  * Any migration code in here is wrapped inside of a transaction.
  * @return bool
 public function safeUp()
     Craft::log('Renaming `social_accounts` table to `social_login_accounts`', LogLevel::Info, true);
     MigrationHelper::renameTable('social_accounts', 'social_login_accounts');
     Craft::log('Done renaming `social_accounts` table to `social_login_accounts`', LogLevel::Info, true);
     return true;
  * Any migration code in here is wrapped inside of a transaction.
  * @return bool
 public function safeUp()
     // Rename the table to charges
     MigrationHelper::renameTable('charge_stripe', 'charges');
     // Make it an element type
     MigrationHelper::makeElemental('charges', 'Charge');
     return true;
  * Any migration code in here is wrapped inside of a transaction.
  * @return bool
 public function safeUp()
     Craft::log('Interchanging social_users and social_accounts table names', LogLevel::Info, true);
     MigrationHelper::renameTable('social_users', 'social_accounts_temp');
     MigrationHelper::renameTable('social_accounts', 'social_users');
     MigrationHelper::renameTable('social_accounts_temp', 'social_accounts');
     Craft::log('Done interchanging social_users and social_accounts table names', LogLevel::Info, true);
     return true;
  * Any migration code in here is wrapped inside of a transaction.
  * @return bool
 public function safeUp()
     if (!craft()->db->tableExists('tagsets')) {
         // Create the tagsets table
         craft()->db->createCommand()->createTable('tagsets', array('name' => array('maxLength' => 100, 'column' => ColumnType::Varchar, 'null' => false), 'handle' => array('maxLength' => 45, 'column' => ColumnType::Char, 'null' => false), 'fieldLayoutId' => array('column' => ColumnType::Int, 'length' => 10, 'unsigned' => false)));
         $this->createIndex('tagsets', 'name', true);
         $this->createIndex('tagsets', 'handle', true);
         // Create the Default tag group
         $this->insert('tagsets', array('name' => 'Default', 'handle' => 'default'));
         $tagSetId = craft()->db->getLastInsertID();
         // Rename the entrytags table
         MigrationHelper::renameTable('entrytags', 'tags');
         // Convert the tags to elements
         MigrationHelper::makeElemental('tags', 'Tag');
         // Make some tweaks on the tags table
         $this->alterColumn('tags', 'name', array('column' => ColumnType::Varchar, 'null' => false));
         $this->dropColumn('tags', 'count');
         $this->addColumnBefore('tags', 'setId', array('column' => ColumnType::Int, 'null' => false), 'name');
         $this->dropIndex('tags', 'name', true);
         // Place all current tags into the Default group
         $this->update('tags', array('setId' => $tagSetId));
         $this->createIndex('tags', 'setId, name', true);
         $this->addForeignKey('tags', 'setId', 'tagsets', 'id', 'CASCADE', null);
         // Create a new field group
         $this->insert('fieldgroups', array('name' => 'Tags (Auto-created)'));
         $groupId = craft()->db->getLastInsertID();
         // Create a new Tags field
         // Find a unique handle
         for ($i = 0; true; $i++) {
             $handle = 'tags' . ($i != 0 ? "-{$i}" : '');
             $totalFields = craft()->db->createCommand()->from('fields')->where(array('handle' => $handle))->count('id');
             if ($totalFields == 0) {
         $this->insert('fields', array('groupId' => $groupId, 'name' => 'Tags', 'handle' => $handle, 'type' => 'Tags', 'settings' => JsonHelper::encode(array('source' => 'tagset:' . $tagSetId))));
         $fieldId = craft()->db->getLastInsertID();
         // Migrate entrytags_enrtries data into relations
         $tagRelations = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('entryId, tagId, dateCreated, dateUpdated, uid')->from('entrytags_entries')->queryAll(false);
         foreach ($tagRelations as &$relation) {
             array_unshift($relation, $fieldId);
         $this->insertAll('relations', array('fieldId', 'parentId', 'childId', 'dateCreated', 'dateUpdated', 'uid'), $tagRelations, false);
         // Update the search indexes
         $this->update('searchindex', array('attribute' => 'field', 'fieldId' => $fieldId), array('attribute' => 'tags'), array(), false);
         // Drop the old entrytags_entries table
     } else {
         Craft::log('Tried to add the `tagsets` table, but it already exists.', LogLevel::Warning);
     return true;
  * Any migration code in here is wrapped inside of a transaction.
