijosef::get('utility')->getXmlText(JPATH_MIJOSEF_ADMIN . '/extensions/' . $component . '.xml', 'name');
                     $router = 3;
                     $routed = true;
             if (!$routed) {
                 $router = JPATH_SITE . '/components/' . $component . '/router.php';
                 if (file_exists($router)) {
                     $router = 2;
                     $routed = true;
             if (!$routed) {
                 $router = 1;
                 $routed = true;
             if ($routed) {
                 $prms = array();
                 $prms['router'] = "{$router}";
                 $prms['prefix'] = "";
                 $prms['skip_menu'] = "0";
                 $reg = new JRegistry($prms);
                 $params = $reg->toString();
                 MijoDatabase::query("INSERT INTO #__mijosef_extensions (name, extension, params) VALUES ('{$name}', '{$component}', '{$params}')");
Example #10
 function getInfo()
     static $info;
     if (!isset($info)) {
         $info = array();
         if ($this->MijosefConfig->version_checker == 1) {
             $info['version_installed'] = Mijosef::get('utility')->getXmlText(JPATH_MIJOSEF_ADMIN . '/a_mijosef.xml', 'version');
             $version_info = Mijosef::get('utility')->getRemoteInfo();
             $info['version_latest'] = $version_info['mijosef'];
             // Set the version status
             $info['version_status'] = version_compare($info['version_installed'], $info['version_latest']);
             $info['version_enabled'] = 1;
         } else {
             $info['version_status'] = 0;
             $info['version_enabled'] = 0;
         $info['pid'] = $this->MijosefConfig->pid;
         $info['urls_sef'] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__mijosef_urls");
         $info['urls_moved'] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__mijosef_urls_moved");
         $info['metadata'] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__mijosef_metadata");
         $info['sitemap'] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__mijosef_sitemap");
         $info['tags'] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__mijosef_tags");
         $info['ilinks'] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__mijosef_ilinks");
         $info['bookmarks'] = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__mijosef_bookmarks");
     return $info;
Example #11
 public function getPermissions()
     return MijoDatabase::loadResult('SELECT rules FROM #__assets WHERE name = "com_mijosef" AND title = "com_mijosef"');
Example #12
 function parseURI($uri, $old_uri)
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $route = $uri->getPath();
     $lang = $uri->getVar('lang');
     // Get the variables from the uri
     $vars = $uri->getQuery(true);
     // Handle an empty URL (special case)
     if (empty($route)) {
         $menu = Mijosef::get('utility')->getMenu();
         // if route is empty AND option is set in the query, assume it's non-sef url, and parse apropriately
         if (isset($vars['option']) || isset($vars['Itemid'])) {
             return self::_parseRawRoute($uri);
         $item = self::getDefaultMenuItem();
         //Set the information in the request
         $vars = $item->query;
         //Get the itemid
         $vars['Itemid'] = $item->id;
         // Set the active menu item
         // Set mainframe vars
         $row = Mijosef::get('cache')->checkURL('', true);
         if (is_object($row) && Mijosef::get('utility')->getParam($row->params, 'published') == '1') {
             $mainframe->set('mijosef.url.id', $row->id);
             $mainframe->set('mijosef.url.sef', $row->url_sef);
             $mainframe->set('mijosef.url.real', $row->url_real);
             $mainframe->set('mijosef.url.params', $row->params);
             $meta = Mijosef::get('cache')->checkMetadata($row->url_sef);
             if (is_object($meta)) {
                 if (!empty($meta->title)) {
                     $mainframe->set('mijosef.meta.title', $meta->title);
                 if (!empty($meta->description)) {
                     $mainframe->set('mijosef.meta.desc', $meta->description);
                 if (!empty($meta->keywords)) {
                     $mainframe->set('mijosef.meta.key', $meta->keywords);
                 if (!empty($meta->lang)) {
                     $mainframe->set('mijosef.meta.lang', $meta->lang);
                 if (!empty($meta->robots)) {
                     $mainframe->set('mijosef.meta.robots', $meta->robots);
                 if (!empty($meta->google)) {
                     $mainframe->set('mijosef.meta.google', $meta->google);
                 if (!empty($meta->canonical)) {
                     $mainframe->set('mijosef.link.canonical', $meta->canonical);
         return $vars;
     $q = $uri->getQuery();
     $new_vars = self::_newVars($old_uri, $route, $q, $lang);
     // Joomfish
     $lang = isset($new_vars['lang']) ? $new_vars['lang'] : (isset($vars['lang']) ? $vars['lang'] : null);
     if (!empty($new_vars) && !empty($vars)) {
         // If this was SEF url, consider the vars in query as nonsef
         $non_sef_vars = array_diff_key($vars, $new_vars);
         if (!empty($non_sef_vars)) {
             $mainframe->set('mijosef.global.nonsefvars', $non_sef_vars);
