public function on_page_load() { $email_ctx_id = $this->get('email_id_ctx', 'email'); $email = $this->_ctx->get($email_ctx_id); $referrer_page = Request::current()->referrer(); $next_page = $this->get('next_url', Request::current()->referrer()); if (!Valid::email($email)) { Messages::errors(__('Use a valid e-mail address.')); HTTP::redirect($referrer_page); } $user = ORM::factory('user', array('email' => $email)); if (!$user->loaded()) { Messages::errors(__('No user found!')); HTTP::redirect($referrer_page); } $reflink = ORM::factory('user_reflink')->generate($user, 'forgot', array('next_url' => URL::site($this->next_url, TRUE))); if (!$reflink) { Messages::errors(__('Reflink generate error')); HTTP::redirect($referrer_page); } Observer::notify('admin_login_forgot_before', $user); try { Email_Type::get('user_request_password')->send(array('username' => $user->username, 'email' => $user->email, 'reflink' => Route::url('reflink', array('code' => $reflink)), 'code' => $reflink)); Messages::success(__('Email with reflink send to address set in your profile')); } catch (Exception $e) { Messages::error(__('Something went wrong')); } HTTP::redirect($next_page); }
function show(Pilot $pilot) { $active = Flight::with('departure', '', 'arrival', '')->whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereIn('state', array(0, 1, 3, 4))->first(); $flights = Flight::with('departure', '', 'arrival', '')->whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereState(2)->orderBy('arrival_time', 'desc')->take(15)->get(); $flightCount = Flight::whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereState(2)->count(); $stats = new FlightStat(Flight::whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)); if ($pilot->processing == 0) { Queue::push('LegacyUpdate', $pilot->vatsim_id, 'legacy'); $pilot->processing = 2; $pilot->save(); } if ($pilot->processing == 2) { Messages::success('The data for this pilot is currently being processed. In a couple of minutes, all statistics will be available.')->one(); } $distances = $stats->distances($pilot->distance); $citypair = $stats->citypair(); if ($flights->count() > 0) { $durations = $stats->durations($pilot->duration); extract($durations); } // Charts: popular airlines, airports and aircraft $airlines = $stats->topAirlines(); $airports = $stats->topAirports(); $aircraft = $stats->topAircraft(); $this->javascript('assets/javascript/jquery.flot.min.js'); $this->javascript('assets/javascript/jquery.flot.pie.min.js'); $this->autoRender(compact('pilot', 'flights', 'active', 'distances', 'airlines', 'aircraft', 'airports', 'longest', 'shortest', 'citypair', 'hours', 'minutes'), $pilot->name); }
/** * Function for easy update a ORM object * * @param ORM $object ORM object to update * @param array $messages Array of custom messages */ public function update(ORM $object, array $messages = array()) { // Check if is a valid object if (!$object->loaded()) { Messages::warning(isset($messages['warning']) ? $messages['warning'] : 'El elemento que intentas modificar no existe o fue eliminado.'); $this->go(); } // Only if Request is POST if ($this->request->method() == Request::POST) { // Catch ORM_Validation try { // Set object values and update $object->values($this->request->post())->update(); // If object is saved.... if ($object->saved()) { // Success message & redirect Messages::success(isset($messages['success']) ? $messages['success'] : 'El elemento fue modificado correctamente.'); $this->go(); } } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { // Error message if (isset($messages['error'])) { Messages::error($messages['error']); } // Validation messages Messages::validation($e); } } }
/** * * @param Datasource_Section $ds * @param Datasource_Document $doc */ public function action_post() { $id = (int) $this->request->post('id'); $doc = $this->_get_document($id); Session::instance()->set('post_data', $this->request->post()); try { $doc->read_values($this->request->post())->read_files($_FILES)->validate(); } catch (Validation_Exception $e) { Messages::errors($e->errors('validation')); $this->go_back(); } catch (DataSource_Exception_Document $e) { Messages::errors($e->getMessage()); $this->go_back(); } if ($doc->loaded()) { $this->section()->update_document($doc); } else { $doc = $this->section()->create_document($doc); } Messages::success(__('Document saved')); Session::instance()->delete('post_data'); // save and quit or save and continue editing? if ($this->request->post('commit') !== NULL) { $this->go(Route::get('datasources')->uri(array('directory' => 'datasources', 'controller' => 'data')) . URL::query(array('ds_id' => $this->section()->id()), FALSE)); } else { $this->go(Route::get('datasources')->uri(array('directory' => $this->section()->type(), 'controller' => 'document', 'action' => 'view')) . URL::query(array('ds_id' => $this->section()->id(), 'id' => $doc->id), FALSE)); } }