  * @return bool
 public function safeUp()
     $addFkBack = false;
     if (craft()->db->tableExists('tagsets')) {
         // A couple people have had failed updates that resulted in tagsets *and* taggroups tables lying around
         // causing a MySQL error if trying to rename the tagsets table
         // so let's make sure it's gone first.
         if (craft()->db->tableExists('taggroups')) {
             MigrationHelper::dropForeignKeyIfExists('taggroups', array('fieldLayoutId'));
             if (craft()->db->columnExists('tags', 'groupId')) {
                 MigrationHelper::dropForeignKeyIfExists('tags', array('groupId'));
                 MigrationHelper::renameColumn('tags', 'groupId', 'setId');
                 $addFkBack = true;
             // ...and refresh the schema cache
         Craft::log('Renaming the tagsets table to taggroups.', LogLevel::Info, true);
         MigrationHelper::renameTable('tagsets', 'taggroups');
     if (craft()->db->columnExists('tags', 'setId')) {
         Craft::log('Renaming the tags.setId column to groupId.', LogLevel::Info, true);
         MigrationHelper::renameColumn('tags', 'setId', 'groupId');
     if ($addFkBack) {
         $this->addForeignKey('tags', 'groupId', 'taggroups', 'id', null, 'CASCADE');
     Craft::log('Updating the Tags fields\' settings.', LogLevel::Info, true);
     $fields = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('id, settings')->from('fields')->where('type="Tags"')->queryAll();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $settings = JsonHelper::decode($field['settings']);
         if (isset($settings['source']) && strncmp($settings['source'], 'tagset:', 7) === 0) {
             $settings['source'] = 'taggroup:' . substr($settings['source'], 7);
             $this->update('fields', array('settings' => JsonHelper::encode($settings)), array('id' => $field['id']));
     return true;
Example #6
  * Saves a Matrix field's settings.
  * @param MatrixSettingsModel $settings The settings model.
  * @param bool                $validate Whether the settings should be validated before being saved.
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return bool Whether the settings saved successfully.
 public function saveSettings(MatrixSettingsModel $settings, $validate = true)
     if (!$validate || $this->validateFieldSettings($settings)) {
         $transaction = craft()->db->getCurrentTransaction() === null ? craft()->db->beginTransaction() : null;
         try {
             $matrixField = $settings->getField();
             // Create the content table first since the block type fields will need it
             $oldContentTable = $this->getContentTableName($matrixField, true);
             $newContentTable = $this->getContentTableName($matrixField);
             // Do we need to create/rename the content table?
             if (!craft()->db->tableExists($newContentTable)) {
                 if ($oldContentTable && craft()->db->tableExists($oldContentTable)) {
                     MigrationHelper::renameTable($oldContentTable, $newContentTable);
                 } else {
             // Delete the old block types first, in case there's a handle conflict with one of the new ones
             $oldBlockTypes = $this->getBlockTypesByFieldId($matrixField->id);
             $oldBlockTypesById = array();
             foreach ($oldBlockTypes as $blockType) {
                 $oldBlockTypesById[$blockType->id] = $blockType;
             foreach ($settings->getBlockTypes() as $blockType) {
                 if (!$blockType->isNew()) {
             foreach ($oldBlockTypesById as $blockType) {
             // Save the new ones
             $sortOrder = 0;
             $originalContentTable = craft()->content->contentTable;
             craft()->content->contentTable = $newContentTable;
             foreach ($settings->getBlockTypes() as $blockType) {
                 $blockType->fieldId = $matrixField->id;
                 $blockType->sortOrder = $sortOrder;
                 $this->saveBlockType($blockType, false);
             craft()->content->contentTable = $originalContentTable;
             if ($transaction !== null) {
             // Update our cache of this field's block types
             $this->_blockTypesByFieldId[$settings->getField()->id] = $settings->getBlockTypes();
             return true;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             if ($transaction !== null) {
             throw $e;
     } else {
         return false;
  * @param SproutForms_FormModel $form
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return bool
 public function saveForm(SproutForms_FormModel $form)
     $formRecord = new SproutForms_FormRecord();
     $isNewForm = true;
     if ($form->id && !$form->saveAsNew) {
         $formRecord = SproutForms_FormRecord::model()->findById($form->id);
         if (!$formRecord) {
             throw new Exception(Craft::t('No form exists with the ID “{id}”', array('id' => $form->id)));
         $oldForm = SproutForms_FormModel::populateModel($formRecord);
         $isNewForm = false;
         $hasLayout = count($form->getFieldLayout()->getFields()) > 0;
         // Add the oldHandle to our model so we can determine if we
