Example #1
  * method that handles the on missing translation event
  * @param CMissingTranslationEvent $event
  * @return string the message to translate or the translated message if autoTranslate is set to true
 function missingTranslation($event)
     $attributes = array('category' => $event->category, 'message' => $event->message);
     if (($model = MessageSource::model()->find('message=:message AND category=:category', $attributes)) === null) {
         $model = new MessageSource();
         $model->attributes = $attributes;
         if (!$model->save()) {
             return Yii::log(TranslateModule::t('Message ' . $event->message . ' could not be added to messageSource table'));
     if ($model->id) {
         if ($this->autoTranslate && substr($event->language, 0, 2) !== substr(Yii::app()->sourceLanguage, 0, 2)) {
             //&& key_exists($event->language,$this->getGoogleAcceptedLanguages($event->language))
             $translation = $this->googleTranslate($event->message, $event->language, Yii::app()->sourceLanguage);
             $messageModel = new Message();
             $messageModel->attributes = array('id' => $model->id, 'language' => $event->language, 'translation' => $translation);
             if ($messageModel->save()) {
                 $event->message = $translation;
             } else {
                 return Yii::log(TranslateModule::t('Message ' . $event->message . ' could not be translated with auto-translate'));
         } elseif (substr($event->language, 0, 2) !== substr(Yii::app()->sourceLanguage, 0, 2) || Yii::app()->getMessages()->forceTranslation) {
             self::$messages[$model->id] = array('language' => $event->language, 'message' => $event->message, 'category' => $event->category);
     return $event;
  * Adds new message source to the database
  * @param String $category Category of the source message
  * @param String $source The source message
 public static function addNewSource($category, $source)
     assert('is_string($category) && !empty($category)');
     assert('is_string($source) && !empty($source)');
     $model = new MessageSource();
     $model->category = $category;
     $model->source = $source;
     if (!$model->save()) {
         throw new FailedToSaveModelException();
     return $model;
Example #3
  * Creates a message if form has been submitted or renders the creation/update form
 public function actionCreate()
     if (isset($_POST['Message'])) {
         $resp = array('color' => '#FF6600', 'background_color' => '#FFFFCC', 'position' => 'top', 'removebutton' => 0);
         $model = new Message();
         if ($model->save()) {
             $resp['message'] = Yii::t('translate', 'Message successfully saved');
             $resp['id'] = $model->id;
         } else {
             $errors = $this->errors($model);
             $resp['message'] = Yii::t('translate', '<p>Unable to save the message. Something went wrong!<p/>' . implode('<br/>', $errors));
         echo $this->je($resp);
     $id = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam('id');
     $lang = Yii::app()->request->getParam('lang');
     if ($id && $lang) {
         $model = MessageSource::model()->findByPk($id);
         if ($model) {
             $message = $model->loadMessage();
             $message->id = $model->id;
             $message->language = $lang;
             $this->renderPartial('form', array('model' => $message));
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException(400);
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
Example #4
  * Initialize the TTranslate translation components
 public static function init($catalogue = 'messages')
     static $saveEventHandlerAttached = false;
     //initialized the default class wide formatter
     if (!isset(self::$formatters[$catalogue])) {
         $app = Prado::getApplication()->getGlobalization();
         $config = $app->getTranslationConfiguration();
         $source = MessageSource::factory($config['type'], $config['source'], $config['filename']);
         if (TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($config['cache'])) {
             $source->setCache(new MessageCache($config['cache']));
         self::$formatters[$catalogue] = new MessageFormat($source, $app->getCharset());
         //mark untranslated text
         if ($ps = $config['marker']) {
             self::$formatters[$catalogue]->setUntranslatedPS(array($ps, $ps));
         //save the message on end request
         // Do it only once !
         if (!$saveEventHandlerAttached && TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($config['autosave'])) {
             Prado::getApplication()->attachEventHandler('OnEndRequest', array('Translation', 'saveMessages'));
             $saveEventHandlerAttached = true;
 public static function setupBeforeClass()
     foreach (self::$testMessages as $source => $translation) {
         $sourceModel = MessageSource::addNewSource(self::$testCategory, $source);
         MessageTranslation::addNewTranslation(self::$testLanguageCode, $sourceModel, $translation);
  * Get the list of messages for a particular catalogue.
  * @param TEventParameter event parameter.
