Example #1
 public function Plot($center = NULL, $scale = NULL, $downloadFileName = NULL)
     $legendWidthPx = 250;
     $legendWidthIn = 0;
     if ($this->showLegend) {
         $legendWidthIn = MgUtils::PxToIn($legendWidthPx, $this->legendDpi);
     // Create new PDF document, the default "PDF_UNIT" value is "mm"
     $this->pdf = new TCPDF($this->orientation, PDF_UNIT, $this->paperType, true, "UTF-8", false);
     $this->font = "dejavusans";
     // Set margins
     $this->pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0);
     // Prevent adding page automatically
     // Remove default header/footer
     // Set default font size
     $this->pdf->SetFont($this->font, "", 16);
     // Add a page
     // The print size determines the size of the PDF, not the size of the map and legend images
     // we want to request back to put into this PDF.
     // What that means is that we should draw the surrounding print elements first (title, scale, disclaimer),
     // then adjust the image request sizes to ensure they (and element drawn on top like coordinates) will fit
     // correctly in the remaining space.
     // Title, scale and disclaimer rendering will all return Metrics objects that will give us the information
     // needed for the size adjustments
     // Draw Title
     $mTitle = $this->DrawTitle();
     $mScale = NULL;
     if ($this->showScaleBar) {
         // Draw Scale
         $mScale = $this->DrawScale($scale);
     // Draw declaration
     if ($this->showDisclaimer && strlen($this->disclaimer) > 0) {
         $offX = $mScale != NULL ? $mScale->x + $mScale->w : 0;
         $mDec = $this->DrawDeclaration($offX, $legendWidthIn);
     } else {
         $mDec = new MgPdfPlotMetrics(0, 0, 0, 0);
     // Adjust width and height of the images we want to request to compensate for surrounding print elements that have been rendered
     // Check the size of the disclaimer and adjust height
     $idealHeight = $this->pdf->getPageHeight() - ($mDec->h - ($mScale != NULL ? $mScale->h : 0)) - $this->margin[0] - $this->margin[1];
     if ($idealHeight < $this->printSize->height) {
     $this->printSize->height = $idealHeight;
     $idealWidth = $this->pdf->getPageWidth() - $this->margin[2] - $this->margin[3];
     if ($this->showLegend) {
         $idealWidth -= $legendWidthIn;
     if ($idealWidth < $this->printSize->width) {
     $this->printSize->width = $idealWidth;
     $link = "";
     $align = "";
     $resize = false;
     $palign = "";
     $ismask = false;
     $imgmask = false;
     $border = 1;
     $fitbox = false;
     $hidden = false;
     $fitonpage = false;
     // Draw legend if specified
     if ($this->showLegend) {
         $legendfilelocation = $this->RenderLegend(MgUtils::InToPx($legendWidthIn, $this->legendDpi), MgUtils::InToPx($this->printSize->height, $this->legendDpi));
         $this->pdf->Image($legendfilelocation, $this->margin[2], $this->margin[0], $legendWidthIn, $this->printSize->height, MgImageFormats::Png, $link, $align, $resize, $this->dpi, $palign, $ismask, $imgmask, $border, $fitbox, $hidden, $fitonpage);
     if ($this->bLayered) {
         $layerNames = array();
         $tiledGroupNames = array();
         $mapLayers = $this->map->GetLayers();
         $mapGroups = $this->map->GetLayerGroups();
         //Collect all visible layers
         for ($i = $mapLayers->GetCount() - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
             $layer = $mapLayers->GetItem($i);
             if ($layer->IsVisible() && $layer->GetLayerType() == MgLayerType::Dynamic) {
                 array_push($layerNames, $layer->GetName());
         for ($i = $mapGroups->GetCount() - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
             $group = $mapGroups->GetItem($i);
             if ($group->IsVisible() && $group->GetLayerGroupType() != MgLayerGroupType::Normal) {