         // need to rename the content table
         $form->oldHandle = $formRecord->getOldHandle();
     // Create our new Form Record
     $formRecord->name = $form->name;
     $formRecord->handle = $form->handle;
     $formRecord->titleFormat = $form->titleFormat ? $form->titleFormat : "{dateCreated|date('D, d M Y H:i:s')}";
     $formRecord->displaySectionTitles = $form->displaySectionTitles;
     $formRecord->groupId = $form->groupId;
     $formRecord->redirectUri = $form->redirectUri;
     $formRecord->submitAction = $form->submitAction;
     $formRecord->submitButtonText = $form->submitButtonText;
     $formRecord->notificationEnabled = $form->notificationEnabled;
     $formRecord->notificationRecipients = $form->notificationRecipients;
     $formRecord->notificationSubject = $form->notificationSubject;
     $formRecord->notificationSenderName = $form->notificationSenderName;
     $formRecord->notificationSenderEmail = $form->notificationSenderEmail;
     $formRecord->notificationReplyToEmail = $form->notificationReplyToEmail;
     if ($form->saveAsNew) {
         $form->name = $formRecord->name;
         $form->handle = $formRecord->handle;
     if (!$form->hasErrors()) {
         $transaction = craft()->db->getCurrentTransaction() === null ? craft()->db->beginTransaction() : null;
         try {
             // Set the field context
             craft()->content->fieldContext = $form->getFieldContext();
             craft()->content->contentTable = $form->getContentTable();
             if ($isNewForm) {
                 $fieldLayout = $form->getFieldLayout();
                 // Save the field layout
                 // Assign our new layout id info to our form model and records
                 $form->fieldLayoutId = $fieldLayout->id;
                 $formRecord->fieldLayoutId = $fieldLayout->id;
             } else {
                 // If we have a layout use it, otherwise
                 // since this is an existing form, grab the oldForm layout
                 if ($hasLayout) {
                     // Delete our previous record
                     $fieldLayout = $form->getFieldLayout();
                     // Save the field layout
                     // Assign our new layout id info to our
                     // form model and records
                     $form->fieldLayoutId = $fieldLayout->id;
                     $formRecord->fieldLayoutId = $fieldLayout->id;
                 } else {
                     // We don't have a field layout right now
                     $form->fieldLayoutId = NULL;
             // Create the content table first since the form will need it
             $oldContentTable = $this->getContentTableName($form, true);
             $newContentTable = $this->getContentTableName($form);
             // Do we need to create/rename the content table?
             if (!craft()->db->tableExists($newContentTable)) {
                 if ($oldContentTable && craft()->db->tableExists($oldContentTable)) {
                     MigrationHelper::renameTable($oldContentTable, $newContentTable);
                 } else {
             if (craft()->elements->saveElement($form)) {
                 // Create the new fields
                 if ($form->saveAsNew) {
                     // Duplicate the fields in the newContent Table also set the fields in the craft fields table
                     $newFields = array();
                     foreach ($form->getFields() as $key => $value) {
                         $field = new FieldModel();
                         $field->name = $value->name;
                         $field->handle = $value->handle;
                         $field->instructions = $value->instructions;
                         $field->required = $value->required;
                         $field->translatable = (bool) $value->translatable;
                         $field->type = $value->type;
                         if (isset($value->settings)) {
                             $field->settings = $value->settings;
                         craft()->content->fieldContext = $form->getFieldContext();
                         craft()->content->contentTable = $form->getContentTable();
                         array_push($newFields, $field);
                         SproutFormsPlugin::log('Saved field as new ' . $field->id);
                     // Update fieldId on layoutfields table
                     $fieldLayout = $form->getFieldLayout();
                     $fieldLayoutIds = FieldLayoutFieldRecord::model()->findAll("layoutId = {$fieldLayout->id}");
                     foreach ($fieldLayoutIds as $key => $layout) {
                         SproutFormsPlugin::log('Updated field layout  ' . $layout->id);
                         $model = FieldLayoutFieldRecord::model()->findByPk($layout->id);
                         $model->fieldId = $newFields[$key]->id;
                 // Now that we have an element ID, save it on the other stuff
                 if ($isNewForm) {
                     $formRecord->id = $form->id;
                 // Save our Form Settings
                 if ($transaction !== null) {
                 return true;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             if ($transaction !== null) {
             throw $e;