     if (!empty($vars)) {
         // append the original query string because some components
         // (like SMF Bridge and SOBI2) use it
         $vars = array_merge($vars, $new_vars);
     } else {
         $vars = $new_vars;
     if (!empty($new_vars)) {
         self::sendHeader('HTTP/1.0 200 OK');
     } else {
         $menu = Mijosef::get('utility')->getMenu();
         // set nonsef vars
         $mainframe->set('mijosef.global.nonsefvars', $vars);
         // Check if 404 records should be saved in DB
         if ($this->MijosefConfig->db_404_errors == 1) {
             $routee = MijoDatabase::quote($route);
             $found = MijoDatabase::loadObject("SELECT url_sef FROM #__mijosef_urls WHERE url_sef = {$routee} AND params LIKE '%\"notfound\":1%' LIMIT 1");
             if ($found) {
                 // Found, update hits
                 MijoDatabase::query("UPDATE #__mijosef_urls SET hits = (hits+1) WHERE url_sef = {$routee}");
             } else {
                 // Save 404 URL
                 $prms = array();
                 $prms['custom'] = 0;
                 $prms['published'] = 0;
                 $prms['locked'] = 0;
                 $prms['blocked'] = 0;
                 $prms['trashed'] = 0;
                 $prms['notfound'] = 1;
                 $prms['tags'] = 0;
                 $prms['ilinks'] = 0;
                 $prms['bookmarks'] = 0;
                 $prms['visited'] = 0;
                 $prms['notes'] = '';
                 $reg = new JRegistry($prms);
                 $params = $reg->toString();
                 MijoDatabase::query("INSERT IGNORE INTO #__mijosef_urls (url_sef, url_real, cdate, params) VALUES ({$routee}, {$routee}, '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "', '{$params}')");
         // Check if should be written to a logfile
         if ($this->MijosefConfig->log_404_errors == '1') {
         if ($this->MijosefConfig->page404 == 'custom') {
             if ($url = Mijosef::get('cache')->checkURL('404' . $this->MijosefConfig->url_suffix, true)) {
                 $url_real = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $url->url_real);
                 $QUERY_STRING = str_replace('index.php?', '', $url_real);
                 parse_str($QUERY_STRING, $vars);
                 if (!empty($vars['Itemid'])) {
             } elseif ($id = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT id FROM #__content WHERE title = '404' AND state = '1'")) {
                 $vars['option'] = 'com_content';
                 $vars['view'] = 'article';
                 $vars['id'] = $id;
                 $vars['Itemid'] = 99999;
             } else {
                 die(JText::_('ERROR_DEFAULT_404') . ' PAGE NOT FOUND: ' . $route . "<br />URI:" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         } elseif ($this->MijosefConfig->page404 == 'home') {
             $item = self::getDefaultMenuItem();
             //Get the vars
             $vars = $item->query;
             $vars['Itemid'] = $item->id;
         } elseif ($this->MijosefConfig->page404 == 'joomla') {
             JError::raiseError(404, JText::_("THE REQUESTED RESOURCE WAS NOT FOUND"));
         self::sendHeader('HTTP/1.0 404 NOT FOUND');
     // Set QUERY_STRING if set to
     if ($this->MijosefConfig->set_query_string == 1) {
         $qs = array();
         foreach ($vars as $name => $val) {
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
                     $qs[] = $name . '[' . $k . ']=' . urlencode($v);
             } else {
                 $qs[] = $name . '=' . urlencode($val);
         $qs = implode('&', $qs);
         if (!empty($qs)) {
             $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $qs;
     return $vars;
Example #13
 function getSefUrl()
     static $sef;
     $id = JRequest::getVar('id');
     if (!isset($sef) && is_numeric($id)) {
         $sef = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT url_sef FROM #__mijosef_urls WHERE id = {$id}");
     return $sef;
Example #14
 function _googleNews($title, $id)
     $num = '';
     $add = $this->params->get('google_news', '1');
     // ID
     $digits = trim($this->params->get('google_news_digits', '3'));
     if (!is_numeric($digits)) {
         $digits = '3';
     $articleid = sprintf('%0' . $digits . 'd', $id);
     // Date
     if ($add == '3' || $add == '4') {
         $time = MijoDatabase::loadResult("SELECT publish_up FROM #__content WHERE id = {$id}");
         $time = strtotime($time);
         $date = $this->params->get('google_news_dateformat', 'ddmm');
         $search = array('dd', 'd', 'mm', 'm', 'yyyy', 'yy');
         $replace = array(date('d', $time), date('j', $time), date('m', $time), date('n', $time), date('Y', $time), date('y', $time));
         $articledate = str_replace($search, $replace, $date);
     if ($add == '2') {
         $num = $articleid;
     } elseif ($add == '3') {
         $num = $articledate;
     } elseif ($add == '4') {
         $num = $articledate . $articleid;
     if (!empty($num)) {
         $sep = $this->MijosefConfig->replacement_character;
         $where = $this->params->get('google_news_pos', '2');
         if ($where == '2') {
             $title = $title . $sep . $num;
         } else {
             $title = $num . $sep . $title;
     return $title;