                 array_push($tiledGroupNames, $group->GetName());
         $bgColor = new MgColor("FFFFFF00");
         //Turn off all layers and tiled groups first
         for ($i = 0; $i < $mapGroups->GetCount(); $i++) {
             $group = $mapGroups->GetItem($i);
             if ($group->GetLayerGroupType() != MgLayerGroupType::Normal) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $mapLayers->GetCount(); $i++) {
             $layer = $mapLayers->GetItem($i);
             if ($layer->GetLayerType() == MgLayerType::Dynamic) {
         //Plot this map background
         $filelocation = $this->RenderMap(MgUtils::InToPx($this->printSize->width, $this->dpi), MgUtils::InToPx($this->printSize->height, $this->dpi), $center, $scale);
         // Draw Map background
         $this->pdf->Image($filelocation, $this->showLegend ? $this->margin[2] + $legendWidthIn : $this->margin[2], $this->margin[0], $this->printSize->width, $this->printSize->height, MgImageFormats::Png, $link, $align, $resize, $this->dpi, $palign, $ismask, $imgmask, $border, $fitbox, $hidden, $fitonpage);
         $prevLayerName = NULL;
         $prevGroupName = NULL;
         //Plot each tiled group individually
         foreach ($tiledGroupNames as $groupName) {
             if ($prevGroupName != NULL) {
             $print = true;
             $view = true;
             $lock = false;
             $this->pdf->startLayer($groupName, $print, $view, $lock);
             $filelocation = $this->RenderMap(MgUtils::InToPx($this->printSize->width, $this->dpi), MgUtils::InToPx($this->printSize->height, $this->dpi), $center, $scale, $bgColor);
             // Draw Map
             $this->pdf->Image($filelocation, $this->showLegend ? $this->margin[2] + $legendWidthIn : $this->margin[2], $this->margin[0], $this->printSize->width, $this->printSize->height, MgImageFormats::Png, $link, $align, $resize, $this->dpi, $palign, $ismask, $imgmask, $border, $fitbox, $hidden, $fitonpage);
             $prevGroupName = $groupName;
         //Now plot each layer individually
         foreach ($layerNames as $layerName) {
             if ($prevLayerName != NULL) {
             $print = true;
             $view = true;
             $lock = false;
             $this->pdf->startLayer($layerName, $print, $view, $lock);
             $filelocation = $this->RenderMap(MgUtils::InToPx($this->printSize->width, $this->dpi), MgUtils::InToPx($this->printSize->height, $this->dpi), $center, $scale, $bgColor);
             // Draw Map
             $this->pdf->Image($filelocation, $this->showLegend ? $this->margin[2] + $legendWidthIn : $this->margin[2], $this->margin[0], $this->printSize->width, $this->printSize->height, MgImageFormats::Png, $link, $align, $resize, $this->dpi, $palign, $ismask, $imgmask, $border, $fitbox, $hidden, $fitonpage);
             $prevLayerName = $layerName;
     } else {
         $filelocation = $this->RenderMap(MgUtils::InToPx($this->printSize->width, $this->dpi), MgUtils::InToPx($this->printSize->height, $this->dpi), $center, $scale);
         // Draw Map
         $this->pdf->Image($filelocation, $this->showLegend ? $this->margin[2] + $legendWidthIn : $this->margin[2], $this->margin[0], $this->printSize->width, $this->printSize->height, MgImageFormats::Png, $link, $align, $resize, $this->dpi, $palign, $ismask, $imgmask, $border, $fitbox, $hidden, $fitonpage);
     // Draw coordiates if specified
     $mExt = NULL;
     if ($this->showCoordinates) {
         // Draw Extent coordinates
         $mExt = $this->DrawExtentCS($legendWidthIn);
     $this->app->response->header("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
     $mode = 'I';
     $name = 'Map.pdf';
     if (strlen($this->title) > 0) {
         $name = $this->title . '.pdf';
     if ($downloadFileName != NULL) {
         $mode = 'D';
         $name = $downloadFileName;
     // Close and output PDF document
     $this->pdf->Output($name, $mode);