# either 'rass.cdn01.rambla.be' or 'rass.cdn02.rambla.be' (depending on the subCDN on which your account is located)
define('LOCAL_PATH', '/path/to/local/file.mp4');
# add path to local (video) file, to be uploaded to the CDN
require_once 'raws_json/meta.php';
require_once 'raws_json/json_client.php';
require_once 'raws_json/meta_service.php';
require_once 'raws_json/rass_service.php';
try {
    $meta = new MetaService(USER, PWD);
    $rass = new RassService(USER, PWD, RASS_SERVER);
    # upload files to CDN (RASS PUT item)
    $item1 = $rass->createItem("/test/content/", "big_buck_bunny.mp4", LOCAL_PATH, True);
    $item1b = $rass->createItem("/test/content/", "big_buck_bunny.jpg", LOCAL_PATH, True);
    $item2 = $rass->createItem("/test/content/", "sintel.mp4", LOCAL_PATH, True);
    # create vocabs
    if (!$meta->vocabExists("media")) {
        $meta->createVocab("media", "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/");
    if (!$meta->vocabExists("myvocab")) {
        $meta->createVocab("myvocab", "http://myvocab.org/ns/");
    # Create content instance with multiple languages for "/test/content/big_buck_bunny.mp4"
    $content_obj1 = new MetaContent("big_buck_bunny");
    $content_obj1->add_meta_obj("title", "media", "Big Buck Bunny", "en");
    $content_obj1->add_meta_obj("description", "media", "Big Buck Bunny is a short computer animated film by the Blender Institute, part of the Blender Foundation.", "en");
    $content_obj1->add_meta_obj("keywords", "media", "bunny, animation, Blender", "en");
    $content_obj1->add_meta_obj("title", "media", "Big Buck Bunny", "nl");
    $content_obj1->add_meta_obj("description", "media", "Big Buck Bunny is een animatiefilm gemaakt door het Blender Institute met behulp van opensource software.", "nl");
    $content_obj1->add_meta_obj("keywords", "media", "konijn, animatie, Blender", "nl");