/** * The index action * * @access public * @return void */ public function action_index() { $settings = \Config::load('autoresponder.db'); // $autoResponder = Model_Setting::find(array('where' => array(array('meta_key', '=', 'auto-responders')))); if (\Input::post()) { $input = \Input::post(); if (!\Input::is_ajax()) { $val = Model_Setting::validate('create'); if (!$val->run()) { if ($val->error() != array()) { // show validation errors \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to create settings</strong>'); foreach ($val->error() as $e) { \Messages::error($e->get_message()); } } } else { try { \Config::save('autoresponder.db', array('logo_url' => $input['logo_url'], 'company_name' => $input['company_name'], 'address' => $input['address'], 'website' => $input['website'], 'phone' => $input['phone'], 'email_address' => $input['email_address'], 'sender_email_address' => $input['sender_email_address'], 'contact_us_email_address' => $input['contact_us_email_address'], 'instagram_account_name' => $input['instagram_account_name'], 'facebook_account_name' => $input['facebook_account_name'])); // $setting->save(); \Messages::success('Settings successfully created.'); \Response::redirect('admin/settings'); } catch (\Database_Exception $e) { // show validation errors \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to create settings.</strong>'); // Uncomment lines below to show database errors $errors = $e->getMessage(); \Messages::error($errors); } } } } \View::set_global('title', 'Settings'); \Theme::instance()->set_partial('content', $this->view_dir . 'index')->set('settings', $settings, false); }
function validate() { if (!Session::has('vatsimauth')) { throw new AuthException('Session does not exist'); } $SSO = new SSO(Config::get('vatsim.base'), Config::get('vatsim.key'), Config::get('vatsim.secret'), Config::get('vatsim.method'), Config::get('vatsim.cert')); $session = Session::get('vatsimauth'); if (Input::get('oauth_token') !== $session['key']) { throw new AuthException('Returned token does not match'); return; } if (!Input::has('oauth_verifier')) { throw new AuthException('No verification code provided'); } $user = $SSO->checkLogin($session['key'], $session['secret'], Input::get('oauth_verifier')); if ($user) { Session::forget('vatsimauth'); $authUser = User::find($user->user->id); if (is_null($authUser)) { $authUser = new User(); $authUser->vatsim_id = $user->user->id; $authUser->name = trim($user->user->name_first . ' ' . $user->user->name_last); } $authUser->last_login = Carbon::now(); $authUser->save(); Auth::login($authUser); Messages::success('Welcome on board, <strong>' . $authUser->name . '</strong>!'); return Redirect::intended('/'); } else { $error = $SSO->error(); throw new AuthException($error['message']); } }
public function action_callback() { // Opauth can throw all kinds of nasty bits, so be prepared try { // get the Opauth object $opauth = \Auth_Opauth::forge(false); // and process the callback $status = $opauth->login_or_register(); // fetch the provider name from the opauth response so we can display a message $provider = $opauth->get('auth.provider', '?'); // deal with the result of the callback process switch ($status) { // a local user was logged-in, the provider has been linked to this user case 'linked': // inform the user the link was succesfully made \Messages::success(sprintf(__('login.provider-linked'), ucfirst($provider))); // and set the redirect url for this status $url = 'dashboard'; break; // the provider was known and linked, the linked account as logged-in // the provider was known and linked, the linked account as logged-in case 'logged_in': // inform the user the login using the provider was succesful \Messages::success(sprintf(__('login.logged_in_using_provider'), ucfirst($provider))); // and set the redirect url for this status $url = 'dashboard'; break; // we