 function onLoad($param)
     $settings = $this->Module->getSettings();
     $source = MessageSource::factory($settings['type'], $settings['source']);
     $messages = $source->read();
     $messages = $messages[key($messages)];
  * Initialize the TTranslate translation components
 public static function init()
     //initialized the default class wide formatter
     if (is_null(self::$formatter)) {
         $app = pradoGetApplication()->getGlobalization();
         $source = MessageSource::factory($app->Translation['type'], $app->Translation['source'], $app->Translation['filename']);
         if ($app->Cache) {
             $source->setCache(new MessageCache($app->Cache));
         self::$formatter = new MessageFormat($source, $app->Charset);
 function testAltCatalogue()
     $source = MessageSource::factory($this->type, $this->source);
     $source->setCache(new MessageCache('./tmp'));
     $formatter = new MessageFormat($source);
     $formatter->Catalogue = 'tests';
     //from a different catalogue
     $this->assertEqual($formatter->format('Hello'), 'Howdy!');
     $this->assertEqual($formatter->format('Welcome'), 'Ho Ho!');
     $this->assertEqual($formatter->format('Goodbye'), 'Sayonara');
     //switch to 'messages' catalogue
     $this->assertEqual($formatter->format('Hello', null, 'messages'), 'G\'day Mate!');
  * Imports one message string to the database
  * @param String $languageCode The language code
  * @param String $category The category of the translation
  * @param String $source Message source
  * @param String $translation Message translation
  * @return Integer Id of the added translation or false
  * @throws NotSupportedException
 public static function importOneMessage($languageCode, $category, $source, $translation)
     assert('is_string($languageCode) && !empty($languageCode)');
     assert('is_string($category) && !empty($category)');
     assert('is_string($source) && !empty($source)');
     assert('is_string($translation) && !empty($translation)');
     if (!is_string($languageCode) || empty($languageCode) || !is_string($category) || empty($category) || !is_string($source) || empty($source) || !is_string($translation) || empty($translation)) {
         throw new NotSupportedException();
     try {
         $sourceModel = MessageSource::getByCategoryAndSource($category, $source);
     } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
         $sourceModel = MessageSource::addNewSource($category, $source);
     try {
         $translationModel = MessageTranslation::getBySourceIdAndLangCode($sourceModel->id, $languageCode);
     } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
         $translationModel = MessageTranslation::addNewTranslation($languageCode, $sourceModel, $translation);
     return $translationModel->id;
  * Do string translation.
  * @param string the string to translate.
  * @param array a list of string to substitute.
  * @param string get the translation from a particular message
  * catalogue.
  * @return string translated string.
 protected function formatString($string, $args = array(), $catalogue = null)
     if (empty($catalogue)) {
         if (empty($this->Catalogue)) {
             $catalogue = 'messages';
         } else {
             $catalogue = $this->Catalogue;
     if (empty($args)) {
         $args = array();
     foreach ($this->messages[$catalogue] as $variant) {
         // foreach of the translation units
         foreach ($variant as $source => $result) {
             // we found it, so return the target translation
             if ($source == $string) {
                 //check if it contains only strings.
                 if (is_string($result)) {
                     $target = $result;
                 } else {
                     $target = $result[0];
                 //found, but untranslated
                 if (empty($target)) {
                     return $this->postscript[0] . strtr($string, $args) . $this->postscript[1];
                 } else {
                     return strtr($target, $args);
     // well we did not find the translation string.
     return $this->postscript[0] . strtr($string, $args) . $this->postscript[1];
  * Deletes a record
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be deleted
  * @param string $language the language of the model to de deleted
 public function actionMissingdelete($id)
     if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->getIsPostRequest()) {
             $model = MessageSource::model()->findByPk($id);
             if ($model->delete()) {
                 if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest()) {
                     echo TranslateModule::t('Message deleted successfully');
                 } else {
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException(400);
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException(404, "Error Processing Request");
Example #12
 public function attributeLabels()
     return array('id' => Yii::t('translate', 'ID'), 'language' => Yii::t('translate', 'Language'), 'translation' => Yii::t('translate', 'Translation'), 'category' => MessageSource::model()->getAttributeLabel('category'), 'message' => MessageSource::model()->getAttributeLabel('message'));
Example #13
File: form.php Project: adsavin/app
            <div class="row buttons">
echo CHtml::submitButton(TranslateModule::t($action));


        </div><!-- form -->
    <div class="col-lg-8">
$modell = new MessageSource('search');
// clear any default values
if (isset($_GET['MessageSource'])) {
    $modell->attributes = $_GET['MessageSource'];
$modell->language = TranslateModule::translator()->getLanguage();
$this->renderPartial('missing', array('model' => $modell));

    $(document).ready(function () {
Example #14

Yii::app()->controller->pageTitle = TranslateModule::t('Manage Messages');

$source = MessageSource::model()->findAll();
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'message-grid', 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'filter' => $model, 'columns' => array(array('name' => 'id', 'filter' => CHtml::listData($source, 'id', 'id')), array('name' => 'message', 'filter' => CHtml::listData($source, 'message', 'message')), array('name' => 'category', 'filter' => CHtml::listData($source, 'category', 'category')), array('name' => 'language', 'filter' => CHtml::listData($model->findAll(new CDbCriteria(array('group' => 'language'))), 'language', 'language')), 'translation', array('class' => 'CButtonColumn', 'template' => '{update}', 'buttons' => array('update' => array('label' => t('Edit'), 'imageUrl' => false, 'url' => 'Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("update",array("id"=>$data->id,"language"=>$data->language))'))), array('class' => 'CButtonColumn', 'template' => '{delete}', 'buttons' => array('delete' => array('label' => t('Delete'), 'imageUrl' => false, 'url' => 'Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("delete",array("id"=>$data->id,"language"=>$data->language))'))))));
Example #15
  * Method that handles the on missing translation event. If no messagesource is found
  * then add it to the DB for its future edition from the user's control panel -that is up to you! :).