don't know this provider login, ask the user to create a local account first // we don't know this provider login, ask the user to create a local account first case 'register': // inform the user the login using the provider was succesful, but we need a local account to continue \Messages::info(sprintf(__('login.register-first'), ucfirst($provider))); // and set the redirect url for this status $url = 'user/register'; break; // we didn't know this provider login, but enough info was returned to auto-register the user // we didn't know this provider login, but enough info was returned to auto-register the user case 'registered': // inform the user the login using the provider was succesful, and we created a local account \Messages::success(__('')); // and set the redirect url for this status $url = 'dashboard'; break; default: throw new \FuelException('Auth_Opauth::login_or_register() has come up with a result that we dont know how to handle.'); } $url = str_replace('#_=_', '', $url); // redirect to the url set \Response::redirect($url); } catch (\OpauthException $e) { \Messages::error($e->getMessage()); \Response::redirect_back(); } catch (\OpauthCancelException $e) { // you should probably do something a bit more clean here... exit('It looks like you canceled your authorisation.' . \Html::anchor('users/oath/' . $provider, 'Click here') . ' to try again.'); } }
public function action_delete($id = null) { $category = Model_Category::find($id); if ($category->delete()) { // Delete cache \Cache::delete('sidebar'); \Messages::success(__('backend.category.deleted')); } else { \Messages::error(__('error')); } \Response::redirect_back(\Router::get('admin_category')); }
public function action_delete($id = null) { $post = Model_Post::find($id); if ($post->delete()) { // Delete cache \Cache::delete('sidebar'); \Messages::success(__('')); } else { \Messages::error(__('error')); } \Response::redirect_back(\Router::get('admin_post')); }
public function action_logout() { // remove the remember-me cookie, we logged-out on purpose \Auth::dont_remember_me(); // logout \Auth::logout(); // inform the user the logout was successful \Messages::success(__('user.login.logged-out')); // and go back to where you came from (or the application // homepage if no previous page can be determined) \Response::redirect_back(); }
public function confirm() { $new_password = Text::random(); $this->_model->user->change_email($new_password); try { Email_Type::get('user_new_password')->send(array('username' => $this->_model->user->username, 'email' => $this->_model->user->email, 'password' => $new_password)); Messages::success(__('An email has been send with your new password!')); $this->_model->delete(); return TRUE; } catch (Kohana_Exception $e) { throw new Reflink_Exception('Email :email not send', array(':email' => $this->_model->user->email)); } }
function update(Airport $airport) { Diff::compare($airport, Input::all(), function ($key, $value, $model) { $change = new AirportChange(); $change->airport_id = $model->id; $change->user_id = Auth::id(); $change->key = $key; $change->value = $value; $change->save(); }); Messages::success('Thank you for your submission. We will be evaluating your feedback soon.'); return Redirect::route('', $airport->icao); }
function processing() { $user = Auth::user(); if ($user->processing == 2) { $user->processing = 0; $user->save(); Messages::success('The processing has been reset. Visit your pilot or controller profile to start processing again'); return Redirect::route('user.edit'); } else { Messages::error('You are not allowed to perform this action.'); return Redirect::route('user.edit'); } }
public function confirm() { try { $role = ORM::factory('role', array('name' => 'login')); $this->_model->user->add('roles', $role); Email_Type::get('user_registered')->send(array('username' => $this->_model->user->username, 'email' => $this->_model->user->email)); Messages::success(__('Thank you for registration!')); $this->_model->delete(); return TRUE; } catch (Kohana_Exception $e) { throw new Reflink_Exception('Something went wrong'); } }
/** * The index action * * @access public * @return void */ public function action_index() { $settings = \Config::load('backup.db'); if (\Input::post()) { $input = \Input::post(); if (!\Input::is_ajax()) { $val = Model_Backup::validate('create'); if (!$val->run()) { if ($val->error() != array()) { // show validation errors \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to create settings</strong>'); foreach ($val->error() as $e) { \Messages::error($e->get_message()); } } } else { try { \Config::save('backup.db', array('enable' => $input['enable'], 'email' => $input['email'], 'period' => $input['period'])); //save cronjob $output = shell_exec('crontab -l'); $db_backup_cron_file = "/tmp/db_backup_cron.txt"; if ($input['enable']) { if ($input['period'] == 'daily') { $daily_backup_command = '0 0 * * * wget ' . \Uri::create('backup/execute'); file_put_contents($db_backup_cron_file, $daily_backup_command . PHP_EOL); } else { if ($input['period'] == 'weekly') { $weekly_backup_command = '0 0 * * 0 wget ' . \Uri::create('backup/execute'); file_put_contents($db_backup_cron_file, $weekly_backup_command . PHP_EOL); } } } else { file_put_contents($db_backup_cron_file, "" . PHP_EOL); } exec("crontab {$db_backup_cron_file}"); \Messages::success('Settings successfully created.'); \Response::redirect('admin/backup'); } catch (\Database_Exception $e) { // show validation errors \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to create settings.</strong>'); // Uncomment lines below to show database errors $errors = $e->getMessage(); \Messages::error($errors); } } } } \View::set_global('title', 'Backup'); \Theme::instance()->set_partial('content', $this->view_dir . 'index')->set('settings', $settings, false); }
$plugin = Plugins::get_registered($plugin_id); if ($this->request->method() == Request::POST) { return $this->_settings_save($plugin); } $this->template->content = View::factory('plugins/settings', array('content' => View::factory($plugin->id() . '/settings', array('plugin' => $plugin)))); $this->set_title(__('Plugin :title settings', array(':title' => $plugin->title()))); } protected function _settings_save($plugin) { $data = Arr::get($this->request->post(), 'setting', array()); try { $plugin->set_settings($data)->validate()->save_settings(); Kohana::$log->add(Log::INFO, ':user change settings for plugin :name ', array(':name' => $plugin->title()))->write(); Messages::success(__('Plugin settings saved!')); } catch (Validation_Exception $e) { Messages::errors($e->errors('validation')); $this->go_back(); }
function show(Pilot $pilot) { $actives = ATC::with('airport', '')->whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereNull('end')->where('facility_id', '!=', 99)->get(); $duties = ATC::with('airport', '')->whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereNotNull('end')->where('facility_id', '!=', 99)->orderBy('end', 'desc')->take(15)->get(); if ($pilot->processing == 0) { Queue::push('LegacyUpdate', $pilot->vatsim_id, 'legacy'); $pilot->processing = 2; $pilot->save(); } if ($pilot->processing == 2) { Messages::success('The data for this controller is currently being processed. In a couple of minutes, all statistics will be available.')->one(); } $stat = new ControllerStat(ATC::whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->where('facility_id', '!=', 99)); extract($stat->durations($pilot->duration_atc)); $airports = $stat->topAirports(); $facilities = $stat->topFacilities(); $this->javascript('assets/javascript/jquery.flot.min.js'); $this->javascript('assets/javascript/jquery.flot.pie.min.js'); $this->autoRender(compact('pilot', 'duties', 'actives', 'airport', 'airports', 'longest', 'hours', 'minutes', 'facilities'), $pilot->name); }
/** * The module index * * @return Response */ public function action_index() { \View::set_global('full_page', true); $this->data['title'] = 'Login'; // create the form fieldset, do not add an {open}, a closing ul and a {close}, we have a custom form layout! $fieldset = \Fieldset::forge('login'); $fieldset->add('username', 'Username', array('maxlength' => 50), array(array('required')))->add('password', 'Password', array('type' => 'password', 'maxlength' => 255), array(array('required'), array('min_length', 8))); // was the login form posted? if (\Input::post()) { // run the form validation if (!$fieldset->validation()->run()) { // set any error messages we need to display foreach ($fieldset->validation()->error() as $error) { \Messages::error($error); } } else { try { if (\Sentry::user(\Input::param('username'))->is_admin()) { // check the credentials. $valid_login = \Sentry::login(\Input::param('username'), \Input::param('password'), true); if ($valid_login) { \Messages::success('You have logged in successfully'); if (\Session::get('redirect_to')) { $redirect = \Session::get('redirect_to'); \Session::delete('redirect_to'); } \Response::redirect(isset($redirect) ? $redirect : 'admin'); } else { \Messages::error('Username and/or password is incorrect'); } } else { \Messages::error('Username and/or password is incorrect'); } } catch (\SentryAuthException $e) { $errors = $e->getMessage(); \Messages::error($errors); } } } \Theme::instance()->set_partial('content', 'views/login')->set('fieldset', $fieldset, false); }