  * @param CMissingTranslationEvent $event
  * @return string the message to translate
 public static function missingTranslation($event)
     $attributes = array('category' => $event->category, 'message' => $event->message);
     if (($model = MessageSource::model()->find('message=:message AND category=:category', $attributes)) === null) {
         $model = new MessageSource();
         $model->attributes = $attributes;
         if (!$model->save()) {
             return Yii::log(Yii::t(__CLASS__, 'Message ' . $event->message . ' could not be added to messageSource table'));
     if ($model->id) {
         if (substr($event->language, 0, 2) !== substr(Yii::app()->sourceLanguage, 0, 2) || Yii::app()->getMessages()->forceTranslation && !array_key_exists($model->id, self::$_missingTranslations)) {
             Yii::trace('--- ADDED TRANSLATION ---', 'translate');
             $url = Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl('/translate/translate/create', array('id' => $model->id, 'lang' => $event->language));
             self::$_missingTranslations[$model->id] = array('ref' => $model->id, 'text' => self::c(strip_tags($model->message), 45), 'url' => $url);
     return $event;
 function testDirectoryTypeSaveUpdateDelete()
     $MObackup = './messages/en_AU/tests.mo.bak';
     $MOfile = './messages/en_AU/tests.mo';
     $PObackup = './messages/en_AU/tests.po.bak';
     $POfile = './messages/en_AU/tests.po';
     //restore using the back file
     copy($MObackup, $MOfile);
     copy($PObackup, $POfile);
     //test that the back file doesn't contain the 'Testing123' string.
     $this->assertNoUnwantedPattern('/Testing123/', file_get_contents($MOfile));
     $this->assertNoUnwantedPattern('/Testing123/', file_get_contents($POfile));
     $source = MessageSource::factory($this->type, $this->source);
     $source->setCache(new MessageCache('./tmp'));
     $formatter = new MessageFormat($source);
     //add a untranslated string, note, doesn't matter which catalogue
     $this->assertEqual($formatter->format('Testing123'), 'Testing123');
     //save it to the 'tests' catalgoue
     //check the contents
     $this->assertWantedPattern('/Testing123/', file_get_contents($POfile));
     //testing for update. Update it to the 'tests' catalogue
     $this->assertTrue($formatter->getSource()->update('Testing123', '123Test', 'update comments', 'tests'));
     $this->assertWantedPattern('/123Test/', file_get_contents($MOfile));
     //now doing some delete	from the 'tests' catalogue
     $this->assertFalse($formatter->getSource()->delete('Test123', 'tests'));
     $this->assertTrue($formatter->getSource()->delete('Testing123', 'tests'));
     $this->assertNoUnwantedPattern('/Testing123/', file_get_contents($MOfile));
     $this->assertNoUnwantedPattern('/Testing123/', file_get_contents($POfile));
     //restore using the backup file.
     copy($MObackup, $MOfile);
     copy($PObackup, $POfile);
  * Override of the parent method using RedBean.
  * @param $category
  * @param $languageCode
  * @return array
 protected function loadMessagesFromDb($category, $languageCode)
     $sourceTableName = MessageSource::getTableName();
     $joinTablesAdapter = new RedBeanModelJoinTablesQueryAdapter('MessageTranslation');
     $joinTablesAdapter->addFromTableAndGetAliasName($sourceTableName, "{$sourceTableName}_id");
     $where = " messagesource.`category` = '{$category}' AND" . " messagetranslation.`language` = '{$languageCode}' ";
     $beans = MessageTranslation::getSubset($joinTablesAdapter, null, null, $where);
     $messages = array();
     foreach ($beans as $bean) {
         $messages[$bean->messagesource->source] = $bean->translation;
     return $messages;
Example #18
        echo CHtml::script("\r\n                \$('#" . TranslateModule::translator()->languageKey . '-pager' . " a').click(function(){\r\n                    \$dialog=\$('#" . TranslateModule::translator()->languageKey . '-dialog' . "').load(\$(this).attr('href'));\r\n                    return false;\r\n                });\r\n            ");
<div class="form">
echo CHtml::beginForm();
echo MessageSource::model()->getAttributeLabel('category');
echo MessageSource::model()->getAttributeLabel('message');
echo Message::model()->getAttributeLabel('translation');
echo $google ? CHtml::tag('th') : null;
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array('dataProvider' => new CArrayDataProvider($models), 'pager' => array('id' => TranslateModule::translator()->languageKey . '-pager', 'class' => 'CLinkPager'), 'viewData' => array('messages' => $messages, 'google' => $google), 'itemView' => '_form'));
  * Update a message translation.
  * @param string the message id/source
  * @param string the translated message
  * @param string comments
  * @param array translation settings.
  * @return true if translation was updated, false otherwise. 
 function updateMessage($text, $target, $comments, $settings)
     $source = MessageSource::factory($settings['type'], $settings['source']);
     $app = $this->Application->getGlobalization();
     if ($app->Cache) {
         $source->setCache(new MessageCache($app->Cache));
     return $source->update($text, $target, $comments, $settings['catalogue']);