public function action_delete() { $this->auto_render = FALSE; $id = $this->request->param('id'); // find the user to delete $user = ORM::factory('user', $id); if (!$user->loaded()) { Messages::errors(__('User not found!')); $this->go(); } if ($user->delete()) { Messages::success(__('User has been deleted!')); } else { Messages::errors(__('Something went wrong!')); } $this->go(); }
/** * The module index * * @return Response */ public function action_index() { \Sentry::logout(); \Messages::success('You have successfully logged out'); \Response::redirect('admin/login'); }
public function action_recover($hash = null) { /* * */ //email use a link // was the lostpassword form posted? if (\Input::method() == 'POST') { // do we have a posted email address? if ($email = \Input::post('email')) { // do we know this user? if ($user = \Model\Auth_User::find_by_email($email)) { // generate a recovery hash $hash = \Auth::instance()->hash_password(\Str::random()) . $user->id; // and store it in the user profile \Auth::update_user(array('lostpassword_hash' => $hash, 'lostpassword_created' => time()), $user->username); \Package::load('email'); $email = \Email::forge(); $data = array(); $hash = Crypt::encode($hash, 'R@nd0mK~Y'); $data['url'] = \Uri::create('user/password/recover/' . $hash); $data['user'] = $user; // use a view file to generate the email message $email->html_body(View::forge('user/password/email', $data)); // give it a subject $email->subject('RN | WJS Password Recovery'); // $email->subject(__('user.login.password-recovery')); // add from- and to address // $from = \Config::get(''); // $from = array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'name' => 'RN | Wall Street Journal'); // $email->from($from['email']); $email->from('*****@*****.**'); $email->to($user->email); // and off it goes (if all goes well)! try { // send the email // $email->send(); \Messages::success('Please check your email for instructions to reset your password'); // \Messages::success(__('user.login.recovery-email-send')); \Response::redirect('user/password/confirm/' . $user->id); } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { \Messages::error('INVALID EMAIL !'); \Messages::error($e->getMessage()); // \Messages::error(__('user.login.invalid-email-address')); \Response::redirect_back(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // log the error so an administrator can have a look logger(\Fuel::L_ERROR, '*** Error sending email (' . __FILE__ . '#' . __LINE__ . '): ' . $e->getMessage()); // \Messages::error($e->getMessage()); \Messages::error('ERROR SENDING EMAIL !'); // \Messages::error(__('user.login.error-sending-email')); } } } else { // inform the user and fall through to the form \Messages::error(__('user.login.error-missing-email')); } // inform the user an email is on the way (or not ;-)) \Messages::info(__('user.login.recovery-email-send')); \Response::redirect_back(); } elseif ($hash !== null) { $hash = Crypt::decode($hash, 'R@nd0mK~Y'); // get the userid from the hash $user = substr($hash, 44); // and find the user with this id if ($user = \Model\Auth_User::find_by_id($user)) { // do we have this hash for this user, and hasn't it expired yet (we allow for 24 hours response)? if (isset($user->lostpassword_hash) and $user->lostpassword_hash == $hash and time() - $user->lostpassword_created < 86400) { // invalidate the hash \Auth::update_user(array('lostpassword_hash' => null, 'lostpassword_created' => null), $user->username); // log the user in and go to the profile to change the password if (\Auth::instance()->force_login($user->id)) { // \Messages::info('LOGGED IN'); $tempPass = \Auth::instance()->reset_password($user->username); if ($tempPass) { // \Messages::info(__('user.login.password-recovery-accepted')); \Messages::info("Your temporary password is : {$tempPass} "); \Response::redirect('backend/account/index/password'); } else { return 'Something went wrong resetting password'; // something wrong with the hash // \Messages::error(__('user.login.recovery-hash-invalid')); // \Response::redirect_back(); } } } } // something wrong with the hash \Messages::error(__('user.login.recovery-hash-invalid')); \Response::redirect_back(); } else { // display the login page $this->template->content = View::forge('user/password/recover'); } }
/** * Send email * * @access public * @param object $order = Order object * @param array of objects $products = Products from order * @param string $type = Type of email to send * @return void */ public function send_email($order = false, $products = false, $type = 'job') { // Send email to user \Package::load('email'); // Load email addresses from config (these will be bcc receivers) \Config::load('auto_response_emails', 'autoresponders'); $bcc = \Config::get('autoresponders.order_emails', false); if (!$bcc) { $bcc = \Config::get('autoresponders.default_emails', false); } $email_data = array('order' => $order, 'products' => $products, 'site_title' => \Config::get('site_title')); $email = \Email::forge(); $email->to($order['email'], ucwords($order['first_name'] . ' ' . $order['last_name'])); if ($bcc) { $email->bcc($bcc); } $email->subject($email_data['site_title'] . ' - Your Order'); // Set correct email view $email_view = $type == 'credits' ? 'order_credits' : 'order'; $email_html = \Theme::instance()->view('views/_email/' . $email_view)->set('email_data', $email_data, false); $email->html_body($email_html); try { $email->send(); \Messages::success('A copy of your request has been sent to ' . $order['email'] . ' for your own reference.'); } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) { \Messages::error('Error while sending email.'); } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) { \Messages::error('Error while sending email.'); } }
/** * Delete content image * * @param $content_id = Content ID */ public function action_delete_image($content_id = null) { try { if ($application = Model_Application::find_one_by_id($content_id)) { if (!empty($application->hotspot) && !empty($application->hotspot->images)) { foreach ($application->hotspot->images as $image) { $this->delete_image($image->image); $image->delete(); } } $this->delete_image($application->hotspot_image); $application->hotspot_alt_text = null; $application->hotspot_image = null; if ($application->save()) { \Messages::success('Hotspot image was successfully deleted.'); } else { \Messages::error('There was an error while trying to delete hotspot image.'); } } } catch (\Database_Exception $e) { // show validation errors \Messages::error('There was an error while trying to delete hotspot image.'); // Uncomment lines below to show database errors $errors = $e->getMessage(); \Messages::error($errors); } \Response::redirect(\Input::referrer()); }
public function action_sort_attr_in_group($type = false) { //if(!$type) return false; var_dump($items); $items = \Input::post('sort'); var_dump($items); exit; if (is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as $item) { list($item, $old_item) = explode('_', $item); if (is_numeric($item)) { $sort[] = $item; } if (is_numeric($old_item)) { $old_sort[] = $old_item; } } if (is_array($sort)) { // Get starting point for sort $start = min($old_sort); $start = $start > 0 ? --$start : $start; $model = Model_Attribute::factory(ucfirst($type)); foreach ($sort as $key => $id) { $item = $model::find_one_by_id($id); $item->set(array('sort' => ++$start)); $item->save(); } \Messages::success('Items successfully reordered.'); echo \Messages::display('left', false); } } }
/** * Delete content image * * @param $image_id = Image ID * @param $content_id = Content ID */ public function action_delete_image($image_id = false, $content_id = false) { // Accordion from home page? if ($content_id == 1) { \Config::load('page::accordion_banner', 'details', true, true); } if ($image_id && $content_id) { $images = Model_Image::find(array('where' => array('content_id' => $content_id), 'order_by' => array('sort' => 'asc')), 'id'); if ($images) { if (isset($images[$image_id])) { $image = $images[$image_id]; // If there is only one image and image is required if (count($images) == 1) { if (\Config::get('details.image.required', false)) { \Messages::error('You can\'t delete all images. Please add new image in order to delete this one.'); } else { // Reset sort fields \DB::update(Model_Image::get_protected('_table_name'))->value('sort', \DB::expr('sort - 1'))->where('sort', '>', $image->sort)->execute(); // Delete image $this->delete_image($image->image); $image->delete(); \Messages::success('Image was successfully deleted.'); } } else { if ($image->cover == 1) { \Messages::error('You can\'t delete cover image. Set different image as cover in order to delete this one.'); } else { // Reset sort fields \DB::update(Model_Image::get_protected('_table_name'))->value('sort', \DB::expr('sort - 1'))->where('sort', '>', $image->sort)->execute(); // Delete image $this->delete_image($image->image); $image->delete(); \Messages::success('Image was successfully deleted.'); } } } else { \Messages::error('Image you are trying to delete don\'t exists. Check your url and try again.'); } } else { \Messages::error('Content Image you are trying to delete don\'t exists. Check your url and try again.'); } } \Response::redirect(\Input::referrer()); }
public function add_to_cart($return = 'return') { if (!\Input::post()) { return false; } // check for a valid CSRF token // if (!\Security::check_token()) // { // \Messages::error('CSRF attack or expired CSRF token.'); // return false; // } $post = \Input::post(); $product_id = $post['product_id']; if (!($product = Model_Product::find_one_by_id($product_id))) { return; } $selected_attributes = array(); $selected_attributes_json = null; if (isset($post['select']) && !empty($post['select'])) { ksort($post['select']); $selected_attributes_json = json_encode($post['select']); } $product_data = Model_Product::product_data($product, $selected_attributes_json, \Input::post('select'), \Input::post('attributeid')); if (!empty($product_data)) { $attr_obj = null; if (!empty($product_data['current_attributes'])) { $attr_obj = $product_data['current_attributes'][0]->product_attribute; } $item = array('title' => $product->title, 'id' => $product->id, 'product_attribute_id' => $attr_obj ? $attr_obj->id : null, 'quantity' => $post['quantity'], 'attributes' => $attr_obj ? $attr_obj->attributes : null, 'product_code' => $product_data['code'], 'unique_id' => uniqid()); if ($product_data['sale']) { $item += array('price' => $product_data['sale'], 'price_type' => 'sale_price'); } else { $item += array('price' => $product_data['retail_price'], 'price_type' => 'retail_price'); } $stock_options = \Config::load('stock-option.db'); if ($stock_options['allow_buy_out_of_stock'] != 1 && $product_data['stock_quantity'] < 1) { \Messages::error('Product is Out of Stock.'); echo \Messages::display(); return; } $uid = \Cart::generateUID($item); if (\Cart::exists($uid)) { $cart_item = \Cart::item($uid); $quantity = $cart_item->get('quantity'); if ($product_data['stock_quantity'] > 0 && $product_data['stock_quantity'] <= $quantity) { \Messages::error($product->title . ' has not enough stock to fulfill your request.'); echo \Messages::display(); return; } } if ($return == 'return') { \Cart::add($item); // Always return cart item id $uid = \Cart::generateUID($item); if (\Cart::exists($uid)) { return $uid; } return false; } else { $uid = \Cart::generateUID($item); if (\Cart::exists($uid)) { echo $uid; } echo ''; exit; } \Messages::success('Product successfully added to cart.'); echo \Messages::display(); } return false; }
public function action_delete($id = false) { if (is_numeric($id)) { // Get news item to edit if ($item = Model_Team::find_one_by_id($id)) { // Delete other content data like images, files, etc. if (!empty($item->images)) { foreach ($item->images as $image) { $this->delete_image($image->image); $image->delete(); } } // if(!empty($item->files)) // { // foreach($item->files as $file) // { // $this->delete_file($file->file); // $file->delete(); // } // } // if(!empty($item->videos)) // { // foreach($item->videos as $video) // { // $this->delete_image($video->thumbnail, 'video'); // $video->delete(); // } // } // if(!empty($item->accordions)) // { // foreach($item->accordions as $accordion) // { // \Request::forge('admin/team/accordion/delete/'.$accordion->id)->execute(); // } // } try { $item->seo->delete(); $item->delete(); \Messages::success('Member successfully deleted.'); } catch (\Database_Exception $e) { // show validation errors \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to delete team</strong>'); // Uncomment lines below to show database errors //$errors = $e->getMessage(); //\Messages::error($errors); } } } \Response::redirect(\Input::referrer()); }
public function action_create() { \View::set_global('title', 'Add New User'); if (\Input::post()) { // Validate input parameters $val = \Validation::forge('admin_details_validation'); $val->add('first_name', 'First Name')->add_rule('required')->add_rule('min_length', 2)->add_rule('max_length', 255); $val->add('last_name', 'Last Name')->add_rule('required')->add_rule('min_length', 2)->add_rule('max_length', 255); $val->add('email', 'Email')->add_rule('required')->add_rule('valid_email'); $val->add('password', 'Password')->add_rule('min_length', 8); $val->add('confirm_password', 'Confirm Password')->add_rule('required_with', 'password')->add_rule('match_field', 'password'); $val->add('username', 'Username')->add_rule('required')->add_rule('unique', array('users', 'username', $id)); if ($val->run()) { // Get Input parameters $post_data = \Input::post(); try { $fields = array('username' => $post_data['username'], 'email' => $post_data['email'], 'password' => $post_data['password'], 'metadata' => array('first_name' => $post_data['first_name'], 'last_name' => $post_data['last_name'])); $user_group = $post_data['user_group']; if (empty($post_data['password'])) { unset($fields['password']); } $item = new \Sentry_User((int) $id); $create = $item->create($fields); $user = \Sentry::user($create); // $item->remove_from_group((int)$fields['user_group']); // $item->add_to_group((int)$fields['user_group']); if ($create and $user->add_to_group($user_group)) { // $user_groups = $item->groups(); // if(!empty($user_groups)) // { // // Remove user from all other groups... // foreach($user_groups as $value) // { // $item->remove_from_group((int)$value['id']); // } // } // $item = new \Sentry_User((int)$id); // // ...and add it to selected one // $item->add_to_group((int)$user_group); \Messages::success('User Details Successfully Created.'); \Response::redirect(\Uri::admin('current')); } else { \Messages::error('There was an error while trying to update User details.'); } } catch (Sentry\SentryException $e) { \Messages::error($e->get_message()); } } else { if ($val->error() != array()) { // Show validation errors \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to update User details</strong>'); foreach ($val->error() as $e) { \Messages::error($e->get_message()); } } } } \Theme::instance()->set_partial('content', $this->view_dir . 'create'); }
/** * Change user password * * @param unknown_type $email * @param unknown_type $hash */ public function action_reset_password($email = false, $hash = false) { if ($email && $hash) { //Keep existing messages \Messages::instance()->shutdown(); try { if (\Sentry::reset_password_confirm($email, $hash)) { if (\Input::post('new_password') && \Input::post('confirm_new_password')) { if (\Sentry::reset_password_save($email, \Input::post('new_password'))) { \Messages::success('Password successfully changed. Please login and start using your account.'); \Response::redirect(\Uri::front_create('user/login')); } else { \Messages::error('Password was not save.'); \Theme::instance()->set_partial('content', $this->view_dir . 'reset_password'); } } else { \Theme::instance()->set_partial('content', $this->view_dir . 'reset_password'); } } else { \Messages::error('Wrong reset code. Please check your email and try again.'); \Response::redirect(\Uri::front_create('user/login')); } } catch (\Sentry\SentryException $e) { // show validation errors //\Messages::error('<h4>There was an error while trying activate user</h4>'); $errors = $e->getMessage(); \Messages::error($errors); } } }
public function action_delete() { $this->auto_render = FALSE; $snippet_name = $this->request->param('id'); $snippet = new Model_File_Snippet($snippet_name); // find the user to delete if ($snippet->is_exists()) { if ($snippet->delete()) { Kohana::$log->add(Log::INFO, 'Snippet :name has been deleted by :user', array(':name' => $snippet_name))->write(); Messages::success(__('Snippet has been deleted!')); Observer::notify('snippet_after_delete', $snippet_name); } else { Messages::errors(__('Something went wrong!')); } } else { Messages::errors(__('Snippet not found!')); } $this->go(); }